
by RedSektor

Chapter 2

Shawn drove Tara through her college town, She clutched the white book to her chest as she peered out the car window. People running to their cars to catch their classes, people buying items from the market, which surrounded a fountain, the market had a road leading down through a series of colorful homes, and on the other half of the circle it had a walkway to what looked like a town hall. Parallel to the town hall was a library with a tree painted on the front, bordering the door. She felt uncomfortable simply looking at it, they pulled around to the library and Shawn looked back. "You live here, you run the local student library with Mike, the short guy with the cheaply dyed green hair who you met at the hospital.Your room is in the library. Just go up the stairs and you should find it. Tara fiddled with the handle on the car door until she managed to get it open. She stood up and immediately fell flat on her face, resulting in her screaming "OW!" then rolling over onto her back. Shawn walked up to her and reached out a hand. Tara tried to grab his hand by simply pushing it against his palm, but was confused when she didn't get a grip on it. Shawn just laughed and folded her fingers around his hand and pulled her up by her wrist. Tara looked down at the ground. "I- I meant to do that." Shawn laughed as he walked her through the door. "Sure you did."

Tara walked around the library, picking up books and looking at them. She picked up a book called 'Twilight' and skimmed through a few pages, her head began to throb violently and she yelped and threw the book across the room. "That book was, awful. Why would I even have that in stock?" Shawn picked up the book Tara threw. "Oh, this? Yeah it was a student reading project a few months ago; Terrible experience." There was a knock on the door and Shawn answered. "Hey, Alexia, come on in." Alexia came in to the library and looked around, followed by Rose, Rachel, Frankie, and Paula. Tara had no idea who they were, but they all seemed familiar somehow. Aleixa spoke in a southern accent "Howdy Tara, I- err we wanted to visit you right away after we head y'all got out of the hospital. Paula wanted to throw a party. Hey where is Pau-" Paula jumped off of the loft inside the library and landed right in-front of Tara. "Hi hows it been I've heard you were in a coma spooky well I hope you are feeling better and I thought since you are better as far as I can see I might as well throw you a party because parties are fun and when I get out of comas I always feel like a need a party to wake myself up so I can feel better and have even more parties oh right after this party we should have another party to celebrate the party that celebrated you being out of a com-" Rachel grabbed pinkie by the arm and pulled her. "Come on bro, you are being really-WHOAH!" Paula bit Rachel my the hair and said "RAINBOWS, YUMMY!" Frankie watched from the couch as they bickered. "Guys, I mean, um maybe you should, you know stop." Her objection was to no avail. "Guys, please, arguing makes me upset." She began to whimper. "Guys...." Frankie stood up and grabbed each one of them by the waist and pulled them apart. "STOP ITNOW!"

Rachel and Paula stopped arguing ans stared at Frankie. Rachel spoke. "Oh, well I mean. I think I left my fridge running!" Rachel took off out of the door. Paula stared, then backed away. "Okay fine I will stop I am just gonna go ahead and sit down now if thats okay with you-" She sat on the couch. "-see I'm sitting down please don't hurt me okay I am to young to die." Tara stared blankly. So that is why I remember them, huh? She began to feel light headed and dizzy. "I think I need to sit down." She walked about four feet then fainted, landing on rose. "AH MY DRESS!" Rose screamed. Rachel and Mike walked in and looked at the sight in front of them. "What in the hell?" They said in unison. Rachel picked up tara and carriend her up the stairs. She walked into Tara's room and set her in her bed, then covered her up. She sat in a chair next to the bed and waited for her to get back up.

Tara awoke in her bed, surrounded by her 'friends' who were all silent. Tara slowly got out of bed and stood, actually taking in her surroundings.Everything is so, similar. If it wasnt for that book, it might very well be a dream. Alexia was the first to speak. "Hey, um, I'm sorry for us makin' y'all faint like that. We really should have had some regard for your saftey." Tara shook her head. "No, no it's fine. I just need some time to think." Alexia hugged Tara. "Well okay sugarcube, if thats what you want." They all left. Mike just stood there as Tara stared at him. "What? I live here." Tara ignored him and walked downstairs, and into the kitchen. She looked at all the appliances, but mostly the fridge. She slowly walked over to it and pulled it open. She stared into the fridge. "Is that... meat?" Mike looked into the fridge. "Uh yeah, duh." He pulled out a thin, clear bag. "See? Bacon!" She looked at Mike, then the bacon, then at Mike again. "Oh. My. God." Tara ran back upstairs and into the bathroom. Mike threw the bacon back in the fridge and shrugged. "Oh well." He pulled out a slice of turkey and took a bite.

Authors Note: If anyone would like to proof-read for me I'd be glad to let you. Oh and about the chapter being less serious, my idea is to go Dark/Funny/Dark/Funny to make the story less repetative. Also any constructive criticism is accepted.