//------------------------------// // Home. // Story: New Dawn: Blake Comes Home. // by NightZeroni //------------------------------// I followed the dirt path. My body has a bit of an ache to it. After spending the morning working with my girlfriend. And then the rest of the day with Applejack at the farm. I was tired. Sore. And in desperate need of a shower. Sure. I could just. Use my powers, and I’d be clean, good to go, and like I had just woken up. But after a while. I found that I actually missed the feeling. Sure it sucked to be in pain, and to ache. But it was a welcome feeling. Just like how my eyes felt just a little bit heavy. Tiredness was a good feeling when you knew that the end of the day was just around the corner. Metaphorically and literally. In this case. As I crossed over the small bridge over the stream, and approached the cottage. I had been dating Fluttershy for six months now. Six months, two weeks and three days, to be precise. And my life has been so. So nice with her. I still missed home. And wished nothing more than to explain where I had been to my friends and family back on Earth. At least the friends who had no idea where we had gone. Me, Oliver, and Jackson. I gently knocked on the door, not wanting to spook her. “I’m home little butterfly.” I say softly. I hear the sounds of hooves clopping against the wooden floor, and the door unlocks. Opening inwards, Fluttershy looked up at me with loving eyes, and a sweet smile. “Welcome home my sweet bear.” She said, as I knelt. We embraced, and I pressed my face into her neck. Eyes closed as I took in her scent. Her ever pleasant smell. Which never ceased to calm me. And bring my heartbeat to slow down. She wrapped her hooves around my neck, her wings outstretched, embracing us together. One hand on her back, and the other under her rump as I picked her up. I began to kiss her neck, and the side of her face, as I kicked the door firmly shut. Walking over to the human sized couch, two feet bigger than that actually, I laid down onto it. My butterfly beneath me. Altering my weight. I became exponentially lighter, so as to not crush her. But still enough so that she wasn’t going anywhere without me wanting her too. I wanted her right where I could touch her. My eyes closed. Cheek laying on her chest, as her hooves gently stroked my head, and she spoke softly to me. Ever loving words. Sweet nothings. That wasn’t something I could do. Replicate this feeling. And I never wanted to be able to do it.  This happiness. This contentment. Because if I did, It’d be a drug more addicting than any other. And I’m sure that I’d never be able to break away from it. But that was a thought for some other time. Right now… Right… Now. I just wanted to sleep. To relax, and let my butterfly care for me. But of course. She wanted to care for me. Which meant that it wasn’t time to sleep yet. “Now now. Come on Mister. There’s still one creature I need to take care of tonight.” I grumbled, and pushed my face into her soft belly. I didn’t want to get up. I really. Really didn’t want to. And I barely looked up, just enough for her to see my eyes. Silently pleading to not have to get up. “Oh. Please don’t do that. You know it makes my heart bleed when you do that.” She says, a small quiver in her voice. She didn’t like seeing me sad. It made her sad also. As she placed her hooves on my head. I sighed. And pressed my face back into her stomach for a minute. “... I want cuddles later.” I grumble. Looking up at her. Her hooves gently touched my face, and I closed my eyes. Trusting her completely, pressing into her left hoof, her right pushing my hair out of my face. “I promise we will cuddle as much as you want, my big, sweet bear.” Fluttershy says. As she leans down, and begins to put kisses on my face. Every one of them added up to make my back tingle. And then relax. My body losing all tension, head fully lulling onto her hoof. And I was putty to her. To do whatever she wanted. And I trusted her with that privilege. “Aaaw. Such a sweet bear you are. I can’t imagine why anyone found you scary before. You're so sweet.” She says, giggling a little. I open my eyes, and meet hers. Dragging myself up, an inch away from her nose touching mine. I boop her. “Because I can be very mean. Scary bear when I want to…” I look into her eyes. And we hold our gazes. Before she smiles, and leans in. Pressing her soft, velvet lips against mine. And I press back. Tilting my head, and embracing in our soft, but passionate kiss. This went on for a few minutes. Before we broke it together, and pressed our foreheads together. If there was a changeling nearby. They would be drowning in love. Reluctantly. I pulled away, and stood up. Offering a hand, which she took with her wing. And we walked towards the bathroom. Stripping down. Completely naked. I began to sink into the pre-prepared bath. She always knew how to spoil me. Relaxing in the hot water. I sighed deeply. Feeling my every qualm with not wanting to get up disappearing. Then my eyes shot open, as I felt hooves on either side of my hips. And Fluttershy sat down on my lap. “Someone's promiscuous.” I said, placing my hands onto her hips, rubbing them gently. “Well. Let’s just say that someone is rubbing off on me.” She says cheekily. Leaning forwards, chest to chest, as she puts her head onto my neck. Exhaling contently as well. My hands go to either side of the tub. And I relax with her. Cleaning could come later. This was too nice to give up at the moment. But about ten minutes into our soak. I reacted, and caught the thing Angel had thrown at my face. Opening my eye, I saw the rabbit angrily staring at me. Pointing to the bar of soap now in my hand, he obviously wanted us to get this along with. “Angel. Bro. Please man. I don’t want to fight you tonight. Can we have one night where I don’t have to feel like you're going to either claw my eyes out. Or bite my cock and balls off.” “Blake! Language mister!” Fluttershy said, sitting up and looking at me. “Angel would never do such a thing.” I sighed. And thunked my head against the tub. “Sorry… sorry…” “Blake. Honey. Please talk to me. Does Angel bother you that much?” Shy asks. Concern in her eyes. “Baby… Yes. He does. And you know that I’ve tried really hard to get him to like me. But no matter what I do, it just seems like he hates my guts!” I say, sighing. “... Fluttershy… Maybe Angel is right.” “Huh? What do you mean?” She asks. Sounding even more concerned. “Maybe I should leave. Angel clearly sees something wrong with me being here. And hell he might even be right. I don’t know… But I know to trust an animal's instincts… So… I should leave.” I say, starting to lean forwards. This has been on my mind for about a month now. For pretty much the entirety of my stay here with Fluttershy, Angel had been constantly aggravated towards me. I mean… Yeah. That’s what he’s like in the show. But it just felt so deliberate. Like he really genuinely hated me. Fluttershy pushed me back down. “NO!” She shouted. Before putting a hoof to her mouth. “I-I mean… P-please d-don’t go Blake. Please d-don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.” Fluttershy begins to tear up, and wetness begins to fall from her face. Down her cheeks. And off of her chin. “Please don’t leave me. Please oh please don’t leave. I know that Angel can be a brat sometimes. But he doesn’t mean it! He’s just protective of me! He doesn’t want to see me get hurt, because… because of my last relationship with a Stallion.” She says, attempting to gather herself back up before continuing. “He was horrible. So bad that I never wanted to date again… Then you come along, Blake. You showed me what Love really is. And now that I know… I don’t want to lose you now! Please! I don’t want you to lea-” Angel makes a noise. And we both looked over to him, seeing that he was beside the bathtub. He was touching his fingers together. And looked up at Fluttershy, speaking to her. “Oh Angel. Its okay honey. You just… Just wanted to protect me. And I know that you might still be a bit cautious about stallions around me… but… we both know that. Blake is a good man.” She looks at me, sniffling. Eyes still wet, as she smiles at me. “He’s so kind. And never wants anything in return for what he does… And he loves me. This beautiful man from another world loves me more than any stallion ever has.” She touches my face gently. “And I’ll be forever grateful to him… So… promise to get along with him. Okay? For my sake?... please?” She asks Angel. Pleading a little. Angel looks at me. Then Shy. Then me again. He sighs. And looks at Shy again, smiling, and nodding. Talking to her again. She beamed. And leant down, rubbing Angel's head. “Thank you, my precious Angel.” Fluttershy says. I gently touch her face, and wipe away the tears from her cheek. Then the other. Using a bit of water. “I’m sorry I scared you… I trust Angel's judgment of me. But if he’s alright with giving me a chance… Then I’ll stay. I love you Fluttershy. And I promise that I won’t stop loving you either… How about we get clean and we go to bed. I’m not hungry.” “A-are you sure?! You always eat when you come home!” “Eh-heh… Applejack uh… Filled my plate, so to speak. I’m still really full, granny and the family had all baked something for me to eat. And I couldn’t just say no… Which reminds me.” I look at the little Devil rabbit from Monty Python. “Angel. If you go and get my bag. There’s a treat for you, and a treat for Fluttershy. Could you get that for me buddy?” Angel rolls his eyes, and hops off. Coming back soon with the bag in tow. He opens it. And his eyes widened and water. A. Golden. Carrot. “Had a favor with Applejack.” Utter bullshit. I had created it myself. “So I thought I’d do something nice for you for once. Now the uh… The other thing?” Shaking his head. Angel brought the small container out. Fluttershy happily chewed on the Carrot cake. A real treat from Mr.Carrot Cake. His specialty, of course. Which just so happened to be Fluttershy’s favorite dessert. Swallowing. She sighed contently. And looked at the rest of the slice, which I spoon fed her. Deliberately, I got a bit of the cream on her nose. And she backed away a little. She went to lick it. “Ah ah. Bad girl. Leave it.” I say. Lowering the spoon. I leant in. And licked the cream off of her nose. Putting a kiss onto it after “Good girl.” Fluttershy made a cute squeak. And happily waited for the rest of her cake. Which I fed to her, piece by piece. Eventually. It was all done. And my little butterfly was now satisfied, and ready for bed. “Go ahead. I’ll catch up after I put my plate away.” “Okay. Don’t take too long honey.” Shy says softly, her pink mane falling over one eye as she spoke. Which made my heart leap. She was the most adorable, cute, most fucking heart stopping diabeties inducing mare in Equestria and the world at large. And she was all mine… That made me so. Incredibly happy. Washing the plate. A nice one that came with the slice, a pleasant gift from Mr.Cake. I put it away. Looking out the window. And up at the stars. I thought about Oliver and Jackson. Jack had found a kindredship in Pinkie Pie. And after some Coaching from me. I got him to land an actual date. Not a “date” by Pinkies standards. She also hadn’t ever dated anyone before. So I had to team up with Rainbow to get that whole ordeal done. But back on topic. They hit it off quickly. And by his account, it was the best day of his life up till that point. Oliver… Well. Let’s just say that old Oli would need some convincing. And a little bit of help. I knew he liked both Rainbow and AJ. Which one he liked more, I had no idea. I shook the ideas from my head. Those things could come later. Right now? I turned on my heels, and walked through the cottage. My butterfly was waiting for me. I opened the door. Turning off the light behind me as I did. Nothing but soft moonlight shone into the room. But it gave enough so that my normal, natural night vision could perfectly see the beauty before me. She laid on her back. Wings spread out, forehooves outstretched, and hind hooves spread. Tail covering her modesty. A blush on her face as my eyes ate her up. As we had bathed. I only had my pants on. Which I removed. And walked towards her. My yellow beauty. My cherished treasure. My special somepony. My girlfriend. Which I loved ever so dearly. Getting on the bed, I crawled over to her. And laid myself into her warm embrace, her hooves wrapping around my neck. Kissing my face, licking my cheek. As she wiggled underneath me. My hands snaked under her back. Touching between her wings. And the small of her back. And I made sweet music with her voice. Lust was between us. The fires of passion ablaze as we made sweet, passionate love. Her voice. My driving song. And her body, my goddess to worship. We laid together. Her atop me. Breathing softly. Exhausted. And ready to sleep. I did not let her just yet. Gently. I placed her beside me. And put her eye mask on. Taking her plushie of a rabbit. I slid it between her hooves. And wrapped my arms. Strong. Sturdy. And safe. Around her. Taking the little butterfly into the embrace of her strong, protective bear. Curling around her. Hips conjoined. And her head pushed against mine. I pulled the covers over us, and used my power to get the blanket tucked in. And snug. A firm fit. Our heads, just outside of the blanket. Fluttershy. However, turned around, and pushed her face into my neck. Taking a deep breath, and releasing it. Now finally content, as I readjusted my embrace. I kissed her. Again and again. “I love you Fluttershy. I love you so much… I won’t leave you. Not now. Not ever. Not unless you want me gone. Not unless Celestia herself rips me from your loving hooves. And ever soft, ever gentle embrace.” “I-” Fluttershy yawns. Cute enough to give you diabetes. Again. “I love you to… My warm… Fuzzy… Bear.” Her head finally drops. And she falls asleep. A tiny bit of help from me of course. About three months ago, she told me she had been having trouble sleeping. I told her it should get better soon. And of course, it did. Once her melatonin levels got really high, letting her sleep nice and deep. And long. I messed around in her head a little too, hormones and electrical signals to make sure she would have dreams. And good ones at that. I couldn’t put it into words, what made them good. But I just knew that she would have the most pleasant dreams. She told me all about them in the morning, every time. Adjusting a little more. I stroked her back, and mane gently. A subconscious thought. One I barely had to think of. As my own drowsiness started to kick in. One final adjustment. I thought. As I began to sprout a wing from my back. And slid it around her. Wrapping her close to my body. With that. I closed my eyes. And drifted off to sleep. My butterfly wrapped in my gentle. But firm embrace.