Family of Chaos

by Animalman57

Family Bake Session

The front door opened as Fluttershy entered, a brass key in her mouth and a couple of over-filled groceries bags carefully balanced on her back. She closed the door with her back hoof and placed the key onto a key hook hanging from the wall, it swinging as the butterfly-shaped head sparked despite its age, showcasing the markings that were engraved into it: a simple, cursive ‘F’ and ‘D’ with a simple heart in-between.

"I'm home!" She called out as she walked towards the kitchen. Raven was already in the kitchen, eating an apple for a snack as she sat, her tail laying on the floor.

Discord teleported behind her as Fluttershy placed the paper bags on the countertop. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. Fluttershy grinned widely and looked up at him.

"Did you enjoy your visit with Pinkie, my dear?" He asked with his classic smirk, his beard dangling just above her bluebell barrette as he hovered in midair.

Fluttershy nodded. "Mhm." She replied, leaning up to kiss his snout, causing Discord to smile in a ridiculous love-filled manner and his pupils turned into the shape of hearts.

As she walked in, Wildflower raised a brow at the groceries, "I thought you were just visiting aunt Pinkie." She gestured towards the bags, "what's with all this?"

"Oh," Fluttershy said, "well, turns out that Sugar Cube Corner is hosting a baking contest for families and Pinkie Pie insisted that we join." She dug through one of the bags, pulling out the eggs. Raven paused eating her apple, which was now a core, and placed it on the table as she listened as Fluttershy continued speaking, "I thought it might be fun if we made something together, so I accepted."

Discord grinned widely. "Ooo, I like the sound of that." He exclaimed, rubbing his paw and talon together with a huge grin.

Raven nodded as she smiled, "I agree. That sounds like fun, mama."

"But what are we going to make?" Wildflower asked.

"Well, I was thinking of making brownies." Fluttershy said, pulling out cocoa powder from the bag and setting it next to the eggs. "The contest isn't for a few days but they are easy to make and I'm sure we can get them done relatively quickly. And we have some chopped walnuts, so we can use those. Plus, your father can use his magic to preserve them until the contest." She turned towards Discord, "Right, honey?"

Discord cracked his knuckles. "With ease, Shyfly."

"Should we get started, mama?" Raven asked as she fiddled with the remains of the apple with her claw.

"I think so, so long as everyone has nothing else to do today." Fluttershy said.

After everyone agreed to bake brownies now, Fluttershy pulled out the rest of the ingredients she bought and set them on the countertop. Discord snapped his talon and the bags faded from existence. Raven tossed the apple core into her mouth and swallowed the fruit with an audible glup—the core only perceivable as a slight bulge, sliding down her throat—before standing up, using her tail to push in the chair. The family then took the moment to wash their hooves. Or paws and claws in the case of the draconequi. Discord made an apron that read Kiss the Draconequus appear on him. Raven snapped her paw, making a snow leopard print apron before she stood upright to tie the strings.

"Okay, we're going to need a baking dish." Fluttershy turned towards Wildflower as she tied an apron, one that was pink with white bunnies on it, around herself, "can you find one, dear?"

Wildflower finishing tying a plaid apron around herself before looking towards Fluttershy. "Yes, mom." Wildflower said before heading to where they stored their pans.

As Wildflower digs through the cabinet, Fluttershy pulled out an old looking dessert cookbook that her mom gave her when she first moved into her cottage and rummaged through the worn pages until she found a recipe for brownies.

"Here it is, mom." Wildflower called out, holding a rectangular 8-inch baking tray.

Fluttershy smiled and said, "Thanks, sweetheart." Once the teenaged pegasus set it down, Discord snapped up some nonstick cooking spray and used his tail to spray an even coat into the tray.

"Raven, can you turn on the oven so it can preheat?" Fluttershy asked. Raven nodded and, after glancing at the recipe, used her tail to turn the oven to the correct temperature and levitated
numerous measuring spoons onto the countertop.

"Okay, we need a mixing bowl." Just as Fluttershy finished this sentence, Discord snapped up a large neon green plastic mixing bowl. Fluttershy smiled her thanks at him, who simply winked at her.

Wildflower grabbed the flour and measured it in a measuring spoon before she poured it into the bowl. As she did so, Fluttershy looked over at her daughter's cutie mark and a small grin appeared on her muzzle. When Wildflower first got her cutie mark, she was baking cupcakes with Fluttershy and her grandmother. Fluttershy was immensely proud of her daughter, as any pony parent usually is when their foals get their cutie marks. Since then, Wildflower had baked with her mother, grandma and Pinkie Pie on a fair number of occasions. Fluttershy cleared her mind of her thoughts before grabbing the sugar and measured it before pouring it in the same bowl.

"Cordy, while we're doing this, can you and Raven cook the bittersweet chocolate?" Fluttershy asked as she grabbed the baking soda and Wildflower poured in some cocoa powder.

"Of course." He said. Raven grabbed a small saucepan and placed it on the stove. She placed half of the chocolate into the saucepan and Discord poured milk in. He used his magic to make the stove dial turn by itself, setting it on a low heat. Raven grabbed a wooden spoon and started stirring the chocolate.

After a minute or two of stirring and cooking the chocolate, Discord made the butter hover and placed it into the pan. Raven smiled before continuing to stir. After a little bit, Raven looked over at her dad and asked, "is this melted enough, daddy?" as she gestured towards the saucepan.

Discord looked over and checked, having had pulled a magnifying glass out of nowhere. "Hmm…" he muttered before smiling widely at his daughter. "It looks good to me, princess."

She smiled and turned to turn off the heat, while Discord pulled a bottle of vanilla from thin air. He poured a small bit in and Raven started to stir it in.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Wildflower had poured the brown sugar and salt into the mixing bowl.

"Okay, now we need to wait for Discord and Raven to-" She was interrupted by Discord, "It's done, my dear."

Fluttershy looked over and saw Discord grabbing the saucepan off the stovetop. Wildflower went over and grabbed the pan and turned to the mixing bowl, slowly and carefully pouring the melted chocolate mixture into the bowl.

"Okay, now we just need eggs, the rest of that bittersweet chocolate and," she took a moment to grab a bag of chopped walnuts, "the walnuts."

Discord made the two eggs they grabbed earlier hover in midair as he used one of his talons to trace a line over one of the egg. It floated over the mixing bowl and split apart, causing the insides to fall in. He did the same thing with the second egg before shoving the egg shells together, them fusing together to create an egg timer.

Wildflower grabbed the measuring cup while Fluttershy opened up the bag of walnuts and poured them in until they were about 1/4th filled. Wildflower dumped the walnuts into the bowl as Raven grabbed the last of the bittersweet chocolate and dumped it in as well.

"Now it's time to stir." Fluttershy said.

Discord pulled a wooden spoon from thin air and started stirring at a fast rate, causing the batter to spray all over.

Fluttershy flinched as bits of the batter splashed on her.

"Ah, dad!" Wildflower exclaimed, using her wings to try and shield herself from the batter that was flying. Raven materialized a red-and-blue umbrella and held it in front of herself as a shield. Fluttershy rolled her eyes as he laughed, though, admittedly, she wasn't really that annoyed, in part due to the fact that the batter wasn't splattering as much as one would expect at the speed he was going, so they'd still have plenty of batter left over.

Eventually, he stopped stirring and the batter was looking perfect despite the speed he was going at.

"Okay, that looks good." Fluttershy said as she looked at the batter. She grabbed the dish from the side. "Now we just need to place the batter in." She turned towards Raven and asked, "can you help place the batter in please, pumpkin?"

Raven nodded and levitated the batter in a pink aura and gently placed down, it smoothing itself out perfectly as it flowed, into the baking dish. Wildflower sprinkled the remaining walnut bits on top. Discord then placed the batter into the oven, using a baseball glove instead of a oven mitt. Raven used her kangaroo foot to close the oven door.

Discord handed Fluttershy the egg timer and she began to set the time. She had just finished setting the timer and placed it on the counter when she was suddenly hit by a puff of white. She squeaked in surprise before turning, where she saw that her flank was now covered in flour. She looked over and saw Wildflower standing near the flour bag with white powder on her hoof, whistling far too innocently.

The flour bag began to hover behind the adolescent pegasus before dropping on top of her. She yelped as dust flew around her. Once the cloud cleared, Wildflower was completely covered in white powder. Her multicolored eyes blinked open, showing her surprise. Her nose twitch before she sneezed. A giggle drew her attention and she glared in that direction.

The culprit was Raven, who stood nearby Discord as a halo headband sat upon her head and she made the pink glow around her claw vanish. The giggling draconequus placed her paw over her mouth as her eyes closed tight.

The whole family then laughed, even Wildflower after she rolled her eyes.

It was the day of the baking contest and Sugar Cube Corner was flooded with families of all kinds, each with their own entries in the hopes of winning or even just to have fun.

As the Chaos family appeared inside in a flash of bright light, Pinkie ran up and glomped both Fluttershy and Discord.

"Hey, guys!" She exclaimed, "I'm so so soooo happy you guys decided to participate."

Fluttershy smiled lightly at Pinkie as she patted her friend's back. "Of course, Pinkie."

Pinkie let go and saw a silvery looking bubble in Discord's grasp. "Ooo, is what you made guys made?"

"Indeed it is, Mrs. Pie." Discord said as he smirked proudly.

Pinkie hopped over to her 'neices' and rubbed their heads affectionately. "How you doing, girls?" She asked.

"We're doing well, aunt Pinkie." Raven said as Wildflower tried to fix her mane with a tight frown.

Pinkie then pointed towards the clothed tables set out for the contest. "Your spot is over here." They followed Pinkie as she led them towards the tables.

"I'm super duper excited to see and taste what you made. I may not be able to participate, because you know how much I love to bake..."

"Really? What a surprise." Discord said sarcastically. Wildflower snickered in response.

"...But I'll be able to taste them, and I'm sure with this super baker by your side," Pinkie gestured to Wildflower, who grinned confidently, "you'll at least be very close to first place."

"Well, we're just entering to have fun, but I'm glad you think we'll do that well." Fluttershy stated.

The five of them came to an empty spot where The Chaos Family was written down. Discord placed the bubble down with care, which popped silently as soon as it made contact with the table, revealing their brownies, each perfectly cut and with an caramel drizzle on top that they made after the brownies baked, at Raven's request unsurprisingly.

"Ooo...." Pinkie said as she looked at the perfectly brown confections. "Those look scrumptious!"

Pinkie turned towards the Chaos family. "The judging will start in a few minutes. In fact, I should probably get ready, so why don't you guys should take a look around at the other entries?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Sure." The family then began to move through the crowd, looking at several of the submissions.

Several minutes were spent looking at the other submissions for the contest. Raven even managed to talk to Honey Suckle and her family, who had entered with red velvet cupcakes.

Eventually, the judges started to wander around to check out the submissions. The cast of judges consisted of Pinkie, the twins Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake, a green dragon with pale blue spines and purple eyes, and a grey griffon with a black head and hot pink eyes. Wildflower and Discord largely didn't care about what they thought of the other entries, instead waiting in anticipation about what they thought of their's.

Once the judges approached the brownies, Discord placed his paw over Fluttershy's shoulder as he grinned with anticipation, while Wildflower's wings fluttered fast like a humming bird as she danced on her hooves.

One of the judges, the dragon, grabbed a brownie and took a bite. His eyes widened before his mouth formed a grin.

"Hmm..." He said, smiling widely at the taste. The other judges ate them and also clearly enjoyed them.

As they wrote down their thoughts on the clipboard, Wildflower's smile grew cocky. "We're a shoo-in, I'm sure of it."

"They did seem to like it more than the others." Raven agreed, smiling lightly as she stood nearby.

After a while, the judges planned to announce the victors of the contest. The Chaos family appeared in the front of the crowd in a flash, startling a few creatures.

"We narrowed it down to these three baked goods." The griffon said, her claw gesturing to the three left over, a lemon meringue pie, a three layer cake with vanilla frosting, and their brownies.

"I honestly didn't think we'd make it this far." Fluttershy admitted to Discord.

"Well, our daughter is a wizz in baking." Discord boasted. "But then, so are you." He winked at her and she looked away bashfully, her cheeks turning a slight red at his praise.

Pinkie then spoke, "As spectacular as these all were, they can only be one winner." Pound Cake handed her a blue ribbon as she continued to announce, "And the winner is..."

Wildflower leaned forward, her eyes shinning in excitement. The suspense was killing her.

"...the cake!" Pinkie finally said, placing the blue ribbon on the cake.

"Oh, c'mon! Really?" Wildflower moaned as the rest of the crowd cheered.

"It was nice that Pinkie let us keep them." Fluttershy said as they entered their house.

Discord set the brownies, which had a third place ribbon on the pan, down on the counter. "Well, it may be a quarter to the time we usually eat dinner," he said as he dismissed a watch on his talon he summoned, "but I kinda want to try them." He looked towards Fluttershy with a raised brow. "Shy, do you think that'd be okay?"

Fluttershy tapped her hoof against her chin before replying, "Sure. I'm kinda curious myself."

The flour of them grabbed a piece and began to eat the brownie pieces. Raven's eyes widened, her pupils dilating, before smiling wide. "Mmm, that tastes delicious." She said, licking her lips in delight.

"I concur," Discord said, tossing the rest of the brownie into his mouth, "This is really good." He said with his mouth full.

Wildflower took a bite. "I do like it." She swallowed her bite before frowning slightly. "I still think we should've won." She complained.

Fluttershy shook her head, chuckling. "But we had fun, right?" Wildflower sighed, but still nodded. The middle-aged mare smiled and they continued eating their brownies.