//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Bloodlust // by Scarlett_Lilac //------------------------------// A lone bat flew casually through the night sky, it had gotten separated from the other bats it usually flew with and was completely on it's own. It was unaware of its surroundings, it was lost. With no sense of where it was going the bat just kept flying on, hoping to eventually find something. Like a village of ponies, as it was so hungry. The bat hadn't fed on anything in hours and was desperate for food. No matter how far the bat went it couldn't see any signs of life at all. But it didn't have many other options, the bat took a turn a decided to take shelter in a cave as rain started to fall making it difficult to fly. Once inside the cave, the bat could see a lake a little further in from the entrance. It headed over to the lake and landed on the floor, as the bat stood infront of this lake, it could clearly see that it wasn't a lake. It was glowing. The bat stuck a wing through the portal and it disappeared, as if there was more beyond this strange glowing lake. Or more like, a portal? The bat threw itself in. It grew very dizzy, and when the dizziness seized the bat found itself infront of a large building, having just come out from what looked like a mirror, with a large horse statue on top of it. Confused, the bat took to the sky again as there was no rain in this... new world? The bat soared through the dark night. On the hunt for a lone victim, to drain as much blood from their necks at possible. The remarkably ugly bat was hungry, no, starving. it hadn't drank from anyone in ages, it was beginning to feel exhausted from its lack of blood. It had just reached civilisation, but when lurking and waiting for its next meal, it grew confused. These creatures weren't the usual ponies it fed from. These things were much different, they only walked on 2 hind legs, they were much larger than ponies and had no hooves, but something different the bat couldn't name. Not even to mention none of them had any standard pony ears, no tails, no horns, no wings, nothing a pony would have. The bat elected to ponder on it later, and feed now, as it's hunger grew ever so more unbearable. Sunset waved goodbye to her friends and drove off down to road on her motorbike, travelling towards her apartment. She began to think some, peculiar not exactly platonic thoughts about one of her friends, again. Sunset had been getting these thoughts about her beloved friend a lot lately. The quite randomly timed thoughts, or even fantasies, mostly contained the idea of them in intimate situations or just being together in a real relationship. Well of course she had some, other, thoughts along the same lines too, but a bit more graphic. And the subject of all these weird fantasies of Sunsets, was none other than Twilight Sparkle. She was just so adorable, impossibly cute and Sunset just couldn't ignore it. Before Sunset knew it she'd already arrived home. Her apartment was relatively small, but nice, clean and most importantly cozy. She made her way in and up the stairs, the usual dog barking at her through the window as she walked past it. She finally made it to her apartment and messed around with her keys to find the right one and unlock the door. It had already fallen dark due to the rainbooms staying later at school to practice, increasing the difficulty of her current task. She eventually got the right key quite quick, then Sunset felt a sharp pain in her neck, it wasn't a large amount of pain that she felt but definitely a shock to her. She yelped from the surprise and spun around immediately to be face to face with a bat, an ugly one at that. Sunset covered her neck with her hand and used her other hand to swat her bag at the hideous creature. Successfully hitting it a few times. The thing made a horrendous hiss sound, like a cat would make and quickly fled. Sunset groaned from the pain and made her way inside incase that bat came back for seconds. Once she entered and locked her door she quickly went to the apartment kitchen to grab some tissues. Sunset wetted the tissues and pressed them to her neck, on the area the bat bit her. After a moment she took it away and it had 2 circle shaped blood stains on it, she pressed it back to her neck for a few minutes. Once the bleeding finally stopped she took away the tissue and threw it out. Sunset strolled over to her mirror to inspect the cuts left. And there was two small hole wounds beside each other on her neck. "Celestia, what type of bat even was that." She mumbled to herself, "I've never seen it in any of my books or never even heard of it. Only thing I know is that I don't wanna see that thing again." Sunset sighed and left to her room, she searched through her closet for something to wear to bed. It was a warm enough night so she just opted for a t-shirt and shorts. After dressing herself in her chosen pajamas, Sunset slipped into her bed and began to relax. She grabbed her phone to set her alarm to wake her for school tomorrow. She put her phone down on her nightstand beside her bed and turned off her lamp, positioned on the corner of said nightstand. Sunset's eyes closed and shortly after she turned over and drifted off to sleep. Sunset awoke to the wretched sound of her beeping alarm. She groaned in annoyance and rolled over to relieve herself of the noise. Reluctantly Sunset sat up and got out of her warm, comfortable bed. She did a long stretch and went to gather things to take a quick shower. While doing so she remembered the events of last night. Sunset moved over to infront of the mirror to see what that cut would look like, whether it was bad or not. But what Sunset saw was just left her in confusion and with some questions. There was nothing there.