//------------------------------// // Nachtwache // Story: Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire // by Stalin with Da Spoon //------------------------------// Krieger couldn't help but feel a sense of power, sitting in the swivel chair within his office on the third floor of the town hall, as he looked down upon the town and watched both his men patrolling through the streets and interact with the locals, as well as human civilians continue to work on repairs and moving rubble out of the road, even as the sun had almost gone down beyond the horizon and the moon slowly began to climb into the sky as it's rays of lunar light shined down upon the land. The streets were relatively well lit thanks to lanterns, but there were still some dark spots here and there. Luckily, his own office had a light, and thankfully that light allowed him to see the paperwork he was currently working on, as he turned in his chair and clicked his pen before tending to said papers. It wasn't much different from the papers he had handled at Grangeville, patrol logs, inventory checks, and logistics updates. Though there were some new papers, like medical reports and filled out requisition forms for tools and equipment. Surprisingly, even though he had utilized voluntary requisition methods, the forms still showed every single box with a check mark in it, indicating the willingness of the signer to donate equipment, complete with their signature on the side of the mark. Krieger was honestly surprised by the willingness of the ponies to work with his forces, but considering how they had worked with Pierre's construction workers earlier that day, he felt like he should've expected this. None the less, it was good to see cooperation from the locals already, and this helped to raise his spirits, before hearing a knocking on his door, as he spoke out in English to the source of the knocking. "You may come in." Krieger said, before watching as his assistant Misty Light stuck her head through the door with a sheepish smile, which he returned. "Greetings mein freund, I assume you have news?" "Well, yes sir, I just wanted to inform that I had that bed you wanted moved into the second floor lounge so you could sleep where your commanders knew where to find you." "That is good to hear, anything else?" "Well, I was just wondering if I could potentially go ahead and take the night off, to go home and watch my dad." "Of course, you are relieved of your duties. Have a good night, Misty Light." "You too, sir." She said before closing the door while Krieger chuckled to himself. He could get used to living in an alien world. Fredrick would never get used to living in this alien world. As he walked through the streets with his standard issue MP40 in hand alongside two of his fellow soldiers, he was constantly receiving friendly waves and hellos from the ponies walking past, when back in France he received jeers and hateful glares. Was it the fact that they had saved the ponies from the Caribou? Was it that they were naturally friendly? What could be causing it? His thoughts were interrupted, as he felt a sudden impulse come over him, and his mouth forcefully stretched open and he emitted a deep yawn, blinking his eyes to try and fight off his fatigue, before receiving a concerned look from the man to his right. "Fredrick, you should go ahead and get some rest. The camp doesn't have enough beds, so maybe you can try your luck at requesting a place to stay from the locals." "Ja, I will do, thank you Frank." "Nein problem." His fellow Germans waved goodbye as Fredrick walked up to a friendly looking house and proceeded to knock three times on the door, before seeing a small foal open the door and gasp. "Mommy mommy, it's a soldier man!" The little foal yelled out, before a brown maned mare came into view wearing an apron as she gasped before speaking with a slight southern accent. "U-ummm... Greetings mister, can I help you?" Fredrick nervously shifted before nodding. "Ja, I was wondering if I could possibly requisition a place to sleep in this home? We do not have any place to sleep back at camp." Suddenly, the worried look on her face vanished as she smiled. "Why of course mister Fredrick, me and Apple Sauce would be happy to have you. You can leave that little gadget and helmet of yours by the door." Fredrick nodded before unclipping and removing his helmet, hanging it on a coat rack while laying his rifle against the wall next to it as the mare lead him to the kitchen. "May I ask your name, madame?" "Oh, it's Apple Cider, and that's my son, apple sauce." She said while giggling as the foal stared up at the soldier with an astonished expression. "Your face is weird mister." Fredrick slightly chuckled before kneeling down and ruffling the foal's mane as he and Cider giggled. "Now now, don't go getting him riled up now, it's almost his bed time." "But mom!" "I recommend you listen to your mother, mister." Fredrick said in a somewhat stern voice, as the foal saluted. "Sir yes sir!" The foal said before running up the stairs as Fredrick couldn't help but laugh as he stood up. "He'd make a fine royal guardsman, wouldn't he?" Cider said, as Fredrick nodded. "The Wehrmacht would love to have him as a member of the youth corp." Fredrick said before taking a seat as Cider proceeded to open a fridge. "What do you want for dinner, sir?" "Eh, I ate my ration an hour, I will be fine." "You certain?" "Ja, I will be fine. Believe it or not, but those rations do a good job of feeding us soldats." "Alright then, if you say go. But you're getting a first class breakfast tomorrow morning!" "Understood, madame. Though I would like something to drink." Fredrick said as Cider proceeded to pull out what appeared to be a bottle as she set it down on the table. "Well, good thing I got my finest bottle of apple juice right here if ya want some." Fredrick nodded, opening the bottle and taking a sip. "Das ist very gut. Finest juice I have ever drank." Apple Cider lightly giggled as she smiled, proud to see someone enjoying her juice. "Yeah, it's an old apple family recipe, everypony knows it, even Sauce will learn it eventually." "I see. Well, I believe it is time I get some sleep for tomorrow's patrol." Fredrick said as he sat up and entered the living room, taking off his boots and laying back on the couch. "Alright then, good night mister Fredrick!" Cider said as she turned off the ceiling light and went upstairs while Fredrick closed his eyes. Maybe Fredrick can get used to this.