America Rising

by Nothing2007

Meeting Equestria

The massive fleet sailed through the quiet waters of the South Luna Sea in the dead of night. But onboard the U.R.S Enterprise, the ship was very active.

"Party Rock!" The classic song blared throughout the ship as they threw a massive party to celebrate their new home's founding. They even manage to impress Pinkie Pie.

 "I don't know what to think," said Pinkie Pie to Rarity, who was also watching the party with Pinkie Pie. "But they sure do know how to throw good parties," she yelled as she join them in their fun.

Twilight was perusing the ship's library's extensive collection at the time. She was astounded by how many they had—even more than the combined collections of the libraries in Ponyville, Manehattan, and Canderlot.

She studied all the history books there and was appalled. Even when the two species coexisted, humans engaged in enormous conflicts that tore through entire nations and claimed millions of lives. They were only prevented from doing this again because their specialized weaponry would destroy them.

As she prepared to read, she thought to herself, "But they seem not to mind now using them against their oldest friends." In addition to becoming the war's victims, they greatly influenced the course of the events and conflicts.

Then Twilight made the decision to leave the library. She'd seen and read enough already. Twilight murmured as she made her way to the mess hall to locate the others, "These humans.. their monsters."

Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Brine were conversing while seated in the Mess Hall.

Fluttershy inquires, "What was it like back on your world?" Did you keep any pets?

Brine gave her a glance. Actually, no. During the Great War, the majority of Earth's animal and plant life perished, according to Brine.

Applejack exclaimed as she sipped her coffee, "Whoa." Was the Great War really so bad?

Brine's thoughts go back in time. when an assault was made on Denver.


The Captain cried as Brine's paratroopers leaped from their Black Hawk into the blazing metropolis of Denver, "Denver must not fall!"

The Armies of Humans were attacking their base of operations and refugee camp, and they had nowhere else to go.

To the bitter end, they must struggle.

As they prepared the remainder of their equipment, Brine's squad, which included Verner and his friends, chose to take cover after landing close to a police station that had been bombed.

Verner shouted as he put together a commutations device, "Jezz, they're going to rip the city apart!"

Brine screamed, "They want to kill us!" as he swiftly executed a person who had run inside to escape the blast. He had just turned twenty.

Verner said, "Poor kid," as he gazed at the dead person. He is only a few years out of his teens and already fighting a battle.

With a dejected expression on his face, Brine remarked, "There's nothing we can do. But in order to better recapture the air, we must bring this equipment to the roof and turn it on.

As the struggle for Denver continued all around them, the pack of super puppies fled to the police station's roof.

One of Verner's friends exclaimed as he fired one of their helicopters, "Dude, this must be what hell looks like!"

Brine shouted as he continued to fire an M60 machine gun at additional helicopters, "No, this is much worse than Hell ever could be!"

Verner shouted, "It's working!" as the weapon went into operation, destroying all neighboring systems and bringing down the helicopters with fiery explosions.


A communication from Denver is received by a set of satellites. It said simply one thing:


Massive bombs and lasers detonated as they descended toward the places of humanity as the satellites activated their weaponry.

The explosives detonated one at a time, leaving behind hundreds of dead bodies and the remainder to be burnt alive by the lasers.

As the screams and panicked shouts reached their ears, one of Verner's friends exclaimed, "Take that you bitchs!" But Brine has heard a different sound.

Brine roared at them, pushing them over the roof, "Get down!" Three cruise missiles struck their target seconds later, obliterating the whole structure.

Verner shouted, "Ow!" and grabbed his shoulder. Due to the fall, it had shattered. Brine struck a soldier in the neck with a knife even though he wasn't harmed.

Brine shouted, "We've got to leave NOW!" Verner is injured. We must return to headquarters.

The four start the arduous journey back to headquarters while escaping patrols after Brine swiftly grabbed Verner and placed him over his shoulder.

The one thing they didn't anticipate was a massive bombardment that occurred a few kilometers from their headquarters.

Say "Get down!" While being thrown away from Verner, Brine heard them shout as explosions boomed in his ears.

Brine's ears were ringing, and his eyesight was fuzzy. He said that his head was also bleeding.

Despite the bombs and missiles falling all around him, he crept towards Verner. When he finally got to him, he wrapped his body around him.

Verner screamed, "What are you doing? "Leave me behind and run."

Brine responded, "Not a chance dude," as a bomb landed on his back. As soon as he realized something was leaking this time, his back began to hurt. But he is unwilling to go.

He remained there for three minutes straight, his back bleeding and suffering, and he only left when the bombs went off. When they finished, he collapsed and passed out.


"Brine, um?"

Brine jolted back to the present. Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were all giving him worried looks.

Rainbow Dash laid her hoof on his shoulder and said, "You ok dude?" "I'm fine," Brine said. "Just when you asked that question, Applejack, it brought back a memory."

Just then, Twilight walked into the space. She inquires, "What's going on in here?"

Talking, not much, remarked Applejack as she drank her coffee. "Then, for approximately three minutes, Brine simply froze in position.

Twilight asks Brine to get up, "Why?" The four were stunned when Brine responded, "Because of this," before taking off his shirt.

Most of his back was made of metal. That is a mess, Twilight said. Brine shrugged.

Brine yawned, "That was from the Battle of Denver. Having worked all day, he was worn out. He muttered as he grabbed his clothing and walked away, "I'm going to bed."

Rainbow Dash followed him, saying, "Me too.

Hey Twilight," Applejack said. Have you observed Rainbow acting differently than usual?

Twilight smiled and said, "I saw it. But she is skilled in what she is doing.


Brine was preparing for a party. When he heard a knock at the door, he was trying to relax and thought that going to the party with everyone else could assist him.

Brine responded, "Come in," as he put on one of his black shirts. Rainbow Dash entered the room. "Oh, it's you, Rainbow," Brine remarked.

Rainbow Dash stated, "I wanted to chat about something. Ask Brine, "What's up?"

Rainbow Dash stated, "I... really like you." Brine nearly passed out on the ground. That was a complete surprise.

Brine spat, "Do.. you mean it, literality?" Because... I also truly like you.

He hadn't anticipated this. It happens so quickly.

Slowly moving toward him, Rainbow Dash gave him a kiss. It felt satisfying. Only the noises of the ocean could be heard as brine kissed it back.


"Sir," stated the AWAS's pilot. "The situation here is very serious."

When the AWAS sent an urgent call, Chase had to pick up the phone even though he was on a call with the rest of the fleet. Tell me the issue, demanded Chase.

The pilot announced, "That city they call Manehattan, the one we are supposed to drop the girls off in, has been compromised."

Chase said, "What do you mean?" The pilot reported that pirates had taken over the entire city and had an even greater force than the previous group we faced.

Chase was not pleased. Chase hurled a boot across the room and snarled, "I thought we took care of those fucking pirates and they come back with a larger army!"

The pilot asks, "What should we do?" Chase advised ordering all systems online. "We're entering a war."

Alarms went off across the fleet, rousing the primary six. They see Rainbow and Brine sprinting down the corridor in their fight gear as they exit their room.

Twilight queries, "What's going on?" Brine's words, "Meet us on the deck NOW," sent a chill down her spine. The German Shepard terrified her.

The females followed the two troops to the deck, where Verner and other soldiers were present and Chase was giving mission briefs.

Brine inquires, "What's going on, dad?" Manhattan has been attacked, and we will respond, declared Chase.

Rainbow exclaimed in a fit of wrath, her shocked expression being replaced with, "Who attack!" Chase said, "Pirates." That gang is furious, I can tell.

Chase continued, "You are being loaded into the LCTs. "I am sure you know what to do."

Brine said, "I sure do," as his M4 pistol clicked. "Let's make sure that these pirates are not a laughingstock."


The commander of the pirates, Captain Bloodsucker, screamed, "Where is RAINBOW DASH AND HER SILLY FIRIENDS!" as he grabbed Celestia by the neck. Due to being unconscious, Luna was restrained in a corner and helpless.

I have told you, Celestia replied haltingly. "I sent them to seek for her; I have no idea where they are. I just know that.

When one of his crew members entered the room, the Leader, who was enraged with Celestia, was going to hit her again. The boy called out, "Sir." "You've got to see this!"

The Leader and his crewmate left the room after the Leader made the decision to assassinate Celestia later.

The other crew member cried, "It's coming from the sea." They are coming to destroy us, and their destinies depend on it.

The Leader said as he levitated a pair of binoculars and peered through them, "What are you talking about?" More than the voice, what he saw after that shocked him.

Chase said over the microphone, "We are the United Republic," as the vast blue water fleet proceeded in the direction of the Beaches of Manhattan. And if you don't give up, we're prepared to punish you.

Picking up a blowhorn, the leader responded with two words. "FUCK US!"

"Alright then," said Chase as he put on a fighter pilot helmet. "You ask for it."

Five seconds after he said that, there was a loud roar, followed by massive explosions on the beaches. Any pirate or ship near the beach was blown to pieces.

"What the hell are these things!" yelled one of the pirates, a young lad as he jump over his burning ship. He watch as the ship sank under the waves.

Meanwhile, the air force was moving in, with Chase in command. "Alright boys, let's show these foes how we roll!"

Their bays opened, revealing their loads of missiles and bombs. One by one, the flew and exploded once contact.

"Who are these guys!" yelled a pirate as he try to run for cover. "They are killing us!"

The leader watch from his building in horror. Smoke raise into the sky as fires and his fleet, burn.

But that wasn't the last of the assault. There was more to come.

Approaching the beaches, came several landing craft of all types. And in one of those craft where Brine, Rainbow Dash and her friends and Venver.

"Got ready to make some noise!" yelled Brine as Rainbow Dash and Venver check their guns. "Twilight, you and your friends are on medic and backup duty."

"Ok, sir," said Twilight hastily. She had no idea what her or her friends were walking into.

Suddenly, their craft stop. "Let's go!" yelled Brine as him, Venver and Rainbow Dash ran into the fray. Twilight and the rest of her friends follow.. and what they saw shook them to their core.

Bodies of the pirates laid across the beach, some burning. Their once proud ships now blow into bits. And fires were spreading.

They turned and saw a M1A2 Abrams tank with a M2 Bradley racing ahead off them, firing their weapons.

"Liberty!" she heard them yell. "This pups are crazy," muttered Twilight.

Brine and them took covered behind a overturn cart. They were pushing into the city as Attack Helicopters roared overhead.

"Alright," said Brine as he saw them a hologram. "Our targets are in his building," said Brine. "Your and their Leaders are inside this building. Our goal is to rescue and capture them."

"I hope their alright," muttered Fluttershy. "Then what are we waiting for," yelled Rainbow. "Let's go save them."


"Targets at 5o clock" said an Apache pilot. The two helicopters were pursuing three Pegasus pirates through the Manehattan skyline.

"Ahh!!" yelled One of the Pegasus Pirates as the Apache's chain gun rip through his flesh, causing him to fall to the street, already burning, dead.

The helicopters countied to cause them.

"What are we going to do?" yelled one of the pirates as his friend exploded upon contact with a hellfire missile.

The Pirate had nowhere to run. So he did the only thing he could.

"Stop!" Yelled the Pirate. "I surrender! Don't fire whatever those things are!"

The Apache's surrounded him. Cold Sweat poured from his head.

"Alright," said the Pilot, finally reviving him of his fear. "Just follow and don't do anything you won't want to. You are now a prisoner of the United Republic."

That struck him as odd. The word Republic wasn't in their language. The only Republic was the Griffons and that turned out terrible for them.

But he didn't want to make the aliens mad and blow him to bits, so he followed them like they request, not knowing what fate was in store.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Ground forces were pushing through the pirates Defenses as the pirates ran away in fear AFTER finding out that arrows can't break through Tank armor.

"Allons-y" yelled a French bulldog as he fired the 50 caliber machine gun. Meanwhile, A Hummer zoom bye, carrying Brine and his group.

The Hummer stop in front of the Tallest Building. "Their on the top floor!" yelled Brine as he jump out of the car. "Let's go!"

The group ran inside the building. Once they got inside, they were greeted with several bodies. Even Children.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, while Brine shook his head. "Rest in peace, little souls," said Venver as they took the stairs.

Meanwhile: A School a few blocks down:

"Get on the ground NOW!" yelled a pirate as he pointed a spear at a filly, barely 8. Her teacher was dead and they wanted to kill them.

She refuse, though. She was always told to stand up to bullies and anyone who threaten her. "No" she refuse again.

The Pirate was piss. "You're asking for it then," said the Pirate as he lift his spear to kill her.

But before he had the chance to do it, the wall behind the group exploded, revealing a group of weird looking things as they fired there even weirder weapons at them, killing them instantly.

One of the them walk over near the filly and she got a good look at him. He look like a dog her parents had, only bigger and had a weird armor with his strange weapon.

"Are you ok little one?" ask the alien soldier. His voice was sweet. It didn't seem like he was going to kill her like in those alien movies.

"Yeah," said the filly. "Come with us," said the Soldier, putting out his paw. "We have a nice safe place for you all until we can find your parents.

The filly accepted and the rest followed the squad down the burning streets.

Back in the tower:

Brine, Venver, Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends had gotten to the top of the floor where they were holding the Two Princesses hostage. Twilight was glad that her Brother Shining Armor and Cadence weren't here.

"Frags," ask Venver, pulling out one from his bag. "Yes," said Brine as he too pulled out a smoke grenade.

Brine toss his first and trap the Pirates standing guard outside the door in thick smoke. "What was that?!" cough one of the pirates. "I can't see anything."

Venver toss his and the duo exploded, leaving a bloody mess. "Job well done," said Brine as they advance to the door.

Rarity nearly fainted at the sight of so much blood.

"Venver," said Brine. "Get out the charges." "Already ready," said Venver as he out the charge on the door. He could hear commotion on the other side.

"They are going to kill them," yelled Brine. "let's go!" Brine pulled the trigger and the door exploded.

It seemed like slow motion. Brine, Rainbow Dash and Venver ran into the room, taking out the guards. The Leader was pointing a crossbow at Celestia when Brine shot at his hoof.

"Argh!" yelled the Leader as he hold his bleeding hoof. He was smack in the head by Venver with his gun.

"You are under Arrest by the United Republic for Crimes against Humanity," said Brine as Venver and Rainbow Dash tied him up. "Twilight," check on Celestia."

Twilight ran over to Celestia. She was badly beat and highly dehydration. "She's in bad shape," yelled Twilight.

Brine look over. "She's needs medical attention and so does Luna," said Brine. Activating his Radio," We need a Black Hawk now, we have the V.I.Ps and they need Medical Attention."

"Alright Alpha, we have two black hawks on their way," said the Cat on the other end.

"Alright," said Brine. "Let's get these guys to the roof now!"

The Group carried the Princesses to the roof, which was easier then said. They were big.

"What have they been eating." ask Venver. "They are so tall!"

"That is rude," said Brine, giving Venver the look. "Ok, sorry," said Venver.

The gang finally got to the roof, where two Black Hawks were waiting.

"Well done," said the Sergeant. Zane. "The Pirates are surrounding in the thousands, let's get these guys to the Enterprise."

The gang loaded up in the Black Hawks as they took to the sky.

Brine look as the Manehattan skyline burn with fire. Victory was secure, with the pirates paying dearly for the assault.

No one messes with the United Republic and wins.