//------------------------------// // I just can’t // Story: I Can’t Promise That // by Starlight Fan //------------------------------// Twilight had been walking with a sigh in her castle as she headed towards Starlight’s room. Doing this was not going to be easy. You see, Twilight and Starlight had been dating for a while now and the thing is there was no issue with their relationship in general. No, Starlight was just great to Twilight, the relationship was pretty healthy even when you consider their past. The thing is, King Sombra had recently attacked Canterlot, and Twilight and her friends were facing off with him. There was one moment where Twilight was caught off guard and Sombra nearly blasted her. However, Starlight had jumped in front of the alicorn and taken the blast for her. The distraction was enough for Celestia and Luna to finish Sombra off. One would expect that Twilight would be grateful for how Starlight saved her back there, and she was but at the same time, she was concerned. That blast did a number on Starlight, and she was clearly in a tremendous amount of pain from the blast of magic. In all honesty, Twilight would have rather taken the hit, she’s an alicorn, she could have healed faster than Starlight from the attack due to her alicorn magic, plus it wasn’t enough to kill her so Twilight would most definitely survive it. Starlight had already been taken to a hospital earlier to get a cast on her chest, however, Twilight made sure to keep her in the castle afterwards. There were no further operations required for Starlight, and she felt more at ease if the unicorn was nearby. As she headed to Starlight’s room, Spike soon passed by and once he noticed Twilight’s look he spoke up, “Hey Twilight. Something on your mind?” “Honestly, there is. I need to talk with Starlight.” Twilight explains solemnly. “How come?” Spike walked over to Twilight curiously before Twilight spoke up, “The thing is Spike, I feel concerned about Starlight. I feel a bit unnerved that she took a blast of dark magic for me.” Twilight explained sadly. “You’re right.” Spike scoffed furiously, “How dare she try to save your skin.” “Alicorns heal faster than most ponies Spike.” Twilight said sternly. “Maybe they do, but it’s clear Starlight didn’t want you hurt.” Spike told his friend in an attempt to comfort her. “I know, but I’m just concerned about how much Starlight is willing to do for me.” Twilight sighed solemnly, “I don’t want her to feel like she has to treat me like her goddess or anything.” “Twilight. In all the time that you’ve spent with Starlight as a couple, she’s treated you the same way she always has when you were friends, well… except for the extra amount of physical affection.” Spike smirked playfully which caused heat to rise in Twilight’s cheeks. “Just go talk to her Twilight. We both know she wants to see you.” Spike smiled reassuringly. Twilight nodded before smiling, “That’s what I planned to do anyway. Thanks for the emotional boost though Spike.” “You’re welcome Twilight. Glad I could help.” Spike smiled before walking off, while Twilight slowly opened the door to Starlight’s room. “Hey Twilight.” Starlight smiled brightly, despite the injuries and the fact her midsection was in a cast. “Starlight… are you feeling okay?” Twilight asked softly. I’m doing better Twilight.” Starlight smiled reassuringly, “I should feel back to myself in no time.” Twilight sighed before speaking up, “Starlight. I need to talk to you. It’s about what you did.” “What do you mean?” Starlight asked in shock. “I mean that while I appreciate what you did for me. I can’t help but feel awful that you were even put into this situation.” Twilight said with a tearful look, “You could have died, and I don’t know what I’d do if you were gone. Starlight, I beg you, please don’t do something like that again. Just let me deal with the pain next time.” “Twilight, I can’t promise that.” Starlight sighed solemnly. Twilight’s eyes widened in shock at what Starlight just said and softly spoke, “But why?” She asked softly. “Twilight. I can handle not putting myself in danger, heck I encourage that mindset but I can’t promise that I’m not going to protect you with all my power.” Starlight explained. “But Starlight, you’re my girlfriend, I can’t imagine my life without you.” Twilight said sadly, “You don’t have to play hero for me, I can fend for myself.” “I know I don’t have to play hero, and I don’t want to lose you either, that’s why I did what I did. I can’t imagine letting you die, it would destroy me. Me taking a 50/50 chance at living feels better in a way than letting you die.” Starlight explained sadly, “I love you Twilight, that’s why I did this.” Twilight silently tears up at this explanation, she completely understood how Starlight felt but it still was upsetting to hear. “Look, if this type of situation happens again, I’ll try to find a way to get us both out unscathed.” Starlight promised with a soft smile. “Really?” Twilight asked in tears, “But you just said-“ “Twilight, I said I can’t promise I won’t do it again. That doesn’t mean I won’t do it if there’s a way out of doing it.” Starlight smiled reassuringly, “At the time, I couldn’t find another way to help you, but if I can find a way to save you without risking my own life, I will because us being separated is something I never want to experience.” Twilight tearfully smiled as she immediately embraced Starlight as the latter rubbed the former’s back softly and comfortingly. “It’s okay Twilight. I’ll always be here for you. You can count on that.” Starlight tightened the hug with a smile to which Twilight hugged back happily. Even with how much Starlight was willing to do for Twilight, what did reassure her was that Starlight still valued her own self preservation just as much as Twilight, and that was all Twilight needed for now.