Omniverse Pony

by MLPFan98

Tour of Ponyville

Castle of Friendship

“Woah, that was some party yesterday.” Ben said as he groggily got up. Yesterday was a good time for him, he met some new friends, and even one of them decided to throw him a welcome party. Even though he didn't expect it, it was very nice of Pinkie to do such a thing for him, especially since he is not of this world.

But he was still a bit nervous. He had no idea where Aggregor or the others were in this world and the whole legend was large. They could be anywhere here! He was going to have to ask Twilight about any possible areas.

He trotted a bit downstairs to see Twilight and Spike getting breakfast together, and when the lavender alicorn saw him, she smiled.

“Good morning Ben!” She said to him, “I hope you're hungry.”

Ben smiled. “Great, I'm starving!” He said as he then made his way toward the table and sat down along with Twilight and Spike. “Mmm, pancakes.” He said as he licked his lips as he and the others began to dive in, of course, it was slightly difficult for him to do so since he had hooves and not hands.

“So Ben,” Twilight said to him. “What is your world like?” She asked, trying to get to know him a bit better.

Ben stopped eating and smiled. “Well, there are humans, obviously.” He said, making Twilight giggle and Spike snicker a bit. “But there are a lot of aliens too. Creatures from other planets outside of the galaxy.”

Twilight and Spike both looked very intrigued, they would hope to meet one of these aliens eventually. “So hey,” Spike said to him. “How did you get your watch anyway? I don't think we ever asked.

Ben smirked. “My little dragon friend, that is a story I feel like I should tell everybody present, and it's a long story.” Twilight looked at the device on his wrist and raised an eyebrow.

“Now…your Omnitrix….it lets you take the form of many different of those alien things like yesterday?”

“Yep,” Ben said with a smile. 

“Interesting, and do they possess anything special?”

“You mean powers? Well some have super strength, super speed, some have elemental powers, etc.” Ben said with a shrug as Twilight looked even more amazed by the capabilities of his transformations.

“Do some have fire powers?” Spike asked with hopeful eyes, and his answer was given when Ben turned and smiled at him. “Wow, I want to see them!”

“Just calm down dude,” Ben said. “You'll see soon enough.” He said with a smirk. And they all continued to eat their breakfast.

“Twilight,” Ben said to her. “These are the best pancakes I ever ate in my life.” He said with a smile, making Twilight slightly blush a bit.

“Oh stop,” she said to him, making all of them chuckle a bit.

“So Ben, where do you want to go today?” Spike asked him. “You know, since you are here, you need to be given a tour of Ponyville and-” but Spike stopped and made a face as if he was about to puke or something, making Ben look worried.

“Spike, are you ok?” Ben asked with concern, but then...

*BURP*” Spike then burped out some green flames that turned into a letter, making Ben look amazed.

“Wow, so you can get a letter by burping? Cool, kinda weird, but cool.” Ben said.

“Well,” Spike said with a smile. Twilight rolled her eyes and used her magic to open the letter to read it.

“Good,” Twilight said as he looked at Ben. “Celestia already informed the other kingdoms and towns around Equestria about your enemies, and if any of them are in the area, she will send us a letter detailing what the situation will be.”

“Well, that’s good…I guess.” Ben said, a bit unsure and Twilight noticed. “I mean from looking at the map, it would take up pretty much hours or days to get to where we need to be.” but then his eyes went wide. “Oh wait, I forgot I got some aliens that can go super fast. So we should be good.”

“I can't wait to see more of them,” Twilight said.

“I can't wait to see the fire ones!” Spike said, with Ben and Twilight chuckling at the young dragon's words.

“So, you're a princess huh?” Ben asked Twilight, who nodded her head. “So does that mean your daughter Celestia's daughter?” That made Twilight choke on her pancakes a bit and for Spike to laugh, but Ben looked concerned. “Was it something I said?”

“No, you're good,” Spike said to him. “But you're not the only one who thought of that, but no, Celestia is not Twilight's mother.”

“Oh? But isn't Celestia the Queen of Equestria?”


“She is the ruler, but we use the Princess title and not Queen,” Twilight said, getting her voice back. “I don't know why, but still, we just use princess.”

“Huh, interesting,” Ben said. So they use princess terms and not queen? Kinda weird, but there was no point in arguing… “But still,  I guess that means you're going to take up the throne and rule Equestria then?”

“Yea…someday,” Twilight said to him. “I was going to get it done, but we had some…issues with some enemies of ours, so I decided to hold off on the coronation to spend time with the greatest friends in the world.” She said,

Ben smiled. “I guess you, Spike, and the rest of the girls are all close huh?” He asked.

Twilight smiled and nodded her head. “Yep, they are more than just my friends, they are my family. Spike, in particular, I hatched his egg.”

“Really?” Ben asked Spike, she smiled and nodded his head. “So does that technically make you Twilight's son or something?”

Spike shook his head. “Well not really, sure she has the qualities, but she is more like a big sister to me.”

Twilight smiled at Spike and so did Ben. “I hope I get to see more of your friends and family…if we get time for the course,” Ben said with a smile.

After a few minutes, their breakfast was eaten. “Well, that was pretty good,” Ben said, using his hoof to rub his stomach. “So, are you going to take me on this grand tour of yours?”

“Yep, follow me!” Twilight said as she and Spike began to lead Ben out of the Treehouse.


Twilight and Spike Lee were through the town of Ponyville, everyone present was smiling and waving at him. The reason was that they were all at his welcome party last night.

“This is a really nice place, Twilight.” Ben said with a smile as some ponies said hello and waved at him, to where he waved back with a smile.

“Thank you, Ben.” She said with a grin. “I got an idea, let's go to Sugarcube corner,” She suggested. “Pinkie Pie said that she was baking something for you.” 

“Really?” Ben asked with a shocked tone. “Man, she is really spoiling me for some reason.”

“Well, that's Pinkie for you.” Spike said to him. “Always happy to meet new faces and make sure they’re happy.” As they kept walking, they came across a sweet shop that almost resembled a gingerbread house, the sight made Ben's mouth water a bit.

“Please tell me that isn't an actual gingerbread house.” He said. “I’m trying to resist the urge to eat it.” 

This made Twilight and Spike laugh a bit. “No, it’s not a gingerbread house, c’mon, let's go in.” Twilight said.

The sweet smell of confectionery and other baked goods filled Ben’s nostrils and made his mouth water a bit when they went through the doors. 

“Man, I just got done eating breakfast, but the sweet aroma is making me more hungry.” He said as Twilight giggled.

“Oh, hello there.” The three turned to see a female Earth pony with very light cerulean fur, wore a yellow apron with pink wings on the front, and her mane and tail were colored light crimson with pale, light, gray stripes on them. She also had on pink earrings, and her eyes were Brilliant rose-colored. This was Mrs. Cake, the owner of this fine establishment, along with her husband. “Are you that Ben person Pinkie told us about?”

Ben smiled. “Yep, that's me.” He said to her, “I was told that Pinkie was baking something for me?”

“Yes I am!” Pinkie says, coming from…somewhere? Making Ben jump a bit.

“The heck did you come from?” He asked with eyes wide as saucers. But Pinkie giggled.

“I have always been here, silly willy!” She said, ruffling his head. “I wanted to bake you something as my way of saying welcome! And I got lots of other goodies as well, I was thinking of a picnic! What do you think?”

“I think a picnic sounds wonderful Pinkie.” Twilight said with a smile. “I'll go tell the rest of the girls and meet back a little later.”

“Okie-dokie Loki!” Pinkie said with a big grin. “Ben, I’ll make sure to bring your baked goods there.

Ben smiled. “Thanks, Pinkie, and nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“You too.” Mrs. Cake said with a grin. “Come on in any time.” Twilight, Ben, and Spiked waved as they left the shop.

Rarity’s Boutique

Twilight and the two boys were now making their way to a place that looked something similar to a palace. “Next is Rarity’s boutique.” She said as she led Ben inside, and it looked amazing, the place was decked out like a designer's hall, from dresses and fabric to much other stuff.

“So I take it, she works as a seamstress?” Ben asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well…sorta, she is more like a fashion designer.” She said as Ben looked around the place in awe.

“Wow, she designed all of these?” Ben asked. “I might have to ask her to design something for me then.”

“Hello?” Spoke an elegant, familiar voice. “I’ll be right there!” She called out as then the elegant Rarity then entered the main area, with her wearing glasses, and when she saw who it was she smiled. “Oh, Twilight, Spike, hello. And hello to you Ben.” She said with a smile.

“Hey Rarity.” The three said simultaneously, but then they realized what just happened. “Jinx! Double jinx!” 

Rarity giggled. “Well then, how are you all today?”

“Doing great, we were all going to have a picnic later, and we wanted to let you all know about it.” Twilight said with a smile.

“A picnic? Sounds delightful.” Rarity said with a grin. “I will see if I can make it, I will bring some drinks for us all.”

“Great,” Ben said with a smile.

“And Ben,” Rarity said to him. “Since you are new here, if you ever need something fashionable, just let me know and I will be in the house.” Rarity said with a  flip of her mane, making Ben smile.

“Thanks, Rarity.” He said.

“Hey, Rarity.” Spike said to her. “Do you need any help with something?”

Rarity smiles down at the young dragon. “Sure, you can help me with some stuff Spikey-Wikey.” She said with a smile.

Fluttershy’s Cottage

“So,” Ben started as he and Twilight walked to the cottage. “I’m guessing Spike has a thing for Rarity huh?” 

“Well,” Twilight began. “He used to when we first came here from Canterlot. But for some time now, he has been rather…not so interested. If you ask me, I’m glad he is moving on from her.”

“Yea, he seems a bit too young for her.” Ben said as he and Twilight were approaching the cottage. “So whose palace is this?” He asked.

“Fluttershy’s,” Twilight said as they approached the door, and Twilight used her left hoof to knock on it. “Fluttershy! It’s me and Ben.”

“Come on in!” The meek pony’s voice called from the other side and Twilight used her magic to open the door. When they entered, Ben was greeted by the sight of a nice cozy home that would make anyone jealous.

“Oh, Twilight, Ben, hello.” Fluttershy said with a grin on her face. “Hey Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Ben are here!” She said, and they were greeted by the blue pegasi who smiled and Twilight but scowled a bit at Ben.

“Well if it ain't Mr. Superhero.” Rainbow Dash said to Ben with sarcasm, making Ben glare at her slightly.

“Well, if it ain’t Skittles.” Ben shot back, making Rainbow Dash glare at him.

“Ok, let's not start you two.” Twilight said, coming between them.

“She started it!” Ben said as he pointed his hoof at her. He looked at it and raised an eyebrow. “I need to get used to not having fingers…” He muttered.

Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at him and turned her head away.

“Oh…well…what is it you need?” Fluttershy asked, trying to break some of the tension a bit.

Twilight smiled. “Well, I figured that we should all have a picnic together later. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike are down for it. What do you say?” 

“Oh, that would be nice. I just need to finish feeding my animals first and I will meet you all later.”

“Oh, you have pets huh?” Ben asked. “You want us to help you feed them or something?”

Fluttershy smiled and shook her head. “Thank you for offering, but Rainbow Dash is already going to help me, I don't wish to trouble you.”

“Oh, well, maybe next time then? And hey,” Ben said, getting her attention. “If you need some help with anyone, do not be afraid to ask me, I am a hero after all.” He said with a smile while ignoring Rainbow Dash's eye roll.

“Well thank you, Ben.” Fluttershy said with a faint blush on her face. “I really appreciate that. We will see you all later.” She said with a grin, and with that, Twilight and Ben took their leave.

“Poser,” Rainbow Dash scoffed as Fluttershy turned to her and gave her a disapproving look.

“Rainbow Dash, why are you acting like that towards him?” She asked. “We just met him, and he is so far a really nice pony.” 

Rainbow Dash looked at her and sighed, she was right. It wasn't the fact that she hated him, heck so far Been seemed like a  cool dude, but there was just something aching that made her a bit uneasy though. “I got my reasons.” She said, not wanting to prove anything, but Fluttershy sighed and shook her head.

Sweet Apple Acres

Twilight then led Ben to Applejack's home and work area, Sweet Apple Acres, where the apples were harvested.

“Woah!” Ben said, hsi eyes wide at all the apple trees in the area. “That is a heck ton of apples!”

“I know, that is where Applejack and her family work to get the harvests in. They have the best apples in all of Equestria.” She said,

“Sweet, I bet they’re really good.” The stallion said with a grin.


The sound of a beam got the two horse's attention and turned to see Applejack raising her back hooves and kicking one of the trees, making all the apples fall down into wooden baskets. 

“Woah! Ben said with awe. “Such strong legs.” He said, but then he immediately closed his mouth and turned to twilight who was looking at him. “Was that weird of me to say?” He asked, nervous that he said something inappropriate. 

Twilight however smiled and shook her head no. “You're good, she is pretty good at apple bucking.” Ben looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Booking? What's that?

As Applejack collected the apples, she took notice of Twilight and Ben and smiled. “Howdy Twilight, Ben.”

“Hey Applejack.” Twilight and Ben said in unison. “Are you busy today?” Twilight asked her.

Applejack nodded a bit. “Sorta, I still have to buck some of these trees here, then I need to help Big Mac plow some of the fields.

“Do you need any help?” Ben asked her. “Because I can if you need it.”

Twilight gave him a look as if to say ‘are you serious?’ “You do, you do forget that I’m here too right?” She asked.

Applejack chuckled. “Naw, Big Mac and I can handle the rest, maybe some other time though. Thanks though.” She said with a smile.

“Well ok then, as long as I’m here, I'll help any of you guys out with anything,” Ben assured her.

This made Applejack smile and nod her head. “Ok then, I’ll see y’all later then.” She said, and with that, both Twilight and Ben took their leave.


As Ben and Twilight made their way back, Twilight then realized something. “Oh, I just remembered, I need to go sort some books out at the castle.” She then sent Ben a face that said ‘I’m sorry “Sorry Ben, do you think you will manage on your own for the time being? She asked.

Ben nodded his head. “Sure, not a problem.” He said to her with a grin, and Twilight smiled and began to make her leave.

“I’ll find you later and we can all go for the picnic.” She said to him as she waved Ben did the same and she took off. Leaving Ben behind.

“Ok….so what do I do now?” He asked himself, he looked around and saw that nobody, in particular, was in trouble or anything, so he simply shrugged. “Huh, it's strange, for some reason, I kinda almost feel as if Twilight sounds like me when I was younger…I wonder why.” As he wondered, he shrugged his shoulders.

“Excuse me,” Ben turned around to see an Earth pony approaching him. She had a pale, light grayish amber coat, with her mane being Light cornflower bluish gray with a light streak, she also wore glasses and had Moderate phthalo blue eyes. This was Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville. “Are you Ben Tennyson?”

“Uh, yea, who's asking?” He asked.

Mare smiled. “I’m Mayor Mare, the mayor of this community. I heard of a new pony in these parts and I just wanted to come over and greet you.”

Ben smiled. “Oh, ok. Sorry if I was rude.” He said as he and she shook hooves....somehow/

“No fret. I just wanted to welcome you to Ponyville.” Mare said as she then began to trot away.

Ben smiled as he saw her go. “I could get used to this.” He said. As he began to walk around, he was greeted by some of the ponies there, even some of the females commented on how cute he looked, which made him blush a bit. 

“Well, while the rest are getting things together, I should go meet at the spot.” He said as he walked away.

(Eyecatch featuring Heatblast and Spike unleashing a combined fire attack on some Timberwolves

(Eyecatch featuring Twilight and Gwen Tennyson talking about books, with Ben, Kevin, Spike, and Rainbow Dash in the background rolling their eyes.)

Saddle Lake

While he was waiting for the others, he was beginning to try to wonder where in this place his enemies could be at. It was a bit hard to decide.

“Knowing Animo, he would definitely want to experiment on the many creatures of this world, specifically the dragons…Albedo would want to scan the other creatures here, but I doubt it since his Omnitrix was taken from him when he was sent to the Null Void.”

But the two that worried him the most were Aggregor and Zombozo. “Zombozo could absorb all their fears, and it wouldn't be pretty, and Aggregor…well he would be a serious threat if he were to get his hands on the creatures here, but I have no idea how to prevent it since I have no idea where they are.”

Ben sighed a bit. “I’m just going to have to play it by ear…” He said as he sighed. This was going to be very difficult for him to figure out.

“Ben!” The stallion in question lifted his head and turned to see all the girls (including Spike) coming over with baskets of food, and he smiled.

“Hey guys, there's plenty of room!” He jokes, making the girls laugh a bit. After a few minutes of setting everything up, they all began their picnic, and while they were going to talk about themselves, the one thing on everybody's mind was Ben. Like where he got his Omnitrix, and what his story was.

And by some coincidence, Twilight asked him those very questions, and Ben smirked. “Ok, let me explain, it's a very long story.” He said to them, “You see, it all happened around 7 years ago, it was during summer vacation and I went on a road trip with my Grandpa Max and cousin Gwen.” He explained.

“Ooh, traveling? Amazing!” Pinkie said with a grin. “Did you go to lots of places?”

“Yep,” Ben said with a smile. “Anyway, on the first night out, I got into an argument with my cousin, so I went to blow off some steam by taking a walk, but then to my shock, there was a shooting star in the sky.”

“Oh, did you make a wish?” Spike asked as he took a bite from his sandwich.

Ben chuckled a bit. “Well Spie, I really wanted to, because then the shooting star then began to plummet right? So when it landed, I went to go check it out, but it turns out, the star was actually some sort of space pod, and inside was the Omnitrix.” 

So fat the group was all intrigued by the story. “And so you just took it?” Applejack asked him.

Well, at first I thought it was a simple watch, and when I reached out to grab it, it immediately jumped and attached itself to my wrist.” He said as he got some perplexed looks from everypony. “I know it sounds weird, but it’s what actually happened. So anyway, the first alien I turned into was Heatblast, he can control fire.”

“You still need to show me that form!” Spike said with excitement, making some of the girls roll their eyes and Ben to smile.

“I will dude, but anyway, yea at first I was freaking out about it but then I got comfortable after realizing it was me…so I tested out my newfound powers and…well…” He said.

“Darling, are you ok?” Rarity asked.

“Yea….it's just…I got so excited with my power I kinda….well….burned the entire forest down.” He said sheepishly.

“THE WHOLE FOREST?!” The ponies yelled loudly, making Ben and Spike wine a bit. 

Fluttershy was the most horrific however since she was an animal lover by heart, she began to worry about the poor animals who might have perished in the fire.

“Well yeah,” Ben said, but he then looked at Fluttershy and raised his hoofs. “But no one got hurt, not a single animal was hurt in that fire!” He said.

“N-no one?” Fluttershy asked, a tear going down her eye, not believing him.

“I promise, not one single animal.” He said to her, it made her feel a little bit better, and she stopped crying a bit.

“But yea. But as I said, it was the first time I used it, plus I was a kid, so I was young and stupid.” He said to them, “But it was the beginning of a fun, adventurous, and dangerous summer ever.” He said.

“Hey Ben, I think you explained to me and Spike a bit last night about how you stopped an invasion or something?” 

“That's right.”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe.” 

“Believe it, Skittles, because it happened,” Ben said. So he went on to explain to him about how he saved his planet from the Highbreed invasion, and how he used his Omnitrix to save them by using the Omnitrix to shuffle their DNA, effectively saving their species.

To say the least, the ponies were just amazed, even Rainbow Dash was just speechless. This young man saved an entire species and saved them too? Just what was he?

“Hey, Ben?” Twilight asked, snapping out of her shock. “When did you say you got your Omnitrix again?”

“Around 7 years ago.” He said.

“And how old are you currently?” She asked him.

“17.” He said, and it shocked everypony there, but when Twilight was thinking about it, she got more shocked.

“Wait….Ben….you were 10 years old when you got that thing?”

“Yep.” Ben nodded, not finding it to be a big deal. “Been dealing with evildoers since then.” He said.

This made everypony present even more shocked, it was hard enough processing that this teenager took on an alien invasion. But to find out that he has been doing Thai since he was 10 years old? They haven't even been protecting Esquestia for that long!

“So…um.” Applejack started. “Can you show us more of those forms of yours?” 

Ben nodded. “And since he has been begging me to show him, I’m gonna start with one of my fire aliens for Spike.” Ben said as he activated the Omnitrix.

“Wow!” Pinkie and Spike said as they saw en scrolling through to see which one he can use.

“Here we go!” Ben said with a smile as he slammed on the Omnitrix dial down and flashes in green light. When The light vanished, standing in his place was a humanoid alien with a body covered by dark reddish brown volcano rocks, underneath was a super hot plasma body that was an orange-colored fire. His feet were also slightly oval shaped with only two toes and one back toe as well, his face was merely musk-like as the fire underneath it also acted as his head and hair, going in flames with no visible ears or nose. And the Omnitrix dial was at the center of his chest. This was Hearblast, Omnitirx’s sample of the Pyronite species.

HEATBLAST!” The Pyronite shouted, everypony there looked at him with shock, but no one was more shocked and surprised than Spike.

“Wow! So amazing!” Spike said as he flew around looking at the figure in front of him. “Does he have fire powers? So cool! You got to show me, please, please?” but his pleas were stopped by Twilight, who used her magic to bring the young dragon back to her.

“Easy Spike,” Twilight said to him, but then the young dragon pouted a bit. Heablast smirked and slammed the dial on, turning him back to Ben.

“Let me explain more.” And he went on about how his crime-fighting had him tangle with the likes of his arch nemesis Vilgax, and many enemies such as Animo, Albedo, the Negative 10, Daigon, Malware, Maltruant, and he even explained to them how he recreated the entire universe from beings that destroyed it as well.

If the Highbreed invasion didn't make them gasp, then the fact that he basically recreated the UNIVERSE just made them even more shocked.

“Ben, darling.” Rarity said with a shocked tone. “I think I speak for everypony here by saying, we are glad that you're on our side.” She said,

“Ben, you are so amazing!” Pinkie Pie and Spike said with stars in their eyes.

“Dang, that is one long list of accomplishments of yours Ben.” Applejack said with amazement in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash, while a bit jealous, couldn't help but be amazed as well. “That's all pretty cool! But I still think I am much faster than any of thso eleins you got on you.” She bragged as she turned her head away. Ben rolled his eyes.

I’m not even going to comment.” Ben thought. So this was all about jealousy huh? Ben thought that maybe he should sit down with her and talk about it. Since he was going to be in this world for a while, he figured it would be better for them to be friends.

“Well, Ben,” Fluttershy said to him. “From what you have done, you really are a hero.” She said with a smile.

Ben smiled. “I mean sure, I handled lots of villains, but I wouldn't have defeated them without my friends back at home.”

“Tell us more about your friends,” Twilight said to him.

“Well, there’s.-

“HELP!” Ben was interrupted by the sounds of screaming and it made the entire group turn their heads to see that it was coming from nearby. 

“Someone needs help!” Twilight said as her wings sprouted. “Ok everypony, let's go!” She said as she and the rest of them took off.