//------------------------------// // MLP EG: The Second Pinocchio // Story: Future one shots // by Kamen rider accel //------------------------------// Safe to say scootaloo was always, how do you describe it? A energetic person. She was said to have a normal life. Well normal as you say happened in her school and now the school knows about magic. But that's still normal for her. Also living with her idol was amazing and she always love to see the Rainbooms in action when ever there's trouble of equestrian magic. They always rocked in music aswell. But for now she was walking home after saying bye to her friends. She had a very good day. But she soon felt sad when she saw a family of four. A mother holding a child in her arm, A father who was carrying supplies in the bag and walking with her, and a little boy who was excited and was seeing the little child in her mom's arms. She can guess that's a new born and is now welcomed in the family. Seeing that made scootaloo heart drop a little. Cause she used to have a family but now there gone. No mom and dad who can look after her when she's alone, and no brother to help her when she scared or felling sad. No she's in a foster family and with her idol. She should be happy that's she's living with her idol and her mom and dad but she couldn't. She always faked it by putting up a mask but soon she would always miss them. She still remember her family they all went to a project and her brother went aswell. They told her to stay home and they left rainbow dash to look after her. But soon there came rain and then she heard the bad news her family was gone and she was all alone. She didn't know what to do. So rainbow took her in. But still. (Insert Kikaider: The Animation-OST-9-Jiro's Guitar Part 1) Her thoughts were stopped she heard the sound of music playing. From the sounds of it, the music sounded like they were being played from a guitar. For some reason, scootaloo felt attracted though she couldn't help but think that the song sounded very.....sad. When she walked to the source she found a teen boy playing on a guitar but soon she was shocked to see the teen. The teen in question was a boy who had spikey blue hair. Was wearing a black hoodie and had a lightning shield emblem on his left arm. He wore blue pants and black and white sport shows and was playing on a guitar. But what was shocking was that the teen faced looked exactly alike her brother. The one who died 3 years ago. But that's impossible how can he still be alive. But soon she stopped her task to hear more of music he was playing. She found the music calm. The people walk by her but she listen to the music. (Song End) "That was beautiful" she said to the teen. He then noticed her. "Uh...thanks." The male said as scootaloo walked up to him. "I didn't think anyone was listening so intently ?" "So can I ask who you are I never seen you from around hear." She said she just wanted to make sure of something. "No" he shook his head." I'm mostly a traveler" "Oh, so you been to places" she asked him." So where are you from." "I don't know. I'm trying to find out where I'm from aswell." He said surprising her. "Wait you have amnesia" she asked the teen who looked like her brother. "Yeah, that's why I travel alot so I may atleast find out where I'm from, Have a clue or something" he told her. "Oh, so do you have a name" she asked but he shook his head." Wait you don't know your name eather. Well that's a bummer." She said well her thought of her brother is alive is gone. "Hey how about I give you a name" she said which made the teen blink. "Really?" He asked her. "Yeah it's better to have a name then not. So how about it." She asked He thought about it and soon nodded. "Ok then, how about I call you flash. Is that good." "Flash?" He thought about it he did feel a little good thinking about that. " Yeah that can work." He said which made scootaloo happy. "Great so your name is flash now" she said happily. The teen soon put a smile on his face aswell. Scootaloo didn't know what was happening now. One minute she was going with rainbow dash and her friends to the arcade to have a fun day but soon a rhino type machine came out of no where and start to rampage around. The police were there and was trying to stop it but it was futile. The Rainbooms told the girls to get to safety as they stop this thing. But when the rhino machine saw scootaloo it immediately went to her and start to chase her as it was her target. "Why is it fallowing us?!" Sweetie bell yelled as the three girls ran for there lives. "I don't know y'all but keep running" Apple bloom said in fright. "We are" scootaloo yelled. As the three ran to an alley way to get out but soon found a dead end. They looked back and saw the rhino robot now standing at there exit and is looking at scootaloo. The three girls now backed away to the wall of the dead end alley and we're in deep trouble and hoped that someone would come to there to save them. As the universe juts heard there wish. A figure leaped from the upper building of the alleyway had landed between the girls and the rhino. The girls were surprised to see a teen with a guitar strapped to his back had come to save them. But the one more surprised was scootaloo, she was her brother lookalike came to help them. "Flash what are you doing hear." She said her two friends looked at her. "Wait flash as in your dead brother, but how can that be his gone we saw his body being berried in the dirt at the cemetery." Apple bloom asked. But before she could say anything. Flash looked at the rhino robot. "Brother grey rhino, what are you doing and why." But the robot didn't answer but only took a battle stance. "Wait flash you know this machine" scootaloo asked. "It's different, brother why are you doing this its me don't you recognize me" he said but the rhino just attacked him by hitting him by his fist and sending him skidding back but the teen was fine as he blocked it with his arms. He glared at him as did the machine. "I see...I finally get to see one of my brothers again only to them a slave." Flash said before a look of determination appeared on his face. "Forgive brother, but allow me to put you to rest once and for all!" With that said, flash moved his guitar back and raised both his hands. After taking a deep breath, flash slammed his fists down on his shoulders. "Switch On!" Then, from flash came a blinding light that forced the girls to cover their eyes. Once the light subsided, they opened their eyes again. They were meet with shock as what they saw. Gone was his entire appearance as a human and in place was what looked like two people combined into one. The left side was blue as yellow ran down his eye, along over and under his arm, colored his shoulder, and ran along his legs. In scootaloo option, the left side looked more human than his right side. The right side was red with clear glass mirroring the lines on his upper body as yellow lines ran along his leg. Just like most of his right side, most of it was covered in clear glass as inside the glass, machinery was clearly shown. His belt stayed the same except that the circle had turned slightly to the right. And his eye were now replaced with orange lenses. If the girls had to comment, the being they saw looked like cross between a human and machine. The rhino glared at the new machine as did he. He then took a battle stance and got ready. Gray Rhino's eyes glowed before he charged towards the now turned Kikaider and just when he was about to tackle him, Kikaider stopped it...with only one hand! It soon was getting up before its horn started to spin, making a drill. It then charged towards Kikaider, horn first, but Kikaider wasn't fazed as he slowly turned and with amazing speed that no one could follow, Kikaider kicked Rhino's drill horn, breaking it. It then threw a punch to Rhino's face before knocking it aside with a spinning kick. "I'm sorry." Kikaider said before he brought up both his arms and crossed them as electricity formed around his arms. Once enough electricity gathered, Kikaider charged towards the down robot. Just when it got back up, Kikaider dashed past it, arms spread apart as Gray Rhino stood motionless. "Denji...End(Electro End)." The minute those words left his mouth, Rhino's head fell off before- *BOOM!* It's whole body exploded as Kikaider stood up properly. The three girls could only stare at awe and fear. The robot that saved them from the rhino is standing at the remains. Scootaloo could only look at disbelief she couldn't believe it the person she mett yesterday, her brother look alike is an..... Android.