//------------------------------// // Day 3, Hope. // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// May 25, 2015 Dear Diary, Goddammit… I regret saying we have everything we need. We absolutely don't. We've been pretty much only eating cold foods, salads, fruit, vegetables, you name it. We can't keep going on like this. I'm getting sick of this, and I know Alyssa probably is too. So much for "the awesome road trip" ever. God, I'm such a terrible friend… I couldn't plan for this, I'm just a kid after all. God. Fucking. Dammit. It's only been three days, why am I panicking now? I wanna throw myself out the window. Good thing Alyssa's asleep right now or else she'd see my very obvious sad face. (You can't see it either but I'm sad, okay?) Now, about that "errand." run. It went fine, for the most part at least. We both pulled over and stopped at some random convenience store that wasn't too far like usual. But this is where things went wrong, we would've just broken inside but there was a pack of dogs already in there. It seems like most of the animals are getting out now. That's gonna be a problem… I had Alyssa throw an empty bottle to get their attention, while I made a run for it. Pretty good plan, right? It sounded pretty good in my head at least. Well, dumbass me accidentally tripped over nothing. (damn you nonexistent knees and hooves!) But when I did, I swore one of the dogs turned around and stopped for a moment, like he heard. I didn't even make that much noise, but that was one of the scariest moments in my life. What the hell, I knew dogs were smart but what the hell was that? They were never this smart! It was like he knew I was there but just decided I wasn't worth chasing after. Something goes on, and I don't like it. They ransacked the place pretty badly, but we still managed to get most of the stuff that was unscathed. I had to double check though, I don't want a bag of chips a dog opened, y'know? It would be nice if we could eat meat, but there's not much we can do about it. Oh well… (There goes 99% of our favorite foods!) The clothing store trip went better at least. Animals don't want clothes so of course there were no dogs in there. (Yay!) The power seems to have went out earlier today, most of the lights that were still were turned on are off now, and the light in the store didn't work. Welp, there goes TV! I'll miss it… That's another reason to find somewhere to settle down. When we do we'll probably have to set up some solar panels or something, those do work for TVs right? (I think so…) Anyways, we went on a bit of a "spree" in the clothing store. We just tried on everything, goofed off a bit. We're the last people on earth, we might as well take advantage of it. Heck, I even tried on some dresses. I wanted to explore my femininity a bit since I'm a girl now, y'know? I'll just be upfront and honest with you, I don't really care about my old body. It's not like I was disgusted with it, I just don't care. I never cared much about gender so it's not like anything about me changed. I still feel like a guy anyway. I'm also 10x cuter now! (Don't tell Alyssa I said that…) Unfortunately since most human clothes weren't made with wings I made I just settled for a tank top and some pants. I'm still wondering if I can fly with these, they're pretty easy to move, it's like having extra limbs! I guess I'll have to try it later… I also grabbed this bow and used it to tie my hair into a ponytail, it looks pretty cute! Alyssa said it looked "fine." (She probably thinks the same…) Alyssa just got a gray hoodie and some slacks, she said something about wanting to cover her "embarrassing" butt/flank mark. I think it's pretty cute, I have one too. It's some kind of purple flower of sorts…? I dunno, it looks kinda like a red spider lily. I wonder what it means… We're both wearing like little kiddie size clothes since our normal sizes don't fit anymore. When we settle down and I could probably try and use the fabric from our old ones to make some pony friendly clothes! I'm not good with sewing machines, but that doesn't stop me from trying! Still no people. There might not be anyone in the city, we might have to search outside of it. Should we? I dunno. I don't really want to risk it though. Remember last time when I was talking about our families, and I avoided mentioning anyone other than my mother or my uncle? Well, there's a reason for that. I do have a dad, I don't know much about him, but to me he's just some asshole who ditched mom when she had me. I wonder if he's still alive… That would be funny. Out of all the people that would still be alive in the world, my dad might be one of them. God, I hope not. That would just be plain cruel, by whatever "god" planned this… That aside, since I'm girl now how are we gonna repopluate? I have no fucking clue. There's another reason for why we need to find other people… Well there's not much else for me to write about, so- Wait, the radio. It's static now, but I just heard something on it! C'mon, c'mon just adjust this a bit… Please work, please work, please work. It worked. It's faint but I can hear a voice. "For anyone still out there, you're not alone. I'm in the car shop, on Brooklyn Road." Brooklyn Road? That street is nearby, it's right past Everton Avenue, but that's not that far! We can make it! There's still hope… We're not alone… Thank god… And right after I said we needed to find other people too. Is this some kind of weird coincidence or what? Frankly, I don't care. I'm just happy there's someone else out there, and I know Alyssa will be too. Tomorrow, we'll head there. Hopefully whoever this guy is, is still there. Why would I even say that, of course he'll be! Well, this is Emile clocking out,Tata. There's hope for humanity. - Emile