Assassin's Tears II

by MisterGTFO

The First Day of War

Chapter Five: The First Day of War

As the sun rose, the Mane six and Silent Wind rose from their beds and went into the Canterlot Throne Room. They saw that Princess Celestia was waiting for them and she walked toward them to talk to them. Silent Wind saw that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were by her and He also saw that Golden Shot was sitting on one of the statues, ready and prepared. The Mane six lined up vertically and so did Silent Wind.

"Shining Armor has told me about you smart plan, I and the Celestial forces will hold off the main opposing forces while you take out their commanders. Holding them is all we can do." Princess Celestia said.

Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six ran to one of the balconies in the throne room and saw the large army in front of them. A large army full of thousands of mixed soldiers. Spirit Arcano's Mages from the Horn-Magi University and Sunfire was also among those ranks, Golden Shot's Rebel Soldiers from the south and of Course, Shining Armor's royal guards of Canterlot. That's when they all realized: They were all ready to lay down their lives for them.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Now, this is just Marvelous!" Rarity said.

"Oh wow! so much!!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Yee-haw! Let's do this!" Applejack hollered.

Twilight was amazed by how many men there were to help them. She grinned at Silent Wind and Silent Wind already felt they had all had a good feeling in this. Then, they all looked back at Princess Celestia seeing that she was wielding the Elements of Harmony. She levitated the Elements to The Mane Six and putted the necklaces on Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. She then gave the crown to Twilight.

"I hope that you may be able to defeat Discord easily with the Elements of Harmony. Not only the Fate of Equestria is bequeathed to Silent Wind's hooves, Your hooves also." Princess Celestia faced the Mane six.

"Ah think we know that, Princess!" Applejack said.

The rest of the Mane Six nodded. And Princess Celestia nodded. Silent Wind thought of what he could do to help the Mane Six, he simply thought to just help them. Twilight approached the Princess to talk with her.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia, We all promise not to disappoint you!" Twilight promised.

Shining Armor went over to Silent Wind and putted his hoof on his shoulder. Shining Armor smiled at him, showing him a promise.

"I'll make sure we complete our part. Don't worry, just keep Twily safe. Okay?" Shining Armor said.

Silent Wind nodded and looked at Twilight, she was smiling at him seeing how she also was going to try to protect him also. Then he looked back at Shining Armor.

"Don't worry, She won't get touched if she's got a Silentblade with her." Silent Wind joked.

Shining Armor simply laughed at his humor even in this dark time of War.

"Keep that humor and we'll finish this in no time." Shining Armor said.

Princess Cadance went over to Shining Armor. And told him that it was time to go. Shining Armor went over to Golden Shot. And then, Princess Cadance went over to Silent Wind.

"Please keep her safe, not for Shining Armor, but for Me also. She means a lot to both of us." Princess Cadance said.

Silent Wind smiled at Princess Cadance, seeing how Twilight had many connections with Canterlot. Silent Wind simply nodded at Princess Cadance.

"Don't worry, I'll put my life on the line to make sure she come's back safe." Silent Wind said vigorously.

Princess Cadance went back to the other two, Shining Armor and Golden Shot. Silent Wind and The Mane Six were about to go outside to travel to the side of the Right mountain range until they were halted by Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia, what is it?" Silent Wind asked.

She walked over to all of them. Giving them cloaks that were pure white. And on the back, had the royal Celestial Mark of Canterlot. They all realized they were supposed to wear them. They all putted the cloaks on, so did Silent Wind. He simply threw away his brown cloak and wore it. He saw that he was given an extra gift, White-dyed leather bracers. He smiled at them.

"You made these for me, didn't you?" Silent Wind asked.

"Well, I did not make them myself. Please thank Rarity for that." Princess Celestia pointed at Rarity.

Silent Wind looked at Rarity, seeing that she did indeed make the bracers for him. He went to Rarity giving her a hoofshake.

"Thanks, Rarity" Silent Wind thanked.

"Why, thank you Darling!" Rarity said.

"Come on! let's get our flanks movin' now!" Rainbow Dash was getting impatient.

Once Silent Wind was done putting his new bracers on, they finally traveled to the side of the Right Mountain Range. They were all tired once they got to the other side even though it wasn't even long to get there. They soon slowly traveled to Discord's Castle.


Void and Discord were standing on top of the Silentblade Castle, over viewing the forces they had combined with the Resurrected forces of Discord and the all of Silentblade Assassins they had on the Everfree Forest fields. Their forces were much bigger than Celestia's forces.

"So, did you even care to count your army?" Void said.

Discord putted his hand to his chin and smiled. He knew that he had many Resurrected minions under his control but for now, he'd work with Void to fool him.

"Yes, I did. It's seems in my numbers in my army alone..."

Void was getting impatient with him stalling with his answer.

"Are in numbers, Two-thousand between Three-thousand..!" Discord hissed.

Void was flinched at the numbers, the number was very large. And also seeing how their forces in front of them were large, he believed it.

"That's quite a number you've got there.. but there must be a certain flaw within this resurrection magic you're using.." Void said.

Discord simply chuckled, showing how there weren't much flaws with certain Draconequus magic. He turned to Void, facing him.

"Well, not really.. the amazing thing is about Draconequus magic, is that it barely has flaws..." Discord chuckled.

Void was getting annoyed by Discord's laughing and his stalling on his questions. He wanted to stab this Draconequus in his gut, but he held it and moved on talking.

"Just tell me the flaws..!" Void said impatiently.

Discord was getting bored talking, but he then explained the flaws.

"Alright.. fine. First, There's the little pony impulse they have, they can still talk but they are still under my control. If they do break it. They'll have their own impulse back. Second, If I die, which I won't.. Everything I have Resurrected will evaporate and the spell will break, causing all the souls I brought back to go back to the afterlife. And Third, just because they're Resurrected, doesn't mean they're unstoppable. Their soul is inside is inside their body so simply, If their body is critically damaged, then their soul will break and then, they'll evaporate and their soul will be sent back to the afterlife and so will his or her body be also." Discord took a while to explain.

Void strangely looked at Discord until he gave him a small smirk and then looked at him with his bloodline eyes.

"I hope you're telling the truth.. or I'll tear you up." Void gave him a sinister smile.

Discord began to laugh. And strangely, so did Void.

"I'm happy to see I'm not the only crazy one here.." Discord admitted to being quite crazy.

"Oh good, now order your minions to go to Canterlot and I will order mines." Void said.

They both went down to go closer to their forces and just one raised hoof of Void's made all the Silentblade Assassins on the battlefield to move. And then Discord snapped his fingers, his whole resurrected army mixed with Dead Silentblade Assassins and a handful of Deceased Royal guards of Canterlot marched on with the Assassins also. Then within the horizon, they saw at least Two-thousand Celestial forces moving forward as well.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to go to my Castle. Tell me the good news when it's over.." Discord snapped his fingers and teleported.

Void took a deep breath seeing how he was relieved to see Discord out of his sight. He began to look over the view and saw that they had more than Celestia's Army.

"Now, time for me to control this.."

Then all the sudden, he hears Ghost Spectre behind him. He slowly turns around and sees Ghost Spectre bowing down, he simply questions him.

"What're you here for, Ghost?" Void said.

Ghost Spectre looked up and looked at him with his metal mask. Void turned around and went back to over looking His and Discord's army.

"Sharp Thorn, Wing Beat and Poison Cloud have been deployed to the fields to be Captains, Sir. I have also deployed my scouts and one of the Ringleaders, Lily Blade to overlook the right Mountain range to spy on Discord. If that is fine with you, Sir." Ghost Spectre explained.

"Fine, do what you please. Make sure you keep an eye on DIscord, We cannot afford to let our guard down on that Fool." Void said seriously.

"Yes, sir." Ghost Spectre jumped on one pillar on the other and went back inside with Deadly Rose, Magicius Arch-Cloak and the rest of the Ringleaders.

"Now, I wonder how this will go like..." Void pondered.


Silent Wind and Rainbow Dash flew up to see if they were going the right castle and saw the Changeling Castle in the distance, they were quite close to it.

"Found it!" Rainbow Dash hollered.

Twilight waved her hand which signed to come back down. Both Silent Wind and Rainbow Dash flew down and walked toward the others.

"Yeah, We're going the right way." Silent Wind said.

"Alrighty, then! Let's get our hooves movin'!" Applejack ran forward and the rest of the group came along.

In the Mountains, there was Lily Blade and at least five scouts with her also. She moved a little bit to the top, but didn't see anything. She then looked to her right and saw Seven Ponies wearing the Cloaks of Canterlot and they were moving. She quickly acted.

"Everypony! get down..!!" She whispered to the other scouts looking at them also.

She looked through the cracks and saw that the group was slowing down and she saw one certain Stallion she knew, Silent Wind. She had many questions through her mind what Silent Wind was doing and looked to her left and saw the Changeling Castle, She knew of the Draconequus that occupied it. And then, She looked at the scouts.

"Should we go back and report to Ghost Spectre?" One of the scouts said.

Lily Blade simply shook her head. And told the Scouts to go back.

"No, You should all go back and report to one of the Captains on the field, Poison Cloud. I'll stay here to find out more." Lily Blade said.

Then, all the scouts flew off and went into the direction where the battle was happening. Stallions dying, Stallions being injured, It was complete pandemonium. Lily Blade skidded down the Mountains and followed the Mane Six and Silent Wind.

"I need to see why Silent Wind is here and talk to him.." She began to move to the Castle.


As they got closer to the Castle, they all saw that the gate was open. As if someone was letting them in but then, it closed shut. They all looked around and wonder who closed the gate.

"The gate closed..! The enemy?!" Silent Wind drew his hidden blades.

"I wonder who closed the gates-" Twilight looked up and then all the sudden, there was nothing but a large air of dust, they couldn't see anything until they saw an elderly man who was wearing blue robes that had stars all over it. No one knew who it was. But Twilight did.

"Th-Thats..!!" Twilight was shocked.

"What is it, sugarcube?" Applejack questioned.

"Hey, who's that?" Pinkie Pie blurted out and she pointed at the figure. It was a man with pitch-black eyes.

"Oh no. Not now..!" Silent Wind said.

Twilight was amazed at who it was. She knew this stallion from history, but she never knew the day she'd see him in person.

"I'm amazed.. That there.. is Star Swirl the Bearded!" Twilight yelled.

"What in Equestria did you say?!" Rarity said.

"Looks like he's been resurrected." Silent Wind said.

Star Swirl looked at the group and gave them a small glare.

"Who.. are you..?" He had a old voice.

Everyone was suprised when he could talk even if he was resurrected.

"Hey, he can talk!" Rainbow Dash said.

Then, another figure appeared. They saw that it was a Mare. A very certain kind of Mare.