Sunset's Misadventures in the Multiverse: vol #1: Journey to the Potterverse

by ArlynntheDragon

Chapter 4

"Hello Harry. My name is Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Sci-Twi, and I'm the one who sired you." said the lavender mare with a faint blush on her cheeks. The C.M.C. looked at Sci-Twi with a confused expression, until Sunset informed them that this was NOT Princess Twilight Sparkle, nor a Changeling. "Like Sunset said, we fell in love on a luxury liner, and from that love you were made." Harry couldn't believe his ears: he had TWO MUMS?! His thoughts were interrupted when Sunset asked
"I wonder if our drawing is still in that safe." That made Harry wonder, What drawing? That caught Hermione's attention, but she decided to file THAT tidbit away for a later date. Harry, however, still had one question that needed answering so he asked his parents:
"Why? Why was I left at the Dursleys? Why did you give me up? Didn't you want me anymore?" Harry was expecting a 'no' but what he got from his, newfound, mother was this.
"Yes, we did want you, we wanted nothing more than to raise you, to be a family. However we, rarely ever get what we want."

"What do you mean?" asked a worried, yet curious, Harry.
"What I mean is that we were tricked into giving custody of you over to your Aunt Lily by someone who we thought we trusted. We didn't want to, yet like so many others, we fell for his 'disappointed grandfather' routine" answered an apologetic Sunset, even as she said this, Sunset sensed two presences heading for the hospital at the speed of light. Hmmmm, must be Mom and Aunt Luna. They must've felt Harry's presence. Guess the reunion's gonna happen sooner than later.
"What did it feel like?" the curious colt asked.
"It felt like I wasn't in control of my own body, like something else took over and forced me to give you away.

"Not only that, but something tells me that I was Obliviated." the amber Unicorn answered sadly. Of course, nothing could've shocked her more than her son's next words.
"This person, the one who manipulated you, wouldn't happen to be 'Dumbledore' would it?"

Not only did that question shock both her AND Sci-Twi, but it also piqued their curiosity. HOW?! How did he know that name?! Wait, could he be.........................? Sci-Twi, however, decided to give voice to Sunset's thoughts.
"Harry, how did you know that name? Did anyone tell you?" she asked.
"My Aunt Fire Lily, she didn't say his name exactly, more like she thought it. She was really loud." That cinched it for Sunset, Eeyup, he is. Time to start his training. but first she finally noticed the bandaged bulges at Harry's sides, so she asked the doc if it was ok to remove them. with the doctor's permission, Sunset removed the bandages only to reveal a pair of majestic wings! Both she and Sci-Twi were rendered speechless, not to mention the two late arrivals. HE'S AN ALICORN?!

Meanwhile back in the Wizarding World, a certain meddling headmaster FINALLY made it back to his office at Hogwarts. Bloody goblins, can't they see that the contract was for the Greater Good?! Not only that, but the Flamels wouldn't even let him borrow the Stone! He needed it to produce the Elixir so that he could live comfortably in the distant future. Now, how was he supposed to explain THIS to a certain red-headed banshee that was one of his most loyal supporters? He, then went to check the various magical doohickies, and thingamajiggers that were tied to the boy-turned-Alicorn, only to find, to his dismay, that all but two of the doodads had blown up. It was only thanks to a shield charm that his office was spared. This led to only one thought going through his head: "Oh, bugger." At the Burrow, things were hectic as usual. Molly was busy in the kitchen making lunch, brewing potions, and dreaming of what she was going to do with the money from the Potter Vaults. Ron was daydreaming about all the "perks" that would come with being friends with the "Boy-Who-Lived." Ginny, however, was busy with her magic training to protect not only herself, but her soon-to-be new family.

She had already mastered Occlumency, which will come in handy against a certain meddling old goat, and her dueling's come a long way. Also, it wasn't just her, her best friend, Luna Lovegood, was joining her in her training sessions. Luna, it was discovered, had Mage Sight, which explained some of her strange creatures