The Royal Three

by Kingstar008

Damage control

It took the bat pony five minutes to get back to the castle with Apollo in hand. When they finally landed at the castle courtyard, he was so grateful that the terrifying flight was over. And started to kiss the ground. Much to the amusement and confusion to anyone nearby.

Apollo didn’t consider himself to be afraid of heights after all, he does love high roller coasters. But never in his 19 years of living did he ever thought of being picked up by the armpits and flown across a city for five minutes to be fun. In fact, it was the most terrifying five minutes of his entire life.

Then Apollo noticed that everyone around him was not paying attention to him. Even the guard that capture him was talking to one of her subordinates. Then at that moment, he tried the second Dumbest thing he did all day.

He tried to make a run for it.

10:00 AM Castle throne room

The Royal sisters never thought that so many interesting things could happen in one hour.
And yet they were proven wrong.

After Artemis told them how he and his siblings ended up in Equestria and the interesting technology he had shown them, the doors to the throne room was open to reveal Atlas been escorted by two unicorn guards, all three of them were covered in red powder, and their eyes were red to the point where it look like they have been crying for two days and having trouble breathing.

Seeing this, Artemis and the main six rush to help out the three, after sending the two guards to the infirmary for trouble breathing and running eyes and noses. Everyone was asking Atlas what happened out there and after Artemis begged for him to tell the story, Atlas relented since he was screwed anyway.

It turned out that the powder that they were covered in was cayenne pepper. Why you may ask, well because Atlas was being chased in an area known as restaurant row and he was very desperate to lose his pursuers so when he saw a civilian carrying a crate full of jars of red powder, he decides to take one and smash it onto the ground.

Not only did he mace himself. He mace the two guards that was chasing him and anyone that was in a 200-foot radius. Taking this opportunity, Atlas ran another 2 miles until he couldn’t take the effects of the pepper anymore and threw himself into a small stream that was on the campus of Celestia’s school of gifted unicorns. That’s where he was captured by the same two guards that he maced, and he did the smart thing to do and surrendered.

After being laughed at, the castle nurse gave him a jug of milk and left.

11:03 AM

While Artemis was having a conversation with twilight, And Atlas, was talking to the rest of the main six. The throne room doors open to reveal Apollo being escorted by a batpony guard.

“Hello, your majesties sorry for taking a little bit, but we finally got the last one.” Said guard

“Lieutenant I’m just goanna ask, was he hard to catch.” Ask the moon princess.

“Actually, he wasn’t that hard to catch. I was just playing around with him a bit.” Responded the Lieutenant.

“So that’s why he’s crying?” Celestia asked.

“Actually, no, I had to get serious after he called me a bitch and a hybrid, after arriving at the castle, he tried to make a run for it, again”

“Well, he could’ve called you something worse.”
Said Atlas

“I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that captain of yours, using his magic to catch me. Oh, I almost forgot, Atlas, Artemis, since I lasted longer out there than both of you, you each owe me 20 bucks.” Said Apollo.

“Wait, you guys were betting on this?”
Ask Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah.” replied Atlas.

“Well, technically, I wasn’t in on it because when they were discussing it, I got thrown through a store front, so I don’t think I count.”
Artemis said.

After Atlas handed his brother, 20 bucks Apollo had to address the elephant in the room.

“Atlas why do you look like you smoked a ton of weed and your clothing covered in red powder”

“Oh God Apollo don’t ask that question”

“Tell him, he has the right to know”
Artemis said.

“Fine I’ll tell him” Atlas said begrudgingly.

(5 minutes later)

“Wait, so let me get this straight. You saw someone carrying a crate full of red jars and you thought that was a good idea to take one and smash it on the ground?” Said Apollo, while laughing his butt off.

“What I was desperate. I didn’t know it was cayenne pepper I thought it was colored powder, or something” said Atlas, trying very hard not to blush in embarrassment.

“And that’s not all it was so bad that they had to close down an entire street because the pepper spread all over the place.” Said Artemis, trying but failing to keep his laughter in.

“Wait, what is that street lined with closed restaurants and a look abandoned?”
Artemis asks.

“Yep, that’s the one” Atlas responded while gritting his teeth.

“What a strange thing about the story is that the pony he stole the jar from had a strong Indian accent and also her dad who was walking with her”
Artemis said.

Before Apollo can reply to Artemis, Atlas had enough embarrassment for one day.

“Hey Apollo, how come you look so terrified when you arrived here a few minutes ago?”

“I plead the fifth,” said Apollo

It was at this moment that the guard that escorted him into the castle, decided to embarrass him a bit.

“I can answer that question for you, the reason why he looks so terrified is because after he called me a bitch, I decide to punish a bit by picking him up by the armpits flew him to the castle while a crowd of civilians cheered me on. And mind you it was not a smooth flight.”
Said the bat pony lieutenant.

“I said I was sorry. Geez.” Said Apollo now feeling very embarrassed.

“Now I wish, I was there and recorded that” Artemis said.

It was that that moment, a teleportation sound was heard across the throne room. Everyone turns their heads to see a white unicorn in purple armor standing in the middle of the room.

And he looked absolutely exhausted.

“Captain armor, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what took you so long?” Said Luna.

I’m sorry I’m late your majesty’s, but trying to calm down Cantorlot, is way harder than I thought. Thanks to these three running all over the city restaurant row has to be closed down for cleaning, major property damage and schools on lockdown had to be reopened and a large crown on Main Street had to be cleared out. It turns out they were gathering because they saw one of the.….”


“Humans?” Shining armor replied

“Yeah, that’s our species name” Atlas replied

“As I was saying, the crowd gathered, because they saw one of the humans being chased down Main Street and they were cheering the guards on. Well, that’s what witnesses says anyway.”

“Yeah, that’s what happened, believe me, I was the one getting chased” Apollo said.

“But I’m not here to discuss the events of how they were captured, but to figure out what appropriate punishment should Sergeant lightning get. “

“Sorry to interrupt, but I thought restoring order to the city was your top priority,” said Atlas.

“It was until I looked at his record and it’s not the first time he got into some big trouble, but never did something like this until today.”

“Actually, what did he do?” Apollo asks.

“He came out of nowhere and tackled me like he was an NFL football player and rammed me headfirst into a store front. That’s why I have a bump on my head on my head and this”

Artemis then turned around and lifted up the back of his shirt to reveal a few bruises on his back.

“I have two questions. Did you get checked out by a doctor or nurse? And where is this bastard? I want to jump him.” Apollo said, while cracking is knuckles.

“For the first question. Yes, I got checked out by a nurse. for the second question, don’t even try when I told Atlas what happened he tried to kick the throne room’s doors open and hunt him down himself.

“Wait, he actually try to do that?” Shining armor ask.

“Yeah, he was pretty successful breaking those doors down. He would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for twilight and rarity using their magic to stop him.”

“And that’s why I’m here to get your opinions. What’s the proper punishment for lightning your majesty’s said Shining armor

“Well, if this was a normal case, I would’ve suggested either putting him on the graveyard shift or suspending him without pay but this is not a normal case. So why not our new friend Artemis decide since he was a victim in this”
Celestia said.

“Huh, that’s not a bad idea,” said Luna.

“Wait me, shouldn’t you be the one making that decision?”

“Normally yes, but I just want to see where you stand on this position that’s all”

Hearing the sun princess response, Artemis' mind went work thinking the best way to punish the bastard. Should he go a gentle approach or be as cold as possible.

He chose the latter.

“I think you should give him the graveyard shift for 3 months”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh?” Set Twilight.

“It might seem a bit harsh, but I overheard the princesses and the captain saying he was a repeated offender so the only way he’s going to learn is to suffer for three months”

“Princesses do you approve of this proposal?” Shining armor asked.

“Approve of it! I love it for a second there I thought you just want to give him a slap on the wrist or something. I can already tell that you and your siblings, and I are going to be the best of friends.” Luna said.

“you’re goddamn, right!” The triplets said.

“Well, I have to agree with Luna I’d like the proposal as well” said Celestia.

“So, since your approved, I’m going to let lightning know that he’s going to be on the graveyard shift for three months, knowing that idiot he is not going to be happy” shining armor said with a chuckle.

“That the point.” Said Artemis.

“And before I go, Twilight after I’m done with my shift, do you want to meet me by the castle foyer and hang out a bit?”

“Sure, what time should I be there?”

“5 PM”

“All right see you later, B.B.B.F.F”

“See Ya, Twi”

And with that shining armor teleported out of the throne room, like he was never there.

“Twilight, you know him?” Ask Artemis.

“Yeah, he’s my big brother, why?”

“I don’t think you being egghead is the reason why no one had asked you out yet.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”
Twilight asks, slightly offended.

“No offense, but have you seen your brother?
He’s tall, strong, and looks pretty intimidating no wonder you’re still single.”

Twilight thought over his words. Ever since she was young, shining armor was pretty protective of her, especially in her teenage years.

She now sees where Artemis was coming from.

“You got a point.”