//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Beyblade Beginnings // Story: Beyblade: Worlds Unite // by Seeker1 //------------------------------// Welcome to the world of Beyblade. Where beys collide in the stadium alongside the passionate hearts of their bladers. This is the story of fearless competitors who follow their dreams on an unforgettable journey to the top. Their goal? To become the World Champion! The stage is set! The players are ready! Which challenger will claim the title of "The World's Best Blader"? "Let it Rip!" shouted a voice. A launcher was shown as the string was pulled back with great force and power. It launched a spinning metal top flying from the launcher into a stadium on the floor. It landed with the tip on the surface as it picked up and zoomed. It was traveling along the surface as its power was on full display. The person who launched it was a shadow as his mouth was shown. He spoke some words as the bey seemed to react to his command, glowing in an aura. The boy himself was also resonating. Soon the bey raced up the stadium wall and flew into the air. Everything moved in slow motion as the bey kept on spinning. The boy stuck his hand out to grab his bey as time resumed. The mysterious person was now looking at the colorful thing in his hand as the glow it had continued to shine. "Why do you blade?" asked a voice. The morning sun was shown rising above the horizon. Within seconds, the darkness was soon enveloped in a bath of light as birds began to sing to signal the start of a new day. The city of Canterlot was already up as many cars were speeding down the streets with people walking on the sidewalks. A house was shown as inside a room, and there lay someone. The person had the covers over them as they were deep in sleep. On the stand, there was an alarm clock, a few books, and a family portrait that showed a family of five. Soon the alarm went off as the time changed; it generated a loud buzz as a hand emerged from under the blankets. It was having a hard time finding the off switch for the dang thing, but it eventually found it and shut the noise off. The hand then retracted as the person in bed sat up. It was revealed to be a 15-year-old girl. The girl had pale, light grayish mulberry skin with her eyes medium purple. Her hair was shown to consist of dark sapphire-colored with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks. She yawned and stretched her limbs to get her body awake to start the day. "Twilight, breakfast is ready!!" called out a woman's voice. "Coming, Mom!" said the girl. The girl tossed the covers of her bed off as she began to change. After a while, she wore a pale, light grayish mulberry t-shirt and matching shorts with a belt that matched her hair and purple boots that reached halfway to her knees. She quickly exited her room and came down the stairs as the smells of breakfast entered her nostrils. In the kitchen was the girl's mother, as the table was littered with so many delicious meals. "Glad to see you didn't stay up to do stargazing again," said the girl's mother. "I know the rules, Mom. No stargazing past 10 and definitely not a school night, no matter how tempting it is," replied Twilight. "Good. So, can you go fetch your brother and father? They should be out back." said the woman. "Sure," said Twilight as she began to head toward the backyard. In the backyard, there was a small boy shown. He had a purple t-shirt and green shorts with sports shoes, his skin was purple, and his hair and eyes were emerald green. However, the thing the boy was doing was of more importance as, for the past hour, he'd been outside doing what he loved most: beyblading. "Concentrate, Draco. We can do this," said the small boy as he bent on a knee in front of the homemade stadium his father had built. He held the launcher in his hand steady as he had his hand on the string, ready to pull. "Let it rip!" shouted the boy as he pulled the string and let loose. The bey attached to it was flung and collided with the stage. It landed and began to take off as it was zooming off. "Alright, Draco. That's what I'm talking about. Now let's see if we can get more power." said the small boy. The boy picked up his bey and began doing more launches to increase his power. However, he suffered some mislaunches with him sometimes pulling back the string so much that his bey flew upward. "Okay, let's do this. Let it..." "Spike!" shouted Twilight. The sudden shout got the boy to lose his concentration as he inadvertently pulled back the string and angled his launcher at a bad angle; the bey was launched and landed in the stadium but soon lost speed at how wobbling it was before coming to a complete halt. "Spike! Mom said breakfast is ready. So put that stupid toy away and come wash up!" "It's not a stupid toy, Twilight. Beyblading is the best thing ever. You just don't understand it." "You're right. I don't. Now go wash up!" stated the girl to her younger brother. "Maybe you should," said the boy to his sister, who was two years older than him. "Someday, I'm gonna be champion." Spike muttered that to himself as he started to head into the house. Twilight was left alone with her thoughts as she saw her brother leave. She recalled what he said to her. You just don't get it. "You're right. And I don't ever want to," said Twilight; unlike her brother and everyone else who liked blading, she didn't seem to understand its point. "How can something as stupid as spinning tops bring excitement and joy? It just doesn't seem scientifically possible." The teen girl then looked at the workshop that was in the backyard as the lights were on. Inside was the girl's father sitting at a desk with goggles on. Sparks were flying in front of him as he appeared to be working on something. The man then looked to his side as a computer screen with graphs and analyses was shown. He typed in some commands as new data was being projected, with the machine in front of him now stopping. "Guess I may have to boost the output by 12%," said the man as he put his goggles up. "Dad?!" called Twilight as she knocked on one of the walls. "Twilight. My little sparkle!" said the girl's father as she ran to his arms and hugged him. "Mom said breakfast is ready." "Did she now? Well, thanks for letting me know," said Twilight's father as he turned on the computer screen and shut down the machine. "Come on, you and your brother must get to school on time." The entire family was now at the dining table as they were enjoying the meals Spike and Twilight's mother prepared while discussing some stuff. Soon something was brought up. "Hey, check this out!" "Spike! What have I told you about electronics at the dinner table?!" yelled his mother as she scolded her son. "Sorry. But look, Shining Armor is on!" said the young boy as he was referring to him and Twilight's older sibling and firstborn. "Ladies and gentlemen, he does it once again. As Beyblade players know, district tournaments will begin nationwide within the next few months. And today's guest, one of the top bladers in the world and contenders for the championship, Shining Armor, is here in the studio with us." A video was playing as it had a female announcer speaking as a video of their guest was shown. The guest was Twilight and Spike's oldest brother, one of the top Beyblade players to ever touch the game. Before either of the two younger siblings was born, their brother had a natural touch for the game at seven. Since then, he's worked his way and honed his craft to ascend through the ranks. "Shining Armor's bey is Paladin Fortis," said the announcer as it showed an image of the young man's bey. It was white and blue, with the attack ring purple, and the circuitry and performance tip of the bey was a mix of the two previous colors. The video then showed a recording from Shining Armor's latest battle as he and his opponent were bent in front of a stadium. "3... 2... 1..." spoke the robotic voice. "Let it rip!" said Shining Armor as he pulled the string on his launcher perfectly, and his bey shot out. The two beys landed in the beystadium as they took off. Within moments, Shining Armor knocked his opponent out of the ring. "Ring Out Finish!" said the referee. "Paladin Fortis' power is unstoppable!" said the announcer. "Did you see that?! With only one shot!" exclaimed Spike as he was in awe at what Shining Armor could do. "Yeah, yeah, so he won. Big deal," scoffed Twilight. "Big deal?! Come on, Twilight. This is a big deal. Shining Armor is the coolest big brother! He's unstoppable; I bet no one can beat him." "That's not probably, Spike. Scientifically, there's no such thing as being undefeated. Everyone loses." "Not Shining Armor! He's never lost a match!" responded the boy. "Someday, I'm gonna face him and beat him when I get stronger!" "That'll be the day," muttered Twilight, as she didn't believe in her brother. "Come on, Twilight. Why are you so quick to judge your little brother?" asked Twilight's father. "It's nice to have dreams and goals to work for. I'm sure you have yours." "Dad, no disrespect. But my goals are realistic. I'm thinking about my future and what I want to do. I don't want to waste my time with those spinning tops! It's childish." "It's not!" said Spike. "It's more than just a simple game. If you gave it a try, you'd understand. Just like Shining Armor and me." "Well, for one. I'm glad beyblading skipped a generation," stated Twilight as she finished her plate. She then excused herself as she left to go pack her stuff. Once Twilight gathered all her supplies, she and Spike said goodbye to their parents as they headed to school. The pair made it as they headed to their separate classes. At recess, Twilight was sitting by one of the bleachers of CHS, and a few meters away were some crowds gathered as they were watching some Beyblade battles in action. The bookworm scoffed at seeing the sight of the students and couldn't believe them. "It's just pieces of metal banging into each other. What's so great about that?" said Twilight. "Everything!" said a voice. "Sup, Twilight." "Hey, Rainbow Dash." The girl who interrupted Twilight happened to be one of her friends. She was a girl with light cerulean-ish gray skin color and rainbow-colored hair. She wore a t-shirt that bore a storm cloud with a lightning bolt out of it and a miniskirt that stopped at her knees. "Don't tell me you're doing homework during recess," stated the chromatic-haired girl. "Unlike you, I don't take naps during Biology," said Twilight. "Hey, naps are important. You need your daily dose of rest," said Rainbow before she quickly fell asleep right then and there. Twilight rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, which got her friend to wake and fall backward off the bleacher. Rainbow quickly stood up as she pretended nothing had happened. "So, anyway, what are you doing here, egghead? I assume you would be watching an incredible Beyblade battle with the others." "I am not an egghead! I'm well-read!" stated Twilight, who didn't like her friend calling her that. "Same thing," declared Rainbow as the girl rolled her eyes once again. "Look, I just don't get it. What is it about beyblading that makes people lose sight of things? What's so great about watching two people yell at each other and yell at a piece of spinning metal trying to slam into one another?" asked Twilight. "It's more than that. It's the feeling you get. The rush of excitement, the adrenaline that pumps in your veins. You know that feeling I'm talking about, right?" said Rainbow. "No... I don't," stated Twilight firmly. Soon the bell rang to signal the end of recess. The rest of the day went by as soon as school ended. However, instead of heading home right away to handle her schoolwork, Twilight was stuck grumbling as she had to wait for Spike. Apparently, her brother had to go have a battle with his group of friends. That alone annoyed the girl as she knew how often Spike hung out with his small group of friends, who all loved beyblading just as much as he. A group of kids their age was gathered around the stadium on the ground as they were about to begin. "Hey, Twilight." Approaching the girl was a boy who had pale, light grayish-amber skin. His eyes were vivid cornflower blue, with his hair being two tones of moderate sapphire blue. "Hey, Flash," said the girl as she greeted him. "So what are you still doing here? Usually, you've gone home by now," said the boy, as he knew Twilight would go home today since she had no extracurriculars. "Well, I would be. If a certain someone didn't decide to accept a battle. Honesty, this is one of the reasons why I don't get blading." said Twilight. "Ah, so... how's Spike been? Has he been improving?" Flash asked, as he was also a blader. "He woke up an hour early to practice. If only he put that much time into his grades as he does playing this stupid game, he'd be at the top of his class." "Lighten up a bit, Twilight. The district tournaments are coming up. And no doubt, he wants to prepare as much as he can. Even I'm putting in some extra training." said Flash. "I'll never understand how people like you and him just love this game," said Twilight. "Well, maybe you just need someone to show you," Flash smiled at the girl. While the teens talked with one another, the group that was gathered was shown. On one side, there was Spike as he had his launcher in hand. "All right, let's do this thing!" exclaimed Spike. "You sure you want to challenge me, bud?" smiled Spike's foe, who was one of his best friends, a boy named Button Mash. "That bey of yours, I'll crush it into a pulp." "Nice to see that they're getting into it," said another boy who was the pair's friend; his name was Rumble. "You got this, Button Mash!" cheered a girl whose name was Sweetie Belle. "I got mah money on Spike," said another girl named Applebloom. "Eh, I don't care who wins," shrugged another girl whose name was Scootaloo, as she just wanted to see some action. "This is it, Draco! Let's show everyone just how strong you are!" said Spike to his bey. "Breaker, let's have some fun," said Button Mash to his bey as he attached it to his launcher. "Okay, the match between Spike and Button Mash is about to begin. Whoever scores two points first wins. First battle." said Rumble as he served as the ref for this match. Both boys bent to a knee as they held their launchers tightly in their grips. They aimed them at the stadium with their other hand on the string, ready to pull once the signal was given. "Ready... set!" shouted Rumble. "3... 2... 1...!" shouted everybody as they counted down. "Let it Rip!" shouted both Spike and Button Mash. Both beys were launched as they entered the stadium. Spike's bey began to circle the outer rim while Button Mash's began to head to the center and took position. "What are you waiting for, Spike. Breaker's got the center on lock!" exclaimed Button Mash. "Easy. Draco, get in there!" ordered Spike. The bey heard the boy's command as it began to pick up speed. It was starting to lose in on its target as it bumped into it; however, Breaker still got back into the center. Draco began to unleash a fury of attacks as Breaker moved in, holding the center and withstanding all of Draco's attacks. "You simple attacks like those aren't going to cut it for the tournament, right, bud?" smiled Button Mash. "Just you wait!" said Spike as he had his bey spin even faster. The bey then collided with Breaker and pushed it out of the center. The bey then went up the wall as it flung Breaker out of the stadium. "Draco Dragonheart with a Ring Out Finish. One point goes to Spike. Which makes the score one to nothing." said Rumble. "Well?" smiled Spike. "Eh, I let you get that," stated Button Mash. "This time, I'm not holding back." "Yeah, you said that in the first round," said Spike as he put his bey back on its launcher. "Second battle... ready! Set!" yelled Rumble. "3... 2... 1..." "Let it Rip!" shouted both Button Mash and Spike. Once again, both boys pulled their launchers and flew their beys into the stadium. Both hit the surface and began to spin in opposite directions. This time Spike's bey began to ricochet off the stadium's walls all crazy-like. "You'll never get past Breaker's tough defense," said Button Mash as his bey reached the center. "Dragonheart, go at him!" said Spike. Dragonheart began to collide with Breaker as the bey was being kept from reaching the center at first, but soon it took the position and was now spinning constantly. Spike's bey was now smacking into it as Breaker was using its touch defense to not be affected by any of its attacks. "Dragonheart, let's do this. Dragon Fury!" commanded Spike as his bey began to spin around the stadium. The bey was picking up power and glowing a bit as Spike thrust his fist out. Dragonheart quickly changed direction and headed for Breaker. The beys collided as their spinning was grinding against one another with sparks flying. Soon Breaker was pushed out of the center and knocked out of the stadium again. "Dragonheart with a Ring Out Finish! With a score of two points, Spike is the winner!" declared Rumble. "We did it, Dragonheart!" exclaimed Spike. "Ah, well," sighed Button Mash as he appeared to have lost. "Nice one, bud," said Rumble as he congratulated his friend. "Thanks," smiled Spike. "Looks like he has promise," spoke Flash. "I just don't get it," said Twilight. "Hey, Twilight. I was wondering if you're not doing anything in a couple of weeks. Do you want to go see a movie?" asked Flash. For the boy, the relationship he had with Twilight was a weird one. While the pair had been on many dates before, they weren't an item per se. They sometimes hung out, had a solid friendship, and sometimes hung out. However, they never really shared a kiss. Regardless, for Flash, he felt like he and Twilight were slowly working their way up, and he was fine with taking their semi-relationship at a slow pace. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind," smiled Twilight. "Great, I'll let you in advance," stated Flash. "Spike, it's time to head home!" stated Twilight as she waved goodbye to Flash and signaled to her brother. The two Sparkle siblings were now walking home as the sky was starting to change colors. Twilight was in her room as she was busy reading. The girl heard some noises as Spike practiced his launches and shouts of attacks. Twilight groaned as she put her book away and put her pillow over her ears to drown out the sound, but it didn't seem to work. The girl then put her pillow behind her head as she stared at her ceiling. She saw the stickers on her wall and stared at the night sky wallpaper on her ceiling. She thought back to what Flash said about Beyblading. And how for her to understand what it was all about, someone should show her. "Well, maybe you just need someone to show you." "Some to show me?" repeated Twilight. "Psst. That'll be the day." The girl reached over to her nightstand and pulled the string of her lamp. It shut it off as her room went dark, with the girl turning in for the night. The city of Canterlot was shown as on a hill, and there was someone shown. They stepped from the shadows into the light as everything, but their face was shown. The boy was looking at the city of Canterlot as he had finally reached his destination. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold-colored bey with a black color scheme. "Well, bud. We're here," said the boy to his partner as they began to head down the hill and into the city. The place where their journey would begin.