Quiet Days

by AlphaDidAlotOfThings

Day 20.5-21, Calm After The Storm. (2)

June 11th, 2015

Dear Journal,

I'm bored so I've been studying and watching shows I already had pirated on my phone whenever we take a pitstop or whenever I get the chance.

Now I wish John's leg would heal faster so I wouldn't have to drive. I knew we should've went to that damned hospital.

I've been reminded of how boring studying is. I hate math, it's stupid and it makes no sense. I hate it I hate it so much. Can we just get somepony else to teach the next generation about it instead?

Oh god I said somepony, Minnys rubbing off on me too much!

Alright so my whining aside, Alyssas gotten better at her guitar!

I might even say it sounds good now! I recorded some of it.

That also served as a test for the tape recorder, and it works just fine. Good!

There isn't much else to write about, there's nothing really out here. But there were a couple animals on the streets, not dogs. I'm talking about animal animals, like real dangerous ones. That uh might be a problem… (I hope not…)

It's been 20 days now, I should've expected this to happen at some point. 20 days… Huh… That's a long time. It's an especially long time to be turned into a small horse for.

- Emile

5:00 PM

Dear Journal,

We stopped for gas. I'm bored and I want chocolate… No, cake! How about just anything sweet? That would be nice.

O'Mysterious partner in destiny can we meet sooner, I crave sweets… Yup, that's what I'm calling them. That person who had the same vision as me, they're my partner in destiny! I haven't met them yet but we shall save humanity together with our unparalleled strength and magic! Or uh, something like that…

I think being bored is doing something to my brain…

That whole thing made me feel kinda hopeful, maybe just maybe there's someone out there like me… If that was supposed to be a "vision" of the future then the future is bright! If not… I don't know…

Alyssa "taught" me how to play minesweeper and I still don't get it. Look, it's not my fault it's so confusing with all the numbers and everything… I think I should stay away from things that have something to do with math. You need to know math to play minesweeper right? (If you don't then I look stupid writing this entry.)

We should probably reach our destination by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

John said he can sense some kind of "magic" in everything. I guess that means I do have magic then! Yay…. Maybe I can do all the cool stuff him and Minuette do with their horns…

Nah… What kind of magic would pegasi have anyway? Does flying count as magic? Maybe, but that would be kinda stupid though. Why can't I just fly then?

Once we settle down I'll probably try to start flying again, if I can get off the ground I can probably fly us everywhere instead of driving! Who knows how long that'll take though…

That's just another reason why I should start practicing!

Alyssa's and John's competitive streak keeps growing. John may be a honest hard worker but I swear he has an ego that rivals hers.

At least I have Minuette for when I wanna talk to someone with some common sense… She's nice, very very nice. See how repetitive I'm getting? There's nothing for me to write about. So bored….

Once this is over or whenever we get the chance can we go to Japan? I've always wanted to go there, China too.

That's another good thing about the end of the world, we can do anything we want, and nobody's here to tell us no! Woo-hoo!

John's finishing up the gas, so uh I gotta go.

June 12th, 2015

Sorry if I sounded like a whiny brat yesterday. Being bored out of your mind really does something to your brain… My heads smaller now so my brains probably smaller too, cut me some slack.

God, I've written so many embarrassing things in here. I hope the others don't see this. I mean, they probably will eventually. Alyssa 10 years in future could be reading this right now without me even knowing. (Hi Alyssa, how's the future?)

Most of these entries are done by hand. (Wing?) I've tried doing some by hoof and with my mouth but that don't go out too well… So if you see any errors, spelling mistakes and anything like that it's probably because of that, or it's just me being an idiot…

So much for growing up, I honestly really thought I did and then I went back to complaining about things like studying like nothing ever happened. God, I hate myself.

I've never really considered what I'll do for a living or what kind of job I wanted. My mom always told me to follow my heart and my dreams, so I guess I just did that…

Since I love stories so much I figured I'd just do that, write stories. When this is all over I could probably publish this journal into some kind of book for everyone. Just gotta remove some of the embarrassing parts…

I should stop focusing on the future so much we barely know if we'll make it that far for crying out loud… Sorry for saying something so grim.

Just gotta focus on the now, focus on the now…

I miss video games. Remind me to steal something from a gamestop later.

It's early in the morning right now. I mean like 7:00 AM early. So everyone else's asleep.

The only reason these trips take so long is because we're constantly stopping, taking pit stops, resting, all that junk. We'd probably be there by now if we just drove straight for a day.

Maybe we should do that… No, we're fine. We've got pretty much all the time in the world, kinda literally but also not literally. And we don't at the same time, we gotta settle down somewhere sooner or later…

This soda, food, all that will only last a couple years at most so we'll have to do our best to preserve it. Also yeah, I'm drinking Coke right now. Minuettes apparently never drunk Coke in her life before so I gave her some she it tasted really good anddd

Half of the case is gone already. Dammit, Minnie! I wanted those!

Speaking of embarrassing, if I made it seem like I had a crush on Minuette in some of these entries that was completely accidental. I repeat, I do not have a crush on Minnie. I repeat, I do not have a crush on Minnie. (She is pretty cute though.)

And hey look she's waking up right now! I'll uh stop writing now, so you know the drill.


- Emile