Family of Chaos

by Animalman57

Cocoa & Chill

Powdery white snow gently fell, piling upon the ground as the wind blew softly, which created an sound that almost seemed like whistling. While the trees were devoid of leaves and there was a lack of bird calls and other critters roaming around, as most of them have either migrated or gone into hibernation, the environment still gave off a tranquil vibe unlike any other time of year.

Hearth's Warming was only a few weeks away and while some houses have already begun to hang up their decorations and many creatures were already rushing to get their gifts, the Chaos household were more than happy to just enjoy the wintery season for at least one more week before they joined in the excitement of the holiday season.

As the sun began to set, the old cottage windows of the Chaos residence were aglow with an orange light that looked rather warm and inviting. Inside their comfy abode, Raven sat upon the couch, her gracile form all stretched out in a way similar to Discord. The crackling of the fireplace was the only sound within the living room, the warmth having engulfed the entire room. Her lower half was swallowed by a patchwork quilt, though her tail tuft just barely stuck out from underneath. She also was wearing a dark grey holiday sweater with black collar and cuffs, with the image of a large icy blue snowflake stitched on the front, with numerous smaller ones surrounding it. She stared out the window, feeling quite cozy while watching the snow fall with intrigue.

The adolescent draconequus adored winter, finding it to be an absolutely beautiful time of year and always having child-like wonder every year at the sight of falling snow. It helped that like Discord, she had resistance to different temperatures, so she didn't really need loads of warm clothing when out in the cold. Despite that, it still felt nice being all bundled up and just enjoy being all cozy and warm, hence the quilt and sweater.

She breathed in, smiling at the scent of pine emanating in the room, and exhaled with a peaceful sigh. I love winter. She thought blissfully.

The peace was shattered by the door swinging wide open, with Wildflower and Discord rushing inside before the older draconequus slammed the door closed with his tail. Discord unhooked his wooden snowshoes as Wildflower began to remove her scarf. Discord snapped his tail feathers, causing the candy cane coat rack that stood near to jump to life and it walked over to assist them.

"How was that snowball tournament?" Raven asked as she watched them from her spot on the couch, but otherwise refused to move from her snug position.

"Oh, it was great!" Wildflower exclaimed as she gave her scarf onto the coat rack. It grabbed the scarf with its hook before helping with her jacket.

Discord dismissed his frosted ski goggles, revealing his eyes. "Indeed! Though I still say I won, Wild."

"Uh, no way, dad." Wildflower argued as she kicked off the boots from her hooves before putting on a cerulean holiday sweater with darker blue collar and cuffs and a Hearth's Warming tree stitched on it. "Tricking me with a noise and then burying me in a snowbank is cheating and you know it."

"Did you really expect the Lord of Chaos to play fair?" Discord retaliated with a smirk on his face. Wildflower scoffed but said nothing else as she wandered over towards the fireplace to warm up. She used her hoof to try and brush some excess snow from her braid. A snap was heard and a teal mane brush floated over towards her. Wildflower smiled in appreciation and looked over at her sister.

"Thanks, sis." She said as she grabbed the brush. The teenaged draconequus nodded once before turning towards the kitchen, having heard hoof steps.

Fluttershy came in, wearing a gorgeous green holiday sweater with a red collar and cuffs, with the front having a trio of teal bodied and pink winged butterflies that matched her cutie mark stitched on. She also wore holly berry stud earrings as apposed to her usual ones. She hovered in midair as she approached Discord, who had snapped on a red holiday sweater with a dark green collar and cuffs, while a large grey cyclone pattern was stitched on the front. She kissed his cheek before asking him, "Did you two have fun?"

"Yes we did, Shyfly." Discord replied before giving her a look Fluttershy was well familiar with. One that she knew meant he wanted to ask her something.

"So, my dear." He started saying, "You know what sounded really good as we were walking home just now?"

"What?" Fluttershy asked innocently. Discord slowly coiled around her as he looked at her with an barely contained grin of excitement.

"Well, it's currently winter and we had not yet had the pleasure of enjoying your simply delicious homemade hot chocolate." Fluttershy gave a small smirk in response to his request.

"Funny you should say that." Fluttershy wormed her way out of his coils before flashing him her soft gentle smile that he found absolutely adorable. "While you two were gone, I made some."

Wildflower heard and dropped the brush while looking over excitedly at her mother, "No kidding?"

"Mhm..." Fluttershy nodded. She flew straight back into the kitchen, only to return moments later with a tray lined with four holiday themed mugsā€”each one topped with whipped cream and crushed peppermints.

Raven also noticed something else on the tray, "did you bake cookies as well, mama?"

"Yes I did, little flower. Also, I'm sorry, but we didn't have any of those tiny marshmallows you guys seem to love." Fluttershy smiled sheepishly.

"Not a problem, my dear." Discord said, snapping his talon and summoned a bag of colorful marshmallows that floated next to him. Fluttershy smiled at her caring husband before heading towards the couch. Raven adjusted herself so she'd be sitting as Fluttershy gave her one of the mugs. Wildflower approached the couch and grabbed her own mug, sitting in the armchair next to the couch.

After Fluttershy placed the tray on the table so they could grab the frosted sugar cookies that were Hearth's Warming themed, she and Discord sat down on the couch next to Raven, with Discord snapping up another quilt (one that was an ugly mishmash of clashing colors) to cover them and made another one (one closer to Raven's quilt in appearance) appear on Wildflower.

"Here you are, Cordy." Fluttershy said as she passed him a mug.

"Thank you, sweet cheeks." He replied, to which Fluttershy smiled cutely. Wildflower placed a hoof in her mouth and made a gag sound at the cutesy nature of her parents. Discord reached into the bag with his tail and dropped a handful of marshmallows into his own mug. Two more handful of marshmallows, surrounded by a gold aura, levitated into the respective mugs of the teens.

"Thank you, daddy." Raven replied, having reached out to grab a cookie shaped like a wreath as he placed the marshmallows in her mug.

"Of course, princess." Discord said before reaching out to grab a cookie, this one shaped like a Hearth's Warming tree. Fluttershy put marshmallows into her drink before cuddling next to Discord, slowing sipping her mug as he draped his paw over her withers and intertwined his tail with hers.

"These are good, mom." Wildflower talked with her mouth full, spraying small crumbs of her star shaped cookie all over.

"Well, I'm glad you like them, but please don't talk with your mouth full." Fluttershy said in her 'mom tone' and with an arched brow. Wildflower swallowed her bite before rolling her eyes slightly.

"Fine, mom." She sighed.

As Raven lowered her mug, it revealed a cream mustache on her upper lip. Wildflower snickered, catching Raven's attention.

"What's so funny?" She asked as she looked at the teenaged pegasus with an arched brow.

"Oh, nothing." Her sister said, trying rather hard to not burst out laughing. It was then Raven finally noticed the mustache, staring cross-eyed at the offending cream.

The look on Raven's face made Wildflower no longer able to contain her laughter. She bursted out laughing, her eyes clenched shut. Raven scoffed before looking back at the mustache. She extended out her tongue and licked at the cream. It took a couple of swaps, but soon her muzzle was clean.

"Wow, that was cool." Wildflower said impressed before crinkling her nose slightly, "And a little gross."

Raven rolled her eyes before looking over at her sister and smiled slyly. "You have a little something right there." She said, pointing at Wildflower's face with her tail.

Wildflower looked down and, sure enough, her muzzle was covered in frosting. She tried to lick it like Raven did, but her tongue wasn't quite long enough to get it near her nose. Raven tittered, placing her claw over her mouth. Despite her amusement, Raven snapped her paw and gave Wildflower a washcloth to save her from total humiliation.

"Thanks." Wildflower muttered as she began to use it.

"Sure thing, sis." The adolescent draconequus replied before grabbing a candy cane shaped cookie.

The four of them quietly sat for a short while, sipping their cocoa, enjoying the pinch of cinnamon that Fluttershy always put in her homemade hot chocolate, as well as enjoying the cookies covered in buttercream.

"Ah..." Fluttershy gave of a sigh as she lowered her mug, snuggling further into Discord's fur. He looked over, having snapped up a peppermint stick to stir his cocoa with earlier.

"Comfy?" He asked with a smirk and a raised brow.

"Mhm," she said, closing her eyes as she leaned against him more. He smiled with care at her before biting the peppermint stick in half. He then dropped it in, it sticking up straight and broken edge submerged in chocolate, and he lifted his mug, drinking its content.

They continued to simply relax for a little while until Raven yawned.

"Are you tired, sweetie?" Fluttershy asked.

"A little, but I'm..." the draconequus was interrupted by another yawn, "...fine."

"Well it is getting a bit late." Discord said, seeing the time on Fluttershy's old cuckoo clock. He snapped his paw, placing a preserving spell on the remaining cookies so they'd stay fresh. The plate grew spider-like legs and hustled off to the kitchen to go into their icebox. He snapped his tail tuft and dismissed the quilts, them safely folded up in the closet.

"You girls should probably head off to bed." Fluttershy gently suggested.

"Fine." Wildflower stood up and stretched her hooves before heading upstairs.

"Night, mom. Night, dad." She said as she headed up.

"Good night, Wild." Discord called out.

"Have a good night, honey." Fluttershy said. "Love you."

"Yeah, love you too." Wildflower replied halfheartedly as she disappeared up the stairs.

Raven stood up herself and hugged her father.

"Good night, daddy." She said. "Love you."

"Good night, princess." He said as he hugged back. "Sleep well."

Raven let go and went over to her mother, hugging her good night. "Good night, mama."

"Good night, little flower." Fluttershy kissed her forehead before saying, "I love you."

"Love you too, mama." Raven replied before letting go and heading upstairs herself.

Discord himself stood up, waving his talon to keep the fire to a low flame so it won't burn the cottage down as they sleep. "We should probably head up as well."

"Of course, love." Fluttershy said, following him as he headed upstairs.

As the cold winds carried on through the night, the Chaos family were all snuggled up in their beds without a care in all of Equestria.