//------------------------------// // Travel // Story: Containment Is Magic Season 1 // by Comet Diver //------------------------------// "A shame that the portal was closed when you arrived. May I see the readouts?" Grey handed his files to Officer Perkins. He scrutinized them. Then gave an audible "Ah..." "What is it sir?" "Based on the readouts collected from the portal, a considerable electrical charge should force it open for at least a minute. The Micro HID should be sufficient. We need to establish a site in this dimension. You will be the director." Grey actually thought Perkins was making a joke. He had a disciplinary review just 2 days ago. Grey barely held in his laugh. But then he noticed, Perkins had a completely straight face. This was for real. "M-me sir?" Perkins passed him a manila folder. "You have shown that you are capable. You will be given an extensive staff, and several prefabricated structures until the main compound is set up. I have full confidence in you, Doctor. Can you do this?" "I... I will try sir." Perkins smiled. "I know you will. You are dismissed." Grey couldn't believe it. A site director. He wasn't ready for this, but he couldn't let Perkins down. He had to accomplish his mission. His first priority should be reviewing his files. THUD. Ouch. Scratch that. He scrambled for his files. He needed to get to his office, before he ran into another wall. He opened the file, and read over it. Woah. Perkins was pouring a lot of funding into this project. It had some of the Foundation's top scientists. Gears, Bright, Kondraki, Clef, and Light. 150+ Class-D, including the infamous D-9341. All employees needed for a site to work at top efficiency. He was assigned a legion's worth of guards, and authority over MTF Lambda-5 until a better task force could be determined. The file was Level 5 access only. Wait, what the hell? He had Level 5 access now? No. This was too much for a new discovery, even if it was a parallel universe. Someone higher up knew about this before. They had to have. Whatever. It didn't matter if someone already knew about this. He had a job, and he intended to do it. Secure. Contain. Protect. It was a moonless night outside CHS. Grey's team knew their orders. Search for anything related to the anomaly, then reactivate it and pass through. An agent forced the front door open with a crowbar. The team scrambled to the office, and found the keypad. The alarm was disabled with exactly 38 seconds to spare. "We're in sir." "Good. You have your jobs. Do them well." Most leads were dead ends. Nothing about the portal in the principal's files, or the school paper. The locker of the girl, Sunset Shimmer, was a different story. "Sir. There's a book here, but its contents are... strange. It seems to be a two way conversation. Between her, and someone else. They aren't named." "Give an example." The agent read from a page. "Sunset Shimmer? I don't know if you still read this book. I imagine you don't, but on the off-chance you do... I'm sorry. Please. Come back. I miss you. We all miss you. Please Sunset. Please. That's where it ends sir. You think she might know something about the portal?" "No idea. Document the pages, then join us out here." "Roger that sir." Several more vans drove onto the street. The rest of his crew. Men in white coats, orange jumpsuits, blue uniforms, and black armor. "You all know why we're here. A dimensional anomaly has been discovered in this statue. We are attempting to reactivate it with an electrical charge to establish a command site. We will inhabit prefabricated structures until the full facility is operational. If you want to back out, now is the time." No one wavered. (At least, no one who mattered.) "Okay then. Agent. Power up the Micro." "Yes sir." A low hum came from the device, growing in intensity and pitch. Bolts of electricity jumped between the top and bottom of the gun's barrel. That thing produced 200000 volts of electric death. Everyone stepped back. The sound reached the point that it sounded like a screeching banshee. "Ready for discharge!" "Fire!" 12 snakes of lightning ripped out of the device and struck the portal. The front lawn of CHS began to glow as if an angel descended from the heavens. "Low on juice sir. 50%." "Keep firing!" Bright's scanners began to light up. "Membrane instability rising." A crackling sound emitted from the portal. The membrane was collapsing. If they could just keep it up, the portal would open. The agent turned a dial, and the bolts grew brighter. "I've increased the voltage, but I don't have the power to keep it up for long." Bright's scanners went as nuts as an American on July 4th. "Membrane instability critical! Breach progression 95%! Portal formation imminent!" "That's it. I'm out of energy." The Micro flickered and died, and its blue glow was replaced with a vibrant purple. The portal was all set. Doctor Clef stepped up to the portal and held an atmospheric tester through. It came back. The bottom of the screen read, in green text: Habitable. No turning back. The sirens of police cars rung in the background, coming to investigate the disturbance. It was now or never. First foot forward. 2 days had passed. The prefabs were up. No-one had seen other life yet. As far as Grey could tell, this dimension was deserted. They were on their own. He sent reports back to Perkins by using a modified reality anchor. Good construction progress was being made on the site. The containment wing was their top priority, and got online 6 hours after arrival. The facility was powered by solar panels until a better source could be found. No-one knew if the local plants were safe to eat, so they stuck to their packed food for now, and used the plants for experiments. More of that strange kind of cell that he saw in Sunset's blood. Class-D testing began. Despite nearly all complaining of bad taste, all the plants seemed somewhat normal. With the exception of Biohazard-01. Grey had a report to type. Item #: Pending. Temporary Designation: SCP-JOKE. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: No physical contact is allowed with SCP-JOKE at any time. Any SCP-JOKE found in the wild must be brought to the attention of biohazard containment teams. Personnel wishing to interact with SCP-JOKE must wear full-body hazmat suits to prevent exposure and contamination. Any personnel infected with SCP-JOKE are to be stripped of their rank and security clearance, studied, and euthanized if deemed necessary by on-site medical staff. (Overridden by Director Grey: I will not kill my own staff. There is a cure out there somewhere, and we will find it.) SCP-JOKE specimens must be contained in a 15X15X15 meter room in planters with soil from the forest that they are native to. Solar lamps must be on at all times, and a ventilation system should be set to cycle every 24 hours. The containment unit must have sprinklers set to deploy once every 6 hours. In the event of breakdown, personnel in full-body hazmat suits must water SCP-JOKE specimens by hand every 12 hours. In the event of specimens withering, they must be watered immediately. Description: SCP-JOKE seems to be a wildflower, which displays anomalous properties if a subject is exposed for more than 30 seconds. At this point, through an unknown means, the flower seeps into the subject's body and begins to alter their DNA structure, rapidly increasing the body's melatonin production. All exposed subjects who have remained awake due to external stimuli have passed into a coma by the 3rd hour, and all attempts to wake them have ended in total failure. After a subject falls into NREM or REM sleep, SCP-JOKE begins to rapidly change DNA structure, resulting in extreme mutations. Subjects commonly wake up after the 6th hour, but records of sleeping until for up to 12 hours do exist. After conversion is completed, the subject is awakened, The mutations are not always physical, but are always detrimental to the subject, causing difficulty in performing duties, and seem to be of comedic nature. There is no cure once infected. Re-exposure terminates the previous mutation, but after 2nd exposure, every subsequent exposure heightens the risk of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum JOKE-1: SCP-500 has been found to cure the effects of SCP-JOKE even in final stages of infection. Grey dispatched his report through the anchor, and then he was contacted by a guardsman. "Director Grey, go ahead." "Sir, I found something. It seems to be a village. Medieval era, I think. No visible inhabitants." "Maintain your position. I am on my way." He hung up the phone, and yelled for his deputy director. "Bright!" "Yeah?" "I'm going out. Don't blow anything up while I'm gone." "No promises sir." Grey rolled his eyes, grabbed his coat, and darted to join the guardsman. He arrived within a few minutes. "Seen anyone yet?" "No sir. Perhaps we should" He cut himself off. "Wait. Movement. 2 o'clock." Grey looked in that direction, and sure enough, there was something there. A pony. Smaller than ones on earth, no doubt, but certainly a mare. Her coat was pink. Her mane was puffy, colored in a slightly darker shade, and... were those balloons on her flank? They were. They appeared to be some kind of marking. Two blue, one yellow. The pony was jumping along, seemingly cheerful, even oblivious to the world around her. As Grey and the guardsman followed her, it became clear that she wasn't alone. Everyone, or rather everypony, had strange colors in their mane and coat, and a unique mark on their flank. In fact, it became even stranger. "We should keep following the pink one." "Wait... sir. Look." "What is..." Grey dropped his jaw. There was a unicorn. A real-life unicorn. He wished his daughter was here to see this. Then, up in the sky, a cloud burst. There was a pegasus. No, several. He saw 10 pegasuses. Wait, what was the plural of pegasus? Pegasi? Yeah, that sounded right. He saw 10 pegasi. Each one was busting or moving clouds. "Well, this can't get much stranger." They heard a gasp, and the pink pony moved in a blur past the two humans. She either didn't see them, or didn't care. A voice, not the guardsman's, came from the direction she ran. "Well that was interesting all right." THESE THINGS SPOKE!? ENGLISH!? Sure enough, there was a purple unicorn, with dark blue and pink in her mane. There was a six-pointed star on her flank, with 5 white stars around it. Standing next to her was... something. It looked somewhat like a dragon, with scales, claws, spines, and a tail, but no wings, and no fire breath from his first observation. It wasn't big, or even that scary. But then again, SCP-999 seemed sweet and innocent, but recent studies connected him to The Scarlet King. Looks could be deceiving. "New target, the purple one." "Yes sir." Grey and the guardsman, moving in the shadows, followed the purple pony and her dragon onto a dirt path leading out of town.