//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The New Kid // Story: Beyblade: Worlds Unite // by Seeker1 //------------------------------// "Dragonheart," said Spike. The boy walked side by side with his sister as they headed home. The sun was starting to set behind them as orange was in the sky, slowly turning black and blue. After getting and finding all the pieces of his bey, Spike had not once taken his eyes off it. The words spoken by Emerald still weighed on his mind. What started as a wonderful day turned into one of the worst days of Spike's life so far. "Twilight..." "Y-yeah, you'll bounce back," said the girl as she didn't bother to let Spike speak and just said a generic answer. The bookworm was too distracted as well. Like Spike, she, too, was thinking about what went down with her brother and Emerald. But for different reasons. The way he commanded his bey and how he dictated how the battles would go over time. He manipulated Spike into thinking he had the advantage and then pulled the wool off his eyes at the last second and struck back. And the biggest thing that caught her attention was seeing the boy's bond with his bey. When Emerald gave the command to Lunor to end the battle, Twilight herself could see the bond there was between the two. For the first time since she was exposed to the game, she saw how strong a blader's bond was with his bey. And it fascinated her. "Twilight..." The girl was lost in her own thoughts, but the smile on her face spoke volumes. Her attention was then brought back to reality by her brother. Twilight stopped in her tracks as Spike kept on walking. The boy stopped a few meters ahead of his sister with his head still pointed at the ground. Neither said anything for a good amount until Spike took a deep breath. "Twilight... give it to me straight... am I... really that bad?" asked the boy. The girl stood there as she didn't know what to say. Give her little sibling the honest truth of what she thought of him, or give a white lie to spare his feelings. Either way, she didn't say anything right away. Twilight was looking to her sides as she tried to come up with a reasonable answer. However, her silence alone confirmed something. "I see... what was I thinking..." said Spike as he took his sister's silence as an answer. At that moment, Spike took off as tears trailed behind him. Before Twilight could call out to her brother, he was already gone. The girl was now left alone as she put her hand down. "Well, what was I supposed to do?" muttered Twilight to herself as she looked up as the stars started coming out. The girl arrived home; she stopped in front of Spike's door. Inside, she could hear some sniffs. Twilight was tempted to knock to see if Spike would allow her to talk but figured it'd be best if he had some time alone. "He'll bounce back," stated the girl, as she had confidence that Spike wouldn't let his devasting loss to Emerald get to him. She then made her way to her room, where she began to do something. The girl was on her laptop, looking over the footage from Spike's battle. More specifically, she focused on Emerald and his control over the entire fight since the opening launch. The girl then recalled the words that the teen had said. "This is what you call blading? You ought to be ashamed of yourself." "You claim to be the best blader in your class. Boy, you ain't shit! I've seen better people who are ten times better than you, and even you disgrace them with how you act. All high and mighty because you got one win. News flash, kid. One win doesn't mean anything." "You're not a big fish. You're just a fish waiting to be swallowed whole by man-eating sharks. And you just ran into the biggest shark there is in the sea! Time to be eaten alive." "Beyblading is about respect and being one with your bey. You are a disgrace to this game and everything it stands for. It's why I despise people like you. Lesson to learn, kid. There will always be someone better than you." "Hmm," said Twilight as she leaned back in her chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder... he said that he just transferred here. Maybe I'll have a chance tomorrow to ask him." With that, the girl turned in for the night as the light in her room went off. Canterlot High was bustling as usual. Students were just moments away from starting the day. One of those students was none other than Emerald. As he took in the giant building, the boy was near the front of his new school. He took a deep breath as he tightened his grip on the one sling of his backpack over his left shoulder. The boy made it to where his locker was stationed. With Vice-Principal Luna's tour, Emerald knew where all his classes would be. The boy had just about gathered his things when he heard something. "Found you!" Emerald peeked his head from behind his locker door. To his surprise, there was Twilight as the girl managed to track down the boy. "H-hey... uhm... do I know you?" asked the teen. "We met yesterday. I'm Spike's older sister," answered Twilight. Emerald then began to think. It took a while, but Emerald could recall Twilight's face. He recalled the small moment he had when he had just passed by the girl and flashed her a quick smile. "Oh, yeah. You... Sorry, I didn't get your name." "Twilight Sparkle." "I'm Emerald. Nice to meet you." "Please as well. So... I wanted to ask you something. "What is it?" said the boy. "I... I want you to teach me!" stated Twilight. "Huh?" said Emerald as he shut his locker door. "I want you to teach me. I want to learn to beyblade like you," stated the bookworm. "Right..." said Emerald as he didn't fully believe what the girl was asking of him. "I'm serious. I want to learn to blade like you. So, can you help me?" asked Twilight. "No," responded Emerald as he began to walk away. Before Twilight could respond or go after him, the bell rang to signal the students to head to their homeroom as school was about to begin. The lavender girl arrived at her homeroom class and made her way to her desk. "Morning, Twilight." "Morning, Fluttershy." The girl greeted her friend, a girl with pale, light grayish-olive skin. She had moderate cyan eyes and pale and light grayish rose hair. She wore a pale, light grayish gold scarf, pants, and a white shirt. The girl was feeding a small bird that landed on her finger as it flew out of the open window. "What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy as she saw her friend didn't have a happy expression. "Nothing, just... was hoping someone could help me, is all," said the girl. Before Fluttershy could ask for more, their homeroom teacher walked in, and she got everyone's attention. "Morning, everyone. Now we have a new student joining us today. He just transferred from here yesterday, and today is his first day. So I expect you all to show some respect for our new classmate." The students all nodded. "Good. You can come in!" said the teacher. The door opened, and in came the new student. While everyone was taken aback, Twilight was the most surprised person. The new student was none other than the boy she had confronted in the hallway. Emerald stepped in as he took in the room and his new classmates. "Students, this here is Emerald," said the teacher. "Hey," said the boy as he got some warm responses. "Now then, Emerald. We hope that you'll have a wonderful experience being here." "I'm sure I will," smiled the boy at his homeroom teacher. "Excellent. Now then, you'll be seated between Ms. Fluttershy and Ms. Sparkle," said the teacher as she pointed to where his desk was. The boy went to where his desk was as he saw the buttercup girl. "Hey," greeted Emerald. "Hello," said Fluttershy as she greeted the boy while hiding behind her hair. "Why didn't you tell me that you and I had the same homeroom class!" shouted Twilight as Emerald looked at her. "Oh, shit!" said the boy as he felt like the universe had it out for him by putting him in the same room as the bookworm. If things couldn't get bad enough, Emerald was wrong. Not only was he in the same homeroom as Twilight, but as it turned out, almost all of their classes were together, and they sat next to one another. So as you can imagine, Twilight took every chance she could get to ask Emerald about having him teach her about beyblading. The boy admired the girl's persistence, but he slowly lost it. Their latest class ended, and he quickly bolted out of the room. For the first half of their school day, Twilight had constantly bombarded him with having him teach her as he did all he could to say no. The teen was sneaking in the hallways as he was getting ready for lunch. He kept ducking in and out corners, scanning his surroundings, looking for his target. Emerald then sneaked inside a broom closet, and he let out a sigh. "Finally, I should be safe in here." "Safe from what?" said another voice as the light came up, and there was Twilight. Twilight had managed to find Emerald, but the broom closet was so small that both he and she were pressed against each other as they stared into each other's eyes. There was barely enough room to stand; Twilight held onto Emerald's arms. "Ahhh!" shouted the boy. Emerald was shocked by Twilight that it caused him to stumble and fall through the doors and onto his back. He then rubbed his back to ease the pain as he looked at Twilight, who peaked her head out. "Jesus, Twilight! Can you give me at least some space?" "Sorry." Twilight then stepped out and closed the door. "I really want to learn. Your battle yesterday was really something. How you command it to attack, how in sync you two were. It was so... amazing." "Well, thanks for the choice of words." Emerald then stood up and straightened his back. "But honestly, your obsession with wanting to learn is going to get me hurt. And if that happens, then I'm not going to be in a position to teach anyone." "So that means you'll do it?" said Twilight with an exciting look as she leaned in. "No," stated Emerald. "But why not?" asked the girl. "Trust me. You don't. It's not that I don't want to teach someone. It's just... you're probably better off learning from someone else." "But I don't want anyone else. I want you!" said the girl. Twilight then blinked at what she said as she turned red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry," said Emerald as he headed toward the lunch room. Emerald was shown on the school's soccer field as he was in front of a stadium. The boy was polishing his launcher and his bey. "How does that feel, Lunor?" asked Emerald to his bey as he held it up to the sky. The bey responded to his partner. "It's not that I'm against helping her; it's just... I don't know if I have what it takes to teach someone. Everything I learned, I learned on my own. I learned from the streets. She's... a girl who has everything. What can a street rat offer someone who's like a princess?" The boy put his arms on his knees as he sighed. The bey was still in his hand as it spoke. Emerald nodded as he stood up. The teen approached the stadium in front of him as he bent down. He attached the bey to his launcher as he was about to pull the string. "Hey!" shouted a voice. Emerald broke his concentration as he looked up. Approaching him were two other boys. It was Thunderlane and Soarin; the pair noticed Emerald all by himself as he was bent in front of the beystadium. "What do you think you're doing?!" asked Soarin harshly. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Emerald asked as he had a tough demeanor. "Looks like you're using our stadium," said Thunderlane as he had a similar expression to Soarin. "Listen. I don't want any trouble. I'm sorry. Nobody needs to get hurt here." said Emerald as he stood up. Soarin and Thunderlane began to break down as they laughed at that moment. Emerald was confused as he expected the pair to get physical with him. Soon both boys finished letting their laughter out. "We're just messin' with you, bud. No need to get violent," said Soarin. "Soarin' is right. By the way, what's your name?" "Emerald." "I'm Thunderlane. You new here?" "Just transferred. Today's my first day," answered Emerald. "In that case, welcome. By the way, the bey in your hand? You play?" asked Soarin. "Yeah," nodded Emerald. "Then let's see what you got, kid," stated Thunderlane as he pulled out his bey and launcher. "You sure you want to do that?" asked Emerald with a cocky smile. "Confidence. That's good, kid, but it all comes down to skill," smiled Thunderlane. "Very well," smiled Emerald as he bent down and attached his bey. Both boys took a position in front of the stadium as they held their launchers straight. Soarin stood on the side as he would serve as the referee. "First to two points win!" said Soarin as Emerald and Thunderlane nodded. "First battle! Ready... set!" "Three... two... one... Let it rip!" shouted Emerald and Thunderlane. The duo pulled on their ripcords as hard as possible; flashes of light sparked when they did that. Their beys landed and bounced on the stadium before they spun. The two were now bashing and colliding with each other as they tried to gain the upper hand in the opening moments. "Give it to them, Storm Wyvern!" "Lunor, strike back!" Both beys were zipping in and out of frame as they crashed against the other. Lunor's two blades on it were clashing with Wyvern's tough outer shell as it tried to pierce through the defense. Both were pushed back as Thunderlane's bey took the center. "You'll never get past Wyvern's defenses with those kinds of attacks," scoffed Thunderlane. "Then I'll have to up the pressure. Lunor, Fury Rush!" shouted Emerald. Lunor responded to Emerald's command as it was now delivering blow after blow to Storm Wyvern, yet the bey was tanking the attacks. Each attack was delivered with such power and fury there were times when Storm Wyvern moved from the center, but it soon reclaimed its position and continued to hold out. "Lunor, Upper Launch!" shouted Emerald. The bey quickly bounced off the wall as the coiled spring was pressed against the hard surface and then shot forward as it glowed with a golden aura. Lunor then collided with Storm Wyvern as sparks flew. Both beys pushed against each other as they flung back. The boys gasped as their beys touched the floor, with one touching just a millisecond before the other. Emerald and Thunderlane looked at Soarin as they awaited to see what the call was. "It's Storm Wyvern with a Ring Out Finish! Thunderlane scores one point!" declared Soarin as he saw Emerald's bey hit the floor first. "Aw, man! There's always next time, Lunor," said Emerald to his bey as it responded. That was close. Too close. No doubt, this kid has got skill. If it wasn't for Storm Wyvern's defense, he would have burst it. "Second battle!" said Soarin. "This time, we're gonna win!" stated Emerald. "Thunderlane, you good?" asked Soarin to his buddy. "Y-yeah, I'm good!" stuttered the boy as he looked at his bey. He began to adjust it so that it was a bit higher. Both boys bent a knee as they held their launchers out. He adjusted his bey's height. Emerald saw what Thunderlane had done, but it didn't worry him. "Second battle. Ready... set!" shouted Soarin. "Three... two... one... Let it rip!" yelled both Emerald and Thunderlane. Sparks of light occurred when they pulled their strings. The beys flew again as they landed. Like their previous bout, the boys had their beys begin with a string of rush attacks as they were moving at high speeds and ramming into each other. With Thunderlane adjusting his bey's height, he reinforced its tough armor so it could stand toe to toe with Emerald's bey and its power attack, especially with how much more Lunor was hitting Storm Wyvern. "Upper Launch!" shouted Emerald. "Not this time, Tempest Break!" shouted Thunderlane. Storm Wyvern began to glow green as its outer ring rotated and locked in place. It created a wave of energy surrounding it as the two beys clashed. Emerald's bey was under the tip of Thunderlane's bey as it was trying to launch it into the air. Both beys held their position as they tried to overtake the other. Soon Lunor was launched into the air as the bey was about to fly out of the stadium. "Yes!" shouted Thunderlane. The bey hit the rim of the stadium as it was wobbling and was about to fall. "Lunor!!!" yelled Emerald. The bey heard the shout as it changed its momentum and fell back in the direction of the stadium as it slid down the slope. "No way!" said Thunderlane as he thought Lunor would have fallen out of the stadium. Even more surprising was that Lunor gained speed and took off. "It just got faster!" said Soarin, shocked to see that. "Let's finish this!" said Emerald as his body began to glow. "I call on the moon's pale light!" Lunor heard Emerald's command as it glowed in a golden aura. Soon the creature inside was shown as it howled at the moon. "Not this time. Storm Wyvern shut them down! Tempest Strike!" shouted Thunderlane as his left fist glowed and smashed it on the ground. Thunderlane's bey glowed as the creature inside was unleashed. The creature roared as it spread its wings, thunder going off in the background. Lunor was heading toward the center as the two creatures were shown and about to make contact. "Do it! Lunar... Whip!" yelled Emerald as he brought his arm out, and a slash attack shot forward. Lunor rocketed toward Storm Wyvern as they glowed with power. The blades on Lunor grew bigger as it spun with tremendous speed and momentum. The bey met as a pillar of light shot into the air. The wind blew from the stadium as Emerald and Thunderlane tried to transfer some of their energy to their beys. The two creatures clashed as Storm Wyvern was launched into the air and burst into pieces. "A Burst Finish! With a score of 2 to 1, Emerald is the winner!" stated Soarin as he pointed in the boy's direction. "Alright!" shouted Emerald in excitement. He then grabbed his bey as he looked at it. "We did it, partner." "Man..." said Thunderlane as he picked up his bey's pieces. "You good, bro?" said Soarin as he bent down to his bud. "Kid's got heart and talent. The only other person who's given that same feeling is Flash himself," said Thunderlane. "Then let me test him," snickered Soarin as he got up. "Hey, Emerald." The boy got his attention as he presented his bey, a balance type. "My turn. Me and Air Volcuris are gonna test your might now," declared Soarin. "Bring it!" smiled Emerald as he wasn't backing down. "Guess it's my turn to be ref. First battle!" said Thunderlane. Emerald and Soarin approached the stadium and bent down. He has a Balance-type bey, just like mine. "Ready... set!" stated Thunderlane. Emerald titled his launcher down. "Three... two... one... Let it rip!" shouted Emerald and Soarin. The boys pulled their ripcords as flashes of light sparked. The beys fell into the stadium as they took off. They each began to make some noise as they were rattling and banging against one another. However, with Emerald tilting his launcher, he not only gave Lunor a boost in speed and power, but he was implementing a strategy. Lunor and Air Volcuris collided near the center as Emerald's bey then zoomed up the slope of the stadium. It dove as it went for another strike and collided with its foe. "Impossible," said Soarin as he couldn't believe what he saw. "Lookin' good, Lunor! Keep it up!" said Emerald as his bey was attacking over and over again, knocking Soarin's bey back a bit every time they made contact. Of course, he titled his launcher so his bey could get a better grip on the stadium. Not only that, it narrowed his path. Huh, well played, kid. Soarin smiled as he saw what Emerald's plan was. And it worked as the boy was looking to end this battle with one shot. "Hang in there, Volcuris! We can still do this!" shouted Soarin. "Lunor!" shouted Emerald as he began to glow. "I call on the moon's pale light!" The bey heard the command as the creature inside appeared. It howled at the moon before charging ahead. "Volcuris!" yelled Soarin as he called on his bey. The creature inside showed a bird; it screeched before extending its wing as the wind blew all around it. "Cyclone Spin!!" shouted Soarin as he moved his arms to do a full circle rotation. Air Volcuris created a wind vortex around it as Lunor charged at it. The two met as the creatures were shown colliding with each other. The wind from Soarin's bey blew out of the stadium as the boys' clothes fluttered in the wind. The beys kept trying to hold on as Lunor soon broke through and smashed Air Volcuris into pieces. "It's Lunor with a Burst Finish! Which means Emerald wins!" said Thunderlane as he pointed his arm in the boy's direction. "We did it!" shouted Emerald as he was smiling. "Great work, partner." "Well?" said Thunderlane to Soarin, who was picking up his bey's pieces. "He's a contender, alright," responded the boy to his friend. Emerald was talking with his bey as he was congratulating him on a job well done. Thunderlane and Soarin then approached him. "You got game, kid. How about you hang with us?" said Thunderlane. "Sure," said Emerald. Twilight was walking in the hallway with some books in her arm. After her small discussion with Emerald about getting him to train her and his declining, the girl hadn't all but given hope. She was currently on the roof with Fluttershy as the buttercup girl was feeding some birds. "Any luck?" asked the animal-loving teen. "No. I can't seem to find him. Why did he say no? All I'm asking is if he can give me some lessons." said Twilight. "What he if thinks I'm not worth his time? What if he thinks I'm unteachable? Maybe he thinks that books are bad?!!!" "Hey! Can you keep it down!" shouted a voice. Twilight and Fluttershy blinked at what they heard. They soon peeked their heads from the roof's entrance, and to their surprise, there was Emerald. The boy Twilight was talking about was on the other side of the entrance. The teen was bent in front of a beystadium as he had his launcher. "Hey, wait a minute!" said Twilight. "Quiet, please!" stated Emerald as the girls approached him. "Sorry," apologized Fluttershy. The boy took a deep breath. "Let it rip!" stated Emerald as he pulled the string of his launcher. His bey shot out from the launcher and onto the stadium. It landed perfectly as it circled the outer slope before centering itself in the middle and keeping its spinning momentum. "Yes!" said Emerald as he looked at Lunor. "Listen, we need to... ew, gross!" said Twilight as she walked to Emerald and put her hand on his shoulder. But to her surprise, it was wet. Turns out the boy himself was full of sweat. "How come you're so sweating?" asked Twilight as she wiped her hand on her shirt. "'Cause I'm training with my bey. It's not easy," stated Emerald in a genuine tone. "Wow, that's some workout," stated Fluttershy as she pointed at his feet. Twilight looked, and to her shock, there was an actual puddle of water in which Emerald's feet were standing. If there was doubt that the boy was training hard, this was proof. "I hope you brought some extra clothes," said Twilight as Emerald walked to grab a towel he had nearby. "How long have you been practicing?" asked Fluttershy as the boy wiped himself of his sweat. "Dunno. Maybe about two hours," said Emerald nonchalantly as he wrung out the towel to let a small waterfall occur. Once again, proving that he had been going hard at training. "Two hours?!!!" yelled Twilight; some students looked up at the sky and all around to figure out where the voice was coming from. "Gees, shimmer down, alright!" stated Emerald as he covered up his ears. "Anyways, I'm just finishing up." The boy grabbed his things as he walked by the girls to the stairwell. "Oh, and meet me in the park tomorrow at 4 pm sharp," said Emerald. "Yeah, I'll... wait, what?" said Twilight as she was confused by what he said. "You said you wanted to learn how to beyblade, right?" asked Emerald as the girl nodded. "Then don't be late." "You're gonna teach me? Thank you... I... don't know... I mean, yes." said Twilight. "Word of advice: Beyblade is a lot tougher than you think. You gotta have heart if you want to be any good or at least decent," said Emerald as he walked down the stairs and disappeared from sight. "I guess you got your wish," said Fluttershy. "Y-yeah, just... not how I expected. But nevertheless, I get to learn how to beyblade. Though..." said Twilight as she began to think. "What is it?" asked Fluttershy. "What made him change his mind?" wondered Twilight.