The Wacky And Uncharacteristic Adventures of Circadian

by PearlyDoesStuff

Rainbow, Rainbow Rocks

"Another normal day, I hope." I said, with just the slightest bit of disdain. Of course, knowing my luck, I probably just jinxed the entire school and unleashed another magical cataclysm.

I washed myself as quickly as possible and brushed up my hair, but intentionally left it messy, because I like it that way. Grabbed my bag and phone, plugged my headphones in and started blasting some old military music at a low volume. Really gets you going in a good mood.

Today was some sort of music expo, I believe. So I walked into school and went to the auditorium because Faust above knows they'd all be there. As expected. I walked to the nearest corner, and of COURSE it had to be closest to the gang of wacky rainbow laser women and that unforgivable bitch. Of course, she wasn't there yet, but she'll be here soon. For her sake, let's just hope I keep my limiter straight. And speak of the devil, there she is.

Pinkie calls her over, cheerfully as usual. I can't be bothered to do much else other than shoot someone a death glare.

Wacky antics ensue, because it being that group, Pinkie will always find a way to do something stupid. Sunset gets called off to introduce some new students, and my gut tells me I jinxed it.

"Because why wouldn't it be one of those days?" I think, with honest-to-everything horror.

I immediately amp up the volume on my headphones to take the panic off my mind, then next thing I know half the school is going at it like someone just dropped a giant ball of gold to the floor.

The three new girls already put me off due to how they aren't fighting, and it looks like... they're singing? The only people who seem unaffected are them, the magic rainbow crew, myself and Vinyl Scratch. Of course. I fucking knew it. OF COURSE I HAD TO JINX IT!

Looks like the only way they'll get you to fight is if you listen to their music, so, I guess I have to keep my headphones plugged in for the rest of the day, which isn't a problem since I normally do that in the first place.

Okay, next, the principals walk in, and yeah, it went tits up. They both get brainwashed, and the leader of the singy-gals has decided it'd be a great idea to turn the music expo into some sort of musical tournament. My ears are gonna suffer, and I'm no good with any instruments, and my voice isn't exactly top quality singer material. So of course, I choose to sit this out, because I'm not a psycho with a degradation kink.

So, everyone gets ready and well, let's just say that it was pretty obviously rigged. Most of the music wasn't awful per se, but really the only tolerable ones were the rainbow gang and Flash's mooks. Trixie was passable at best, and I tuned out the magic evil brainwashing monsters for obvious reasons.

Cut to the finals, and since I can tell something is going to go wrong, I'm there early. I spot Ms. Magician & the Mooks from Somewhere Unimportant on the stage as the Rainbow Ladies walk in. An argument goes down, to literally no surprise from me, and they all fall down. Oh, 'n yeah, the Nerd's lookalike was there, with her dog. I think that trapdoor led below the stage, and they all fell for it. Guess it's up to me to play the cover story.

I pull up my phone and punch in Vinyl's number to get a chat going on MyStable and quickly tell her that they got knocked down, and the door's probably shut from the inside. And if my intuition is correct, considering the pony Princess was here, they were gonna need an audio booster.

You: girl, we got trouble. Trixie put the magic rainbow ladies under the stage with a trapdoor and the door's kinda shut and I don't want to get caught, can you bring an audio booster or anything that might help? I think I know where this is going

Music Mute: omw, will do

You: k, will be waiting for you and try and fix the whole door issue in the meanwhile

Okay, so Trixie is nowhere to be found, and the finals aren't for a few scant minutes. I have time. I take a deep breath and make a mad dash for the door, and quickly keep knocking on it, to which I can hear a muffled argument from Rarity and everyone else arguing over dresses, which Bacon Hair puts a stop to, which earns her some minor respect from me. I then open the door and brief them on the plan.

"Okay, thankfully I was here to save your rumps and get you clean and back. I called Vinyl over, and hopefully we can put this newest magical apocalypse behind me before I get another migraine." I commented, with absolutely no room for being talked back to.

They get up on the vantage point above the stage, and here we go. Everyone's here, I don't know how we didn't get caught, but it's time for the show.

And roll scene. This is about as well as it goes.

So, there's a gigantic pony with wings and a horn made out of rainbow laser magic and some trippy seahorse projections fighting it out for a moment. The pony wins, the magic ladies lose all of their superpowers, everyone's no longer fucked in the head and forced to fight, and I get off basically with only just the slightest feeling of heroism for getting the whole rigmarole set up to shut them down. Of course, I don't admit this at all, so really, the only ones that know are the rainbow ladies and Vinyl.

The Princess packs up to pony world, and that's the end of that mess and the rapid drain on my sanity.

I walk back home completely and utterly frazzled, and collapse on my bed as soon as I get there. I'm going to probably have some nightmares over this shit.