Spike Drake

by Spike DrakeStar9

Chapter 1: The Normal Life Of Spike Drake

Just one more day in the world of Equestria and in the city of Canterlot. Our story centers on a 17 years old boy with green hair, emerald green eyes, and peach-colored skin; His name is Spike Drake.

The green-haired young man gets up from his bed and begins to dress in blue jeans, a dark green T-shirt over a purple jacket, and classic Converse.

Then leaves her room and walks down a long white hallway to her kitchen, all the way in silence to said room; he begins to prepare breakfast and eats it in silence while having a coffee.

After breakfast, he puts a backpack on his back and leaves his rustic house from the 70's and 80's.

“That's me, Spike Drake, a normal guy from Canterlot and another face; That's if you count my strange green hair from birth and my eyes. Let's say that I am an outcast of society, sometimes I help some people; but in general I spend it alone every day”

“Now I'm going to Canterlot High School, really... Everyone ignores me; although some really respect me for having helped them so much”

We watch as Spike arrives at the school and walks up the stone steps towards the double doors. He opens them to find thousands upon thousands of students talking to their friends, trying to impress a girl, or just taking out their stuff.

Soon he goes through everyone and reaches for his locker, opens it and puts down his backpack while taking out some folders and a pencil case; He closes it and goes straight to his first class.

“Most of the time I'm the one who answers everything correctly and gets good grades, but socially... "The Harmony" gets all the credit; a group of 8 girls who have also helped everyone. I don't know them personally, but I know a little about them”

After passing his first class with A (as usual) he goes to the cafeteria, grabs a tray of food, and sits at the same empty table as always. A little further away are "The Harmony".

“They are "The Harmony" the girl with dark purple hair with a pink streak is called Bella Sagan, but is known by her nickname "Twilight Sparkle". The one on her side with purple and mint green hair is called Star Ward, or also called "Starlight Glimmer". The 2 are best friends from the rumors I've heard, but I haven't been interested in talking to them, since I don't think they like me”

“As I continued, the girl in front of Twilight with elegant purple hair is called Scarlett Jones, also known as “Rarity Belle” she is a clothing designer, a year ago I fell in love with her; but not anymore, I mean ¿How would someone like her care about an outcast like me? The one on her side with blonde hair and a hat is called Jackeline Daniels, better known as "Applejack" she is someone from the farm, her family harvests apples every day. They are 2 opposite poles, one does not mind getting dirty and the other does”

“Continuing with the names, the girl with pale pink hair next to Rarity is called Lisa Oribe, but everyone knows her as "Fluttershy Breeze" she is the shy one of the group and, from what I have heard, she is a veterinarian; He gets along better with animals. The one on Starlight's side with fluffy pink hair and imperative is called Diane Jepsen, she is known in the cooking world as "Pinkie Pie", a great cook and someone who throws parties. They came up to me once, but ended up making a fool of themselves by trying to talk to me at the same time; after that they no longer approached me”

After a while, the bell for second period rings and everyone leaves the Cafeteria; Spike goes to his locker and grabs some study books. Upon reaching the classroom, he sits by the window and right next to him are the last 2 members of the group.

“¿What was he saying? Oh yes, the girl with rainbow hair and athletic looking is called Kelly Lohan, known to all as "Rainbow Dash" she is the leader of all the athletic clubs in school, hence her nickname, she is a little rude to me , just not to get bored; I got used. And finally the one with red and yellow hair is called Susan Lopez, better known as "Sunset Shimmer" before she was a bully who messed with the little ones, including me; but after the other 7 reformed it, it was fine. In general, all of them are the most popular at school; I don't talk to all of them because I don't think they'll accept me and because I don't want guys to tell me that a quiet outcast hangs out with social, friendly friends”

After finishing the presentations, the Physics class begins and everyone concentrates, well...Those who really want to study. From time to time, an occasional student asks our protagonist for help.

"Alright, so you're ready for the next quiz. What is Newton's First Law? Mr. Spike". The professor told Spike, causing the students to turn to look at him.

"Professor, I understand that you see me as the smart one, but ¿Wouldn't it be more convenient if you ask those who are not doing anything?" Spike answered, looking at those in the back row.

"Hmmm...Good point, I'll do it". Said.

After that, the teacher asks another student the question, the others who were not doing anything look at him with anger and contempt, but he doesn't care and continues with his calculations.

Later that day, after finishing last period, Spike leaves school straight to his house, which isn't that far, only about 4 blocks.

Upon arrival, he removes his backpack and hangs it on a coat rack next to him; then he looks around the white hallway and the checkered floor, then claps his hands once and smiles.

"Ok time to start". He told himself.

In that, we see him in the kitchen with a radio next to him, he turns it on and starts playing "Crocodile Rock" by Elton John . Start cooking lunch while moving and singing your chosen song.

He lives alone, his parents were murdered in an armed robbery at a bank; He is someone delicate on the subject, so he tries to avoid it whenever he can. But he has managed to do his chores.

After the song ends, Spike finishes cooking and takes the food to his dining room and starts to eat calmly, that's his life for 3 years.

After finishing eating, he washes his plate, does his homework and watches TV for a while; After getting bored, he goes to his room and lies on his bed, sleeping soundly and looking forward to tomorrow.