Ponyville's Biggest Threat

by MLPkillers

Comber Vs. Rainbow Dash Again! A Stunning Conclusion! An Unforgivable Sin Committed! The End!

Rainbow Dash was worried about her master, no seriously, where the heck did he go off to? This is definitely not like him, she started to remember all their conversations and examined them closely, she had to say something, she remembers him telling her he was responsible for the deaths that happened since he was the one who taught the assassin Comber; he felt bad about it, so... Wait, no, he didn’t try to make it right and take down Comber did he? At first, Raining Dash thought he was off meditating alone but no, that guilt he showed; she believes he tried to make his mistake right.

“Girls, I think, Cinom went to fight Comber.”

The group was searching hard for Cinom, Twilight, and Rarity inside with Rainbow Dash, they couldn’t believe what they heard, did she just say she thinks Cinom went to fight Comber, what on Equestria’s life for? To redeem himself?

Twilight turned her head to Rainbow Dash, her expression serious.

“Why do you think Cinom went to fight Comber? Did he tell you perhaps that this search is a prank?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to slap Twilight upside the head, a prank, no, Tartarus no!

“Twilight, I even know now is not the time for pranks, and since you know I like to pull pranks a lot, that’s the reason you would ask that.”

Rainbow Dash darling, nice to see you have a new set of personalities.

Rarity smiled at Rainbow Dash, the blue pegasus dropped onto the ground and looked around before replying to Rarity.

“That’s what happens when you train yourself to be different than your old self when you’re determined to save your friends when you are determined to save your village. I’m going to go and look for Cinom around Ponyville. You girls are awesome friends.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked into the room, sweat dripping from their head as they bowed them with exhaustion. Rainbow Dash is crazy! That assassin could still be out there, and if he sees her, he will-!

“No Rainbow Dash, it’s too risky and reckless, if you think Cinom fought Comber, then the fight would be over by now and he might be already on his way back to his dojo!”

“That’s why I need to see if he’s out there, because if he loses and that assassin left him on the brink of death, then I must save him. Girls, trust me, I’ll be okay, and to be honest, I’m not scared of Comber, and judging by the stories of him I heard, he’s not as monstrous as we all think, he wanted to be a hero-!”

“A hero, you got to be darn kidding me, heroes don’t kill and he killed Pinkie Pie’s sisters if you remember!?”

Pinkie Pie’s head bowed with sadness; feeling the loss of her sisters again.

“I know, and I swear to Celestia he’s going to pay for that.”

“Wait a minute, darling, you ain’t planning on finding him and fighting him right?”

Rainbow Dash smiled, flapping her wings and hovering back into the air.

“Look, I know you all care about me, but I also care about Cinom, and you all do too, and the way I can make sure you all stay safe is by taking down this assassin. I do plan on defeating him, and putting an end to his crimes.”
Rainbow Dash smiled at them, smiling at Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie stared into Rainbow Dash’s eyes.

“I’ll be back, Pinkie promise.”

Rainbow Dash zoomed out the doors of the dojo as Rarity and Applejack and Twilight tried stopping her by calling her by her name, her horn lit but disappeared, realizing it’s too late. They did not want her to die by trying to avenge Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie’s sisters. She’s very lucky to be alive and it would be a tragedy.

“I’m going to!

“Let her go Twilight, please...”

Pinkie Pie said with sadness. The group turned their attention to Pinkie with a flustered expression, then to a happy one, nopony ever breaks a Pinkie Promise, because if they did, then they’ll wish they can go back in time and fix it. The group approached Pinkie Pie, hugging her, she needs it desperately, and the group broke the hug, and take a few steps back.

“If I’m going to be completely honest with y’all, she’s coming back, because of her determination, her will to protect Ponyville, I believe unless he kills her, if she defeats him, then she’ll be back.”

Rarity scoffed.

“And you trust a promise to secure her safety, no offense darling, that’s a little dull, she’s in danger If she fights him again!”

Twilight thought to herself a little bit, Rainbow Dash is prepared, and being prepared for what is to come is the best thing you can do, she learned how to fight, she built her muscle strength, and she even in Celestia’s name knows how to use magic, even if it’s not at the extend of a unicorn’s magic, it’s still something. She also has super speed too, so she has the advantage when thinking about it, but Comber has way more experience than she does which is the only negative, and he knows most likely how to disable and kill his opponent and he will fight to kill when she won’t fight to kill him, so she’s at a disadvantage if they were already tied with pros and cons.

“Girls she’s prepared and we can’t stop her from making her own decisions doesn’t matter how hard we want to.”

The group agreed with Twilight, it’s her decision, a risky one but yet, hers to make and not theirs.

“II don’t want to admit it but Twilight’s right, we can’t force her to stay here, even if her element is loyalty, she did say she’ll be back, I reckon like a cat after being let outside.”

The group took a deep breath to calm down, it’s not good to have your anxiety through the skull. The girls walked out of the dojo, and they thought about what to do, Pinkie Pie had a suggestion, maybe they should go and visit Sugar Cube Corner, maybe that place of parties will cheer up them all.

“Um... Girls, do you think we all can go to, Sugar Cube Corner?”

The group thought to themselves for a couple of moments, they think it would be a good place to talk about their experiences, but the Cakes most likely has the place locked down and until the assassin leaves the village, especially since the news is going around that not even the PPD can stop him, ponies are probably freaking out like a fire was lit in their homes. No, they got to keep their eyes on Rainbow Dash. Where is she even going? Probably to the Graveyard since the newspaper did simply stay away from the graveyard, the newspaper came when they visited Rainbow Dash in the hospital, that’s where they saw it, it’s terrifying, and a tiny bit of humor with the headline: “Assassin takes nap in Graveyard.” It’s not funny there’s an assassin in the village none should exist, but sadly they do.

“I reckon we go after Rainbow Dash, she might need help!”

“Sorry Pinkie, but Applejack’s right, we can’t let Rainbow Dash go off and fight that assassin alone.”

“I know, I changed my mind after realizing the situation again; sorry, I was too fixated on the Pinkie Promise that I thought she would super duper come back...”

“Darling didn’t I pretty much say not to rely on the Pinkie Promise, it only shows her confidence, not secures her from dying.”

“I know Rarity...”

Applejack wondered where the assassin would be, she knows they liked to be secret, stay undercover, and strike their enemy’s down, somewhere dark she thought.

“Well we know he’s at the graveyard since the title of the newspaper that we received in our mailbox said Assassin Takes Nap At The Graveyard.”

“That place would be dark for him to wait for jobs to come his way and a good resting place for a colt that sick would stay undercover.”

“Alrighty, then I suggest we go then darlings.”

The group decided to head to the graveyard. Pinkie Pie walked to the wooden doors and opened them, grabbing both handles, and looking back at her friends.

“Come on girls, let’s help Rainbow Dash and bring that monster to justice!”

Pinkie Pie was excited but anxious and in grief. She was mixed with emotions; anger, grief, revenge, and joy; these emotions caused the party pony to be flustered. Twilight walked towards the door, Applejack following her, Rarity did not, she was thinking, why not teleport there, can’t Twilight do that?

“Darling, can’t you just teleport us to the Graveyard?”

“I thought about that Rarity and I can’t, I need my full magic as of now and especially the distance of the graveyard, I’m sorry Rarity and girls, we going to have to run there if we want to get there fast.”

Rarity smirked, Twilight’s right, she remembers the last time Twilight used that spell. She was out of stamina. Well then, what are they waiting for then?

“Alright girls, let’s go after Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight said with annoyance towards Rainbow Dash but encouragement, the girls all agreed, nodding heads at each other before running out of the dojo to the graveyard, the doors shutting behind them swiftly as the group ran out of them.


(”Where is he?”)

Rainbow Dash thought, approaching the graveyard, she heard another pegasus flying to her right, who’s there? When her eyes locked onto the mare she had a dark feeling, if Comber was hired to kill her, who would-! She has a perfect motive, since she’s to blame for her getting kicked out of the Wonderbolt’s academy, it all makes sense now. The orange hair pegasus noticed the same sounds as Rainbow Dash and looked to her left, noticing her, her eyes flew open in rage and fear she would be found out, there’s no way, Comber killed her, there’s no way that’s her! She’s supposed to be dead! How-!

Lighting Dust without another thought, jumped into flight mode and flew towards the graveyard with immense speed, Rainbow Dash followed her with a speed that allowed her to slowly creek up on Lighting Dust, the orange mane mare turned around and saw Rainbow Dash behind her, she had a spine chill.

“An assassin came after to me kill me, would you like to explain to me why Lighting Dust!? You’re out and the only one who can’t stand me-!”

“I have no clue what you’re talking about, you-!”

Rainbow Dash’s anger blasted to its peak, she knows now, Lighting Dust may not know it, but she can sense deception due to Cinom’s training. It was strange how her strength grew fast in such a short time, he had to use magic or something because it ain’t logical unless it’s her genetics. Rainbow Dash slowly caught up to Lighting Dust before-!


Rainbow tackled Lighting Dust, slamming her onto the ground, and attempting to stop her, lucky it was the grass in the graveyard, Lighting Dust was knocked out of the impact, not bleeding at all on the outside, but definitely received a concussion, which could be bleeding on the brain, Rainbow Dash felt bad, she told her to stop and she didn’t, so using all her speed she tackled her into the ground, she turned her over and saw her unconscious.


Rainbow Dash’s thinking was halted, she heard hooves steps and what sounded like clapping, she swiftly turned around and saw the colt she wanted to take down so badly, this was him, Lighting dust lead her right to her, so her deception was wrong, she probably was about to let him know Rainbow’s Dash’s alive so he can finish the job, despicable.

“Well... Unexpected to see you again, but of course, resurrection spells exist. So, tell me, was there a reason for making a ditch of your rival over there?”

Rainbow was flustered; how’d he knows about that?

“That only confirms you knew her, and she hired you!”

Comber smirked. She has the right answer but she can’t prove it.

“I will not tell you and unlike it matters anyway, I have to still complete my job, nopony magic here is powerful enough to commit resurrection. This time, I will rip your heart out.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. He’s lying and he knows it. She stepped closer and started to slowly walk towards him. She was confident.

“You know you’re lying Comber, and you know how I know?

Comber’s eyes shot open, wait a minute, can she-!?

“Huh, you can see through my bluff?”

“No, I can receive all the knowledge about it, and you can’t deceive me any more.”

Comber’s face grew a smirk, this is not the same Rainbow Dash. He wonder to himself; he thinks he should give her a test, to prove his theory, he dashed at her and attempted to punch her, but she blocked with one hoof and punched him back in his face, he took one step back before stepping forward. He started to laugh with joy.

“You took some martial arts, build your muscles up too, hahaha! Well...”

Comber looked around the graveyard and then back at her. He has an idea with a joke.

“So, should we battle here? Where you be buried or in a clear open area, because.”

“You’re bad at making jokes.”

Comber looked away before lighting his horn and teleporting them to a familiar place. Rainbow Dash’s eyes shoot open, she let him do this because she wants an open space for her advantage and the graveyard is not a battleground either, disrespectful towards the dead if it was. She looked and saw a home, she looked at the ground, spotting some blood stains; she knows the ponies this blood belongs to and since he teleported them to this specific area, he had to be the perpetrator of the crime.

“I know you killed the Pies Comber! You tore a family of sisters apart along with their parents! The devastation you cause because of this crime is so bad, that Pinkie Pie is no longer the party joyful pony she once was.”

Comber kept a smirk, he ain’t letting her know, but she was not the same anymore, she changed and she’s seems smarter and more observant. What curiosity awaits him? It appears she forgot about Fluttershy, or that purple dragon, maybe they can be used as fuel? They both intensely stared at each other, waiting for Comber’s response.

“I feel bad for her lost-!”

“Bucking Celestia hide! You killed them and you know it, you did it for your own personal gain, you assassins are evil, and I’m-!”

Comber frowned, then smirked.

“And I’m going to stop you and all that good stuff heroes do.”

Comber walked towards her stopping very close to her and smirking at her, both staring at each, Comber happy and confident and Rainbow Dash serious and confident.

“What else would I be here for?”

“Your death, you realize your speed is very fast but you can never outrun death.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed at Comber before walking closer towards him, smirking now with excitement, she was excited to fight and defeat the assassin responsible for too many deaths, she definitely also admired it, but all she wants to do is stop him and make him pay.

“That one wasn’t funny but you’re right about that.”

“So tell me what you learned from Cinom since you can sense deception I know you learned how to fight.”

Rainbow Dash smirked, flapping her wings to levitate herself in the air and then dash forward at Comber who got in his fight stance, he was expecting a straight-on attack, she punched him with her right hoof using her rear left hoof to attempt to kick him in the face, Comber grabbed her left rear hoof and attempted to throw her, she used the force of his throw as momentum flying to the left, instead of trying to fly at him and attack him, she planted all her hooves on the ground punched him, he blocked with a hoof then tried to back hoof her, she blocked with a hoof sliding it down and attempting to punch him in the face, she bopped his nose, so close she thought, Comber stopped her by grabbing her hoof, Comber swung her up, planning to swing back down to the ground with enough force to end the battle, she used her wings to stay in the air and to fight back against the forced he was producing, she used her rear hooves, putting them on Comber’s right hoof the one that was grabbing and holding her, and with her wings and speed sling shot away from him behind him, Comber turned around with smirk.

“You know you’re at a disadvantage right, because you fight me to bring me to justice when I fight to kill you, this only means you try to hold back not wanting to kill or cause injuries to your opponent to kill them, and that Rainbow Dash will be your downfall. You need to be more aggressive.”

Rainbow Dash frowned, before turning the frown into a smile. She’s not a killer or murderer and certainly no assassin, she would not fight to kill, only to halt and protect.

“I’m nothing like you that’s why, I will never kill, not even you, even though most ponies would say you deserve it; you saved Twilight from that colt, why? She was a threat to your Identity wasn’t she? Why didn’t you let her die then?”

Comber closed his eyes before opening them again, with a smile.

“I saved her, because she was innocent, and not target for me to eliminate, if ponies pay so much for another pony to lose their life, then they must have done something to that pony so serve that the only option they see has payback is death.”

Rainbow Dash thought about what he just said, he’s not 100% right but around 50% he is.

“You assassins shouldn’t exist for the ponies to hire to kill, you know that!?”

Comber smile turned into a sinister smirk.

“Oh but we do, and I’m not the only assassin you know in Equestria, yeah maybe the one unique, but not the only one.”

“I know that-!?”

“Enough of the talking, you’re going to die here!”

Comber charged at Raining Dash, She blocked the first attack, Comber attacked again, Rainbow Dash blocked it, Rainbow Dash attacked him, Comber grabbed her hoof and pulled it towards him with her body, she bent her head back and avoiding the uppercut he attempted to perform, she headbutted him in the face, before elbowing him with her right hoof in the face, Comber missed a punch to her neck, she jumped back, flipping on her hooves backwards to gain distance.

“Impressive, you’re agile and actually have IQ for battle, I have a job to still finish though and then I’ll leave this pathetic village.”

Rainbow Dash was annoyed and angry he would call this village pathetic and it probably because of the peace and harmony here; geeze what town did he grow up in?

“This town is not pathetic, you may think that because of all the harmony, but we’re more powerful than you think when we all work together!”

Comber closed his eyes and sighed, he teleported in front of her, using his full speed to punch her in the mouth, her eyes shoot open with disbelief and she attempted to block but failed the punch landed to her jaw, knocking her back, Rainbow Dash slid on her two rear hooves, catching herself with her front hoofs, this motherbucker!

“I think that’s a warning sign to shut, the buck-!?”

Rainbow Dash blasted towards him in anger, using her full speed, Comber blocked her attack, noticing a little bit of blood dripping from Rainbow Dash mouth; he may have used full speed but not full force, did she not work on her durability and only her strength, and second did she not increase her rear hooves muscles, because they seem to feel weaker than her front hooves do when they attack. Comber’s hooves shook from the impact, he swung his right hoof at her jaw, aiming for the left side, of her jaw, she grabbed his hoof with her wings, before using the leverage and momentum to break free and kick him in the nose and face with her rear hooves with full force, he flew a tiny bit and landed and slid on the dirt, landing next to a pebble to his right, he saw the pebbld, it was blue and was pointy at the top, he smirk, this gives him a flashback to when he used a similar pebble to stab a pony through the eye, a killer who was at his home with many others and failed to kill him, he thought how he could and would perform it to Rainbow Dash. He got up, looking back at Rainbow Dash, he decided he ain’t going to do that to her, since she’s fighting him fair and not with weapons like those killers; and this fight is very fun, so he won’t be doing that with the brutality way.

“You done day dreaming!?”

Rainbow Dash tauntingly asked with a smirk that turned into a smile when she noticed the bruise on his face and a bloody nose, wasn’t much blood coming from his nose, but it’s something and a huge step up from the first fight. Comber wiped his face, noticing the blood from his nose, he got a little infuriated.

“Don’t get overconfident, Rainbow Dash...”

Rainbow Dash started to walk towards him stopping when she close some gap in the distance.

“You’re here on the ground, not me.”

Comber horn illuminated, he teleported in front of Rainbow Dash who kept her serious expression. Comber’s expression turned from serious to calm. Comber smirked at her.

“I think I shall try a little harder.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, her laughing was short however, Comber dashed a her and attacked her, she dodged the first one, the second attack landed on her face, she tried blocking the next attack, but the attack landed on her stomach, making her cough up spit, Comber used his right hoof and put it on her back and quickly lifting her and slamming her into the ground head first, her face stuck in the dirt; she’s lucky this soil was very weak otherwise her neck would have been broken from that attack, Comber could’ve took advantage and killed her there but didn’t, using four hooves he jumped back and viewed the work he’s done. Rainbow Dash wings flapped before pulling herself out of the mud, once out, Rainbow Dash flew at Comber with maxium acceleration, tackling him, she attempted slam a hoof down on his smirking face, the hoof landed into the dirt, Comber was behind her, she knew this and attempted to back hoof him, he blocked it and tried another gut punch, she blocked it, grabbing him by the hoof and knowing his weight ain’t heavy much, pulling him towards her and acting if she’s going to punch him, then she headbutt him, however she wasn’t the only one with a head-on idea, Comber did the same, in reality if he wanted to kill her right there he would’ve lowered his head so his horn would penetrate her skull and kill her, but he didn’t. Comber and Rainbow Dash slid back before dashing back at each other, attempting to punch each other multiple times, Rainbow Dash dodging Comber hits with quick agility, at one point squatting down and then instantly standing back on all four hooves and blocking the attack coming to her face, she used her left hoof and Comber used his right hoof, punching Rainbow Dash in her left side of her check and she punching him in his right side of his check, both using enough force to push each other heads to the opposite side of their attacks, pulling back and punching each other again, but with their other front hooves, the impact caused the pebbles to jump from the ground. Comber smirked, quickly grabbing her by the hoof, she won’t fall for this again, she flapped her wings very fast and flew into the sky, grabbing him with her.


Comber pushes down with all force pulling her down with him, causing dust to brew from the ground, Rainbow Dash felt that one, she started getting back up looking through the dust for Comber, not spotting him until sensing bloodlust behind her, she quickly thought he was going for a finishing blow, she saw through the sun a shinny glare, that’s a-! Rainbow Dash, moved forward with quick speed, the picture was put together correctly, seeing Comber with his knife.

“Wait a minute you actually going to make this unfair with a weapon!? I bet you can’t kill me without it.”

Comber smirked, this was the response he was hoping for.

“You know what?”

Comber used his magic and opened his magic safe putting his knife back in it, the nob turning back to zero before the safe proofing.

“I bet you I can”

Comber gave Rainbow Dash a sinister glance before teleporting towards her, using his magic to pick her up, and attempting for a heavy liver punch.

“You don’t have magic yourself I bet, so-!?”

“Celestial cancel!”

Comber was shocked by the words, did she? No, she can’t and didn’t. Comber horn lost the red glow, Rainbow Dash flew down to the ground and punched him in the face, with an under hoof to his face and jaw, she performed multiple punches to his chest, finishing with a decisive uppercut.

“As I said, you can’t, now turn yourself-!”

Comber slowly got up, blood creaking from the right side of his mouth.

“And like I said before don’t get too over... Confident!”

Comber’s body was illuminated with a light red glow, charging very fast at Rainbow Dash and elbowed her in the face, she blocked the next one but the force nearly caused her hooves to hit herself in the face, Comber threw multiple punches from multiple directions, hitting her multiple times in the face and jaw, before grabbing her by her head and kneeing her in the face, then jumping and spin kicking her with his left rear hoof in her left temple, she flew, sliding on her right shoulder in the dirt, appearing to be knocked out.

(”Girls let her go, she Pinkie Promise...”

She remembers hearing pinkie pie telling them, but she wasn’t there for that so how does she know, is her mind playing tricks on her?

(”I won’t lie and fail my friends-!”)

Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened wide and back up, shaking with the pain getting back up, nearly falling back down, she stood back on all four hoofs, blood dripping from her mouth. She noticed Comber with his back turned, he turned around, staring at her, with a frown.

“You know, I haven’t had this much fun since 65 years ago.”

Rainbow Dash was confused, feeling the anger brewing in her, does he do this just for fun, but why? Or is this a way of making income, either is no excuse to kill!

“65 years, so your at least 78 years old?”

Comber started laughing.

“No, I’m a lot older than that. Not like it will matter to you since your death is near.”

“No, I will not fail my friends or Ponyville!”

Rainbow Dash blasted towards Comber, attempting to spin kick him in the jaw, and he ducked.

“Failing your friends or this pathetic Village you say?

Comber hatched a plan, maybe this will work?

Comber grabbed her rear left hoof and pulled her down, her face staring at Comber’s, she was shocked.

“So, that’s what you fight for, I will kill your friends and destroy this village if you fail Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash senses deception, she knew exactly what he was trying to do, motivating her to fight him, encouraging her to fight beyond her best, he’s certainly an interesting colt. Rainbow Dash act like she was going to headbutt him, Rainbow Dash then attempted to fly away to break free of Comber’s grip, Comber smirked, he made sure his hooves were planted on the ground this time when she hovered into the sky, Comber uppercut her in the liver and then the face, then slamming her to the ground by her rear left hoof, he let go, jumping back.

“Accept the inevitable already.”

Rainbow Dash used all her might to get back up, she stared at him, and a her nose was shown, at the top of her nose was broken, she used a hoof to feel it, she nearly freak out, her eyes showed it, the blood was bleeding down with all her face, she wiped the blood off her hooves and onto the ground, then staring back at Comber.

“Celestia Wrath!”

Rainbow Dash yelled with fury, she was definitely in pain, but this technique will only drain her body of stamina more, as well as increase the pain, she knows that Comber indefinitely was expecting her to use Celestia Wrath, but expected the unexpected is what they teach you.

“Rainbow Dash punched him, he dodged the first attack, she attacked him again, this time hitting him in the nose and and knocking his head back, she flew up and attempted to slam on his face with her two rear hooves and he blocked and used the force of his blocking hooves to throw her to the right, it worked, Rainbow Dash flew towards him once again, Comber smirked,

(”only if she knew how to use martial-!”)

Rainbow Dash put a hoof in front of her, focusing magic in it, it was a ball, wait, that’s an explosive, Comber jumped and avoided the small attack, he viewed what it hit, it blew a stone up. So... She knows to to use martial-magic, fascinating. Rainbow Dash smirked, her body now enlighten with her martial magic, she flew at Comber with full speed, nearly breaking the sound barrier, Comber smirked his horn lit fastly before teleporting back on the ground, Rainbow Dash thought about him.

“Celestial cancel!”

Comber laughed, he doesn’t need his magic again so what was the point of that? Because she won’t be able to do that again. She flew at Comber, attempting to side kick him in the knee, Comber slammed a hoof on the ground when she got close enough, knocking her away from him, she also got dust in her eyes.

“I’m done with these games Rainbow Dash, time to complete a job.”

Comber used Celestia Wrath and dashed forward, serious, she attempted to punch him, she landed it, he grabbed a hold onto her punch before pulling her closer fast and elbowing her in the nose, letting go before giving her a powerful punch to the face before sweeping her front hooves, as she was falling Comber uppercut her in the face, she fell backwards and about 15 hoof steps; Comber smirked, his magic returned, he teleported fast behind her and squatted.

“This battle is... Over!”

Comber punched her with nearly all his force, right in the middle part of her back, she spit blood out before Comber teleported in front of her and repeating the same punch to the gut, knocking her to the ground, blood coming out of her mouth profusely. Comber grabbed her rear hoof with his front hooves and did a spin 5 times in mid air and landed back on all four hooves, he turned around to see Rainbow Dash struggling to get back on all four hooves, bloody and a bruise on her hooves, the the red aura disappeared from Rainbow Dash, after she got back up, her head down and blood dripping down her head, face and chin onto the soil.

“It’s impressive you continue to fight me in the state you’re in.”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, she didn’t care about his compliment, all she cares about is keeping her promise and this Village safe from him. Comber opened his magic safe once again, grabbing his knife, he could take her life without it, but beating her to a pulp isn’t suitable for her, to be honest her death really wasn’t on his mind, if he had it his way, he would let her go, but clients and his reputation are what matter for more jobs to appear, you fail one and the future clients will think you’re attempting to scam them. She’s one of the hardest victims Comber had to kill, but never the less, she has to die. He felt bad but a job is a job, he pointed his knife peak at her. Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened with fear and shock, she failed, she lost, she couldn’t keep her promise, her body is falling apart at the scene, and she felt immensely bad as well.

“Your death is here Rainbow Dash, this time I’m not going to stab you, I’m going to shoot it through your chest, death would be near instant.”

Comber’s knife flew up with red magic and hovered in front of him, Comber frowned and then turned to a smirk. He’s about to have a job well done.

“I’m glad your prayers to Celestia have been said, now, this is good... Bye!”

Comber shot his knife at Rainbow Dash with a sinister glare, she bowed her head, remembering all her recent events, her laughing with Cinom, her friends, Pinkie Pie, the Pinkie Promise, Spike, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie sisters, all of them, Comber killed them in cold blood, and yes he must’ve killed spike since according to Twilight that other killer or a maniac would have brutalized him; Spike had no health issues, so it was, a heart attack forced on him. Fluttershy the kindness pony who will comfort you when the time is in need it. Pinkie Pie, a pony to make you smile through all your hard times, making fillies too, now a depressed pony because of him. The knife was ever so close to her, she knew it was closed because of the bloodlust spike in Comber. This is not the way this ends, it will end... In peace! Rainbow Dash moved to the left of the instant the knife was about to hit her, she raised her head, feeling a little healed. Rainbow shaded her eyes, it was faint but there, the aura released itself, it was rainbow just like her eyes kind of was.

(”What the Buck!?”)

Comber was shocked she achieved this technique, isn’t that...-!

Comber saw her flew towards him, she attacked from all directions around him, he blocked and attempted to parry them all with a punch, but they missed, Rainbow Dash grabbed onto one of his hooves and swung him around, so fast, Comber didn’t think of teleporting, Rainbow Dash threw him to Ponyville, landing on the ground before blasting off after him with full speed, Comber crashed into a building in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash landed in front of him. Comber was against the wall, with a smirk, he got up, the rubble wall falling off his stomach, is this home empty? Guess it’s lucky to be. His knife he guess would have to stay in that field until he finishes his job,

“Well Well... You actually achieve the mindless technique Cinom was teaching.”

Comber said with a smile, he was happy but frustrated at the same time remembering his fight with Cinom. Rainbow stayed quite, giving him a cold glare. Comber got back up fast, multiple ponies opened their doors as this happened, the sound was powerful enough to draw ponies out doors, Comber tried attacking her again, she dodged it, elbowing in the face, he attempted to kick her in her joint, her legs moved hirozontally to a length and touched the ground, he couldn’t kick her joints, his lick missed her, she attacked him again, once again doing it from all directions, this is impossible, how can she attack from that many places just in 2 seconds, she’s very fast and her reaction time is unbelievable. Comber nearly punched her in the face, he missed, she jumped on his hoof and attempted to stomp on his face with her rear hooves, he used both front hooves to block the attack, he used his guard to push her off him, before attempting to use his magic, she canceled it, by of course saying celestial cancel, she then dashed at him again hitting him from all directions once again, Comber couldn’t block them all, he was punched into a home, a good distance by the final punch, her wings stopped flapping as she landed on the ground.


“Well, this is the graveyard, so where is Rainbow Dash then, and that assassin”

“I don’t know darling, but I must say this decor is really, not so impressing”

“Oh for peeps sake, it’s a graveyard Rarity, they ain’t supposed to look nice you know?”

Twilight wanted them to focus on finding Rainbow Dash, not talking about the graveyard condition and how it looks.

“Girls let’s stay on topic please, have any of you seen Rainbow Dash because I sure can’t, even with my magic illuminating and creating light for us.”

Rarity and Applejack looked around, as Pinkie Pie also did, they couldn’t find no traces of Rainbow Dash anywhere, no matter how hard they searched; they could’ve sworn to Celestia Rainbow Dash would be here, but she isn’t and that assassin isn’t here too, wait, did he l-!?

“Girls, I remember that assassin teleporting us to an open area to fight so do you think he did this with Rainbow Dash or what I think to a stealth place to kill her?”

“Well... He’s an assassin, so I would assume. I reckon he’d take the stealth approach.”

Applejack explained, the group heard hoof steps behind them and a voice.

“You all are completely wrong, not about assassin’s but Comber isn’t like that, he wants his opponents to fight back, I know him, he’s a monster but not a cold blood killer, he never will kill a filly or assassinate one, he refused and I seen it, but we’re off topic, I would believe he would teleport her to an open field, since he knows she wouldn’t challenge him again unless she prepared for a fight so I think what you suggested the first time is right Twilight.”

The group knew that colt, it was the deputy, it was Bullet, but what is he doing here again? What matters now is stopping Comber from killing Rainbow Dash, so they need to get a move on.

“Okay then, then I’ll-!”

“Girls, didn’t you hear that and see that?”

Pinkie Pie asked with a sad tone, before becoming enthusiastic, she saw Rainbow Dash, and a crash, that has to be where she is because she of course saw her and that crash wasn’t her, so it was-!

“I spotted Rainbow Dash, she’s over in Ponyville, near our left and I also saw a crash and no it wasn’t her!”

Bullet used his eyes and saw she wasn’t wrong, it was her, rainbow Dash.


Bullet teleported the group back out of the graveyard and where the crash was heard, the group was shocked to see Rainbow Dash in a rainbow aura, but what shocking more to Bullet that she actually looks like she beating Comber, who got back up a tiny bit busied.

“Give up and turn yourself in.”

Comber smirked at Rainbow Dash, she thinks she actually won, well... She’s in for a big surprise. Comber got back up, rubble fell off him, breaking, he stared at Rainbow Dash, before giving her an compliment with a dusty scratched up face.

“So you figured out the technique Cinom teaches, a technique I wouldn’t want. Well... Allow me to show you one I developed off Cinom’s teachings that isn’t near mindless!”

Comber muscles got tense as his body illuminated with red aura.

“Celestia Wrath times 5!”

Comber lit Ponyville up with the red glow, he then yelled again in pain.

“Celestia Wrath times 10!”

The red aura turned crimson, all ponies were shocked to see this, what is that his magic, but why is he illuminating himself with that? Rainbow Dash kept her emotions at bay, she didn’t want to lose control of this technique, she kept her cool but never thought about multiplying Celestia Wrath, that would means his magic is 10 times more powerful, his magic probably surpasses a princess.

“Let’s how you survive with that technique now, since I’m able to turn all of my magic into strength.”

The deputy heard that, what the buck did he just say! Turn magic into strength, you got be bucking kidding him and he didn’t used this against him and the authorities but against Rainbow Dash he did! That’s not acceptable, the police station here needs more security on their training, as well as more intense training; deputies are trained to disable not fight, so why did some deputies if not nearly all try to punch Comber in the face? Oh well, Bullet’s curious to see this as all ponies spectating is too, the rest of the mane 5, watched Rainbow Dash and Comber, Twilight heard what he said turning magic into strength, what is the formula for that exactly!? He’s terrific without that technique so if he uses it like that, she could die from a hit unless that technique increase durability and endurance?

“I reckon you girls don’t interrupt this battle between Rainbow Dash and Comber because you could make her lose focus and he might just kill you and her if she makes mistakes because of us.”

Bullet told the group with concern they might try to cause intervention with the battle. The group got agitated at Bullet but realized his serious expression, he’s right, he probably want to wait for this battle to reach it’s climax first. They will attempt to stop Comber from killing Rainbow Dash at all cost still, they will not let their friend of loyalty die.

“You know Rainbow Dash, I’ve never failed a single job and I won’t start now, prepare to be defeated, and face your destiny!”

Comber gave a confident and happy smirk at Rainbow Dash, before using a speed spell and dashing so fast at her new nearly broke the sound barrier, Rainbow Dash avoided it, not the wind though. She almost instantly turned around and attacked him again, but this time Comber was keeping up, she grabbed a hoof and pulled him towards her before attempting to punch him in the face, he smirk, he used his magic on his body to electrocute Rainbow Dash, before using his strength, making her hoof let go of him, and then punching the ground breaking the cobble stone path and knocking Rainbow Dash into the air, he used his martial magic with a hoof as the pebbles fell and broken pieces of pathway flew up, he used his magic to shoot them at her, she flapped her wings, flying up straight and dodged them all with ease before dashing back at Comber who saw her and black flipped away, dodging the attack, she then attacked him again from all directions after blasting towards him, he couldn’t hit her, he smirked, her attacks ain’t really that potent, and that technique was said to take a greater toll than Celestia Wrath would; so if he wanted he could stall her until her body can’t sustain it anymore and she loses the technique and then, she dies, but that’s a coward way of winning, and Comber refuses himself of winning that way, he smirked again after teleporting away, and turning to Rainbow.

“You know that technique will be the reason to your lost?”

Rainbow Dash said nothing, just coldly stared at him; Comber tried to warn her, but let’s see how long she can keep it then? Because if she loses, she’s defeated and then... She dies. Twilight was thinking on what to do, what can she do, the deputy told her not to do anything, she assumed like everypony else she would have to wait. Rainbow Dash attacked Comber again, this time knocking him into the air and punching him into the ground, she flew away and then at top speed tried to punch him by using the speed it nearly requires to perform a sonic rainbow, Comber dodged it, Rainbow Dash hit her hoof on the ground, that actually hurt, like very hurt, blooded dripped as her bone was sticking out, she put her other hoof over it and for a split second her pink martial magic turned green, healing the wound. Twilight was shocked, all unicorns was shocked, some made their fillies who peeked out the windows and doors go and eat dinner, getting their eyes off the battle, this is definitely not for fillies, Comber hoof clapped, taunting her of her of her missed attacked, she flew at him again and again threw mutiple attacks, Comber didn’t blocked, he fought back, punching her punches, causing pebbles to bounce and the ground to nearly shake, they both pulled a punch back and punched each other’s hooves. The crack windows near shattered and knocking ponies on their behinds, Bullet stood tall, this was a intense fight not seen since Yurin fought the monsterours killer, what was his name again, evil, no, he remembers what the leader called him, the Ancient Killer. Comber teleported behind Rainbow Dash before duplicating himself with magic, Rainbow Dash canceled his magic but it was too late, there was mutiple Combers.

(”Magic clones?”)

Rainbow Dash smiled, she can sense bloodlust, but if they’re clones then why do they all have bloodlust emitting from them, she dashed at one and then to the left one and made her way down at the clones attacking them before one pucnhed her in the face very hard knocking her away, that wasn’t a clone she thought. She caught herself in the air before landing on the ground. Comber disperse his clones. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rairty haven’t seen this phenomenon since the magic Mirror: “Too Many Pinkie Pies.”

(” Seems she doesn’t knos how to sense deceptive attack, I’ve got to end this now otherwise Celestia Wrath will run out and then-!”)

Comber thought to himself before seeing Rainbow Dash land in front of his face, Comber smirked. He dashed at Rainbow Dash again, throwing mutiple punches and elbows, sometimes back hooves, Rainbow Dash blocked and parryed all the attacks, Comber saw an opened and uppercutted her into the air, before teleporting into the air and from a side, performing a slid kick to her left side, she grabbed his hoof and swung him around, throwing him to the ground, Comber teleported back into the air, Rainbow Dash canceled his magic once again, she tried to elbow comber, elbowing his left hoof, this cause a powerful wave of wind. Rainbow Dash flew to the ground, looking at her elbow, it was shaking, from pain, or the thrill? This is a very fun fight, but it’s time she ends this, they both landed back on the ground, dashing at each other again and causing the already cracked windows to break from their punches, ponies screamed at the sigh of shattering windows that had became foggy from the humid. Comber grabbed one of her rear hooves she tried to kick him with, throwing her, she spun around and then barreled roll back to Comber, evading the next attack, Comber landed an uppercut to her face, powerful enough to knock 2 teeth out, blood leaked from her mouth, she was angry, she flew towards him and attacked him from all directions once again, sliding under him and attempting to kicking him in the stomach, he blocked but flew into the air, he ran out of magic, he can’t use any, Rainbow Dash flew very fast after him and pasting him on his right side, before punching him in the face back towards the ground; she took this opportunity to repeatedly punch him in the face.

“This is for Fluttershy! Marble Pie! Limestone Pie! Maud Pie and Spike!”

Landing one last decisive punch to Comber’s face. Comber couldn’t do nothing, he attempted to grab her hooves while she beat him but before he could, he hit the ground with his back, he spat out blood, his mouth open, that very hurt, his body won’t move, pain has no effect on him, but he can’t move, the red aura disappeared. Rainbow Dash flew back into the air at top speed, gaining enough distance, she had a flash back to when she defended Futtershy’s honer when they were fillies, she image the events when she flew at all her speed, attempting to perform the sonic Rainboom. Bullet can’t believe this, a mare, who is fighting just alone for her village and friends has actually defeated the assassin, the legendary assassin Comber, when 35 killers couldn’t, this is a dream! Rainbow Dash is also performing the epic Sonic Rainboom, that’s impossible, only one pony had the speed for that way back then, wait, there was a time when somepony did break the sound barrier, was that her!? But that would mean she was a filly, performing the Rainboom, unbelievable, he bets she’ll attempt to get into the wonderbolts? Or maybe hero? Both seems good for the attention which Rainbow Dash likes. Twilight thought this mighg kill Comber, she doesn’t think he deserves to die but again he killed to many and is trying to kill her, and Rainbow Dash’s verdict would be short, forgiven by Celestia.

“And this is for ponyville!”

A burst of Rainbow magic blasted around her, she did it, she broke the sound barrier; she performed the Rainboom, she used the speed she accumulated and with a hoof pulled back and with all her force; she punched and slammed her hoof down on Comber’s chest, creating a creater, before the dust settled she jumped out of the creater and looked at Comber; there’s no way he’s coming back from that, she hopes she didn’t kill him, she would feel regret if she did. She saw him, viewing hin closely to check if he’s alive. She saw blood on his face, seeing him with one of his eyes closed, his hooves spread out, his chest a little caved in, she definitely broke his rib cage but can’t he use a heal spell?

“Use a heal spell, I know you can.”

“I-I can’t, you won this battle.”

Rainbow Dash smirked.

“I told you I will not die! Quit being an assassin, there’s good in you, and you know it, why are you an assassin anyway if you like helping ponies, then why not be a hero?”

Comber took her words to heart, he wanted to be a hero when he was a filly, but it’s far too late for that, hero aren’t murders, but sadly he is, so he can never be a hero, addition to this he has other motives to why he’s an assassin that kinda make him a hero, this makes no sense as of now if he told her bug if she lives, then it will later on.

“It’s too late to be a hero for me, bring me to justice already, or be a true hero, and kill me.”

Rainbow Dash looked at him with a cold look.

“No, I’m not like you Comber, I’m no murder or assassin, I’m the hero this village needed and heros don’t kill.”

Rainbow Dash was shocked, she’s becoming a hero? Wouldn’t that make her less loyal to her friends? Bullet grabbed his gun, shocking the Mane 4.

“Whoa, what are you doing with-!”

“You know what I’m doing, I’m going to shoot this bastard in the head. He’s heading down that path when he goes on trail anyway.”

Twilight and Applejack stepped in front of him.

“Deputies don’t kill, they’re a colt or pony of the law.”

“You are still under the law mister, so don’t you reckon he’s not pony, because mosnters I reckon they only help themselves and have no care in the world for other ponies or living things!”

Bullet thought to himself. How dare they talk to him this way, If he wasn’t a deputy he would beat one of them to prove a point not to mess with him. Comber is a monster, but maybe... They are right, he’s the monster if he kills him, but all deputies tried and failed so this is his chance so what wrong of stopping a murderer permanently?

“I understand that but he warrents death, he needs to not exist in Equestria no more, and they will just sentence him to death, trust me, it’s for the best; he killed Pinkie’s sisters and Fluttershy, and way more than I can say and count.”

The group kept their cold glare on him that’s not how the authority works, their locked him away in Tartarus forever maybe but not kill him. His out view of Equestria is bad, didn’t he ever take Equestria’s history? Comber was in shock to hear Rainbow Dash’s words; she’s truly a pure mare, the target on her head shouldn’t actually shouldn’t be there, but a job is a job and he will find a way to not fail and complete his job like all the rest.

“You’re very noble, but you know as well... As I do I... I deserve it. Please, spare me the pep talk, and finish me or take me to my cell.”

Comber spurts more blood out of his mouth, blood coming out of his nose, his vision finally becoming blurry, blood in his eyes and on him. The group made their way closer to Rainbow Dash and Comber, halting about 80 hoof steps so they can hear them talking. Rainbow Dash started walking towards Comber, before she could jump down the ditch, she felt an immense pain through her whole body, the Rainbow aura disappeared, blood started to leak out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth, Rainbow Dash’s body shook, she couldn’t handle that technique, she feels like she’s going to die from the drawback of the technique, she could be heard yelling in pain, Comber was shocked, wait, that’s the drawback of Autonomous Celestial, ponies bodies aren’t meant for that reaction time, which explains why he’s on the ground, he not only pushed his Celeista Wrath but he also boosted his reaction time. The group ran towards Rainbow Dash, with worry Comber was hurting her, with what though, he has no magic or can’t move? Comber remembers his training, his father thought him to be resilient, beyond that word actually, he could live without a heart for 2 minutes he remembers, Comber started getting up first on a knee and then back on all four hooves. The group watched as he got out of the creator and walked to the side of Rainbow Dash. They ran faster like a filly was hanging from the window.

“I commend you-but-but-!”

Comber looked to his right and saw the group making their way to him. Those ponies are true friends but they need to learn when to stay out of ponies’ business; in his town, that will get them killed. He guess he has to fight them again, Comber closed his eyes in disbelief before reopening them, they were going to make him kill them. Comber heard a dropping sound in the air, is that-!

“Comber, don’t worry about those punks, I’ll take care they won’t interfere with your job.”

The group was furious, now who’s that!? A yellow pegasus with a green mane and red tail dropped down. The group was stopped by her, she turned her head to Comber.

“You dropped this I believe, and don’t tell me you don’t need help, look at the state you’re in, and they have that other deputy, but we both know, truely he’s a killer, coming with them.”

Bloom gave Comber his knife back, he grabbed it with a hoof by the handle, seeing his name still in graved into the weapon, he took a loook at the blade, Rainbow Dash struggled trying to get back up, she was bent down on all four hooves as she stared at Comber’s eyes. He’s going to kill her, but there isn’t much bloodlust yet, so what’s his plan?

“Fine Bloom, thanks. Stop trying to get back up Rainbow Dash, you’re finished this time I’m afraid.”

Rainbow Dash was about to get back up, before having hoof placed on her head and pushed back down to the ground, it was Comber, he’s back on his hooves, breathing heavily and ready to finish a job, the group charged at him, bloom flew in front of the group.

“Now Now, where do you all think you going? Not towards Comber right?”

“I reckon you get the buck out of our way before-!”

Twilight used her magic to grab Bloom, Bloom smirked.

“Celestial cancel. Magic is for the pathetic.”

Twilight horn stopped glowing, Rairty was about to use hers but second thought, not yet, maybe soon, Applejack wasn’t going to let this happened or Pinkie Pie, they charged Bloom, attacking has she flew standing up in front of them, she caught their punches with her wings, before smiling and throwing them to the side, she smirked, with anger.

“Tch, friends, is what you care about? You all are weak!”

Bloom dash forward, punching them in their face before sweeping under Applejack and punching her in the gut making her throw blood up. Twilight and Rarity ran to Rainbow Dash, Comber saw them with both of his eyes, does he-!


Bloom dashed towards them, getting in front of them with her arms out and flying straight up again, staring at them with a serious expression.

(”Comber will finish his job and none of these morons will stop him.”)

Bloom thought to herself withva smirk. The group stopped, Applejack getting back up, bloody from Bloom’s attack. The group stopped their running.

“Unlike my brother, I don’t restrain myself, and I will have no problem in killing you.”

The group was shocked, brother, his sister, older or younger? Judging by her attitude she’s younger than Comber. Bullet scoffed with annoyance.

“Try it, you little punk, I’ll shoot you dead if you don’t move”

The yellow pegasus laughed, shoot her dead he says? Bullet was always into himself wasn’t he? She smirked with confidence.

“Oh no, I’m scared of your guns...-!”

Bullet shot his gun at her, the bullet was about penetrate her face unitl she brought her wings towards her face and blocked the bullets, deflecting them, they went into a tree. Bullet shot more bullets at her, she did the same, the group notice her flesh was gone but something metal was showing, was it her bone, no, it’s metal, metal wings? But why and how? Bloom dashed towards Bullet and kicked his gun up, he tried to punch her before she sucked and wiped his hooves from under him, letting him fall to the ground, twilight tried to use her magic, Bloom cancled it again, she looked at the purple mare.

“Celestia, I bet you can’t go one day with summoning your magic can you... Twilight?”

Twilight was shocked she knew her name, but was shocked more she canceled her magic again, what is she a robot? If her wins are metal then what’s not to say the rest of her ain’t; but then again she was quick to use her wings, so that may not be the case, what happened to her wings then? Although she’s with Comber it’s still a little concerning. Rainbow Dash tried to punch Comber again, Comber caught it, staring at her with regret.

“I’m beyond impressed, there’s a pony in Equestria like you, never met one before; you could’ve killed me but decided to not to, even when you know who I am, if I wasn’t hired to kill you I would let you go, even heal you, but sadly I can’t.”

Rainbow Dash was in shocked, he thanked her, and if she’s the only pony he met in Equestria to spare a killer than how many other ponies or killers have he met and took out? Why be an assassin then? If he donates to help? He he saves the innocent, then why be an assassin? Something is adding up here...

“You don’t have to do this you know, why don’t you become, a hero? Wouldn’t it feel better and make you look better if you saved ponies instead of assassinating them-and ruining their family? Wouldn’t you want to be known and respected by the innocent and not... Feared?”

Comber listened to her words and took them to heart, she’s right, but sadly this is not an option, it’s too late to turn back now? He has to kill her, his grip on her hooves increase before with force pushing her to the ground, keeping his knife in his left hoof.

“I’m sorry, this has to end the way it’s supposed to, so, I may finish my job and you may finally rest in peace.”

Rainbow Dash was sad he didn’t listen to her but more sad she’s going to die and she can’t stop him, and her friends are held off by his sister, is this really the end? She got back up on all four hooves again with a beaten expression and bloody hooves.

“I’m not dying like I said before, Comber!”

Comber smirked at her, before making a hard chuckle. She still thinks that? She’s a confident one but sometimes confidence can be blinding and if she took Cinom’s classes she would surely know this.

“Then tell me, what are you doing then?”

Comber asked with sarcasm, Rainbow Dash stumbled back a little, her mane falling down in front of her exhausted face, she breathes harder as the time went on, she knew deep down inside, she was going to die, she wanted to cry but she was strong, nopony is capable of taking him down like she did; she should’ve landed another decisive blow to him. She decided she was going to resist until the end.

“I’m going to-live-stop you-and end all of... This-chaos.”

Comber stopped and looked at her, is she serious, did she receive brain damage? Or like most victims she doesn’t want to believe this is reality and she’s gonna die? It’s a sense of humor and greif.

“You are funny Rainbow Dash, there’s other ponies out there causing more chaos besides me, I know, because I have to put them down when they are my target. I commend you on your efforts for this village, I do not intend to kill nopony outside of my job unless they really piss me off, then they die.”

Rainbow Dash was relieved he wasn’t going to kill her friends, she means she sense no bloodlust towards them only her.

“Guess I’m gonna die then cause I know Celestia well I did that.”

Comber smirked.

“No, you cured my boredom actually. Enough talk, time to die Rainbow Dash.”

“How can you let him kill Rainbow Dash like that?”

Bloom smirked. What a dumb question.

“Because it’s his job, and I defend my brother, now do me a favor and shut the-!”

Bloom dashed forward and turned 180 degrees, acting she was going to buck them, but then turning around, and punching them in the face.

“You mares are absolutely helpless.”

Bloom heared snaps from a pony, she turned around her, she used her hooves to block, she spun in the air; using her wings to catch herself.

“Now, stop Comber!”

Twilight and Applejack ran at Comber, Comber notice this after blocking Rainbow Dash attack, and countering with an uppercut to the jaw. Bloom blocked and grabbed both of the mares hooves. He pulled them in with a serious expression.

“Your friendship is limitless, but your life is not, stay out of this before you get hurt!”

Comber pushed them away, Bloom was already behind them and spun kick them in the head, after they fell, she picked them up by the throats each in one hoof.

“Leave my brother alone before I personally make sure you won’t walk again, punks.”

She spammed their head together, before tossing them on the ground, both with bloody foreheads.

“Any last words Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash smirked, she knows two.

“Celestia Wrath.”

A red aura accumulated around Rainbow Dash, she dashed at Comber, who was off guard and surprise, she can still fight? Comber was about to dodge until she dashed past him, he looked to his left, the red aura disappeared, she was back on the ground on her belly. Comber wasn’t angry, he did say any last words, this is more humorous then anger, at least she tried once again. Comber walked towards Rainbow Dash, until he was in front of her face, turning her over on her stomach, she’s obviously struggling to survive; she’s breathing too rapidly, either that or she’s afraid too die.

“You’re a funny target you know that Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t say nothing, besides kept taking breathes, Comber sighed with regret, his knife pulled in the air.

“I regret somepony as talented as you has to die but sadly, a job’s a job and I refuse to destroy my reputation for a target.”

Comber swung the hoof with the knife down, her friends could only watch in terror as the knife was coming down.

“Rainbow Dash!!”

“Rainbow Dash!!”

Applejack and Rarity yelled. Twilight closed her eyes, shouting no mentally. The knife was stopped by a pink hoof. Comber looked to his left side to see a serious pink pony.

“You are kidding me right?”

Pinkie Pie punched Comber in the face, she let go of his hoof, only his check moved, before opening his eyes and looking back at pinkie pie.

“You can’t save your friend, Pinkie Pie.”

“Then I’ll die trying!”

Pinkie punched Comber again, Comber blocked, he ducked and went for an uppercut, Pinkie used her hooves to block the attack, Comber grabbed Pinkie’s front hooves allowing her to fall before Comber used the front hooves as leverage and swung her behind him, she hit her face hard on the concrete, spitting blood out, Comber let go, before he could hit her again, Bloom came down on her head with a stomp with her rear hooves, blood was leaking from the back of Pinkie’s Pie’s head, she was knocked unconscious. Comber turned his attention back to Rainbow Dash, walking towards her again with his knife pulled back once again.

“Hope you’re ready Rainbow Dash, time to complete my job.”

Comber swung the knife down again, this time it stabbed Rainbow Dash in the chest, Comber pulled it out, staring codly over her, he thought he would hear a scream but didn’t, only muffles. Twilight and Applejack got back up, and ran towards Rainbow Dash, Bloom saw Bullet trying to shoot Comber and got in front of him her wings out, blocking the bullets, Bloom used her wins to grab the gun then used it to shoot him in his front hooves, before throwing it back on him.


Twilight, Rarity and Applejack was standing around Rainbow Dash, looking at her and lifting herup by the head and their hooves over Rainbow Dash cheat, trying to stop the bleeding.

“You monster!”

“You heartless colt!”

“You going to pay for that darling, my bad monster, you’re going to receive justice.”

Comber just stared at them, using his magic to clean his knife off. He has another idea, after she’s dead. He put a hoof on her chest, feeling no pulse, no breathing, she’s actually dead this time and it was a tiny vit surprising they restraint themselves from attacking him.

Applejack was about to attack Comber before Bullet stopped her, putting a hoof on her shoulder and stopping her.

“Don’t do it, I’m sorry...”

Bloom was shocked to see him up, but then again he’s Comber’s old friend for a reason. She decided she would watch this play out until Comber decides it’s time to leave this village, the only good fighter they had is dead, heck she bet if she wanted to she could remove Ponyville from the map, but she’s not evil, she’s just helping her brother out. She looked around to see all ponies eyes locked on the scene; she knew they were out but was they really being an audience the whole time? Tsk, maybe they were learn a thing or two she thought to herself. Bullet healed his legs.

“The blood stopped pouring from Rainbow Dash, she’s dead, her friends watched her die, they will not let him getaway with this, Twilight will indefinitely speak to Celestia about Comber.

“All of you, move away, now.”

The group thought they heard things, did Comber just-!

“You have some nerve, if we didn’t know what would happen, we would bring you to justice and to Celestia herself will bring the justice upon you!”

“I reckon you run, or-!?”

Comber was trying to be nice, he was trying to keep them safe from the spell he’s about to perform. He walked closer to Rainbow Dash corpse, the put a hoof on her chest, his horn lit, magic transfered to his hoof, was he descarding the body!? Comber thought hard, his thoughts wasn’t evil or bad, he felt like he was burning, he was using all of his magic, he might even need to use the Celestia Wrath to finish the spell. The wound disappeared slowly, before Comber let go, his horn stopped glowing, he was dizzy, light headed, and tired.

“You, welcome......”

Comber fell down on his face unconscious. Rainbow Dash body twitched before awaking again and sitting up, her friends was absolutely shocked, tears of sadness turned to tears of joy.

“Where am I-!?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

The group yelled with joy, hugging her tightly.

“I can’t... Breath...”

The group broke their hug, Rainbow Dash got up and saw Comber unconscious, wait, she died, she remembers slipping out of consciousness and losing touch with reality. She can’t believe it, her stab wound was gone, Bullet pulled his gun out quickly, Bloom can’t believe what happen but she quickly flew down and blocked the shots, and picked up Comber, putting him on her back and flying away, he shot again, but before the bullets could hit them, they disappeared.

“Oh my Celestia, he actually resurrected her.”

(”Wait, that moron, didn’t he remember what they said never to do when working at the wicked place in Flustered Town!? The God of Death will now be angry.”)

Bullet was scared and happy. What if that stupid act brought back (him!?)


Bullet said with fury, he wanted to stop Comber, kill him before he was flown away by Bloom. He should’ve before he resurrected but then he would be the villain.

“Are you really back Rainbow Dash!?”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Of course I am! Did Comber resuscitate me?”

“Yes he did.”

Bullet walked closely towards the group before reminding them of Pinkie pie, was unconscious and beaten, Rainbow Dash got angry, she remembers why that happened, she stopped him from stabbing her the first time.

“I’m going to show you what martial magic can also do, Twilight.”

Twilight laughed. That’s Rainbow Dash alright. Rainbow Dash felt her body making sure she’s alive, she can’t believe she is, she pinched herself, she felt pain, so she must be alive. Twilight wanted to know if there’s a life after death, and who’s better not to ask then Rainbow Dash now?

“So, was their a life after death or...?”

“Twilight, I reckon you don’t aks her that kind of question.”

“It’s okay Applejack. The answer is confusing, because it was all darkness, like a void and then after awhile I saw light and then was brought back to life you all said.”

Twilight had an idea, that spell Comber performed, she learned the teleportation off of him so why can’t she learn this off him, she can’t grasp it for some reason, is it even a unicorn spell? If she can learn it she would bring all the ponies killed by Comber back from the dead, and that green colt. Heck maybe everypony could learn it.

“Twilight, I know what you’re thinking about, and don’t you do it, I warn you, you heard of the legend about the consequences of performing that spell?”

Twilight remember back to a book she read about life and death, they being part of creation and the laws behind it. She nearly forgot all the information because the book was to myth to be true.

“I recall reading a book that told me about the consequences of that spell, but forgot, could you remind me?”

Twilight got the attention of the group and Bullet, their attention was jow on Bullet.

“A mortal who dare defys the laws of existence will pay dearly for it, 1 of these laws that was brutally forced into my mind was resurrection, even by the demons and their king baphoment it was ban due to it’s sin, not only against the gods but demons as well.”

“So you’re saying Comber broke the laws of existence by resurrecting Rainbow Dash then?”

Bullet shooked his head up and down slowly with his eyes close still in disbelief Comber did that.


“That’s hide, you know how many books are not real?”

Rainbow Dash said with annoyance, plus if their is any consequences, she sure she could stop that threat, they can’t be more of a threat then Comber was right? But wouldn’t they or him just be after Comber?

“Then they would just be angry at Comber I reckon since he performed the spell?”

“No, they would come after Rainbow Dash too, and kill her in a similar way to make sure the laws of existence is still in order.”

“Whatever, if it exists, if not nothing to worry about.”

Rainbow Dash annoyed by Bullet said confident.

“I hope so it is.”

Bullet said with compassion.

“But now I need to regroup with my station and update the status about Comber.”

“Darling, we thank for trying to save our best friend and get justice for Pinkie Pie sisters and Fluttershy, although yoyr methods was a little too extreme.”

Rarity spoke with gratitude and for the group, Rainbow Dash remember Pinkie Pie, she quickly turned he attention towards her and used her martial magic, the pink magic surrounded her and healed her, she would awake soon.

“Wait you can use magic to heal ponies Rainbow Dash!?”

Rainbow Dash turned her head to Twilight and the group and smirked.

“Yes I can but it heavily drains me, so I prefer not to unless I think it’s what needs to be done.”

Twilight agreed with Rainbow Dash, reliving when she used the spell for the first time and how much stamina she lost, she was light head and after what Rainbow Dash been through, she is too probably. Pinkie Pie started to wake from unconscious, when her vision was slowly coming back toher wits, she saw Rainbow Dash, she instantly got up and with no warning, hugged Rainbow Dash and squeezed her tightly, the group laughed hardly, Pinkie Pie back, but does she know what happened? The hug broke, Pinkie Pie felt her head, she giggled.

“Where did the blood go?”

The group stopped laughing but kept their joyful attitude, their only worry is, what was the intention of comber reviving Rainbow Dash? There’s a reason, so why? Rainbow Dash told Pinkie Pie she healed her, the pink pony laughed,

“No you didn’t silly, that’s magic, and you ain’t a unicorn.”

She looked at twilight with a joyful face; indicating she healed her.

“Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash was the one who healed you not me, so... You should be the one thanking her.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash! Wait what happened!? Did that bad colt kill you?”

The group wanted to wish Pinkie Pie but didn’t because they know she was unconscious and she did try her best to stop Comber, and that’s why she beatened, so she deserves to know.

“From what we know, yes and-!”

“Where’s the colt, he needs to pay-!”

“Pinkie Pie, let’s calm down, he resurrected her, so in the end there’s no harm done by him I reckon.”

“However Applejack darling, the drama caused by him, the damage to the village if we so not forgetting he still committed in this village, is still great.”

“And although the damage in the end wasn’t anything Applejack, the damage to us mentally and ponies around us was effected in a bad way.”

“Twilight is right, but I doubt anypony here is going to the dark side?”

They all agreed with Rainbow Dash before searching their surroundings and seeing no more ponies outside watching the fight, they were surprised to see none go to the police but after the news about Comber defeating them they assume that’s the reason, and an additional reason is they probably still recovering from their defeat as well as planning too. So what now, Applejack and Rarity asked, Twilight face changed to confidence.

“We help make this village great again! We will all help rebuild the place, and then I will have time later on to research this resurrection spell Comber perform today, and if I can master it, I can bring back the ponies that was killed by him and the green mane colt. The group agree, but speaking of those ponies that was killed, what about Fluttershy animals? Who’s watching over them?

“I reckon I should go and watch over Fluttershy animals, a least check up on them and-!”

“Applejack, good idea, we’ve been so focused on Comber we forgot about them.”

The group nodded, Rainbow Dash wanted to go with Applejack but if she’s helping rebuild, they would need a pegasus. Applejack ran off to Fluttershy’s cottage and the group started their reconstruction plan for Ponyville.

“Comber, you foolish colt, you were once my friend, but I’m afraid now you will have to die after that sin, along with that mare, who should’ve stayed dead. I must say the first time I remember you losing to anypony in combat was Abdeath, but this was surprising.”

The colt who was at a cliff north of Ponyville walked away, and back down it, his cape flowing in the wind, the darkness covered him, the colt then teleported away, into a familiar small town. The ponies there was never greeting, some ran and shut their doors behind them. The Mane 5 started to rebuild Ponyville, the homes was first and then the decorations, but Rarity couldn’t help herself and still did decorations too. It wasn’t a surprise to have ponies from the village to start helping fix the village up, even the authorities too. The village will be back in its original condition in no time, especially after Applejack came back and helped them. The Village was finally at peace and will recover in no time, the Mane 5 thought to themselves, but their thoughts was crossedwried with all the ponies of Ponyville too. After they were done, a good long rest will ceetainly be needed after everything that happened. Nopony in Ponyville knew where the assassin went off too, but they know he’s not there anymore, which was a relief. After Ponyville was repaired from all the damages from the green colt and Comber, the entire Village will rest in peace.