//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Anxiety & Comfort // by JoeTheBrony //------------------------------// Back at P.J’s home, Aria and P.J sat on his bed and started nibbling away at their muffins. When they finished, Aria gazed at P.J, smiling warmly. “Did that cheer you up, sweetie?” P.J smiled back at his partner. “It really did, thank you baby. Thank you for being here when I needed you most.” “No worries, sweetheart. I’ll always be there for you, you know that.” Aria replied, booping his partner’s snoot affectionately. P.J giggled and leaned into Aria’s side. “Could you… stay here tonight? I don’t really want to be alone.” Aria smiled. “Of course, baby, whatever you need.” P.J smiled happily and cuddled up to his partner more, as they lay down together on his bed. Aria wrapped his wing round P.J, pulling him in closer as they nuzzled each other, happy to be in each other’s company. P.J cushioned himself against his partner’s soft wings, his eyelids growing heavier with each second that passed the two lovers by. Aria looked down at his drowsy partner, smiling at him. “Getting sleepy?” He asked softly. P.J replied with a very sleepy, “Mmhmm…” Aria kissed his lover’s head tenderly. “Go to sleep, honey. I’ll keep you safe all night long. I love you so much.” Aria’s response was met with soft snoring coming from his side. He gave his darling a final kiss goodnight as he drifted off too, the two tired ponies embraced in each other’s love.