//------------------------------// // Chapter7: Shocking Truth. // Story: The Story To Dizzy Paws // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter7: Shocking Truth. -------------------------------------- As DizzyPaws walks along a long hallway with Celestia to a gold carriage that two pegasis guards where tied to, "Are you ready to go to go home?" Celestia asks looking down at DizzyPaws. He just nods his head and slowly clammed on into the golden carriage. He finds a spot to sit down on and see the stallions. Celestia walks next to him and looks over the stallions, "Lets go." she said as the two stallions as they start to head off. DizzyPaws looks down and watches the land flow under them as the clouds gently fly past them. DizzyPaws was scared of the height, but the feeling of flying was amazing. He looks up to see the sun shinning down onto the land. The feeling of the breeze flowing though his mane and tail felt amazing. With the heat of the sun rays heated him up as well. Celestia looks down at DizzyPaws and smiles, "So how did you get lost?" she asked in a sweet voice. DizzyPaws looks in her eyes, "Well we got to Canterlot and I wonder off." he tells Celestia looking down. She sits down next to him, "So you like to wonder around don't you?" she asked looking at DizzyPaws. He nods and looks down, "I don't know why, but my mind just makes me wonder around." he says as he looks back up at Celestia, "It's okay. Your young. It will be better when you get older." she tells Celestia as she stand up. DizzyPaws looks up at the princess's hair waving in the wind as they fly through the air. DizzyPaws looks back over the land just running past them. The wind slowly starts to increase flowing faster in his mane and tail. DizzyPaws slowly raises his wings and feels the wind glide agents his feathers. He also closes his eyes and looks up at the suns heat. Celestia smiles at him standing their enjoying the feel of the heat of the sun and the feel of the wind gliding past him. She waited for him to open his eyes. When DizzyPaws open his eyes to see Celestia looking down at him, "Do you like to fly?" she asked sitting next to him. He folds his wings down to his side and looks down, "I can't fly yet... My mother told me that she will teach me when I get a little older." he tells Celestia sitting down. She smiles and nudges him a little, "It's not hard. You'll get it down in no time." she tells DizzyPaws as he looks back up. A few more minuets of the ride they made it to the town where DizzyPaws stumbled upon years ago. They make their way to the house of the couples that took him in. Celestia knocks on the door. The two ponies opened the door and looked up at her, "I found this little colt wondering around Canterlot and one of my guards found him and took him to me. He told me that he lived here." she tells them as she moves over to show DizzyPaws looking up at them and steps back. The two ponies grow teary eyed as they get down to hold him close, "Thank you for finding him." the mare tells Celestia as they look up at her, "Your lucky I found you little colt." she tells them. The stallion looks up at her, "Well he is not ours... We found him and we don't know or have seen any other pony with him. We took him and raised him as our." he tells her as he stands up. DizzyPaws just holding his mother not paying much attenuation to the stallion talking with Celestia. After a few minuets of them talking Celestia turns around and starts to walk, "Well you two are vary lucky to have a cute colt like him." she tells them as she heads back to Canterlot. About two years later DizzyPaws is in school and they had some extra time so the class went out to relax. DizzyPaws is sitting next to the maple that he has been sitting next to every time they go outside to play or to relax. When he looks up at the sun to feel the heat of the rays a ball rolls next to him. He looks down at the round silver ball. "Hey Dizzy, kick the ball here!" a red coated stallion that's the same age yells as he walks over to him. DizzyPaws just looks down at the ball and back to him, "come on and kick it!" he tells DizzyPaws. He looks back down at the ball and kick it to the other pony, but it came up short. The red pony picks up the ball and walks over to DizzyPaws, "Hey DizzyPaws why don't you come and play with us?" he asked tilting his head. DizzyPaws looks at the maple tree, "Well I though you guys didn't like me..." he said looking back at the young stallion. He looks around, "Well we though you didn't like us. You always came over here and sit next to this tree. We didn't know that you wanted to play with us." he said walking next to him. DizzyPaws fells a little better, but he just had one question to ask, "But if you guys want me to play with you, why was I called strange and weird?" he asked looking up at him. The red coat stallion thinks, "Well we where young and stupid. Come one lets go play." he tells DizzyPaws as he pulls him up and heads over to the others. When the school day ended they went home. A few years later when DizzyPaws was in his bed fast asleep, he was having a dream of what happen in Calterlot when he was a little colt. Before walking up he is where the Stallion was talking with Celestia. When he heard the words, 'We found him in the woods. We havn't seen him around him before and he didn't look like any pony around here. We took him in and raised him as our own.' he sat up quickly and his blanket flew off and onto the floor. He looks out the window. It was start of the sun rising. He rubbed his eyes with his hoof and stands up. He slowly makes his way to the kitchen to find something that will help him calm down. The dream replays in his mind as he walks down the stairs. When he makes it to the kitchen. DizzyPaws finds some left over muffins from the other day. He pulls out a few and starts to eat them. When he finishes the last one he hears the stallion walking down the stairs. As he makes it to the end of the stairs DizzyPaws looks over to him, "Dad..." he said in a low tone, "I have a question..." he said looking at him. The stallion looks at DizzyPaws, "What is it?" he asked walking to him. DizzyPaws looks into his eyes, "Am I your your real son..." he asked worried to know the answer. The stallion looks deep into DizzyPaws eyes, "Wait here..." the stallion tells him as he walks up the stairs. When the stallion walks down with the mare they walk over to the living room. They sit down next to DizzyPaws and looks at him. DizzyPaws looks at the back and forth. The mare looks at DizzyPaws, "Dizzy... We are not real parents... We found you years ago... You where just a little colt lost in the park... We looked for your parents for sometime, but we didn't..." she tells DizzyPaws. "What..." DizzyPaws replies as the stallion sits next to him. He rubs his hoof on DizzyPaws back, "We didn't want to tell you when you where young..." the stallion tells him looking down. DizzyPaws looks up at the mare, "Then where did I come from?" he asked with his eyes teary. She looks into his eyes, "We found you at the park down the street. We where walking and see you on the side lost... We didn't want to leave you out their so we took you in..." she replies to DizzyPaws. He ask if they can take him to where he was found. The stallion and mare look at each other and nod their heads. They agree that he is old enough to see. As they walks down the street DizzyPaws mind filling up with questions he is not sure that can be answered. When they make it to the fence to where the hole is where DizzyPaws crawled though years ago, "This is where we found you. We where walking down this path and you where sitting here alone looking around." the mare tells DizzyPaws as he is looking at the fence. They stood their in silence as DizzyPaws looks behind the fence, "When we found you." the mare adds, "You had a half of an apple with you." the mare tells him as she stands next to DizzyPaws. As the stallion, mare and DizzyPaws stood at the site where he was found his mind was filling more and more of what to ask them. In the moment time was slowing down as his mind raced forward. When he turns around to them, "I have one question..." he asked looking at them. They nodded and waited. DizzyPaws cleans his throat, "Would you mind letting me go to try to find where I came from when I get older..." he asked looking back and forth between the two. They look at each other. The mare looks at DizzyPaws, "When your done with school and when you think your ready we will let you go and look." she tells DizzyPaws as he looks back at the fence.