Ranking Up to Infinity

by Mona_Chromatic

Chapter 7 - Rocky Tactics

"I activate my continuous trap!" declared Mona. "Dark Contract with the Witch!"

The facedown card flipped up, and immediately fired a bolt of lightning at the oncoming stone, causing it to explode. A cacking could be heard, as several witches, both young and old, flew out of the card, riding their broomsticks and laughing.

"I discarded one D/D or Dark Contract card from my hand to destroy one card you control!" declared Mona, sliding his last card into the graveyard.

"I see.... and you chose to destroy Nibiru to spare your life points," growled Limestone. "Thats on me, then. Nevertheless, the effect is only once per turn, and I will destroy your token with Gogogo Goliath!"

The lumbering tower brought it's arm down upon the silent stone, crushing it instantly. "Now then, I'll use both Leonite and Raptite to attack you directly!"

The two monsters charged towards him, and Mona raised his arms in a cross formation, bracing for impact. The force of the giants blasted him back several feet, but he remained standing. He let out a small exhale as his life points beeped.

Mona's LP: 7000 -----> 2400

"I'll end my turn," said Limestone. She folded her arms. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to give up right now."

What? thought Mona. Limestone shrugged. "I mean, I can tell you at least know what you're doing, but I think Maud is way better than you in every way." She smirked. "Honestly, what chance do you think you'll have against your own sister?"

Mona was silent. She had a point. If Tempest could beat Maud, and if Maud was way more experienced that he was, then logically, there would be no chance at victory....

Trixie spoke up. "C'MON MONA!" she yelled from the sidelines. Hitch, Pinkie and Marble turned to look at her. Mona glanced up from his deck, and Limestone shot her a glare.

"Don't forget who you're trying to save here, alright?" she cried out. "Not just Maud, you want to help Tempest too, right?"

"Be quiet!" Limestone yelled, but Trixie went on:

"You're the one who decides what to do next! Not her, not your sister, not anyone else! YOU!" said Trixie in a loud voice.

Mona's eyes grew dark. His teeth were clenched, and he slammed one of the buttons on his duel disk. He looked up, and smiled. "Relax, Trixie. I wouldn't even dream of giving up in a million years."

"....Oh, OK! Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page here," Trixie said sheepishly. She buried half her face in embarrassment. Hitch was still doubtful. As much as I want Mona to win here, he'll lose next turn if he doesn't do anything about those monsters. This has to be a complete 180 for him to stand a chance.

"I activate my trap! D/D/D Human Resources!" declared Mona, as the other card flipped up. "I can return up to 3 D/D monsters on my field, graveyard, or hand back into my deck, and add 2 different D/D monsters from my deck to my hand!"

Two cards flipped out of Mona's graveyard, and the pendulum monster under the red light disappeared. "The cards I'll add will be D/D Savant Kepler and D/D/D Oblivion Abyss King Abyss Ragnarök!"

"Fine," scoffed Limestone, pushing her hair to the side. "This duel is almost over anyway. In my next turn, I'll wipe you out for good."

"Draw!" declared Mona. He looked at the 3 cards in his hand and smiled. "Well, well, well...."

Limestone arched her eyebrow. What did he just draw?

A purple flame enveloped Mona. The boy watched as the white man in the blue light flashed for a moment, and the flames dispersed.

Mona's LP: 2400 --> 2400

Now it was the Pie's turn to be confused. "Ummmmmmmm..... what just happened?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head.

Trixie explained: "During each of his standby phases, Dark Contract with the Witch would normally inflict 1000 points of damage to himself; However, the pendulum effect of Divine Zero King Rage negates the first instance of effect damage each turn."

"Oh wow," said Marble, exhaling slowly. "Such dangerous cards...."

"I'll activate Dark Contract with the Witch's effect once more!" said Mona. "I'll discard D/D monster from my hand to destroy one card you control!"

"Again.... Are you planning on destroying Goliath?" Limestone smirked.

"Nope! I'm going for that facedown you placed earlier!" "WHAT?" The bolt of lightning fired from the witches' wands, and the card was shattered. Mona looked at the field and smiled.

"You were riling me up just to make me forget about that, huh?" Now it was Mona's turn to smirk. "It's gonna take more than a few petty words to throw me off!"

Limestone clicked her tongue in anger. Drat! My facedown was Adamancipator Resonance, which could have negated his monster effects and destroyed his card.....

"I'll be using the scale 5 D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok to set the other pendulum scale!" Emerging into the red light was a being clad in black armor, sitting upon a stone throne. Black tendrils were swarming out his back, and his eyes glowed with a bright red.

"I'll pendulum summon again!" declared Mona. "Come back, Copernicus!"

Copernicus returned to the field, beeping as it did. "When Copernicus is summoned, he can send a D/D monster from my deck to the grave! I'll choose D/D Necro Slime!"

A card was extended from the middle of Mona's deck, and he slid it through the compartment. Limestone tapped the screen a few times, checking the card.

"Oh, I see," commented Limestone, smirking. "You're planning to use Swirl Slime as a means of fusion summoning, huh?"

Mona was silent. Limestone pressed a button and called out: "Sorry, but I see right through you! I activate my Raptite's quick effect! During my opponent's turn, since there's a Wind attribute Rock monster in my graveyard, that being Adamancipator Crystal-Raptite, I can banish one card from my opponent's graveyard!"

The falcon gave a warring cry, and Mona's duel disk alerted him of the effect. He silently slid the card from his graveyard to his banished zone. "I'll go ahead and activate Leonite's quick effect as well, while I'm at it! Since there's a Fire attribute Rock monster in my graveyard, that being Adamancipator Crystal - Leonite, I can special summon one Adamancipator from my graveyard! Go, Adamancipator Seeker!"

The orange-haired lady appeared again on the field, holding fast in a defensive position. "It was a good try, but ultimately, you're all out of plays now...."

"Says who?" Mona smirked. He slammed his final card down onto the duel disk, yelling, "I don't ever recall needing your permission to win this! I activate my continuous spell, Dark Contract with the Gate!"

A giant stone ring arose from the ground behind Mona, and a swirling blue storm appeared in the center. "With this card, during each of my standby phases, I'll be forced to take 1000 points of damage. In exchange, during my main phase, I can add one D/D monster from my deck to my hand! I'll choose D/D Nighthowl, and normal summon him now!" (Level 3, 300/600)

A disembodied wolf's head appeared before them, barking and growling. The long snout was blistering hot, as it roared into the sky, with embers emitting from its mouth.

"When Nighthowl is normal summoned, I can special summon one D/D monster in my graveyard, by reducing it's attack and defense stats down to zero!" declared Mona. "Not that it'll matter much, because I'm summoning D/D Savant Kepler!" (Level 1, 0/0) The armless metal stature rose from the ground, with its robotic face blinking as orbs of energy circulated around it.

"When Kepler is summoned, I can add one Dark Contract from my Deck to my hand! The card I'll add is Dark Contract with the Swamp King!" Kepler beeped a few times, and Mona snatched the card that shot out of his deck mid-air. "I'll activate Dark Contract with the Swamp King! At the start of every standby phase, I'll take another 1000 points of damage! But in exchange, once per turn I can fusion summon using monsters in my hand, field, or graveyard!"

A bubbling stench arose as a green, mossy stone rose out of the ground, and green liquid was pooling around it. It glowed bright, and Limestone watched as both Kepler and Nighthowl were sucked into the stone. A dark purple aura arose from the stone as Mona clasped his hands together and begin to chant:

"Knight who was shunned by the world, uphold your honor as the slayer of evil! Rise and protect the place you call home! D/D/D Oracle King D'Arc!"(Level 7, 2800/2000)

A woman clad in shining white amor overlaying the purple leather underneath emerged from the stone, rapier at the ready. Her cape billowing behind her was flowing graciously, until she swung her blade up. The cape stiffened, and extended to the sides, taking on the appearance of wings as she hovered over the field.

"Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok's pendulum effect now activates!" A bright beam of red energy shot up from the figure sitting on the throne. "When a D/D monster is special summoned, I can special summon another D/D monster from my graveyard. The cost, however, is another 1000 points of damage to myself, and all damage my opponent takes for the rest of this turn will be cut in half!"

Pinkie was confused. "Wait, he only has 2400 left! He can barely afford that!"

Marble continued to stare in silence. "This duelist... this style... I've never seen this before!" she gasped.

"The card I choose to revive is D/D Nighthowl!" said Mona, and the dog head returned, barking as strong as ever.

Limestone grit her teeth. "Fine! You get your dumb dog back! Now you have to pay for it!"

The red beam of light began descending down upon Mona, ready to strike. In an instant, the female warrior swiftly leapt from her position, and now stood right above Mona, with her rapier pointed at the sky. The beam connected it to the rapier, and after a brief clash, dispersed into green particles, each landing softly on Mona. He cracked his neck smiled, as his life points beeped.

Mona's LP: 2400 -----> 3400

Limestone stood in shock, stunned by the seemingly illogical conclusion of this interaction. "Bu- how... why?" she stammered.

The female warrior retook her place, as she and Mona exchanged glances. He gave a nod of approval, and the monster, despite being just a hologram, seemed to smile back. "As long as Oracle King D'Arc is one the field," said Mona, turning his attention back to Limestone. "All effect damage is instead converted into additional life points!"

"WHAT?" Pinkie screamed. "B-But there's like, three cards on his field that do damage to himself. So that would mean..."

"Instead of losing 3000 life points, he'll gain that amount each turn...." Marble held her hand close to her chest. Her cheeks were red, and she stared at Mona. "Simply brilliant..." she whispered.

Pinkie took no notice of her distracted sister, and instead began to root for Limestone. "C'mon Lime! You got this! He's got two other weak monsters on the field, so you could take him out really easily!"

"I'll tune my level 3 Nighthowl and level 4 Savant Copernicus!" Mona said, summoning a pillar of energy behind him. Limestone's mouth hung agape, and she watched the now 7 stars align in the pillar. Pinkie slinked back from her position.

"Oops....spoke too soon..." she laughed awkwardly.

"You who carry justice on the winds, swing your blade to cut through the fog of evil on your road to victory! I call forth Level 7 D/D/D Gust King Alexander!"(Level 7, 2500/2000)

A warrior in a suit of white armor descended from the pillar. His face was obscured by his helmet, which was long and pointed, and his armor was so tightly packed, it grinded as he moved. In his hand was a singled-edged blade, straight and as long as he was tall. He gleamed in the face of Limestone, who took a step back.

"Let's do this! I'll go into my battle phase!" declared Mona, as the two warriors took a ready stance. "Gust King Alexander! Attack Raptite! Gallant Wind Thrust!"

The white knight slashed across the throat of the falcon, shattering it to pieces. The rider fell down as well, before disappearing into the air. Limestone grunted at the force of impact.

Limestone's LP: 8000 -----> 7850

"Now Oracle King D'Arc's attacks Leonite!" The rapier was thrust through the monster's head, and the lion was shattered into a hundred pieces as it's rider dissappeared.

Limestone's LP: 7850 -----> 7650

Limestone watched as the dust cleared, then laughed. "Was that it? I'll just bring them back next turn, and wreck your monsters once I get some of my stronger units on board!"

Mona shook his head. "My turn isn't over yet! I go into my second main phase!"

At that moment, Mona's deck began to emit a dark purple aura. He groaned as a searing pain went through his arm. His extra deck began to shine brightly, with one card in particular lighting up the field. A black swirl of stars began to form from the ground.

"What's happening?" Trixie wondered out loud. The four bystanders found themselves being pushed back against the forceful wind that had formed.

Limestone looked at the swirling stars. "An XYZ's summon? Now?" she looked back at Mona. "If you lose your monsters, then you'll be forced to take the brunt of all your contracts!"

"Wrong!" said Mona, as he picked up the shining card between breaths. "This XYZs monster.... only needs ONE D/D/D monster as material! And.... I'm using Alexander as that material! "

"WHAT?" Limestone exclaimed. A dark burst of energy erupted, as Alexander was drawn into the abyss.

"You wanted my best? Here it is!" declared Mona, pointing at the sky. "THIS IS MY WAY OF EVOLVING! THIS IS MY VERSION OF RAKING UP!"

A shadowy figure began to descend from the portal, as Mona began to chant:

"Though there are many kings of your domain, you are the one true emperor of all! Smite those oppose you with a wave of your hand, AND BRING THIS WORLD TO ITS KNEES! LET'S GO, D/D/D DEVISER KING DEUS MACHINEX!" Rank 10, 3000/3000

Never before had Limestone seen a monster impose so much raw power as this one did. It sat upon a giant throne, nearly eclipsing the hospital building behind him. The armor was thick, blue, and shining. His helmet shrouded his face in darkness, with giant red horns protruding from the front. It raised its gauntlet protecting its arm, and gripped the air tight. It's eyes flashed red, as a powerful shockwave sent out as it landed on the field. Mona was standing upon the giant's head, arms folded, and staring Limestone down.

"Well? It's your turn," said Mona calmly.

Limestone grit her teeth. "So you got a bigger monster! Big deal! I draw!"

Suddenly, the witches returned, with magic dust trialing from their brooms. D'Arc and Machinex groaned as they grew in size, and Limestone watched as their attack points rose. "HUH?"

"Dark Contract with the Witch has another effect," said Mona. "During my opponent's turn, this card boosts the attack power all fiend-type monsters I control by 1000 points."

Oracle King D'Arc: 2800 -----> 3800
Deviser King Deus Machinex: 3000 -----> 4000

Limestone looked at her hand, then back at Mona. I already control Seeker on the field, so this one I just drew will just be a synchro extender. To do that though, I need another monster on my field....

"I activate the effect of Adamancipator Seeker on my field! I'll go through the top five cards in my deck, special summon a non-tuner level 4 or lower monster and special summon it!"

Suddenly, Seeker dropped her rod as she was picked off the ground. Limestone watched in horror as giant, black tendrils extended forth from the throne of the iron-clad being. Seeker glowed with an energy, until she shrunk into a tiny ball of energy that flew over to Mona's side and began circling around Machinex.

"What the heck!" exclaimed Limestone, as the five cards began floating around her.

"Deus Machinex," Mona said, as he held the energy orbiting around the throne, "has an effect, where whenever a monster my opponent controls activates their effect, I can destroy a Dark Contract Card I control, or detach 2 overlay units, to turn that monster into one of Machinex's overlay units."

"But... that means my cards don't go to the graveyard!" said Limestone. Sweat rolled down her neck.

"Oh, don't worry," said Mona, with a glint in his eye. "Your effects still resolve, so you can go ahead and summon your monster. Just be careful of its effects."

Limestone looked at her hand with a scowl. I can try to keep summoning my monsters and use their effects, but I'd just be feeding his monster..... She looked back at the field. He's destroyed the Swamp King contract. Does that mean he plans on finishing me with just that monster?

Her duel disk beeped, notifying her of her unused play. Limestone grit her teeth, and declared: "With the effect of Seeker, I special summon Adamancipator Crystal - Dragite!" (Level 4, 0/2200)

A shimmering blue crystal appeared before them, and trembled. "I'll now activate the spell card Adamancipator Friends! I excavate the top cards of my Deck equal to the number of Rock monsters you control plus five and add one excavated Rock monster with a Level equal to or lower than the number of the excavated cards to my hand! I also place the remaining cards on the bottom of your Deck in any order!"

Mona watched as the girl furiously looked through her cards, until she landed on the one she wanted. "I'll normal summon Adamancipator Analyzer in Attack mode!" (Level 4, 1500/700) A young man with pale green hair and round glasses emerged onto the field. His face was buried in his notebook, and he was scribbling furiously. He was wearing the same clothes as Seeker and Researcher.

"I'll tune Analyzer and Crystal -Dragite together to synchro summon!" Limestone declared, raising her hand to the sky. The two monsters aligned on the pillar, transforming into the total of eight stars.

"Let your roar split the seas and your wings part the heavens! Rain down your wrath on those who step on your home! Come forth! Level 8, ADAMANCIPATOR RISEN - DRAGITE!"

A great blue wyvern burst forth from the pillar of light. It landed with the upmost grace a being of that size could muster, and reared back its head. The blue crystals covering its body were glinting into the night sky. The analyzer from before rode on its back, prepared for battle.

If I want a chance to win, I have to do this! "I activate Dragite's effect! By excavating the top five cards in my deck, and placing them in the bottom of my deck in any order, I can return cards on my opponent's field back to the hand equal to the number of rock monsters excavated!"

"Oh no!" Mona's eyes widened. The dragon's mouth opened, and a blue ball of energy began concentrating above its tongue. The onlookers watched in bated breath. The dragons mouth charged even further as Limestone scanned through the cards.

"......Two rock monsters. That means I can return those 2 monsters on your side of the field back into the extra deck!" declared Limestone.

The energy inside the dragon's mouth began to defract, as Mona hopped down from the throne. He landed on the ground with a small stumbled and looked back at Machinex.

"If that's how it's going to be, then I'm taking that thing down with me! I destroy Dark Contract with the Witch to activate Machinex's effect!"

The witches flew off into the sky as the card dissappeared. Black tendrils began to wrap around the blue dragon, pulling the two together. The dragon finally fired the energy, impacting the demon's face. With a blinding flash of light, the two duelists watched as their monster's disappeared from the field.

Gogogo Goliath was now the only monster on the field. Limestone raised here arm, declaring: "With your monster's gone, I attack you directly with Gogogo Goliath! GOGOGO BULLDOZING!"

The lumbering stone giant swung its colossal first, crashing into Mona. He had taken up the same defensive position as before, but this time, his feet left the ground. Arching backwards, he flipped over in the air once before landing on his hands and feet, sliding a foot backwards as he did so.

Mona's LP: 3400 -----> 1000

Limestone huffed in exasperation as she watched Mona rise back up. "You're lucky that your pendulum effect prevents you from taking damage from you own contract. I would've enjoyed watching you lose from your own idiocy. I end my turn!"

Mona looked down at his field. That was way too close. If she had hit 3 or more, she could've sent Zero King Rage back to my hand, and at the start of my turn, I would have been taken out by my own contract like she said....

He placed his fingers on his deck and pulled back slowly. "Draw...." he said, somewhat out of breath.

He looked down at his card. Limestone squinted and though she was seeing things. Is he.... smiling?

"Oi! What's so amusing?" she asked angrily. Mona looked back up at Limestone, smiling. The gate behind him began to glow bright, and the white armored male flashed his eyes.

"It didn't matter what card I drew this turn. I've already won," stated Mona defiantly. Limestone's eyes went wide with fury.

Mona's LP: 1000 --> 1000

"You cocky little runt! I'll make you pay for saying that!" Limestone yelled as Mona pressed the button on his duel disk.

"I activate Dark Contract with the Gate's effect! Once per turn, I'll add one D/D monster from my deck to my hand! I'll pick D/D Lillith!" (Level 4, 100/2100)

"Next, with my set scales, I'll pendulum summon! From my hand, I'll summon Lillith, and from my extra deck, I'll call upon Copernicus!"

A woman adorned in red rosy armor slithered onto the field. Instead of the usual legs of a human being, she had a long, leafy tail, coiled up like a snake, and plated with emerald armor. Her face was masked behind a red flower-shaped metal, with only a set of three circles for eyes. Copernicus joined her, still humming and beeping as it did.

"Copernicus sends a D/D or Dark contract from my deck to the graveyard upon his summon!" Mona declared. "Lillith, on the other hand, will add one D/D monster from my graveyard or face-up in my extra deck to my hand!"

Both monsters began humming with power, and Mona selected his cards. "I'll send D/D Vice Typhon to the graveyard and add D/D Nighthowl back to my hand! Next," he continued, placing his card on the duel disk firmly. "I'll summon Nighthowl from my hand!" (Level 3, 300/600)

For the third time, the dog head returned, growling and snarling. "I activate his effect to special summon another D/D monster in my graveyard, by stripping it of all its attack and defense points! I choose Vice Typhon!" (Level 7, 2100/2300)

A giant blue snake like figure emerged from the ground. The body was similar to that of a woman, but it was covered in mossy hair and wooden vines. One thin, branch-like arm extended from the left side. The right side, on the other hand, had the remainder of the snake, with its head at the end. It hissed as it lunged foreward, seemingly of its own will.

"I'll tune my level seven Vice Typhon and Level 3 Nighthowl, and SYNCHRO SUMMON!" Mona pointed towards the sky, as the 10 stars from his monsters disappeared into the light.

"When justice becomes to heavy to bear, you push forth and break every limit to crush your opposition! Carry victory upon your breath, and cast out the doubts of all who follow you! I call forth Level 10 D/D/D Gust High King Alexander!" (Level 10, 3000/2500)

From the pillar descended a warrior, with an appearance similar to Gust King Alexander. The armor was still white, but it was larger, thicker, and even more layered. The shoulder pauldrons bulged out at both sides, but they could not obscure the pair of ginormous silver wings sprouting from its back. It held a great sword in each hand, and towered over Gogogo Goliath.

"Now for Vice Typhon's effect!" declared Mona. "During the turn she's sent to the graveyard, I can banish her and one other D/D monster from my graveyard to fusion summon a Level 8 or higher D/D/D monster from my extra deck!"

The orange and blue swirl appeared above, and embers began to emit from the center.

"High king who brings ruin at the end of the world, burn away the cinders of our actions, and cleanse this world through fire! I summon D/D/D Flame High King Genghis!" (Level 8, 2800/2400)

A warrior clad in red and black armor crashed onto the field. It held a bright, flaming red sword in one hand, which reflected off the black spartan-like helmet. The fiery plumes on its head billowed in the wind, and touched the flaming ring floating behind it.

"High Gust King Alexander's effect now activates!" declared Mona. "If a D/D Monster is summoned to the field, I can special summon another D/D Monster from my graveyard! Return, Gust King Alexander!"

The white knight from before returned to the field, standing much shorter to his high counterpart.

"I'll now overlay my level 4 Copernicus, and level 4 Lillith! I XYZs summon!" A black swirling pool of stars shone as the two declared monsters were sucked into the center.

"Let the waters turn black at the sound of your name, and bring peace to the doomed souls of those who have fallen to their watery grave from the sight of you alone! Rank 4! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" (Rank 4, 2400/1200)

A giant splash of water rippled through the portal, and a giant colossus in purple armor burst from the ground. Its back was riddled with metal spikes, and in both hands, it held a giant, black cleaver that was twice as long as it was tall. The white eyes gleamed with hostile intent.

Limestone stepped back. "All that summoning.... from just one card?" she stared at the beasts, then back at Mona.

Mona gripped his fist. "D/D/D Gust High King Alexander has another effect. If there are three or more D/D/D monsters on the field, it gains an additional 3000 attack points!"

"WHAT?" Limestone watched in horror as the giant white knight raised both its blades, touching the ends. A powerful gust of wind shot through the swords, and the warrior roared with victory.

D/D/D Gust High King Alexander: 3000 ----> 6000

Pinkie's jaw dropped to the ground. "That is one biiiig beatstick!"

Trixie watched in astonishment. "How much attack power does it have?"

Hitch pumped his fist. "Attaboy, Mona! End this duel!"

Marble stared at the grey boy, who was preparing to strike. "Such power....."

Limestone took a step back, looking at her cards. "NO! This can't be how this duel ends!"

"You know, denial isn't a good look for anyone," said Mona calmly. "Here, I'll say it once to make it clear: IT'S OVER!"


The giant white knight leapt through the air, bringing the swords down on the towering stone monster, shattering it. Limestone let out a yelp as the impact blew her backwards.

Limestone's LP: 7650 -----> 4050

"You-!" Limestone began, as she watched her monster be obliterated. Mona raised his arm, declaring, "This is my everything! MY POWER ALONE! AND I'll USE THIS POWER TO SAVE MAUD! I PROMISE!"

Limestone glared as the remaining three warriors combined their swords together, pointing the ends right at her.

"GENGHIS, CAESAR, AND ALEXANDER! FINISH IT!" A massive ball of green, red, and blue energy emerged from the tip, causing the stones around them to begin to float. "BLAZING MONSOON TORPEDO!"

The energy released, and Limestone yelled in frustration as the blast pushed her back several feet. The blinding light caused the onlookers to cover their eyes. When the smoke had finally cleared, they saw the monsters fading slowly away, Limestone on one knee looking at the ground, and Mona out of breath and falling onto his back, exhausted.

Limestone's LP: 4050 -----> 0

Victory: Mona