//------------------------------// // Out of the frying pan and into the fire // Story: Digital Dustin – Let the games begin // by Prince Dustin Hogan //------------------------------// “Talking” “YELLING” ‘Thinking’ “Telepathic link” Songs Flashback "Transformation Index” Tension Rising Dark clouds loomed over Canterlot High as at the entrance, both teams were preparing for the last challenge of the games, with their crowds on their respective side of the walkway. Rainbow Dash stretched out her arms behind her back, grunting slightly as she and the others were all in their regular clothes, along with the Shadowbolts. "Y'all okay, RD?" Applejack asked, catching her attention as she ceased her exercises for the moment. "Yeah, I'm good," she reassured in response, "What about you?" she asked back. "Feelin' as fit as a fiddle!" Applejack quipped in reply with a pump of her right fist, “Though I’m also worried about Dustin over there”, she looked to Dustin with a worried expression. He was still upset about what transpired earlier, as he was pacing back and forth with a furious look while Adagio and Allister watched over him with worried expressions of their own. “I swear, I ought to just go Freakshow and give that wrinkled bitch a heart attack!” Dustin grumbled to himself in fury, still pacing back and forth. “Maybe better, I could go Firefox and light her ass up!” “He’s still pretty upset about what happened earlier?” Allister asked Adagio with concern, knowing how hot-headed Dustin can get. “Soon, that old bag of bones is gonna get hers! I fucking know it!” Dustin growled before tightening his fists, shaking in anger. “Easy there, tiger.” Adagio said, placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder to calm him down. “Honestly, and I thought Aria was a hothead.” After taking a few deep breaths, Dustin had calmed down. “Sorry, guys.” Dustin turns to Aria and Allister. “I just can’t believe Cinch. That old bitch is just horrible! I can’t even believe Twilight puts up with her!” “I know kiddo.” Allister said reassuringly. “But karma will come for her in the end.” Alliser then turns towards Sunset, who seemed to be stuck in a train of deep thought, having her left hand at her chin with a concerned expression on her face. The schools' cheering crowds caught their attention, seeing that at the top step before the entryway, Cadance and Luna were standing near a microphone stand, with Celestia off to the side. "Since the score is tied," Dean Cadance began to announce, "the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games," she told the competitors, with the Wondercolts having mostly worried looks on their faces from what had happened earlier. “Why do I suddenly get a bad feeling about this?” Dustin muttered to himself in slight worry. "Somewhere on campus," the Canterlot vice principal started to say as she held two small pennants in her right hand; each one representing one of the teams, "a pennant from each school has been hidden," she explained, "The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins," she stated. "And as soon as our teams are ready," Cadance continued, "We’ll begin," she declared. "I don't feel like playing games anymore…" Fluttershy admitted as she rubbed her left arm, glancing away while the partier girl and the cowgirl looked at her in concern. "But we have to play!" Rainbow retorted in response, "This is the last event!" she pointed out, gesturing towards the center of walkway. The fashionista then scoffed, catching her attention. "It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing… and… portal opening," Fluttershy mentioned, using her hands to signify the actions. "Not to mention there's that crazy bad guy from the Syndicate." Pinkie added in. “But luckily me, Aria, and Sonata still have our magic.” Adagio mentioned with a soft smile. “So, if you guys are in a jam, you got us to help.” "And luckily that Corruptrix he’s made is finally off.” Dustin said as he motions towards the Digitrix. “So, you guys got me to help out as well.” “That’s good, partner” Applejack stated before gaining a puzzled look. “But where is it now?” “No doubt that hooded creep has it! He is the guy who made it after all.” Rainbow Dash replied before she looks over to Sunset. "Hey, you okay, Sunset?" "Huh…" she sighed, enticing her friend to place her hand on her shoulder out of reassurance, "I dunno, Dash…" she finally replied in admittance, "I just… feel awful about what I said to Twilight…" she confessed, glancing away sadly as her comrade relinquished herself from her. "Especially since she obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did," Fluttershy pointed out as everyone focused their attentions onto her, "She's actually really nice…" she added, causing Sunset to both of her palms onto her face in utter agony and embarrassment for her misguided actions. "Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters," Applejack told her teammates as she walked over to the amber skinned girl, placing her left hand on her shoulder reassuringly, "Then you can go over and apologize," she promised, causing her to smile while she did the same. “Oh, the tension here is so thick you could cut it with a knife.” A familiar voice caught the gang by surprise. They turned to see that the hooded man, a wicked grin visible on his face. “You!” Dustin growled furiously as he readied the Digitrix. “What the fuck are you doing here, asshole?!” “Oh, do cool your jets, boy.” The hooded figure said with a wave his hand. “I’m not here to fight you. Well, not yet anyway.” “Then what do you want?!” Sunset growled as she stood up. “Me and my friends may not have our magic anymore, but we aren’t entirely defenseless!” The hooded figure chuckled in response to Sunset’s statement. “Maybe as of now, but that won’t be the case for long later on.” This ominous statement piqued the curiosity of the others. “And just what do you mean by that?” Allister asked cautiously, earning a chuckle from the hooded man. “Uh, guys?” Pixel stated, making the others look towards her. “I’m detecting a huge energy fluctuation. And I mean huge.” “Where?” Allister asked in worry. “At Crystal Prep's side of the field!” Pixel stated, before she and everyone else had a look of horror on their face. “TWILIGHT!” They all declared in unison, now fearing for the bespectacled girl’s safety. Meanwhile, near Canterlot High’s bus barn, Salazar was curled up with a disheartened expression on his face. *** “Oh, what’s wrong?” The figure taunted. “Why don’t you show me what you're capable of?” The figure leaned against a nearby bus, a smirk visible on his face. “Come on, show me your power.” “I’d rather not.” Salazar said furiously. The figure had a wicked grin in response, knowing the reason. “Oh, you’re worried that people will ostracize you? Label you as a monster, a freak?” The figure spoke, knowing he was getting to Salazar. --- “Well, I’ll say this much. You can’t keep this a secret forever. Secrets always come out eventually.” --- “NOW YOU FUCKED UP, WICKED BITCH OF THE WEST!" Salazar roared in fury as he extended his left arm, which glowed in blue energy before taking on a blue metallic version of Firefox’s head. Everyone present was flabbergasted at seeing this as a blade erupted before Salazar aimed at Cinch, making the woman wide-eyed in fear. “I’m warning you right now, Cinch!” Salazar growled furiously as Cinch began to tremble while everyone watched in shock. “And I’m only saying this once, so listen up! All it takes is one swing to make your head roll!” As Salazar threatened, Twilight was tearing up from the sight. “TRY AND TEMPT ME CINCH! I FUCKING DARE YOU!!!” “STOP IT, SALAZAR!” Twilight begged as she ran to Salazar, grabbing by the side as she began weeping. “Please… stop. P-Please.” When Salazar saw Twilight cry her eyes out, Salazar lost all the anger he had. “Twilight! Get away from that freak!” Indigo Zap said as Lemon Zest grabbed Twilight and dragged her away. “Let go of her!” Salazar said, but Indigo Zap grabbed a rock and tossed it at him, the rock hitting Salazar right on his head. “Don’t you come any closer, you monster!” Indigo Zap growled as Sour Sweet had her bow and aimed an arrow at him in a threatening manner. “I knew you never belonged here!” *** “He was right.” Salazar said, completely broken from what transpired earlier. “Dammit!” Salazar placed his head in his hands; he was an emotional wreck right now. “Why did I have to be a freak?” “Salazar?” A familiar voice spoke. Salazar looks up and sees Spike walk towards him. “I was hoping I’d find you here.” “Spike?” Salazar asked with surprise before looking away to avoid the little canine’s gaze. “Don’t come near me! I’m… I’m…” Salazar’s eyes began to tear up before he broke down. “I’M A FREAK!” Spike looked to Salazar with shock, as he never seen Salazar break down before. It really pained him to see his male human friend like this. “Salazar…” Spike began as he walked closer before nuzzling on Salazar’s leg, “You’re not a freak.” “Yes I am, Spike!” Salazar said, still teary eyed. “You saw how everyone reacted! They all think I’m a monster!” Salazar ultimately punched the ground out of frustration. “And Twilight, she probably wouldn’t want to speak to me again after what she saw!” “Hey, that’s not true!” Spike said as he hopped into Salazar’s lap. “Sal, look at me!” Spike said as he got into Salazar’s face, their eyes meeting. “Do you care for Twilight?” “W-What?” Salazar asked. “Do you care for Twilight?” Spike repeated while looking Salazar dead in the eye. “Y-Yeah?” Salazar said, still surprised by Spike’s question. “Do you care for me?” Spike asked. “Yeah.” Salazar said with a nod. “Do you even care about those guys back at CHS?” Spike asked. “Yeah.” Salazar said, making Spike smile in response. “Then that’s all that matters.” Spike said, puzzling Salazar. “Salazar, being human isn’t about what you are, but who you are. So you have weird powers, so what. I didn’t think you were a freak. And despite what Twilight saw, she didn’t see you as a freak either. As long as you care for others, and others care for you, you are more human than a lot of the people on this planet. Salazar was stunned upon hearing rather sagely advice coming from Spike, Twilight’s talking pet dog. But Salazar was felt a bit better after hearing this little pep talk. “Spike,” Salazar started as a smile formed, “I appreciate it, little guy.” Salazar rubbed Spike’s head, earning a chuckle from the pup. But then Spike then shot up and looked towards the school building. “Spike?” “Twilight…” Spike uttered, a bad feeling overwhelming him. Salazar looks towards the school building, and he soon felt the same feeling Spike was. Back at the school entrance on the Crystal Twilight and her teammates discussing matters with Principal Cinch. "I know I'm asking you to beat a team that isn't playing fair," she admitted to her students, "but Canterlot High must be made to understand that even with magic at their disposal," she continued to explain with her hands clasped, while the scholarly student held her contraption in her hands, looking at her, "beating Crystal Prep is simply not an option," she stated as her eyes narrowed. "What if they grow wings again?" Sugarcoat asked with her hands at her hips as the head of the rival school walked by her, brushing her hair aside. "A fair question," she responded, approaching her prized pupil, "Though I believe we can now fight fire with fire," she pointed out, much to the girl's surprise as she blinked, "I've seen what your device can do, Twilight," she noted, "Containing magical energy is fine," she said while rubbing her fingers together, "but have you considered releasing it?" she questioned to her. "But… I don't even understand how it works," she replied, holding it in her left hand. "But you'd like to," Cinch mentioned as the other Shadowbolts gathered among her, "And since our opponents have already used it to stay competitive," she continued, "I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same," she stated, gesturing towards the Wondercolt side, "Unless, of course, you have no interest in Everton," she added in a blackmailing tone, "Though, honestly," she kept going, "I think there's more knowledge packed in that little device than any independent study program could offer," she told her as she glanced off worriedly to the side. Principal Cinch: I realize that you've always been an outcast… It's not everyone at school who likes to think… To find a student that's like you, I've had one or maybe two, But the good ones disappear before I blink! She then snapped her fingers, enticing the rest of her students to begin chanting around the glasses wearing girl, startling her greatly as she nervously bit her bottom lip. Meanwhile, just a few feet away, as the gang were running towards Twilight’s direction, they noticed that Cinch and the Shadowbolts were continuing to pressure Twilight into releasing the energy within her device. Students: Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh Oh, wuh-oh-wuh “Oh no!’” Pixel exclaimed, knowing that this was not going to go well. "What the Hell is that old bitch thinking?!” Dustin growled furiously. But before they could move any further, the hooded figure appeared before them. “Going Somewhere?” The hooded figure said with a smirk on his face before snapping his fingers, causing a small army of Pawns to appear. Principal Cinch: Now, I understand you have your reservations… Students: oh-wuh Cinch: It's hard to have a brain as large as yours… Students: oh-oh-oh-oh Cinch: But if we don't win these games… Well, I think I've made it plain… What will happen if we have the losing score! “Choke on this you freaking metal heads!” Pixel roared out as her left arm morphed into a blaster, firing a barrage of blasts at a few Pawns. “Out of our way, bastard!” Rainbow said as she went to dash past the hooded figure, only for the man to intercept by punching Rainbow in the gut before kicking her back. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy cried out in worry as she ran to Rainbow’s aid. “Ok, that does it, fucker!” Dustin declared in rage as he activated his Digitrix. Then after selecting the appropriate transformation, Dustin tapped onto the screen before transforming into Rainbow Rocks. “You’ve pissed me off now!” The hooded man was not deterred or scared, in fact he smirked wickedly. “I guess now is a good time as any to finally put my creation to good use.” The hooded man said as he raised his left wrist, exposing the Digitrix that was latched onto his right wrist. “Uh oh.” Pinkie said as the hooded man tapped onto the Corruptrix’s square gem, enveloping him in an intense green flash. And shortly afterward, a new figure that resembled Prime-8 took the hooded man’s place. Although it looked like Prime-8, it looked more like a Sasquatch than a gorilla, it had brownish fur, its top pair of arms had gauntlet that looked like to be the skulls of some strange animal, his eyes were a ruby red in color, and it only had a loincloth as a form of clothing. And of course, the Corruptrix was located on the left side of his chest. "Meet Savagesquatch!" The newly named Savagesquatch roared in might, bagging his like a gorilla while the gang was taken aback by what they had just seen, (Transformation Index) Name: Savagesquatch Species: Mutant Onctopithecus Oh boy, talk about butt ugly! Savagesquatch is the Corruptrix's equivalent of Prime-8, and boy he really lives up to the savage part of his name. With increased physical strength and durability, a violent mindset, and a really short temper, Savagesquatch is that last thing you'll ever see should you be brave or stupid enough to square off against him. "You're one ugly motherfucker." Rainbow Rocks said in a mix of sock and disgust. "Oh, trust me," Savagesquatch said while cracking his knuckles, "You haven't seen ugly yet!" Suddenly, armor plating that appeared to be mate of bone coated all eight of Savesquatch's arms, further fueling the collective shock of his enemies. "Oh crap!" Aria said with a dumbfounded look on her face. Back at the school entrance, the students were continuing their pressuring tactics onto Twilight, who was still cringing nervously. Shadowbolts: Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh Oh, wuh-oh-wuh Unleash the magic, unleash the magic… If we lose, then you're to blame… (ah, ah-ah-ah) They all have used it, maybe abused it… (ah-ah-ah) So then why can't we do the same? (Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh Oh, wuh-oh-wuh) The light from her device began glowing, circling around the center as it gave off an eerie feel to its creator, who held it with both of her hands while she felt very pressured by her peers and fellow students. Principal Cinch: Call it power, call it magic, If we lose, it will be tragic… More important is the knowledge we'll have lost! Shadowbolts: oh-oh-oh-oh Cinch: A chance like this won't come again… You'll regret not giving in… Isn't understanding magic worth the cost? Rainbow Rocks fired many crystal shards at Savagesquatch, only for the eight-armed Sasquatch to deflect them thanks to the bony armor coating his arms. "Alright you damn dirty ape!" Rainbow Rocks declared before pressing onto the Digitrix symbol, changing from rainbow Rock to Firefox. "Let's crank up the heat!" By snapping his claws, a ring of fire surrounded Savagesquatch. "Try getting out of that!" "Gladly!" Savagesquatch said with a smirk before he was enveloped in another green flash, revealing a fish-like transformation that resembled Rip Tide. But unlike Rip Tide, it was more of a sea foam green in color with a with a grayish underbelly, a head shaped like that of a hammerhead shark, four yellow eyes with slanted pupils, the fins on its forearms are more shark-like, it lacked, and the Corruptrix on the center of its chest. "Ain't that... Rip Tide?!" Applejack asked with shock. "I don't do Rip Tide! I do Kill Gill!" The newly named Kill Gill a wicked chuckle. (Transformation Index) Name: Kill Gill Species: Mutant Aquarian Piscus If you thought sharks were scary, then allow me to introduce you to Kill Gill. The Corruptrix's counterpart to Rip Tide, the aquatic aberration makes even the most shark infested waters look as safe as a kiddie pool. With the same abilities of Rip Tide, along with a few unique abilities, he makes even Great White Sharks look as innocent as puppies. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water. Kill Gil chuckles as he fires a stream of swampy water from both of his hands to put out the flames. Shadowbolts: (Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh Oh, wuh-oh-wuh) Unleash the magic, unleash the magic… We're not friends here after all… Our only interest in this business… (ah-ah-ah) Is seeing Canterlot High School fall! (Oh, wuh-oh-wuh, oh Oh, wuh-oh-wuh) The girl's eyes trembled in fright at the prospect of unleashing the energy she knew practically nothing about, nor she did know how to even utilize it. It felt even worse that her own superior was seemingly persuading her into doing it, as she pushed her forward, past her fellow students out towards the center of the walkway. "Twi, don't!" Pixel declared as she was about to run towards her, only for Kill Gill to intervene and smack her away with his tail. "Not happening, sweet cheeks." Kill Gill chortled before snapping his fingers, causing a thick cloud of black fig to appear. The gang was confused at first, but then they suddenly felt a little woozy. "Ugh... what the...?!" Firefox asked before changing back into Dustin. Principal Cinch: what I'm suggesting's very simple… And since it's win-win on all scores, We only want to learn about the Magic that you have stored… And as for me and all the others, We only want what we deserve… That our school will clinch the win… And my... Principal Cinch and students: ...legacy will endure! Kill Gill loomed over Dustin, a wicked grin still visible. "Well, I do believe this is the part where I kill you." Kill Gill raised his forearms, his fins ready to strike. "Be sure to send the Devil my...." before Kill Gill could finish his statement, a blast of lime green energy sent Kill Gill flying a foot or so away. The others looked to see who fired the blast, and saw that Salazar was the one who saved them. And Salazar was aided by Twilight's pet dog Spike. "Salazar?" Fluttershy asked with a surprised expression. "Sorry to be tardy for the party." Salazar said before looking to Kill Gill. "So, you dare come back." Kill Gill declared with a growl before changing back to the hooded figure. "Even after being shunned by your now former peers at Crystal Prep, you still come back?" "You can say I needed a kick in the ass to realize something about being human." Salazar said, looking to Spike with a smile. "Regardless, I believe you've arrived too little too late." The hooded man said with a chuckle. "The fun is about to begin." The figure pointed to Twilight's direction, making Salazar look and gasp. Speaking of Twilight, she was then pushed forward by the head of Crystal Prep, as she and the Shadowbolts continued to persuade and force her into using the device. "Twi!" Salazar declared in worry for his bespectacled friend. Shadow Bolts: Unleash the magic, unleash the magic… If we lose, then it's a crime… Spike clenched his teeth together worriedly as he saw his owner going through with the demands of her students, walking out towards the center of the walkway. Shadowbolts: But we can win it if you begin it… (ah-ah-ah) It's up to you to not fail this time… "We gotta stop this before it's..." Dustin said before another group of Pawns manifested. "The Hell?!" Salazar gasped in surprise upon seeing the robotic minions. "I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere." The hooded man declared before opening the palms of his hands, firing multiple energy beams that immobilized our group of heroes. "I can't have you ruining the fun, now, can I?" The Pawns readied their weapons, awaiting their leader's orders. "Now then, have you any last words before your untimely end?" "I have a few!" Spike, who wasn't affected by the beams, ran to the hooded man with a growl. "I'll chew you up and spit you out!" When Spike got to the hooded man, he bit at his right leg, making the man yelp in pain. "OW! YOU LITTE SHIT!" The hooded man growled as he tried to shake Spike off, but the pup did not let up. The hooded man had freed the gang from his immobilizing beams. The Pawns were about to fire away, but Pixel morphed both her arms into blasters and fired round after round after the Pawns until none of them were let. "LET GO, GOD DAMIT!" With a kick, he got Spike off of him, and turned his attention back to the group, only to see that Dustin was running towards him. "You're dead, bastard!" Dustin roared in fury, and with one swift motion, kicked upwards underneath the hooded figure's chin. But Dustin wasn't done yet, as he delivered a roundhouse kick, sending the hooded man skidding along the ground. "Take that, punk!" The hooded figure got up; his hood being removed. "Hmph. Truly a wild one, aren't you?" The man then turns towards the group, and what the gang saw was a real shocker. As it turns out, the hooded man was none other than... Lucius Starr! "No!" Dustin uttered in total shock. "No way!" "Lucius?!" Salazar said, as flabbergasted as the others. "Surprise." Lucius Starr said melodrama as he took a bow. "Allow me to formally introduce myself," Lucius said as he removed his hooded trench coat. "Lucius Starr, agent of the Syndicate." Male students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… Spike just watched on as with his mouth gaping in fright that his owner was actually doing what she was least comfortable with. "You son of a bitch!" Salazar said with fury. "You've been working with those bastards this whole time?!" "Ain't I a stinker?" Lucius said with feigned bashfulness. Female students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… Twilight: Imagine all I'll learn by setting it free… Male students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now Female students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now Twilight: And now winning these games depends on me… Lucius then noticed that Twilight had press the center of her device, causing him to gain a wicked grin. "Oh, it looks like the fun part is about to begin." Lucius said pointing to Twilight's direction. The others turn to Twilight's direction, and they all got a look of horror on their faces. "Twilight!" Spike cried as he began to run hurriedly, but suddenly he was zapped by a bolt of purple electricity. Spike yelped in pain as he was grunted in pain while he was immobilized due to being assaulted by electricity. "Spike!" Sonata cried out in worry for the pup before she and the others were also suffering what Spike what was suffering from. "What the..." Salazar grunted in agony as he turns to see a figure similar to Einstrike. (Transformation Index) Name: Plasmephisto Species: Mutant Cerebroid Ever hear of the phrase "calm before the storm", well this shocking freak of nature is that storm. Serving as the Corruptrix's counterpart to Einstrike, this electric devil named Plasmephisto is like the more twisted cousin of Frankenstein's monster from Mary Shelley's tale of Frankenstein. Not only does he have similar electric powers like Einstrike, but he can utilize them in ways that his normal counterpart couldn't. Twilight: And what doors might open if I try to use it… Female students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… Male students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… Twilight placed her right hand on top of the device, while having her left one on the bottom, about to pry it open before her body. Salazar saw this, so he needed to act fast. He morphed his right arm into the bubble blaster, and then took aim at Plasmephisto before firing a barrage of bubbles at the mutant Cerebroid. Once the bubbles hit their target, Plasmephisto was overwhelmed by an intense jolt due to his electrical body. Plasmephisto roared in blistering agony before he reverted back to Lucius, and the gang was free from the electric onslaught Plasmephisto inflicted upon them. Female students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… Twilight: But the magic's really what I want to see… Spike got up and he and Salazar both ran to Twilight while Cinch watched on in anticipation, grinning. The girl was opening her contraption as small purple sparks emerged from it, Male students: Unleash the magic, free the magic now… "Twilight, no!" Spike exclaimed as he jumped past everyone, desperately trying to reach for her. All: Unleash the magic, free the magic... Unleash the magic, free the magic... Both Spike and Slazazar lunged towards their friend but seemed to be too late as she had opened up the device widely enough for its energy sphere to be seen. All of a sudden, the energy sphere upon the glasses wearing girl's machine let out a burst of wind with a booming echo, causing the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts to fall down to the ground as they felt something pulsate from it, witnessing the situation while shocked expressions were present on their faces. "Oh shit!" Dustin uttered in worry and fear, while Lucius got up and laughed maniacly. "As I suspected." Lucius chuckled wickedly. "As I told her before, she was in way over her head." This caused the others to turn towards him. "You knew this would happen?" Sunset asked in fury. "Well, not entirely. I knew the outcome would not be in her favor, but I didn't pec anything of this degree." Lucius motioned towards Twilight's direction. The contraption that held all the energy dropped to the ground with a clanging noise, while its user was being lifted into the air by the sphere, with her glasses having been blown off of her eyes and her hair completely undone. She looked back nervously towards her principal as the energy grew, causing her to back away out of fright after standing back up. All the competitors were watching on with expressions of disbelief and worry on their faces, while from afar. "Hang on, Twi!" Salazar said as a large mass of blue hexagons sprouted from his back, willing a pair of jet pack wings shaped like those of Sonicada. "I'm coming!" Salazar then flew towards Twilight's direction. "Er… Uh!" she grunted as she felt the energy beginning to overtake her whole body, "Help...me!" she screamed, managing to free her right arm away from the sphere, sticking it out desperately, "Uhh!" she groaned in pain as tears formed in her eyes, "Ahh!" she shrieked while the rest of her body was pulled in. But then she felt arms wrap around her, making her look behind to see Salazar. "Salazar?" "I gotcha!" Salazar said as he tried to pull Twilight out of the orb, only to be zapped by a jolt from the orb, making him lose his grip before falling to the ground below. "Salazar!" Twilight cried out in fear ash she was getting sucked further into the energy orb. "I gave her the chance to avoid such an outcome such as this by handing me that little pendant of hers, but instead, she chose to prolong her fruitless little endeavor of learning of the magic here. For someone so insightful, she sure was oblivious to the drawbacks of her little redundant field test." "Wait!" Adagio turned to face Lucius, as did the others. "Why do you want the pendant!?" "Why, to use the magic she stole from your seven compatriots, of course." Lucius said, motioning to the humane seven. "With the magic Miss Sparkle stolen from them combined with my Corruptrix, I will become truly all powerful." Lucius then looked towards Twilight's direction. "But I suppose we can't have everything we seek out." "Buy... Why?" Allister asked to Lucius, earning a scowl from the blonde boy. "Why?" Lucius barked angrily. "Because I have grown tired of taking orders from that butt ugly fucker, Ginzo!" Lucius clenched his fists as he explained. "I have been that bastard's lapdog for far too long! I deserve better than that! I am more intelligent compared to the other lackeys working under him, but instead I get the bottom of the barrel treatment from that bastard! But not anymore! Soon, I will be the one giving orders while Ginzo is groveling at my feet!" "You mean to tell me..." Sunset started angrily, "this entire plan of yours... IS SOME PITIFUL USURPING EFFORT?!" "If you spent a majority of your life working under that bastard with very little to show for it, then you would see things in my perspective." Lucius barked back. "But I still have one obstacle that I need to eradicate." Lucius then turned his attention towards Dustin. "HELP!" Twilight's voice screamed again as her whole face get sucked into the energy sphere, with only her right hand still sticking out. "TWILIGHT!" Salazar cried out in fear. "But no matter. With my Corruptrix, I will soon obtain what is rightfully mine. But I still have one obstacle that I need to eradicate." Lucius then turned his attention towards Dustin. "And then, the Syndicate will be under new management." "Guys!" Sonata said as she pointed to Twilight's direction. They turned and noticed that Twilight's hand had disappeared into the light of the energy sphere. "Twilight!" Sunset cried out in horror. "Oh Shit!" Dustin said, fearing for the worst. "In the end, the poor dear paid the price for her ignorance." Lucius said, vanishing in another flash of light blinding them for a moment as the situation had gone completely awry. Within the pillar of light, Twilight's eyes were filled with fear she felt the energy begin to coarse through her body. All of a sudden, a pinkish light emerged from her forehead, which then followed with her skin darkening. Pinkish purple armbands formed up to her elbows as her feet gained crystalline shoes with wing-like socks in the same color as her armbands. Dark, purplish wings appeared on her back, and without warning, she gained a glowing, bright cerulean horn with half-circle shaped indents into it, making it look misshapen as it pointed from her forehead. She then opened her eyes, which had become a bright cerulean with red pupils, having a villainous look with an aura shaped like her former glasses around them. Her dress had changed into a dark purple colored one, with a crystal-like crest around her waist, a skirt that had multiple six-pointed stars upon it in pink and purple, a new purple top with a pinkish stripe going down from the center of it, a choker around her neck that had the exact same marking in the middle of it, and what appeared to be an extension like a furry, purple tail sticking out from the back of the dress. To top it off, her hair stuck up in a violet and pinkish purple color with a shade of black just behind the energy induced horn as she floated in midair. Cinch grimaced in fright, backing away slowly while everyone else was stunned by the sudden alteration the girl had underwent. "Whoa!" Dustin said in a mixture of shock and fright. "Unexpected." Lucius said, just as dumbstruck as everyone else while the gang ran towards the transformed Twilight. The transformed Twilight, now named Midnight Sparkle "You were right!" Midnight shouted down to Sunset Shimmer, "I didn't understand magic before," she noted as she bent her arms back, feeling the intensity of the energy she had gained coursing through her veins, "but I do now!" she stated menacingly, turning back towards the mirror statue on the walkway as her newly gained magic began flowing into her makeshift horn.. All of a sudden, she threw out her left arm, with a turquoise light flowing through it to her fist, releasing a beam of luminosity that struck the marble horse upon the pedestal. It then burst into pieces which were sent flying, as one was about to strike her pet. "Spike!" Adagio cried out, transforming into her siren state before swooping in to save the pup. "Whoa!" Spike exclaimed in shock, looking at the poofy haired girl. "Thanks, miss...." Spike trailed off, not familiar with the siren's name. "Adagio. Adagio Dazzle." Adagio said with a smile, tickling Spikes chin. "Equestria!" Sunset exclaimed in disbelief, seeing it expand down to the ground. The demonic girl grinned as she saw the ground begin to crack apart from it, crackling loudly as it moved towards the group of ten, who were all nervously grimacing out of fright while another pulse of energy went up to her left hand. She then fired another beam of magical energy towards them, making them gasp in shock. "SHIT! OUT OF THE WAY!" Dustin cried out as they all jumped away in random directions, avoiding the attack as it created another rift, this time revealing the Rainbow Falls of the alternate dimension, where pegasi were flying about. "I can't believe I'm about to do this." Dustin muttered to himself before whistling, grabbing Midnight Sparkle's attention. "Twilight, I'm afraid this is has gone on far enough!" "Ah, Dustin Miller." Midnight said with a smirk. "What a nice surprise." "Twilight, the way I see it, this ends in one of two ways." Dustin readied the Digitrix. "I have you snap out of this crazed state of yours, or one of us ends up in a body bag." "First of all its Midnight now, and second..." Twilight said as she held her hand, charging a small energy ball. "If you have a death wish, then I’m more than happy to grant it. But to be honest, after seeing what you were capable of earlier, I'm quite curious to see how powerful you really are." "Alright, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this." Dustin said before transforming into Rainbow Rock again. The Sadowbolts were both shocked and amazed by the sight to the crystalline transformation. "Whoa!" Lemon Zest uttered in awe. "Not going to lie, that is kinda cool." Indigo Zap said with a look of amazement. "Intresting." Midnight Sparkle said with a wicked grin. "But I don't see how a new form will help." "Oh just wait, you're about to find out!" Rainbow Rocks declared before emitting a bright red glow, which then became a large plume of crimson colored flame. "Wh-What the...?!" Midnight Sparkle asked, totally taken aback as the crimson flames grew to the size of a semi-truck and began to morph into the rough shape of a bird. Then bits of crystalline armor pieces began to form onto it, a large crystal head shaped like that of a bird, a large crystalline chest plate, and finally crystal bird legs complete with talons. Once this transformation was complete, the new form of Rainbow Rocks released a might caw to showcase his power and might. Everyone was completely taken aback by that they had s saw, both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. "What in the world?" Dean Cadance uttered in disbelief. "What just happened?" Rainbow Dash asked in total shock. (Transformation Index) Name: Rainbow Rocks - Infra Red Phoenix Mode Species: Crystsllosian For those of you who may be curious, Crystallosians (Rainbow Rocks' Species) possess the ability to change into a variety of alternate forms by absorbing a certain type of radiation found in the EM Spectrum. This form, Infrared Phoenix, is achieved by absorbing Infrared radiation. With the power over Infrared radiation and the abilities of the mythical phoenix, square off with this form of Rainbow Rocks and your goose is cooked, along with your entire body. "My, oh my." Midnight Sparkle said, her shock slowly turning into amusement. "Truly impressive." Midnight's fists were then engulfed in energy orbs. "Let’s put it to the test, shall we?" "I'll try not to make it too lethal." Rainbow Rocks spoke in a slightly deeper and gruffer sounding voice before taking off to the air and opening his crystalline beak to fire a scarlet-colored beam at the demonized student. However, an energy shield colored in blue and shaped like a sphere appeared over her, blocking the beam. Midnight smirked before firing another beam at Rainbow Rock, but the shot bounced of him thanks to his crystalline armor. "I can do this all day, Twilight!" "Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of time!" Midnight declared as she flew towards Rainbow Rocks, punching him with enough force to send him crashing into the ground. In a bright red flash, Rainbow Rock had changed back to his humanoid form before changing back to Dustin in a blue flash. "Ugh..." Dustin groaned in pain. “Got a good right hook on her for a lab rat.” Students began screaming in fear, bolting from the stands and running off as far as they could while more cracks spread across the ground and even to the sky. Using her beams, Midnight made more burst open, revealing more locations and landmarks of Equestria. As more portals spread throughout the area the students flew into an even greater panic, sparks began to fly all around the sky, opening more rifts, much to the delight of the magic empowered girl. Below, Sunny Flare was grimacing worriedly as the situation was rapidly escalating out of hand. She then noticed Cinch attempting to flee the scene, as she was just as scared. "Hey!" Sunny screamed, getting Cinch's attention as she stopped "Where are you going?!" she angrily asked, clenching her left fist. "Anywhere to avoid that...monster!" Cinch replied, gesturing towards her former student, "And I suggest you do the sa..." Suddenly, a bolo wrapped around Cinch's ankles, making her trip over. "I'm afraid you're not going anywhere, Miss Cinch!" Allister said as he approached the woman. "You are the one who caused this all to wine some asinine duel meet, and now that it’s coming back to bite you your turning tail and running away?" Allister knelt down the woman with a scowl on his face. "So, if anybody is the monster here, it's you." Allister then towards to Sunny Flare. "Young lady, I suggest you and your team gather up everyone and bring them to safety." Sunny Flare nods in response and doing as she was told. "Why you... I have half a mind to contact my attorney about this!" Cinch growled in fury at Allister! "You do realize you're holding me hostage!" "You just better hope we get out of this alive, or else Armageddon well be the least of your problems!" Allister said to Cinch. As this was happening, Sunset looked on in horror at the scene before her. Students where running around driven mad with fear while the school staff members tried in vain to regain control of the situation. She then looked back up at the girl she once knew as her rival, now trapped in a familiar demonic state. "Twilight," she began, getting the empowered girl's attention, "you can't do this!" she yelled to her, gesturing towards the scene among them. "Why not?!" she responded in sarcastic question, "There's a whole other world right there," she noted with an evil and excited look in her eyes, "and it's just filled with magic!" she exclaimed, firing another beam of light down towards the entrance of the school from her right arm, causing another rift to burst open just beside Cadance, Luna, and Celestia while a student ran into the building out of fear, much to the shock of the amber skinned girl. "But you're destroying this world to get it!" she pointed out desperately as the portals were expanding across the school grounds. "So what?" Midnight asked sarcastically in response, "There's more magic there," she mentioned with a grin of anticipation as she then flew back, unfolding her wings fully before sticking her arms up, having the energy of her magic build up upon both of her hands, "and I want to understand it all!" she declared, only for a mass of webbing to obscure her vision, making her remove. "Forgot about me?" A high-pitched voice called out, making Midnight look to see Sugar Spider resting on the highest tower of the school building. "It's your friendly neighborhood, Sugar Spider." "Pfft! Seriously?! Sugar Spider?!" Midnight chuckled in response to hearing that name. "A ridiculous name for an equally ridiculous form." Midnight continued to laugh, only for Sugar Spider to fire a small blast of webbing from his upper right arm, firing it straight into her mouth. Once the webbing was shot into Midnight's mouth, her laughter ceased as she gained a grossed-out expression on her face. “HA! You were saying? “Sugar Spider cheered with a fist bump as Midnight spit the webbing out. "Oh, you little...." Midnight Sparkle growled, scowling at Sugar Spider before charging an energy beam. "I'll wipe that smug grin off your face!" Midnight fired another beam towards Sugar Spider, but thankfully the Arachno Breviceps was quick on his feet, dodging the attack. "Well, looks like I should buzz off..." Sugar Spider said as he presses the symbol on his chest, transforming into Sonicada. "Hey, over here!" Sonicada said as he emitted high frequency sound waves from two organs on his sides, emitting a very loud noise that made Midnight cover her ears in pain. "Cut... it... OUT!" Midnight fired a beam at Sonicada. The acoustic insect dodged one only to get hit dead on by another. Sending him plummeting down twords the center of the walkway. Sunset leapt out of the way as he struck the ground, causing it to crack open in an ominous purple light, much to the shock of the people standing around it. As this chaos continued, multiple students were beginning to fall in. Sunset ended up somersaulting before coming to a stop on her left knee, beside Rainbow Dash as they saw the edges of the abyss, which were breaking apart rapidly. One girl was about to plunge into the world of Equestria, but not before Applejack quickly jumped in, snatching up her fellow classmate at the last second. "Don't let go!" Applejack advised, holding onto the girl's arm tightly as she pulled her up. Around the whole rift, the other Wondercolts were helping plummeting students as well, with Pinkie and Rarity helping to take hold of people who were about to fall in while the portal widened. The Shadowbolts were surprised at their efforts, thinking that things were seemingly hopeless. When suddenly, they saw Lucius had arrived. "Lucius?" Sour Sweet said a relieved smile visible. "Thank goodness you're here." "We could really use your help." Sunny Flare said, only for Lucius to smile wickedly before transforming into Plasmephisto again. "I'm afraid you should be more concerned about saving yourselves right now." Plasmephesto declared with a wicked chuckle before firing a bolt of electricity at Sunny Flare. Sunny dodges, but she and the other Shadowbolts were shocked by Lucius sudden change in demeanor. "Dude! What's gotten into you!?" Indigo Zap asked with shock on her face. "Oh, nothing really." Plasephisto was about to fire another bolt towards his former fellow Showboats, only for a massive current of water to crash into him him, causing Plasmefisto to get violently electrocuted as he screamed in pain. The Shadowbolts look to see that Salazar was the one who saved them. "Salazar?" Sugarcoat asked with surprise. "Talk later!" Salazar explained to the Shadowbolts. "Right now, help the others get to safety. I'll take care of this ass wipe!" he Shadowbolts all nodded before running off to help gather any survivors. Salazar looked to Plasmephisto, who responded with one of his won "You truly are a pain in the ass, Salazar!" Plasmethisto growled in a combination of anger and annoyance. "I do my best." Salazar said with a smug grin, acting like a smart ass. "So, you wish to die like the rest?" Plasmephisto questioned before being enveloped by yet another green glow. This time, he transformed into a larger red version of Indestructile with draconic wings, blades on his head and back, a hinged lower jaw, and a large metal spearhead on the tip of his tail. "Then perhaps Leviadon can make an arrangement!" (Transformation Index) Name: Leviadon Species: Mutant Lacertian Leviadon definitely is a whole new level of monstrous. Take the standard abilities of a normal Lacertion, then combine that with the ability to breath fire, wings capable of flight, and a hinged lower jaw for shooting fire with precision and accuracy, and you have an absolute beast that not even the most hardened fighters would dare go up against. Facing the reptilian nightmare is a death sentence. "Yikes!" Salazar said with an unnerved expression. "And I thought you were ugly as Hell before!" Leviadon scowled upon hearing that. "Consider that your last quip, smartass!" Leviadon growled before taking a deep breath and breathing out a huge stream of fire. But luckily for Salazar, Pixel was able to save Salazar from being burn to a crisp. "Oof!" Salazar grunted as he fell on his back. "Thanks for tha...." Salazar said, but what cut off when he saw that Pixel was not only on top of Salazar, but her face was inches away from his. Both said nothing as both of their faces were red with a blush. "My, what a sweet display." Leviadon said mockingly, getting the attention of the two. "I HATE SWEET!" Leviadon was about to fire another blast of flame at the two, only for Aria to step in and delivered an uppercut to his chin with enough force to knock him on his back. Salazar was just shocked by what he saw, while Leviadon growled furiously. Meanwhile, Sunset was trying to think up of a plan when she saw the pendant on the ground. Sunset went to grab it, and when she did, she saw the pendant flash, and when she pointed to Fluttershy, she saw a yellow glow around the shy girl. She then pointed to rarity, which had a feint purple glow, and then to Applejack who emitted an orange glow. She did this to all of her friends, each one emitting a glow of a distinct color. Upon seeing this, Sunset then realized that there might still be a way to put an end to this mess once and for all. Meanwhile, Midnight was still trying to strike Sonicada and missing each time. "Twilight!" Sunset called out, getting Midnight's attention. "I's afraid this ends here!" "Oh, really now?" Midnight asked tauntingly! "And what can you do to stop me! You have no magic, remember?" "While I can do whatever I please." "No, you can't!" Sunset declared, surprising Midnight, "Even with all of that magic, you'll still be alone! True Magic comes with Honesty!" Sunset said, holding the pendant up. And Applejack glow a bright orange aura. " Loyalty!" Rainbow then emitted her cyan aura. "Laughter" Pinkie emitted her pink aura. As this happened, the sirens were stunned, but they had a smile knowing as they looked to their friend. Salazar was shocked while Pixel was smiling with joy. And as for Lucius, he was absolutely shocked beyond belief. "What?!" Lucius asked, his eyes widened in shock! "Impossible!" "Generosity!" Sunset continued to list off as Rarity emitted her purple flow. "Kindness!" Sunset finished as Fluttershy emitted her yellow aura. "I understand you, Twilight" as Sunset spoke, the aura of her friends shot into the pendant. "And I want to show you the most important magic of all..." Once the pendant had gathered just enough magi, Sunset tossed it to the ground, making the device pop open and envelop Sunset in the magical light, triggering a transformation similar to Midnight's. "The magic of Frienship!" Susnet Shimmer finished, as everyone was awe inspired by Sunsets new look as Daydream Shimmer, while Midnight and Lucius were both shocked. Daydream then fired many beams to close each and every rift Midnight caused. "No... No! This can't be happening!" Lucius declared as he looked to Daydream in shock. "There is no way that this is happening!" Lucius' shock then turned into anger as he transformed into Leviadon again. "It's bad enough that I have to deal with Miller and Salazar, but now I have this pain in my ass to deal with as well?!" Leviadon, out of rage, thrusted his tail towards Daydream shimmer, only for her to dodge. "Oh, Hell no!" Dustin growled before transforming into Rip Tide. "You want me, then you got me you cheap plagiarist!" Rip Tide said as he shot a pressurized stream of water at Leviadon. Although the attack did no damage to him, it certainly got his attention. Then in a bright blue flash, Rip Tide changed to Einstrike before firing a supercharged jolt at him, using the water as a conductor to violently electrocute Leviadon. Leviadon roared at the top of his lungs out of agony before changing back to Lucius. Meanwhile, Midgnight fired a blast to Daydream, who retaliated by firing a beam of her own. And it seemed that Midnight was winning, but suddenly... "Twilight!" Spike cried out, getting Midnight's attention. Midnight saw the big sad eyes Spike had, and Twilight seemed to be getting back to her senses. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Lucius roared in fury before he was once again enveloped in a green lash, transforming into a figure similar to Freakshow, only he was ore slender and had big magenta-colored eyes along an array of smaller magenta eyes all over his body. "Time to put an end to this!" (Transformation Index) Name: Frightmare Species: Mutant Erebonite You thought Freakshow was nightmare fuel? Well, he pales in comparison to his Corruptrix counterpart, Frightmare. Not only does he possess some of Freakshow's abilities, but he also has a vast array of eyes all over his body that immobilize his enemies with just a glance. If you didn't experience fear before, then you will now after an encounter with this multi-eyed ghoul! This new transformation scared just about everyone present. "W-Whoa!" Indigo Zap stuttered whie shaking in fear. "My God!" Salazar uttered, just as cared as everyone else. Even Daydream and Midnight were overcome with a sense of dread. "It's time I took matters into my own hands!" Frightmare declared as his many eyes glow a bright magenta, rendering everybody present paralyzed and unable to move a muscle. But things were going to get much worse as Frightmare slammed both of his hands onto the ground, creating a tremendous pool of shadow onto the ground. And suddenly, four large arms composed of the same shadowy mass erupted from it and grabbed Dustin, Salazar, Midnight, and Daydream respectively before pulling them into the pitch-black pool. Frightmare chuckled wickedly as he made his entry into the pool of shadows himself before sinking into it. Once he was gone, everybody else was free from Frightmare's paralyzing gaze! "Sunset!" Applejack cried out as she ran from the pool of shadows, only for a large, clawed arm to emerge from the darkness pool. Applejack recoiled in shock and fear as a large figure fully emerged, and boy was it ugly sight to behold. It had a humanoid shape, but the legs were of a digitigrade structure instead of the plantigrade structure that humans had, its torso was bulky, its arms were large and thick with claw-like fingers, but the most disturbing feature was the head. Well, more like a lack of a head as it had a conglomerate of ropey tentacles with bloodshot human-like eyes all over them. Needless to say, it was something that belonged in your nightmares. "Oh my sweet God!" Allister declared out of shock and horror, then a bunch more of the creatures came forward. "What in the...?!" Vice Principal Luna uttered while shaking in fear while the Shadowbolts screamed in horror. "Be sure nobody interferes, my soldiers!" Frightmare's voice rang out from the pool as the shadow creatures just growled in acknowledgment.