//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: The Little Pipp of Life // Story: Zombie Land Equestria // by TheRayH //------------------------------// Some in the morning like to take a cup of coffee and some want to stay in bed for a few minutes, and then there's Pipp; someone that likes to be always in trend and be trend equally. Checking her media she spots something that happened recently, the Rainbooms in a farm performing, her eyes were wide open and upset walking could be heared ariund the house. "Zipp!" Pipp screamed from outside Zipp's bedroom, who opened the door of the bedroom with her eyes almost closed. "Why didn't you told me about the concert you made in the farm?" "I did... but you were looking your phone so... i didn't told you twice" Zipp voice was low, she was tired after running from one place to another so she laid on bed and wanted to sleep five more minutes... or more time. "Pipp, i'm tired... if you excuse me i want to sleep for a bit" Pipp was not sure about it so she thought. "Ok, i'll let you sleep. But i'm going to make a visit to them and will be 🎵gorgeous🎵" She went to her room to get a bag and everything to visit the Rainbooms, then Zipp woke up and standed up in the door of Pipp to prevent her from going out" "There's no need to go there now, Pipp; they probably be sleeping too after that long concert" She laughed nervously and kept her sister in the room for as long as possible, but Pipp is smaller than Zipp so she squeezed her way out from under her arms. "Do not worry sis, i got this under control; i just think i should congrat them. Do not worry about it" She walked outside the house, but Zipp was to tired to stop her sister from going so she just went back to sleep, it is now problem of the rest. Pipp walked all over the the streets looking for Sunny's house, when she found it she standed in front of the door and knocked. "Comming!" The door opened, it was Sunset who opened, not Sunny. "Oh hey, you're Zipp's Sister, are you?" "Yup, Pipp Petals, but you can call me Pipp" Pipp acted cheerfull seeing Sunset, who had already make up in case of visits. "Are you all alone? Were's the rest?" "They're in Sweet Apple Acres, helping with the cleaning; i'm not there becasue i... overslept. That's on me" It was an excuse, she was the only one who stayed awake the whole night thinking on things on how to make everyone more closer at Canterlot High. "Come in, at least be comfy in the couch" Pipp walked inside and saw all the things Izzy uses for make up and cover the grey skins of the girls. "That's a lot of make up, not even i use that much. Why do you need all this?" Pipp asked to sovler her doubts. Sunset barely panicked and answered without troubles. "It's from Izzy, she likes to try things on people; she's very handy. All she has on handy is left from sneaky, or that's what she says" That was a quick but credible answer. "It's good she reached to do what she likes" "Don't you do the same?" Sunset asked to the phone girl. "I do... but just singing is not enough." Sunset didn't understand what Pipp meant. "Mom always liked attention and as i was always with my phone well... she though it was a good idea to use my voice for convincing people to join clubs and things like that" "Then why aren't you fully happy about it?" Sunset asked. "It makes me happy, singing is my way to relief" She standed up and posed for Sunset, while wavign a bit her hair with the slight breezes that came from the windows. "But is not everything, there was something i was thinking of" She looked for a picture in her phone and showed it to Sunset, a local that is a bit down but can be turned into something better. "Say hi to... Mane Melody!" "Mane? Like from animals?" Sunset giggled. "It's a bit odd name" "Hairstyle Melody was already taken, so i made something more easy to remember" She sat again aside of Sunset and showed the insides. "I have already got the local and the workers, i want to open it in a week and be a hairstyle saloon with some music singed by the workers... but mom may not allow me to work there" "You have to ask her" Sunset remembered her old times. "I used to be a bit different from what i am now, i was mean and did things that weren't... good. But i changed by doing the things i knew i had to do. You can have your hairstyle saloon, and you will get it if your heart really wants it" Sunset placed her hand at where Pipp's heart is, feeling the heartbeats; and not feeling her own, as Pipp has a life now to live and Sunset did hers. Pipp eyes started to let out some tears. "Thank you! Thanks for believing in me!!" Pipp cried out loud, at top of Sunset's shoulder. "You're the nicest person i know" "There, calm down. You're gonna do well." Sunset tried to calm her down to not cry more. "Hey... can i ask you something?" Sunset nod to Pipp. "Why your skin is so cold and feeling like it's all covered in something" "I- it's just that it's cold... yes cold." Sunset standed up for a moment, nervous about what to say. "There's nothign to worry about" "You're hidding something, are you?" Pipp walked closer but Sunset tried to deny it by shaking her head. "You're doing, it's what i do when i hide something from Zipp or my mom" Sunset desperated to make her forget about it, she grabbed her by both hands. "Zipp, believe me; there's nothing to worry about; it's nothing bad. Trust me" "Ok... i trust you" Then Pipp's phone made sound, an alarm was set; she has to head back to home. "Oh, it's my time to go. It was a nice talk, and come someday to Mane Melody if i manage to open it completely. Bye!" She went outisde before Sunset could say something. Back at their home, Pipp walks on the halls while looking at ther phone. But then her mother walked outside of a room. "Pipp, there you are. I've been looking for you" She stepped closer to Pipp and grabbed her by both her cheeks. "Where were you? You got me worried, i need you to practice for this weekend performance at the Halloween Party of Canterlot High" "I know mom, but i was taking care of something else first" Pipp answered a bit worried, but then she remembered what Sunset said. "Actually, i need to talk to you of something". The conversation were calmed for some time... but after the calm, it comes the tempest. "There's no way i'm letting you do that" Principal Haven said firmly not letting Pipp have another choice. "But me singing for the school events was your idea, i think this needs to be mine, for once my idea" Pipp confronted her mother. "It may be yours, but i'm the principal and your mother; so you will do as i tell you" Haven did not hesitate and again made her decision firm. Pipp tried to fight that argument back, but she instead went to her room and slammed the door. Zipp, heard everything and felt bad for her sister, who just wanted to do soemthing different with her life. She went to where her mother was. "Don't you think you've been too rough with her?" "Not you too Zipp, the conversation is over" Haven didn't wanted to talk anymore. "But you don't attention to what she wants or what i do, you shou-" "Zephyrina Storm! What did i just said?" Haven raised her voice towards Zipp, who just stepped back and went to her room. Later that night, Zipp was not able to sleep; she was worried about Pipp and wanted to make sure she was perfectly fine but didn't wanted to wake her just because of that so she tried to keep her eyes closed. In the next mornign Zipp walked over Pipp's room and knocked. "Pipp? Are you ok? I know mom was a bit upset yesterday but, i want you to know that i support you" Nothing but silence from Pipp's room. "Come on sis, are you still sleeping?" Again, nothing more than Silence, Zipp worried opened the door and found that Pipp was not there. "Pipp... what have you done?" To be continued, in the last chapter... (1 Chapter Left)