Possessions of a Third Kind

by Shroomkin


"Are you sure Twilight was acting... weird weird, and not the normal kind of weird?" Pondered the cyan pegasus with a raspy voice, floating gently above the bed.

"I have to agree," interjected a white unicorn, regal and defined, "While Twilight is our dear friend, she does have... some tendencies to be 'weird', so to speak."

"Mhmm! Twilight's weird but not a bad sort of weird! She's the best kind of weird," exclaimed an energetic pink pony.

"Oh great, it's the others," Ouros said, listening in on the conversations. Despite being in "the void of the mind", he is still conscious, and as such, he can still hear what was going on. He knows who they are to some extent, after all, he is the one responsible for keeping the flow of time. He holds a vast amount of knowledge from different universes, and yet, when it comes to this specific place, he shirks that knowledge away. "Primes be damned, looks like I can't skip learning about this world now."

If there was one benefit to being in the mind of someone, or in this case, somepony else, it's that one is free to use their memories for reference. "Fuckin' hell, is this mare part library?" He said, irked with how many memories of literal books Twilight contained. As with every memory-hopping, he decided to "watch" the first of her memories, or more specifically, memories where Twilight can read. After all, baby books still contain a bit of history. He then heard the creak of a door, the rest going downstairs, obviously still talking about Twilight as their voices fade. "Ah well, I guess I have to apologize to my host for ruining her reputation," Ouros shrugged as he continued to watch her memories, trying to learn of the crucial things, skimming through memory after memory.

Returning at the present world, the baby drake panted as he went back and forth from the living room to the kitchen, serving the others tea whilst preparing meals for them. Spike was, on normal days, a more calm and collected assistant to Twilight. However, the way Twilight acted shook him, both literally and figuratively, thus losing his normal composure. It didn't help that he was asked about some sort of parchment and a lost tomb. Was she having a nightmare? Perhaps he should stop her from reading too much of those "Daring Do" books.

And then came their friends, worried about the situation. So now he had to prepare more food instead of the usual amount. Within the library sat 5 of his friends, the Elements of Harmony. Floating above the rest was the cyan mare, Rainbow Dash. She was looking at the books, trying to find something she can enjoy, but judging from her expression, it appears most of the books were boring or not her type. The white unicorn quietly sipping tea, known as Rarity, used her magic to bring forth a cube of sugar to her cup. To her side was a timid pegasus, yellow in color, named Fluttershy, as she read about the different types of fish. And then there was the pink ball of energy, Pinkie Pie, who by sheer coincidence was already inside the house before the event happened. Talking with Pinkie was a mare with a Stetson hat, Applejack, who was casually glancing back and forth at the library books while entertaining the shenanigans of the bouncing Pinkie.

Spike had to remember to thank Applejack properly, as she was the one who brought the others. He went to the living room, placing down pieces of toasts with butter, a full kettle of hot water, and some fried eggs on the table. He sighed, and sat down, tired of doing extra work at such a time. This all changed though as Rarity decided to pat the young drake.

"So, anypony else got an idea as to what happened?" Applejack said as she took a bite on her toast, confused at the sudden outburst of her friend. Everypony, at this point, all shook their heads. Well, almost everypony, as Pinkie Pie was busy inhaling the food in front of her.

"Maybe, uhm, it really was just a nightmare," Fluttershy said, timid as ever, even with her friends. "We never encountered a... oh my, the thought is enough to scare me." Thinking about a tomb and a filly falling in a sinkhole really worried her. This spook not only her, but also the others. Was it some sort of precognition? Nopony really knows at this point.

"Okay, so the Summer Sun Celebration brought forth these ponies and they are now bound to their elements... Well shit," Ouros said, surprised and intrigued by this power. "Had the Elements of Harmony manifested at the Leaf War, that would have been an interesting watch!"

Just then, the void glowed a purplish hue. Baffled, he quickly closed the memories and looked at the cause of the light. It was her, the lavender unicorn, Twilight in the flesh - er, mind? Anyway, now was his chance to explain the situation to her. Of course, since he now knows that this version of Twilight has never encountered the Scourge (or at least, that version of him anyway), he wanted to apologize for ruining her possible reputation to the young drake, and possibly her friends.

"Hello! Greetings, my friend!" He said, waving his tail as he was still in his serpentine self. However, the figure did not respond. Instead, the figure moved and stared directly at the giant eye-windows. She opened them, causing a bright light to fill the void. And, as if nothing happened, she began to go towards the mirror and brush her mane.

"This will be a good day!" Twilight said. Ouros groaned, perhaps it was still too early for her mind to connect with his. As such, he'll just have to make do.

Twilight woke up from a really good sleep. She stretched her hooves, walked towards the mirror, and using her magic, began to brush her mane, telling herself that this would be a good day. She then opened the door, walking with a pep in her step as she went downstairs to greet her number one assistant, Spike. "Morning Spike-" she stopped as she saw that her friends were there too. "Morning girls! You're all here early," she said, a smile forming on her face.

The girls greeted her back, although, with worried looks upon their faces. Twilight noticed this and paused with her walking. "Is there something wrong?" She asked, not really knowing what to do with the situation. Finally, Applejack spoke out, walking towards her. "Are you alright, sugarcube?" She asked with genuine concern. Twilight, who at this point didn't know about what happened earlier, spoke truthfully at Applejack, though still concerned that she missed something.

"Yeah... I'm alright. Did something happen though?" She asked, tilting her head at her friends, making the situation even more confusing.

"Okay, she really was acting weird weird." Rainbow said, crossing her arms while flapping towards Twilight. "Twilight, you seriously don't remember?"

"N-No, did something happen? Did I do something?" Twilight, panicking at the thought that she did something to ruin her friendships with her friends, said with such fervor in her voice. Rainbow, however, not realizing the intensity of the situation, decided to "lighten the mood".

"Twilight! You changed into a werepony! The whole town is looking for you!" Rainbow said, panicking while shaking Twilight. This simply made Twilight's eyes shrink.

"Oh no, no, no! H-how could this h-happen?! Did..." Twilight froze as she tried to remember anything from last night. She sniffed, hugging onto Rainbow. "Please... don't tell me... t-that I hurt somepony! W-what would Princess Celestia say?! I'll no longer be her student, and I'll be outcasted, and, and..." She lied down, covering her eyes as she cried, "Oh no-o-o! What have I DONE?!"

"Rainbow, look what you did!" Applejack reprimanded, while Rainbow tried to hide her snickers. It was a bit of a mean prank, but hey, it was the only time she can actually do it. Twilight looked upon Applejack with confusion, tears still upon her eyes. "W-what?" She sniffed, wanting to know what is really going on. She then turned to Rainbow Dash who was hiding her muzzle with her hoof. Pinkie joined in, hiding her own snickers, while Rarity glared at the both of them. She can't believe it, she was pranked. Again.

Twilight quickly got up and scolded the two. "That wasn't funny!" Rainbow, no longer able to hide her laughter, fell to the ground as she held her belly, laughing at Twilight's disarray. "You have to admit, it was a bit funny!" She said, giggling at the situation. Rarity just simply rolled her eyes at the shenanigans and calmly walked to Twilight. "Darling, are you alright? Do you really not recall everything that happened this morning?"

"No," replied Twilight. She just woke up after all. With this information, Rarity and the others decided to tell Twilight what was going on, with Spike explaining about the things Twilight told him, like the filly being stuck in a sinkhole and a tomb found in a forest.

Ouros, upon hearing them explain, groaned and bit his lip, hiding his embarrassment from the quick judgement that he had done. Meanwhile, Twilight just sat there, dumbstruck. She really didn't remember anything about those things.

"Uh... well, I really don't know what you are all talking about." She said, calmly.

The rest looked at each other, and then at Spike and Pinkie. It seems that both parties are telling the truth. Well, that and Applejack heard her scream when she was passing near the library. She's the reason why everypony was present anyway, which made the situation more worrisome. If Twilight, who does not remember anything at all, Spike and Pinkie, who were both witnesses, and Applejack who heard the scream, were all telling the truth, then something isn't right. However, Pinkie, ever the life of the party, decided not to linger too much on the details and made everypony laugh with her shenanigans.

Ouros, on the other hand, silently pondered at the current turn of events. "Strange. Normally, people who I have bonded with in the mindscape can remember what I have done for advantage purposes..." A smirk was then placed upon his lips. "I don't know how I got here, but I have a feeling," he paused to reconsider. Could he really use this mare to do things he wants and not out of duty to protect? Could he really use such a tactic for this purpose?

Yes, most definitely yes. Now all he needs to do is to find out the waking patterns of his "roommate". But then again, should things go awry, he should probably talk to his roommate. He really needs to talk to Twilight at some point in order to avoid some malice in the future.

And with that, with Twilight off to go with her friends on some random adventure the day brings, Ouros decided that memory-hopping would be the best course of action for now. "I love books and all, but really, this mare needs to find someone."