Somewhere He Belongs

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 29: The Boy Without a Home (edited)

The next week were pretty eventful, Apple Bloom tried to show Applejack that she doesn’t need to be watched over constantly. Pinkie introduced everyone to her sister Maud who was the complete opposite to Pinkie, being all dull and nearly emotionless. and Rarity made dresses for a play Sweetie Belle was performing in, the dresses however got more attention than the play itself, so Sweetie Belle tried to ruin the dress Rarity made for Sapphire Shores in bitter retaliation.

Sam and Devon had to take care of the monsters that had been showing up, while Ace and Gwen recovered from the battle with Zetton. The two worked together rather well, especially when there were more than one monster. The two Ultras were currently in combat with two monsters, the Earth-Shaking Monster, Golza and the Sky-Cleaving Monster, Melba.

Sam as Ultraman was busy with Golza, while Devon as Zero took on Melba. Ultraman jumped and chopped at Golza’s head, then back-hand chopped it in the stomach, then pushed Golza back by the head followed by a kick into the chest. Melba was about to aid its mate, but Zero jumped into Ultraman. Zero kicked Melba in the chest causing it to fall to the ground. Golza managed to throw Ultraman off him and started to charge up its Ultrasonic ray. But before the Golza could fire its beam, Ultraman jumped back up and grabbed its forehead and mouth, causing Golza to stop charging up its attack.

The two grappled with each other, as Melba opened up her wings and took to the sky. She tried to strike Ultraman but Zero jumped in the way and took the full force of the attack. Zero fell to the ground, and Golza threw Ultraman on top of him, before firing his Ultrasonic beam from its forehead. Ultraman managed to dodge it in time but Zero was struck by it, causing his colour time to start blinking. Thinking fast, Zero decided to return to normal, before using up all his energy, leaving Ultraman at the mercy of the two monsters. Ultraman cartwheeled away from the Ultrasonic beams but was caught by Melba who held him still as Golza fired his beam at Ultraman, striking him in the back and causing Sam inside to cry in pain behind the mask. Melba grabbed Ultraman by the neck and then threw him to the ground.

Ultraman struggled to get up as the monsters closed in on him, screeching and roaring. Suddenly a bright light shone from the sky, and something landed in front of Ultraman and the monsters. Once the light disappeared, an Ultra stood, red and silver like Ultraman, but he had no colour, a different styled head with a green gem in the centre, and a blade on his waist.

Ultraman struggled to get up as the monsters closed in on him, screeching and roaring. Suddenly a bright light shone from the sky, and something landed in front of Ultraman and the monsters. Once the light disappeared, an Ultra stood, red and silver like Ultraman, but he had no colour, a different styled head, and a blade on his waist.

The Ultra struck a fighting pose and ran forward to the monsters. Golza fired its Ultrasonic Beam at the Ultra, who just blocked with his hand, Melba then fired its Melbanic Ray from its eyes but the Ultra just used his other arm to block it as well, before swiping his arms down and cancelling the attacks. Golza ran forward, the Ultra did the same, and slammed his shoulder into Golza’s chest before giving the monster a bear hug and breaking its spine, causing the monster to roar out in pain as the Ultra grabbed it by the head and flipped the 68,000 tone monster over his shoulder and onto the ground with a slam.

Melba charged at the Ultra, who went to kick it, but the monster dodged it by flying into the air. Golza managed to start escaping by borrowing away while Ultra was distracted. Melba flew down and fired its Melbanic Ray at the Ultra’s back, causing the green gem in his head to start blinking. As Melba came flying towards the Ultra, he fired a beam from the gem, which struck and tore up Melba’s wings and caused the monster to fall out the ground. Melba stumbled to its feet, as the Ultra pulled out the sword on his waist and charged towards Melba, stabbing it in the chest and causing the monster to explode.

The Ultra placed his blade back into his satchel and turned back to face Ultraman, who had watched the whole fight, he was amazed at the strength of this Ultra. He stood up and walked over to the Ultra.

“Dude! That was so cool!” he exclaimed, “that was amazing how you broke Golza’s spine, and the blade of yours is incredible as well, the way you stabbed Melba like that. Anyway, thanks for the save.”

He held out his hand for a shake from the new Ultra. But to his shock the Ultra smacked it away, then out of nowhere, the Ultra punched Ultraman in the chest.

“Bro what the hell?!” exclaimed Ultraman.

“Silence you fool!” the other Ultra shouted, as he kicked Ultraman in the chest, “You have put this world in too much danger!”

“What are you talking about?!” Ultraman replied, catching the Ultra’s chop before it made contact.

“I refuse to believe that you’re the Defender of Equestria!” the Ultra declared, as he then roundhouse kicked Ultraman to the ground and put a foot on his chest, “that’s why I am here to take your title of hero away!”

“I’ve defended Equestria perfectly fine, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Ultraman snapped back as he tried to get the Ultra off him.

“Your efforts to save this world are horrendous,” the Ultra replied, pushing his foot into Ultraman’s chest, “and I’m going to make sure you are done for. But I’m not going to kill you.” He took his foot off of Ultraman’s chest.

“Wha?” Ultraman said as he sat up.

“I’ll give you a fighting chance,” the Ultra said as Ultraman stood up, “Later today, we’ll fight, if you win, you stay this world’s defender. But if I win, you leave this planet forever.”

“But this is my home,” Ultraman said.

“It won’t be anymore once I win and take your title as hero away,” The Ultra said as he turned away and flew away.

Ultraman watched as he flew back to Ponyville. “I need to see Gwen to get my strength back,” he said, as Devon had donned his Ultrasuit again and caught up with him, “who was that?”

“That was Ultraseven,” he replied, “my father.”

“Was he really your father?” Ultraman asked.

“Not really,” Zero replied, “he must have bonded with someone from your world. And it sounded like he might have been here longer than you.”

“Let’s just get back to Ponyville and get Gwen to heal us up,” Ultraman said.

“There’s one thing that’s bothering me,” Zero stated.

“What’s that?” Ultraman asked.

“Why were both monsters attacking that pyramid?” Zero questioned.

“I don’t know,” Ultraman replied.

Ultraman and Zero soon arrived back home in Ponyville and told their friends about what happened.

“Are you Ok?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah I’m fine,” Sam replied, “a little slow but I’ll live.”

“I can help heal you up,” Gwen said as she donned her Mary suit and used her healing powers on Sam and Devon.

“Thanks sis,” Sam replied, “but what am I going to do?”

“It’s either win and stay in Equestria with your friends and family or lose and leave your home forever,” Devon said.

“And I guess if I refuse to leave he’ll make me leave either dead or alive,” Sam remarked.

“But you can’t leave!” Pinkie exclaimed, “This is your home and we’re your family!”

“I fear I won’t have a choice,” Sam replied.

“But where would you go?” Rainbow asked, “there isn’t any other place you can go.”

“I could find that cave I came from when I first came to Equestria,” Sam said, “I could go back to earth, possibly get turned into a newt or something.”

“No! I won’t allow my son to be taken away from me because some other Ultra thinks he’ll be a better hero,” Twilight announced, “Sam you have to win so you can stay here with us, your family.”

“I know,” Sam replied.

“We can help you train,” Devon said motioning to Ace and Gwen, “no one knows my father like I do.”

“Is he really your father?” Gwen asked.

“No, my father would threaten to take the role of hero away from a friend,” Devon replied, “if he was my father, he would have helped Sam because Ultraman and Ultraseven are Ultra brothers.”

“My guess then, is he must be someone that was recently bonded to Ultraseven and had come to Equestria in a similar way to Sam,” Sunset presumed.

“I just want to know why the monsters were attacking that pyramid,” Devon remarked, “It was like they knew something was in there and wanted to destroy it.”

As they discussed the pyramid, Sam could feel something in his head, he went to the open window and looked out. It felt like something, or someone was calling him.

“You ok kid?” Rainbow asked Sam.

“I don’t know,” Sam said as he closed his eyes, “I can sense something, it feels like someone is calling for me.”

“Wait, I sense it too,” Gwen replied.

“It’s Ultraseven,” Devon stated, “he’s calling for us.”

“Then let’s not make him wait,” Sam told them, as they nodded and donned their Ultrasuits.

“We’ll see if we can do anything regarding the Pyramid,” Twilight said.

“Ok,” Ultraman replied, “let’s go team.”

The four Ultras then take off to where they’re sensing this signal. Once they left, Twilight levitated some paper, ink, and a quill over to Spike.

“Spike, write a letter to Miss Yearling,” Twilight told him.

“Got it,” he replied.

“You’re writing to Daring Do?!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“Yeah, tell her about the pyramid and we’ll meet her there to investigate,” Twilight said, as Spike wrote down the letter, once he was done, he rolled it up and breathed fire on it, sending the message to her.

“Now what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Now, we’re going on a road trip to San Palomino,” Twilight replied.

Ultraman, with Zero, Tiga and Mary in tow, soon found where the signal was coming from, on the edge of the Kelpie River in the Prancing Plains. They touched down and took off their Ultrasuits, they then saw someone kneeling facing the river, their back turned to Sam and the others.

“That must be who Ultraseven bonded to,” Ace said.

“And the one who’s sent the signal to us,” Sam responded as the four walked closer and stopped only a few feet behind him.

The boy that was kneeling in front of the river wore an orange top, black jeans, and brown and black boots. His hair was brown and spiky, as his head was turned away from the group, they couldn’t see his face nor could they see that he was holding something in his right hand, but they heard his voice when he started to speak.

“In my first battle on Equus, I wasn’t able to save the beauty of these now plains,” he said.

“First… Battle?” Ace repeated, “I think I remember hearing about that, for an old friend of mine.”

“Because of that, many lives were sacrificed,” the boy continued, “This is a place I must never forget.” He then stood up, in his hand, he held a locket, which he then wrapped it around his neck. “I’ve been here longer than you have, Ultraman…” everyone flinched when he called Sam Ultraman, as he turned his head to the left to face them, revealing a blue eye, “and I’ve seen how you’ve been protecting Equestria. But lately, you haven’t been able to protect this world from danger such as Zetton, Melba or Golza.”

“That’s hardly my fault if the monsters are too strong!” Sam snapped.

“The ponies of this world may have accepted you as their saviour and hero, but I can’t!” the boy shouted, “I can’t trust you with this world.”

“Hey what gives you the right to say he can’t protect this world,” Devon said.

“He’s been protecting Equestria completely fine until now,” Gwen stated, “I would know I have his memories.”

“But!” shouted the boy, “you’ll lose to a Zetton and you two failed to defeat Golza and Melba. Do you know what that means? You are not fit to protect this world. And you call yourself an Ultra without even understanding that?”

“How dare you say that…” Ace said as he walked closer to the boy.

“Ace don’t!” Sam shouted, stopping him from doing anything.

“Sam, aren’t you humiliated?” Ace questioned. Sam didn’t say anything.

He knew that the boy was right. Recently, he’s been going up against monsters he couldn’t defeat. Either they were getting stronger, or he was getting weaker. Tears started to fall out his eyes as he could picture his family suffering, and he can’t do anything about it.

“What’s with that expression?!” the boy said, he was now properly facing the group, “Those eyes? What’s with those tears?! Can you save this world with those tears?” Sam just stared at him intensely, “Show me you have what it takes to save this world, by battling me. If you win, I’ll trust you with this world. But if you can’t, then I’ll take your place and you’ll leave this world forever.”

Sam just stared as he donned his Ultrasuit, the boy did the same, donning the Ultraseven suit and struck a fighting pose.

“Guys, get to safety,” Ultraman told his friends, they nodded and ran to a safe distance.

The two Ultra warriors stared at each other as they slowly walked in a circle, waiting for each other to make the first move. Seven took the first move as he ran forward and kicked Ultraman in the side, he then tried to kick him again, but Ultraman dodged it and grabbed Seven by the arm and held him still. It didn’t work for long as Seven grabbed his arm and twisted his wrist, causing Ultraman to cry in pain, Seven lifted up his arm and chopped at Ultraman’s exposed chest, then tossed him around to the ground.

Ultraman rolled on the ground then got back to his feet, as Seven came closer. Ultraseven threw a punch, but Ultraman caught it, but that left him open as Seven used his other fist to get his hand free. He went for another punch, but Ultraman grabbed him and threw him over himself. Seven got to his feet, then kicked Ultraman on the left then on the right, he went to kick Ultraman on the chest, but he caught his leg, but Seven used that spin and kicked him in the shoulder. Ultraman stumbled then clutched his shoulder, where Seven had kicked him.

“If you don’t come at me seriously, you’ll never be a true hero and you will die,” Ultraseven called out.

Sam grumbled behind his mask as he charged forward, he went to kick Ultraseven, but the Ultra caught it and flipped Ultraman over. He landed on his feet, as Seven went to punch him, Ultraman defected it, and tossed Ultraseven to the ground, but the pain in his arm came back as he clutched it. Ultraseven got up and performed a few roundhouse kicks, Ultraman dodged them all and they then locked their arms back to back. Ultraman managed to grab Ultraseven’s wrists and flipped him over himself, but Seven used this opening, got on the ground, and still holding onto Ultraman, flipped him over and used his legs to throw him further as he landed on his back hard on the ground.

Ultraseven jumped, somersaulted through the air, and landed on Ultraman’s shoulders, pinning him to the ground. He chopped at his chest a couple of times, before Ultraman got him off him by kicking his back. The Ultras stared at each other as they crossed arms, and Ultraseven delivered punches and chops one after the other. He grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him to the ground, Ultraman struggled to get to his feet, as Ultraseven prepared to finish him off. Ultraseven pulled out his sabre and dashed forward, Ultraman didn’t have time to dodge the attack, as Ultraseven swung his sword down off Ultraman's chest, causing Ultra to scream out in pain and fall to the ground.

Ultraman panted as he lay on the ground, his chest showing a deep cut for the sword that had struck him, that had cut threw the suit to his skin. Ultraseven stood above him, pointing his sword at Ultraman’s neck.

“You’ve lost,” he said, “I have shown you and to your friends, that I am able to take care of this world.”

“I may have failed to stop Zetton, Melba or Golza, but at least I was able to stop them from causing harm to anyone!” Ultraman shouted.

“Shut up! You don’t know what I’ve been!” Ultraseven yelled, “you weren’t there when that Velokron attacked! The screaming, the flames, the helpless ponies fleeing for their lives, that was the second time I had lost everything that day!”

“The…Second… Time?” Sam repeated, a little confused.

Ultraseven sighed, lowering his weapon, and deactivating his Ultrasuit, Ultraman did the same. “It happened when I was five, I was with my parents on our way home one night, when it happened, some drunk teens were coming down the road the other way, when they suddenly veered over to our lean, causing us to crash into a tree. I was able to crawl out of the wreck, but when I called my parents, they didn’t respond, they had died. I tried to pull their bodies out the car, but once I did, the car exploded, and a piece of metal flew from the wreckage and slashed me across the face and knocked me out. It’s why I have this scar,” the boy said as he lifted his hair out of his face revealing a scar over his right eye, which was also grey.

“When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed, with a patch over my eye. The Doctor had told me that my parents had died in the crash, and the drunk teens had been arrested. But ever since that day, I’ve been living in a depression with a friend of mine and his parents, all the way up to 10 years old, when we had a science fair, and I was caught in an experiment gone wrong and I was teleported to this place. But during the teleportation, I met Ultraseven, who told me I could have a chance to live and feel happy again. I took that chance, and he bonded with me. So for a year and a half, I’ve been living in Equestria, defending from monsters that rose up, or invaded. But even though living here wasn't great, I was put in an orphanage in Dodge City, and it was not great, only one staff member cared for me, the other staff, and the kids were all cruel to me because I was a human. Then came that day, Velokron attacked, I’ve never fought a monster like it, and I could do anything as it completely defeated me, and I had to watch Dodge City burn and listen to the ponies scream. Using the last of my strength, I killed that monster, but ever since then, I’ve been living here in the plains, sleeping in an empty tree, and eating off fruit and water from the river. Until you came along and dealt with them monsters. I saw how you fought them and kept winning, I guess I grew jealous, and just wanted to be a true hero, as I defeated the monster I fought with more feral wildness.”

“I think I get what you’ve been through,” Sam commented, listening carefully to what the boy was saying, Sam’s friends had come back when they stopped fighting.

“You do?” the boy asked.

“Yeah, I was tortured back in school from my bullies then after my father passed away from an unknown illness and my mother got turned into a feral donkey, I thought I had lost everything, living in a depression, with my Nightmares, as my really company,” Sam replied, “but then once I vanquished my Terror-Scars, and been having therapy with Princess Luna, I’ve been feeling better, and I got friends and family that support me. And I know that we can help you feel better too.”

“Do you really think you can do that?” the boy asked.

“Of course,” Sam answered, “You can have some of Applejack apple pie, Rarity could make you some nice new colours, Fluttershy could be there to listen to you, Rainbow could boast how great and awesome she is, Pinkie can throw you a party, and Twilight and Sunset, well they can just be loving and caring for you. Twilight might even read you a story.”

“I like the sound of this Rainbow character,” the boy said.

“Then why don’t you come home with us,” Sam said holding out his hand, “to your new home where you’ll be welcomed and loved.”

With a bit of hesitation, the boy held out his hand and shook Sam’s. “I would love to start anew,” he said.

“Well then, welcome to the beginning of your fresh, new start uh…?” Sam paused as he didn’t know this kid’s name, “You never told us your name.”

“Oh oops,” the boy chuckled, “call me Nicholas, or Nick for short.”

“Right then Nick,” Sam replied. Suddenly then the ground started to shake, “What happened?!”

“An earthquake?!” called Gwen, her question was answered when the ground erupted behind them and rose up Golza, but he looked different, the silver spots on his body had turned red, and he now had red vein like markings on his body. He had evolved into Fire Golza after absorbing and feeding on lava.

“Holy crap!” shouted Ace, as Fire Golza climbed out of the earth. The monster spotted them and roared at them as he stomped over to the kids. They all ran out of his way, but Gwen was frozen in fear as Fire Golza’s foot came down.

“GWEN!” cried Sam, suddenly Nick quickly shoved her to the ground just barely avoiding Fire Golza’s foot. The Monster roared out into the air as he started to stomp off.

“Are you ok?” Nick asked Gwen, as he leaned over her.

“Oh,” Gwen was taken aback as she lay on her back, looking up into Nick’s blue and grey scarred eyes, she blushed a little, “I-I’m fine, thank you.”

Nick stood up and offered a hand for her to get up, he took it and stood back up, cheeks still a little pink.

“Guys, I think I know where the monster’s going,” Devon commented, pointing in the direction Fire Golza was heading in.

“He’s going back to the Pyramid,” Sam cried as he got ready to fire after him, but Nick quickly grabbed a hold of his arm.

“No Sam, you can’t go after him, he’s too strong,” he pleaded.

“I have too,” Sam replied, “I have to show I’m not weak.”

“But you’re not,” Nick said, “like I said, I’ve seen you fight those monsters, and it’s not that you’ve been getting weaker, they’ve been getting stronger. You need help taking down these stronger monsters.”

“No, but you’re right,” Sam declared, “I’m getting weak, they’re getting strong, and the only way for me to get stronger, is to fight stronger enemies.” He then donned his Ultrasuit again and flew off after Fire Golza.

“Come on guys,” Devon said, “let’s go and see if we can help in some other way.”

“Right,” they replied as they donned their Ultrasuits and flew after Ultraman.

Back at the pyramid, Twilight and co, had met up with Daring Do, and had entered the pyramid to try and find the reason why the monsters had attacked it. They took twists, turns, and avoided traps, even Rainbow played a joke on them when she wrapped herself in old bandages and pretended to be a mummy. Soon they made it to a large opening, presuming the centre of the pyramid.

“Woah this place is huge,” Rarity remarked.

“And a bit spooky,” Fluttershy commented.

“Don’t worry guys,” Daring Do assured them, “this is nothing like the time I was stuck in a room with absolutely no light whatsoever. Thanks Twilight, Sunset and Rarity for lighting our way, saves me the effort to make a torch.”

“No problem,” Sunset replied.

“Hey there’s something here to put a torch,” Rainbow pointed out, using her magic, Sunset shot a small fireball at the holster, setting it alight with fire. Suddenly, the whole room lit up with torches all along the walls.

“Woah, this is Awesome!” cried Rainbow.

“Look at that,” Applejack pointed out, standing in the middle of the room, standing three small statues, with three small pedestals in front of them. One statue looked like a mix of a frog, a bull, and an Incan Mask, the second resembled a robotic humanoid with a face similar to a horned owl, and the third bore a resemblance to a bipedal Ceratopsian. On the pedestals, where small capsule-like objects. And behind the three statues, was a much larger statue, with crust like horns on the back of its head and a nasal that pointed forward.

“Oh my Celestia,” Twilight remarked, the ponies were all shocked, even Pinkie wasn’t bouncing around.

“Twilight look,” called Applejack, “there’s writing on this stone tablet.”

“Can you read it, Twi?” Sunset asked.

“I can try, but this writing is very old,” Twilight replied, “I think this say ‘This is the Temple of Nephasis, and standing before you are the Great Protectors, Miclas, the Wrestling Beast, Windom the Robotic Fighter, Agira the Ceratopsian Reptile, and the Great Goliath himself, Gomora the Ancient Monster. Taking the Capsules will summon the trio and they will be loyal to them, Gomora can only be summoned when he senses the danger. Make sure you don’t remove or destroy this stone tablet or else Nephasis will awaken…’ and the rest I’m not sure what it says.”

“Oh my,” Rarity commented.

“I’ve never heard of this Nephasis creature before,” Twilight said.

“I know it said not to take the stone tablet,” Daring Do said, “but Ahuizotl might take it and use Nephasis for his own evil deeds, I say I take it with me to keep it safe.”

“I agree with Daring Do,” Rainbow remarked.

Twilight also had to agree, but she was scared that if she removed the stone tablet, the Nephasis would appear, but she had never heard of this creature and nothing in her history books and ever said anything about this temple. So she took a deep breath and using her magic, levitated a slab of rock over and quickly swapped it with the tablet. She then waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

“Phew, that was a close one,” Twilight sighed, then suddenly the temple started to shake and crumble.

“Twilight?!” cried Applejack.

“Everyone outside!” Twilight yelled, she used her magic to grab the capsules and everyone legged it as fast as they could out of the temple. Once they made it outside, they all looked up to see Fire Golza attacking the temple.

“It’s the monster from this morning!” Rainbow shouted.

“Quick everyone to something safe!” Twilight cried.

Fire Golza tore at the temple determined to destroy the temple. Suddenly a Specium Beam struck his back causing the monster to roar in pain. Fire Golza turned to see Ultraman flying in and land ready to fight. Ultraman ran forward and punched Fire Golza in the chest, but the monster didn’t feel anything, he didn’t even flinch. Ultraman tried again, but still Fire Golza didn’t feel anything. The monster then swiped his claws at Ultraman hitting the brush he got from fighting Ultraseven causing the Ultra to cringe in pain, then Fire Golza smacked Ultraman around the face sending the Ultra flying to the ground.

The ponies on the ground were shocked to see that, as Ultraman got back to his feet, and the two charged at each other. Ultraman jumped and tried chopping at Fire Golza’s neck, but nothing seemed to harm him. He tried to kick the monster, but Fire Golza grabbed his leg and held Ultraman still as he smacked him with his claws. Ultraman stumbled to the side then kicked Fire Golza in the gentlemen’s area, somehow Fire Golza didn’t feel a thing. Ultraman tried to keep his distance as he kicked Fire Golza in the shoulder a few times, then a punch in the chest, and a chop to the head but still nothing would hurt the monster.

As Ultraman threw another punch, Fire Golza caught it in his claw, and started to crush his fist, causing Ultra to cry in pain. Still holding his fist, Fire Golza smacked Ultraman in the head then kicked him in the side, then grabbing his arm, threw him to the ground. Ultraman rolled on the ground, then fired a Specium Slash at the monster, but as it hit Fire Golza in the chest, the monster just absorbed the attack like it was nothing.

Ultraman was shocked, as he struck a fighting pose, Fire Golza roared in fury and charged at Ultraman, he tried to tackle him to the ground but Ultraman dodged it in time, while giving him a chop on the back before rolling on the ground. Fire Golza turned around and kicked him to the ground, Ultraman managed to dodge some of Fire Golza claw swipes as he stood back up and blocked another claw strike. Ultraman tried to kick him again, but once again, Fire Golza didn’t flinch, Ultraman then tried to grab him head, but Fire Golza knocked his hands away and struck his face.

Ultraman grabbed that claw, but Fire Golza just threw him to the ground. Ultraman wouldn’t give up, as Fire Golza charged up his empowered Ultrasonic Ray and fired it at Ultraman striking the Ultra in the chest. Ultraman jumped up and tried an air kick, Fire Golza shifted and Ultraman missed and landed on the ground behind Fire Golza. The monster charged up and fired another Empowered Ultrasonic Ray, Ultraman dodged it just in time, the beam struck the ground and exploded. Fire Golza roared in fury at this, Ultraman was now having second thoughts about fighting along. Just then two Slugger Hawks came flying in and struck Fire Golza, the monster turned and saw it was Ultraseven as he landed near Ultraman.

He held out his hand to him, Ultraman took it and Seven helped him up. “I’ll take it from here,” he said.

“Thank you,” Ultraman replied, “I’ve just released the only way I’m this strong is because I have a team to help me.”

“We are strong in numbers,” Ultraseven replied, “Now get healed up.” Ultraman nodded and ran off, as Ultraseven prepared to fight.

Fire Golza roared as Ultraseven punched him in the chest, Ultraseven’s attacks were a little stronger than Ultraman’s so he managed to push Fire Golza back with his punches, but did seem to do little more than Ultraman did. Fire Golza went in to slash him, but Ultraseven blocked it and kicked him in the side making the monster stumble back. Ultraseven grabbed his head and then threw the monster to the ground and caused him to roll on the ground. Fire Golza stumbled to his feet, as he ran forward and tried to attack Ultraseven, but the Ultra just side-stepped and caused the monster to fall on the ground.

Ultraseven punched Fire Golza in the chest, making the monster crumple down, then punched him again with both fists before grabbing him and flipping him over himself with pushing the monster with his legs in a similar tactic he used on Ultraman. Seven then grabbed the monster by the head and flipped him over and slammed him back down on the ground. Fire Golza stumbled to his feet and roared at Ultraseven as he kicked him twice in the chest, making the monster stumble back in pain. Ultraseven grabbed Fire Golza by the shoulder and kneed him in the stomach, then punched him in the chest and kicked him back.

Ultraseven then put his arms in a L-shape and then fired a beam called his Wide Shot at Fire Golza, but just like Ultraman’s Specium Slash, Fire Golza just absorbed it. Ultraseven just stared as his head crystal started blinking, he knew he had to finish this quickly. Fire Golza roared and slowly stomped toward Ultraseven menacingly, the blade on the Ultras head started to glow, Ultraseven reached back and pulled it up, now Ultraseven had an Eye Slugger weapon. As Fire Golza closed the distance, Ultraseven slashed it across the monster’s chest, causing the monster to cry out in pain. He attached the blade to his leg and gave Fire Golza a kick, dealing more damage than the slash, as Fire Golza fell to the ground. Fire Golza stumbled to his feet, as Ultraseven slashed his Slugger across his chest rapidly, then giving an explosive kick to his side and another to his crotch, before cutting the monster with the Slugger.

Ultraseven placed the Eye Slugger back on his head, then jumped up and kicked Fire Golza in the shoulder. Fire Golza struggled to his feet, as Ultraseven charged up all his energy, and fired a more powerful Wide Shot, Fire Golza couldn’t absorb it as it was too much, the beam exploded upon contact with Fire Golza, and the monster collapsed to the ground. Ultraseven knew what to do with Fire Golza, He went over to his body, picked him up and flew up into the sky, he soared across the land and over the ocean to the Dragon Lands, where he then tossed Fire Golza into Dragmire Volcano, Killing the monster.

Ultraseven returned back to Nick and almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion but Sam ran up and caught him before he could fall onto the ground. Gwen came over and helped him too. Twilight and everyone came out from hiding and cheered for them.

“Well done Sam!” Twilight praised, “You defeated the monster.”

“Well, I didn’t really do anything,” Sam admitted as Ace took over supporting Nick, “the praises should go to my friend Ultraseven here, Nicholas.” The ponies were amazed that this was Ultraseven’s bonded partner. “Mum, Nick here has no home to go back to,” he told her.

“Why what happened?” She asked.

“Well, this isn't going to be that last time I’ll tell this story,” Nick said, as Ace and Gwen helped him to a bolder for him to sit down on. He then started to tell the story of how he came to Equestria, the ponies were all stunned that they had not heard about him before, surely a human in Equestria would have drawn a lot of attention, but it was Sam that took the attention instead. Once Nick finished telling his tale, the ponies all felt sorry for him, more sorry than when Sam told his tale of how he came to Equestria.

“Oh you poor darling,” Rarity remarked as she, Pinkie and Fluttershy gave him a hug, “Tell you what, you come home with us to Ponyville, and I’ll make you some new clothes.”

“I can throw you a ‘Welcome to your new Home’ party!” Pinkie cried.

“I can bake you a delicious apple pie,” Applejack said.

“I can be someone you can talk to and listen to,” Fluttershy spoke softly.

“I can tell you how awesome I am,” Rainbow boasted.

“And me and Sunset could be there to just support you,” Twilight responded.

“Thank you, all of you,” Nick said, “but Rainbow, could you do something else for me.”

“Sure kid,” she replied, “what’s that?”

“Could… I live with you?” Nick asked, in a nervous tone.

“Oh, sure you can,” Rainbow replied, “It would be nice to had a little company when Scott is out with Emily.”

“Oh thank you,” Nick said, giving her a hug, this took Rainbow a little off guard but she wrapped her wings around him to return the hug.

“Well I best get going back to my cottage,” Daring Do said, “to keep this stone tablet safe, and uncover what the rest of this message says.”

“Ok, thanks for your help,” Twilight told her.

“Don’t mention it, I owed Dash a favour after you helped me last time,” Daring Do replied as she held the tablet in her hooves and took off into the sky, the ponies waved until she was out of sight.

“Oh by the way mum,” Sam said, “what are those in your saddle bag?”

“Oh these?” Twilight questioned as she pulled out the three capsules, “these are capsules that contain the monsters, Miclas, Windom and Agira. I took them because the temple was crumbling so they wouldn’t get crushed. I was going to put them back, but the entrance collapsed behind us, but maybe you think you could look after them for the time being?”

“I think the one that should look after them, should be the real hero today,” Sam said, looking at Nick.

“Who, me?” Nick questioned himself.

“Yeah,” Sam said, taking the capsules and giving them to him, “I’m sure we can trust you with them.”

“I’ll protect them with my life,” Nick replied.

“Good, because I wouldn’t like to see who they actually belong to, mad that they'll be missing,” Sam remarked.

“Come on now,” Twilight said, “let’s head home.”

“Yeah, come on bud,” Rainbow said to Nick as she placed him on her back, “let’s take you to your new home.”

Nick smiled as everyone started to make their way back to the train station ready to go home. Sam smiled to himself, knowing that He had made another friend and who had joined his alliance, he helped Nick and Nick helped him.

But as everyone left the temple, inside the giant room, where the smashed statues of the monster trio lay, the slab of rock fell off the pedestal, and activated a switch. Before the Gomora statue, a hidden door cracked open a little bit. Behind the door was a spiralling staircase and footsteps could be heard coming up the staircase, as a human flesh-coloured hand with sharp purple nails clutched the door and started to it.