'Twas the Night of Rarijack

by kleec13

Before the Sleepover

It was December 22nd. Canterlot High had been on winter break for a couple days and Pinkie Pie arranged a sleepover/Christmas party for her friends. Rarity had to work before, so Applejack agreed to pick her up to carpool.
Applejack pulled up and as Rarity came out, Applejack noticed something wasn’t right. Rarity usually carried herself like she owned whatever place she walked into, but as she approached the car, she seemed absolutely drained. And as Applejack got a closer view, her friend’s red nose wasn’t just from the winter chill.
“Hey Applejack,” Rarity greeted, trying to force some energy. “Thanks for driving me.”
The scratchy and stuffed up voice confirmed it.
“Alright Rarity, let’s not beat around the bush,” Applejack ordered. “Why didn’t you tell anyone you weren’t feeling well?”
“I’m alright, dear. I want to….aaa… Achooo!”
Applejack gave her friend a sympathetic look from the driver’s seat.
“I know you were looking forward to this, as we all were,” she said. “And believe me, tonight won’t be the same without you. But I’m sure we’ll try to get together again before break ends. Please. Let me take you home.”
"Oh alright,” Rarity relented. “I guess there's no sense in getting everyone sick and myself sicker."
Applejack sighed with relief and got out her phone.
“I’ll text the others to let them know what’s happening,” she told Rarity. “And hey, there’s a drugstore on the way. I can get you some things if you want.”
Rarity knew that Applejack didn’t like taking no for an answer. And something to help the burning throat would be nice.
“Some tea does sound wonderful and we have none at home…” Rarity noted. “And maybe more tissues would be good, too.”
“Alright, it's settled then,” Applejack concluded. She then finished typing her message and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Prim Hemline let you work in such a state?” Applejack asked as she was driving.
“The holidays are very busy and I didn’t need to interact with anyone. Plus, I suppose I even convinced myself that I didn’t need the day off. And I thought if I could survive today, I’d have Pinkie’s party as a reward,” Rarity said, still slightly forlorn about the whole situation. “But if sleeping in my bed and having a friend as your nurse isn’t a reward, then I don’t know what is.”
“Atta girl,” Applejack said. “And just in time, too. We’re here.”

Applejack parked in front of the drugstore.
“Okay, so tea and tissues. Anything else you need?” she asked Rarity.
“Maybe some sanitizer and wipes wouldn’t be a bad idea. For the house and yourself if you don’t have any.”
“Got it. I’ll be as quick as I can,” Applejack said.
Applejack returned to the car with her stash and gave it to Rarity to place on the passenger’s side.
“What’s this?” Rarity asked.
“Campbell’s soup cup. Something to have in bed that’s less likely to make a mess. Got a tub of ice cream, too.”
“You didn’t need to do that,” Rarity said, still a bit surprised.
“No, I didn’t, I suppose. But I wanted to. Hang tight. Not too much longer now.”
As Applejack approached Rarity’s house, she noticed the empty driveway and dark windows.
“Are you alone tonight?” she asked.
“Sweetie Belle had plans to stay with our cousins that are around her age tonight,” Rarity explained. “They’re about an hour out. My parents should be on their way back.”
“Why don’t I come in for a bit, then?” Applejack offered. “For the company at least. You’re already missing a party.”
Rarity considered protesting, but Applejack was right. The idea of entering an empty house did seem a bit sad given the circumstances.
“Sure,” she agreed, giving her friend a grateful smile. “I’d like that very much.”

Inside the house, Applejack continued being the nurse Rarity said she was.
“Alright, you get changed and into bed. I’ll be with ya in a few minutes.”
“Make yourself some tea also while you’re at it, darling. It’s the least I could do to thank you,” Rarity said.
“Okay, okay, now off to bed with you,” Applejack said playfully. As Rarity left, Applejack sanitized quickly and went to the kitchen.
“Kettle, kettle, where do they keep the kettle?” Applejack muttered to herself. “Aha.”
Applejack also put the soup cup in the microwave. And after wiping and rinsing a couple mugs, she made the tea and placed everything on a small tray.
Rarity was in her bed reading having finished getting into her pajamas and left the door ajar for Applejack. The farmer lightly tapped on the door to let Rarity know she was there.
“Soup’s on!” Applejack called out.
“Thank you, my dear Applejack. You’ve always had a knack for these things.”
Applejack narrowed her eyes in confusion.
"You don't remember, darling?” Rarity continued. “We were about 10. I was stuck with a cold around Christmas time also. You did essentially what you did now. "
"Oh yes!" Applejack remembered. "Sad you can’t have Granny Smith’s soup tonight. I should bring you some before winter’s over.”
Rarity nodded and smiled at the memory.
“It was that day I truly realized how special you are.”
“Well, I've certainly had to take care of Apple Bloom plenty when she was younger,” Applejack said. “You know kids. Getting sick all the time to build up their immune systems. Good thing I was the one you were carpooling with, huh?"
Rarity giggled and nodded again as she took a sip of tea.
“So, how’s the tea and the soup?” Applejack continued, realizing she was already almost done with her own cup of tea. “Feel good on the throat?”
“Yes, it’s lovely!” Rarity assured.
“Glad to hear it,” Applejack said, with an unintended yawn after.
"You're free to go whenever,” Rarity said. “I'm sure everyone’s anxious to see you. Unless you need to get some rest yourself."
“Nah, that’s just the hot drink making me drowsy. But one thing before I go," Applejack said as she pulled out a wrapped package and placed it on the bed. "I… I was your secret Santa, heh.”
Rarity gazed at Applejack excitedly and opened the package to a beautiful new set of sketch pencils.
"Oh my goodness. Thank you so very much. I think I’ve heard of this brand–it’s supposed to be amazing!"
"You're always complaining that it's hard to find good art supplies for lefties, so I did some research,”Applejack explained. “Another thing you could play around with while you’re stuck in bed."
“You really shouldn’t have. I hate to bring it up, but these must have cost a fortune!”
They did. But that didn’t matter.
“Well, it’s something I knew you’d like,” Applejack said.
“My dear Applejack, what did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You’ve been a good friend,” Applejack said.
“Aw, you softie. Have a good time at the sleepover. I’ll try to touch base tomorrow and maybe we can have a group call before it’s over.”
“Yeah, that could be fun!” Applejack agreed. “See ya, Rarity. Take it easy.”
“I will. My Secret Santa gift is in the closet if you want to take it before you go. Bye darling!”