//------------------------------// // Out of the darkness and into the light // Story: Digital Dustin – Let the games begin // by Prince Dustin Hogan //------------------------------// “Talking” “YELLING” ‘Thinking’ “Telepathic link” Songs Flashback "Transformation Index” Out of the darkness and into the light Daydream Shimmer groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "Ugh... what hit.... me?" Daydream asked as she got up and saw she was in what looks like to be the throne room of a castle that was abandoned for centuries and left to ruin. "Where am I?" Suddenly, a wicked laughter is heard, catching Daydream by surprise. "Well, well, well. It's been a while hasn't it, Sunset Shimmer?" A familiar voice evoke out. But it wasn't from Midnight Sparkle. Daydream turned around, and sure enough, she saw the demonic version of herself she assumed during the Fall Formal. "Remember me?' "Y-You?" Daydream spoke out in surprise, as well as a hint of fear. "But... How? Y-Your apart of me... that was defeated!" The demonized Sunset Shimmer laughed wickedly in response. "You thought it was gone forever? Hah! Fat chance!" Demonic Sunset, who for the sake of brevity we'll call She-demon Shimmer from now on, fired an energy beam at Daydream. Daydream was able to dodge it, but just barely. She-demon Shimmer then snapped her fingers causing a bright light engulf both her and Daydream before the room had changed into the hallways of Canterlot High. Daydream turned to looked towards the center of the room, only to look in shock to see herself post-reformation with a bunch of students bowing down to her like she was a queen. The sight was good for we back then, but now it made her sick to her stomach. "Tell me, Sunset." She-demon Shimmer said with a smirk. "Remember when we ruled Canterlot High with an iron fist? When everyone at school campus It was truly exhilarating wasn't it?" "I'm no longer that person!" Daydream Shimmer said defiantly before looking back to She-demon Shimmer. "I've changed now, and I have friends that are there to back me up!" "You really think they care about you?" The demonic replica asked mockingly, "How do you know they didn't befriend you out of fear?" "I know that's not true! And do you know why?" Daydream asked, making She-Demon raised an eyebrow. "Because one of my friends named Applejack is a bad liar, so me and the others know when she's telling the truth or not!" Daydream Shimmer then took flight, looming over She-Demon Shimmer. "So don't think that you're little mind games is going to work on me!" And just like that Daydream fired another beam at the demonic replica, to which the demon girl fired back. But Daydream proved to be too powerful for She-demon Shimmer as the beam struck her, making her disappear in a cloud of black smoke. And once demonic girl was gone, the room changed back to normal. "I better find the others!" Sunset declared as she took off to search for her friends. "I hope they're all okay." Midnight Sparkle slowly opened her eyes as she brought her head up to see that she was in the hallways at Crystal Prep. "I'm back at... Crystal prep?" Midnight Sparkle asked herself as she examined her surroundings. "Twilight Sparkle!" A familiar voice called to her, making Midnight jumping in fright and turn to see that Cinch was heading towards her. And she does not look pleased. "You certainly did not fail to disappoint, did you?!" Midnight Sparkle flinched in fear of the older woman. "But... but..." "Save your excuses!" Cinch barked as Midnight was now adorned in a maids uniform. "From now on, you'll be taking that abomination Salazar's position and will be taking orders in his stead!" As Cinch said this, the Shadowbolts walked by the older woman, casting glares at her. "Salazar is not an abomination!" Midnight barked back, only for her to cover her mouth in shock and recoil. "Looks like that mouth of yours could use some readjustment!" Soursweet said as she presented to Midnight with a mop and bucket. "From now on, anything they say goes!" Cinch said with a scowl. "But I'll tell you what, if you do a good job by the end of the week, I'll still see to it that you'll be accepted to Everton." "Midnight just hung her head in shame, but as she was about to accept the mop and pale, she began to recall her conversation with Cadence and Salazar before the games. Midnight was about to walk off, but then she remembered her conversation with Allister the day before. *** "Ooh!" she exclaimed, "Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!" she suggested, putting her hands together in anticipation, while the dean developed a concerned expression upon her face. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that," she mentioned, getting her attention as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Are you sure that's what you really want?" she asked. "Why wouldn't it be?" Twilight asked back in reply with a smile, "A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects?" she recalled, looking at her open palms, "What a dream come true!" she said, clasping her hands together again. “There aren't any classrooms with other students," the school head responded while she shook her head, "You'll be doing everything on your own," she added, having her arms crossed. "That is why it's called an 'independent study program'," the studious girl pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "I just don't want you to miss out on anything," Cadance told her, "That's all," she said, placing her hand upon her shoulder again reassuringly, "Being around other people isn't a bad thing," she noted, taking her arm away as she placed them at her hips, "Sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself," she mentioned with a smile. *** Then shortly afterwards, Midnight then recalled her conversation with Allister just the day after. *** “I would say you should deny Cinch’s orders, but I assume that’s out of the question.” "Yes, it is." Twilight said with a sigh. "This… program I'm applying for…" she began, "it really means a lot to me to get in…" she told him, "And Principal Cinch is going to guarantee I get in…" she continued, "as long as I do as she says for the Friendship Games…" she finished. "But then you're not the one making your own future." Allister said, earning a surprised look from Twilight. “That woman is pressuring you into doing what you don’t want to do by using your acceptance to Everton as a bargaining chip.” Allister said, making the girl look down sadly. “There comes a point in where you simply stand tall and show others that you’re not one to be pushed around.” "I guess you're right…" she admitted, "But I can't go against her right now," she told him, "If I do, she'll make sure I don't get into Everton…" she said, crossing her arms as she glanced away somberly. Suddenly, she felt a hand come onto her left shoulder, causing her to perk up and see Allister with a reassuring look on his face. “But is that really what you want?” Allister asked, confusing Twilight a bit. “Let me tell you a story.” Twilight focused on Allister with peaked curiosity. “When I was about your age, there was this girl I met. She was gorgeous, sophisticated, from a wealthy family, she was perfect in every way one can imagine. And I had my heart set on making her mine.” Allister then sighed with a somber look. “Even if it meant sacrificing the things I cherished most.” Twilight looked to Allister with sympathy, knowing where this was going. “I ditched my friends, quit my job, and even had to get rid of many of my prized possessions, but at least I was with the girl of my dreams.” Allister released another sigh. “Eventually, I realized that she was turning me into somebody that I wasn’t. And I was an idiot for not seeing it sooner. So, we broke up and I was able to reconcile with my friends, and pretty much got my life back in older.” Allister finished his story and looked to Twilight. “My point is, sometimes the things you want aren’t always the things you’d expect.” *** And then, Midnight then recalled something Salazar said to her before the games, something about what would happen is she ever did get accepted. *** "What's she so worried about?" she asked her pet, who was playing with a blue, rope chew toy, "Everton is exactly what I need right now," she stated with her hands at her hips in a defiant matter, "Huh…" she sighed, "It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep…" she noted sadly. “But you do know that I won’t be there, right?” Salazar asked Twilight, making her look to him “Oh…right.” Twilight sighed sadly. *** Midnight tightened her fists, took a deep breath, and turned towards Cinch. "No!" Cinch and the Shadowbolts were surprised by what Midnight had just said. "cuse me?!" Cinch asked in disbelief. "You heard me, Cinch!" Midnight shot back with bravery. "Ever since the games, all you've done was make me do your bidding, even going so far as to use an excetance to Everton as a bargaining chip, and for what? Winning some stupid competition?!" "One more word out of you, Miss Sparkle," Cinche said angrily in a warning, "And not only will you not get accepted to Everton, buy you will be expelled from my school!" "Then go ahead! Expel me!" Midnight barked defiantly. "If it will keep me away from you, then that's fine by me! I don't care anymore!" Upon hearing that, Cinch growled angrily. Suddenly, her eyes began to emit a magenta glow, as did those of the other Shadowbolts. Midnight jumped back in response to this before she saw a bright light engulf them, showing the room had changed from Crystal Prep's hallway into a dungeon area of an abandoned castle. "What the...?!" Midnight asked in shock, but then she saw Cinch and the Shadowbolts turn pitch black before merging together and changing both in size and shape. And what the resulting form this mass of shadow took made Midnight back away in horror. In place of Cinch and her Shadowbolts was an enormous jet black creature with that walker on four insect-like legs, a large gaping maw in the midsection armed with sharp teeth and a a long forked tongue, and on top were six tentacles that were each covered in bloodshot human eyes. The creature released a bellowing roar as Midnight was cornered, shaking like a leaf as the creature loomed over her. But just as the creature was about to make its move on Midnight, it was struck be a yellow beam of light, making the creature yell in pain before it vanished in a cloud of black smoke. Midnight looked to see Daydream Shimmer had come to her rescue. "Sunset?" Midnight asked, her eyes becoming those of Twilight. "You... you saved me." "Of course I did." Daydream said with a smile while offering her a hand. "That's what friends do. Help others in need." Midnight was stunned, but she gained a heartfelt smile as she accepted the hand, allowing Daydream to help her up. "Thanks..." Midnight started, but then gasped in realization. "Salazar! Oh no, we better find him!" "Then we better find him and Dustin both." Midnight said as she and Midnight took off. Meanwhile Back outside at CHS, the various Shadow creatures stood guarding the shadow pool while looking at everyone that stood opposite of them. Flash, Bulk Biceps, and Aria charged at the creatures, only for three of the monsters to fire beams of magenta energy from their eyes, sending them back a few feet. "Coming through!" Pinkie called out as she rollerbladed her way towards the creatures, only for one of them to outstretch its arm to grab Pinkie by the head before tossing her away. "Ok, you shadow freaks!" Adagio said as she transformed into her siren form before taking off to the air. "Good luck trying to take somebody down in mid air!" But one of the creature outstretched the tentacles that made up its head, grabbing a gold of Adagio and tight ingredients their grip before slamming her down onto the ground, causing Adagio to revert back to normal. "Adagio!" Sonata and Aria called out in worry as they run to help their friend. "We've got to get in there somehow!" Applejack said out of worry for her friends. "But we can't get anywhere near them!" Rarity said, motioning towards the shadow creatures standing in their way. "And flying is out of the question!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Then maybe we don't have to!" Soursweet called out as she arrived armed with a bow and arrow. "If we can’t get through them up close and personal, then maybe we can take these freaks of nature down from a distance!" Soursweet said as she aimed at one of the creatures in the center. With a deep breath, she drew the arrow and fired the arrow directly at one of the creatures, the arrow piercing its chest. The creature roared in pain before exploding in a shower of liquid darkness. "Alright!" Indigo Zap cheered with a fist pump. "Way to go, soursweet!" But then suddenly, the other shadow creature emerged from the pool of darkness to take its fallen comrades place. "Aw what?!" Lemon Zest groaned in annoyance. Pixel morphed her arm I to a rocket launcher and fired many rockets at the creatures, creating a violent explosion upon hitting their targets. When the smoke cleared, only five of the creatures remained. "Alright! Now let's hurry before more..." Pixel stated, only for a large tentacle to protrude from the black pool. "Perhaps I've been a little too soft on you fools!" The voice of Frightmares echoed through put as nowhere creature emerged. Only this one was much larger than the previous ones, and looked much more different. This one was about as large as a building, it walked on three digitigrade legs with cloven hooves for feet, and its body was a tangled mass of tentacles of tentacles that were blanketed with bloodshot human-like eyes. "But no more!" "Big deal!" Aria declared defiantly. "I was able to topple you over as that big winged lizard, that thing of yours will be easy to beat!" "Is that so, my dear?" Froghtmares voice card out before laughing maniacally as nine more of the larger creatures emerged from the black pool, shocking everyone present. "You just had to open your bid mouth, didn't you!?" Sugarcoat called out with a deadpan expression as the ten giant creatures stared their enemies down. Salazar slowly opened his eyes as he got up, groaning as he rubbed his eyes. As his vision finally adjusted, he saw that he was back at canterlot, specifically the soccer field. And there were many students from both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep gathered around. "What...?" Salazar said as he noticed that he was in a large cage that was used to fit large animals. "What the Hell?!" Salazar grabbed a hold of the cage bars, unsure what was going on. "Well, look who’s finally awake." A voice called out, making him turn to see Sunny Flare, who was smiling wickedly at him. "What the Hell is going on here?!" Salazar asked as he tried to free himself from the cage. "Why, we're running a sideshow of course." Sunny Flare said, her smile never fading. "And you are the main act." "Excuse me?" Salazar asked in shock as the cage had faded wile his arms and legs were bound in chained and a clown costume appeared on him. "The Hell?!" The crowd laughed hysterically at Salazar, much to his humiliation. "Hah! What a freak!" Indigo Zap called out from the crowd as she threw a tomato at him. "Hope you're hungry, freak!" Soursweet called out before throwing a chili dog at Salazar, coating his face in chili. "You could use something to wash that down!" Sunny Flare said as she pulled out a plastic cup full of soda before dumping it onto Salazar's head. "Face it freak, you're better off alone." Salazar held his head down, a sense of shame and embarrassment overwhelming him as he fell to his knees whole the crowd continued throwing food at him. But then, he began to recall his conversation with Spike. *** “Sal, look at me!” Spike said as he got into Salazar’s face, their eyes meeting. “Do you care for Twilight?” “Y-Yeah?” Salazar said, still surprised by Spike’s question. “Do you care for me?” Spike asked. “Yeah.” Salazar said with a nod. “Do you even care about those guys back at CHS?” Spike asked. “Yeah.” Salazar said, making Spike smile in response. “Then that’s all that matters.” Spike said, puzzling Salazar. “Salazar, being human isn’t about what you are, but who you are. So you have weird powers, so what. I didn’t think you were a freak. And despite what Twilight saw, she didn’t see you as a freak either. As long as you care for others, and others care for you, you are more human than a lot of the people on this planet." *** Salazar felt his shame go away as a wave of courage and confidence overcame him. With newfound strength, he managed to break the chains to free himself, much to the shock of everyone present. "Go ahead! Throw everything you've got at me! I can take!" Salazar growled at the crowd! "Call me a freak, or a monster, or an abomination! Do whatever you want! But know this! No matter what you say or do, I am who I am! And nothing is going to change that!" The crowd gasped in shock upon hearing this! But they all growled angrily as a flash of white enveloped their surroundings, changing to the courtyard of an abandoned castle while Sunny Flare and the audience vanished into thin air. Nut then a large puddle of shadows appeared before Salazar, and from it emerged a large, black, serpentine creature with a single bloodshot eye 8j the center of its head, it had a quadruple hinged jaw, and it had long tentacle protruding from its mouth. "Oh shit!" Salazar exclaimed as he morphed his left arm into the Blue Firefox sword. The creature was about to strike, only for Midnight Sparkle to stop and tackle the beast, much to Salazar's surprise. "Don't you dare..." Midnight Sparkle growled furiously as she tightened her grip around the creature’s neck, "HURT HIM!" The creature managed to shake Midnight off of itself, but Daydream Shimmer arrived and fire a yellow beam at the creature, making it cry put in pain before exploding into a cloud of black mist. "And stay down!" Daydream Shimmer said as she landed on the ground. "Salazar!" Midnight cried out as she rant to him, embracing him in a tight hug. "You came back!" Midnight said, her eyes wet with tears. "You came back..." Midnight sobbed in Salazar's chest, while the boy rubbed her back to calm her down. "Of course I did." Salazar said with a soft smile on his face, happy to see his friend again. "Why wouldn't I?" Daydream watched the display with a soft mile of her own, wiping a tear away upon seeing the reunion. "My, what a touching reunion." Frightmares voice echoed throughout the courtyard, taking the three by surprise bef9re the mutant Erebonite made his appearance. "Its a shame that it's only short lived." "You!" Daydream Shimmer growled furiously! "I am truly impressed." Frightmare admitted with a chuckle. "You all are truly more strong-willed than I imagined." "Where is Dustin, you multi-eyed freak of nature!?" Daydream ordered angrily. "Tell us where he is, and I'll see to it that you won't end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life!" "Why don't you find him yourselves?" Frightmare said with an evil laugh. "If you can make it in time, that is!" Frightmare then disappeared, leaving the three alone. "That bastard better not do anything to him!" Daydream growled furiously as she, Midnight, and Salazar ran off to And speaking of Dustin, he groaned and got up, fluttering his eyes open to see that he was in what appeared to some kind of catacombs. The place was dinly lit, cold, soggy, and had a very unnerving and unsettling atmosphere to it. "Where... where am I?" Dustin said with a shiver as prepressed onwards. But the more he walked, the more that he felt he was being watched. He looked behind him, only to see nothing. He then noticed a shadow figure on the corner of his eye, but when he turned, he saw nothing. His fear really started to set in now as his heart raced and his breathing became more hitched. "Welcome to fright night." Frightmare's voice echoed through the catacombs, making Dustin more alaert. "Where are you, you bastard!" Dustin demanded, trying to mask his fear. "Try and find me!" Freakshow replied, making Dustin press onwards to find a way out of this mess. But as he walked, Sunset Shimmer appeared to him and hugged him. She looked pretty banged up and was sobbing hysterically. "Dustin... thank goodness!" Sunset cried as she hugged Dustin. "Sunset?" Dustin asked with worry for the girl. "Easy, easy! What happened?" "It... It was..." Sunset said before opening her eyes, revealing they had black schleras were black and her pupils were azure, and she had a wicked grin. "It was too easy!" "Kill him, my dear!" Frightmare's voice called out as Sunset had changed into She-demon Shimmer. "Gladly!" She-demon Shimmer chuckled wickedly as she grabbed a now horrified Dustin by the collar. "You and the others took everything from me!" She-demon Shimmer growled as she pinned him to the ground. "So, now I'm returning the favor tenfold!" Sunsatan then stomped on Dutin's right leg, making him yell in pain! "You think its bad now, boy?" Frightmare said as he appeared before kneeling down to Dustin, "Oh I promise you, boy, it's going to get progressively worse!" Frightmare then vanished, along with She-demon Shimmer, leaving Dustin alone. "Now then, let's crank the fear factor up a notch!" Frightmare's voice called out as the room was enveloped in a bright light before changing into... the ocean. Dustin was submerged underwater with no bottom in sight, and he was too far away to surface for air. And it didn't help that the visibility of the water was non-existent due to the lack of any light sources. Dustin was freaking out by this point, as he had a really bad fear of drowning, as well as being submerged in water! Without hesitation, Dustin readied his Digitrix to go Rip Tied, but he was to overcome by fear that he accidently transformed into Softwear instead. Softwear screamed in absolute panic when a large black tentacle wrapped around him. "GAH! WHAT THE...?!" Softwear cried out in fear as a pair of massive purple eyes and a large grin was visible. It was Frigtmare in the form of a giant octopus or some tentacled monstrosity. Softwear struggled to get out of Frightmares grip, but it was no good as Frightmare chuckled maliciously. "Face it boy, this time you're alone!" Frightmare said, his grin widening, "Without you friends to help you, you're as good as gone!" But then suddenly, a bright flash of light illuminated the dark waters, catching both Softwear and Frigtmare's attention. Then a yellow beam struck the tentacle that held Softwear captive. Softwear tried to swim away in panic, but luckily Salazar swam up him an grab him.] before swimming over to both Midnight and Daydream. "That is where you're wrong, Lucius!" Daydream said, making Frightmare scowl in fury! "You again?! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I DEAL WITH YOU?!" Frightmare growled before vanishing, and a large group of black creatures appeared. These had a body shape similar to sharks, both had a mass of tentacles on place of a normal head and had a horizontal line of bloodshot eyes trailing down both sides of their bodies. "KILL EVRYONE OF THEM! LEAVE NO REMAINS!!" With that, the shark-like creatures swam towards them. "Bring it on!" Daydream cried out as she fired energy beams at the creatures, making them vanish in clouds of black mist. But soon after, more showed up and swam towards them. Midnight easily delt with them, but even more popped up. Softwear was shaking in fear at this whole ordeal, but Salazar brought the Tehcnoclotho close to him, allowing Softewar to envelop him and morph into a full body armor suit. "Guys, we better find Lucius and take him out!" Daydream stated to the others. "It may be our ticket out of here!" Daydream then took noticed of the look of fear Softwear had in his eyes. "Dustin? You alright?" "No!" Softwear said, his voice breaking in horror. "No, I'm not alright! God... I feel like imight have a panic attack!" Salazar looked to Softwear, sympathy visible in his expression. "Close your eyes." Softwear looked up to him in response. "Close your eyes and cancel out your surroundings. That's what I do when I see something horrifying." Softwear was hesitant, but he did as Salazar instructed. And of course, it seemed to help. "I'll be your eyes." Midnight and Daydream both smiled at this sight. But Midnight some more of the shark things swimming towards them. "Here comes more of them." Midnight stated as she and Daydream fired at the creature before pressing onwards. As they swam, they wasted any shark-like creatures the further they went. "Jesus," Salazar complained. "The place is so dark, I can barely see past my nose." "Just keep going." Daydream said as they continued to swim and fire at more shadow creatures that came her way. "I've had enough of this!" Frightmare's voice called out before he appeared, his lower half becoming an array of tentacles! Daydream and Midnight fired away at the mutant Erebonite, but he dodged easily. "This ends now!" Frightmare fired energy beams from the eyes onhis body sending the four back a bit. "I'll kill every one of you! And I know just who to start with!" Frightmare then grabbed at Salazar with his tentacles. "Salazar!" Twilght cried out in worry as Salazar struggled to escape. "Two for the price of one!" Frightmare declared in wicked laughter. But Softwer opened his eyes, glaring daggers at Lucius before willing a small energy blster and firing an energy blast at the Corruptrix Symbol, making the mutant Erebonite release Salazar! "Why you..." Salazar stated before he noticed the Corruptrix Symbol was badly cracked. "What did you...." Frightmare began to scream in fear and agony as he was overwhelmed by a surge of electricity. Then, everything went white. Back at Canterlot High, everyone was wandering how they were going to get past these creatures when suddenly, the pool of shadows began to glow a bright. The creatures looked beneath them as a bright beam of light shot upwards, destroying every last one of them while everyone shielded their eyes. One the light had faded, everyone slowly opened their eyes to see that Midnight, Daydream, Salazar, and Softwear were all fine. And as for Lucius, he was back to his human form, looking at the badly damaged Corruptrix. "No... NO!" Lucius cried out in shock, knowing that his plan was now officially ruined. "You..." Lucius looked to Softwear, who was still being worn by Salazar, "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" "Fucked up your watch, what do you think I did?" Softwear replied as the Corruptrix began to spark with green electricity, making Lucius look to the device. "Uh oh." Pixel uttered in fear. "What?" Spike asked, "What is it?" "I think shit is about to hit the fan." Pixel stated as she eyed the Corruptrix, which was still sparkling with electricity. And right she was, as Lucius' entire hand was now enveloped in a ball of purple energy, which slowly began to expand as purple lines showing up on his body while he screamed in pain and horror. "What... in Celestia's name?!" Daydream uttered; her eyes as wide as dinner plates. "What's happening?!" Midnight asked in shock upon seeing this. "His Corruptrix, its destabilizing!" Salazar exclaimed as Lucius was now halfway into the ball and is showed no sign of stopping. "I think I'm gonna puke!" Softwear declared as Lucius was now close to being fully enveloped. "IT HURST! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" Lucius yelled at the top of his lungs in agony before casting one final glare to the four. " DAMN YOU DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!" After that was said, his entire body was now enveloped into the large energy sphere. Then shortly after wards, the energy ball began to spark with green electricity as it began to expand a bit more before imploding, forming a large burst of purple energy. The shockwave of it sent everyone on the ground off their feet and sent the four heroes back a floor or two. Then, the energy mass began to take on a somewhat humanoid shape. "Oh... my!" Flutterhsy muttered in terror as Spike hid behind her. Soon, the energy faded to reveal that Lucius had taken on a new form, on that resembled a twisted amalgamate of various Digitrix counterparts of Dustin's transformations. Lucius opened his eyes and glared at the four heroes before emitting an ungodly roar that made everyone else tremble in terror. "My word!" Rarity gasped, appalled by the fused monstrosity that stood before her. "Havent had enough yet, huh?" Softwear taunted as Salazar morphed his right arm into the Indestructile cannon before firing wave after wave after wave of energy blasts at Lucius amalgam form, who for the sake of this chapter we'll call Amaalgamorph from here on out. Daydream and Midnight joined in on the assault, but this only agitated Amaglamorph. "Stop it!" Almalgamorph growled before raising his front tentacle, the Leviadon head of which fired an intense energy blast the four, knocking the four out of the air. Luckily for them, Aria, Adagio, and Sonata caught the Salazar, Midnight, and Daydream. "Guys!" Daydream exclaimed with a smile of gratitude. "Thanks for the save." "No problema." Sonata said with a big smile. But the moment was ruined when Amalgamorph released another roar, earning their attention. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" Amalgamorph cried out in rage, casting a look of hate towards the heroes. "Alright guys," Daydream said to Midnight and Salazar, "What's say we put this Frankenstein freak in his place!" "Then let's give this butt ugly fuck all we've got!" Softwear declared as he formed a mountable Plasma Cannon on Salazar's left arm. And with that said, the trio flew towards Amalagmaorh. Midnight, Salazar, Softwear, and Daydream were throwing all they had at Amalgamorph, but the mutated fusion was not showing signs of taking any damage. "You're just a bunch of little bugs!" Amalgamorph said with a malicious chuckle before firing an electric bolt as Midnight Sparkle from the Tesla oil on his lower left arm while firing a pressurized stream of murky water from his mouth at Daydream, knocking both girls to the ground. Salazar growled at Amalgamoph as he proceeded to fie from both blaster arms. Amalgamorph reacts by smacking Salazar to the ground, making him crash hard. But Amalgamorph wasn't done yet, as he grabbed Salazar with his front tentacle, the Leviadon biting down on both Salazar and Sotwear with powerful force. "NO!" Daydream and Midnight both cried out to save Salazar and Softwear, only for Amalgamorph to shoot a blast of webbing at both girls. Amalgamorph then turned his attention to Salazar and Softwear with a mad grin on his face. "Time to get rid of this pest, once and for all!" Amalgamorph reached down to the Digitrix Symbol on Softwear and proceeded to pull at it, making Softwear yell in pain! Salazar retaliated by aiming his left blaster and firing directly into Amalgamorphs ace, making the mutant amalgam roar in pain as he released Salazar and Softwear. Pixel morphed her arms into energy blades to free both Daydream and Midnight from the webbing as Allister walked to Salazar. "You ok, dude?" Salazar asked Softwear. "A little sore, but I'll live." Softwear replied before looking to Amalgamorph. "Looks like you're going to need our assistance." Allister said as Pixel, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata came in to help as well. The dazzlings had transformed into their siren forms, Pixel changed her blade arms into massive energy blasters, and Allister pulled out a small handheld device before pressing a button and morphing it into a large two-handed energy blaster. "If this doesn't work, then nothing will!" Aria declared as Amalgamorph glared at them. "LIKE HELL YOU'LL KILL ME!" Amalgamorph roared out as his midsection readied an energy bast. Then both sides unleashed their attack, putting everything they had into it. And unfortunately for Amagamorph, he was being overpowered before the attack hit its target, sending him flying a few feet away before landing with a loud thud. "And just to be sure your taken care if fot good..." Softwear announced before removing himself from Salazar and pressing the Digitrix Symbol, becoming an entilrly different transformation. It looked like a larger, older, and more muscular version of Spike. "Rockweiler is gonna give a little dirt nap!" (Transformation Index) Name: Rockweiler Species: Geocanis Unlike any ordinary dog, this geokinetic canine won't sit or roll over. Somehow made from the magic emanate by Spike, Twilight Sparkle assistant back in Equestria, it's probably better to play dead when continuing Rockweiler. Once again, everyone presents, except the Humane Seven, were taken aback by this new transformation. Rockweiler raised his arms upwards, forming large fissure underneath Amalgamorph, making the mutant fusion fall in it before closing it. And with Amalgamorph gone, the crowd cheered as things were now good. Or so they thought when the ground began to shake, then Amalgamorph erupted from the ground with a smug grin and a wicked laugh. Pixel aimed at amalgamorph, but he noticed and fired an electric jolt at Pixel, making the robot girl short-circuit. "You might as well give it up, Lucius!" Salazar called out to Amalgamorph, getting his attention, "We're obviously too much for you to handle!" "You?" Amalgamorph retorted, "You're a fool to challenge me!" Amalgamorph loomed over Salazar as he stared him down. "Even in my malformed state, I'm still more powerful than your simple minds can comprehend!" "Right." Salazar taunted with a smirk. "And yet you couldn't take down me down, let alone the others." "A complication that I need to rectify, right now!" Amalgamorph raised his upper left arm to crush, only for a blast of webbing to obscure his eyes. Amalagomorph removed the webbing and saw Sugar Spider flying past him. Amalgamorph fired another jolt at Sugar Spider, knocking him out of the air and crashing to the ground before Sugar Spider changed back to Dustin. "Ugh, man that hurts!" Dustin moaned as Amalgamorph loomed over him. "Now the, now we get to the part," Amalgamorph stated as he raised his front tentacle upwards, "where I kill you!" But before Amalgamorph could do so, a blast of magic was fired at him, making him turn to see Midnight flying towards him. "You little worm!" Amalagmamorph grabbed Midnight before slamming her into the ground with enough force to shake the ground as well as leave a large crater. "TWILIGHT!" Daydream, Spike, and Salazar cried out in horror as Midnight struggled to get up. "You should have taken my advice and ended your pathetic little pursuit for knowledge, Twilight!" Amalgamorph said with a wicked laugh. But he sees Midnight standing up, albeit in a struggled manner. "Lucius, earlier you said you wanted my pendant, right?" Midnight said, rising the pendant upwards. "Well, you know what?" Midnight flew upwards and looked to see the cracked Corruptrix gem on Amalgamorph's upper right arm. "YOU CAN HAVE IT!" Midnight, with all her strength, tossed the pendant at the Corruptrix's Gem, not only destroying it but also making an even bigger crack to appear on the gem. "NO!" Amalgamorph cried out as another surge of green electricity enveloped him, making him roar out in agony. Midnight, exhausted, bean to fall to the ground. "TWILIGHT! HANG ON!" Daydream cried out as she flew to Midnight, catching the purple girl before she hit the ground. "Twilight!" Salazar called out as he and and Spike ran to their friend while Daydream landed near Dustin, "Twi!" Salazar said as he looked to Midnight with a concerned look while Midnight looked to Salazar. "You ok?" "I'm quite sore all over..." Midnight said before she placed a hand on his shoulder, "but I'll live." The four smiled in relief before looking to Amgalgamorph. Amalgamorph, still being zapped, reached for the Corruptrix gemstone in an attempt to repair it. Unfortunately for him though, the cracks were spreading throughout the entire gem before it completely shattered to pieces. The voltage Amalgamorpgh was now becoming more intense as his body began to change yet again, and all he could do was cry out at the top of his lungs. "Uh... I think we better run for it!" Dustin said while Daydream nodded in agreement before they took off. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH! GOD, MAKE IT STOP! THE PAIN... IT’S UNBEARABLE!!!" Amlagamorph roared out as his body changed more and more, becoming even more grotesque, while everyone watched in shock and horror! " MAKE IT STOP! MAKE... IT... STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....!!!" Amalgamorprh released one final cry of pain before he was enveloped in even more intense electricity. His form began to grow darker as the electricity intensified before exploding, and everything went white. After the explosion had died down, everyone opened their eyes to see that a huge burn make where Amalgamorph once stood. Meaning that he had finally kicked the bucket.