//------------------------------// // Chapter 23: A Chilly Start To A Warm Friendship (edited) // Story: Somewhere He Belongs // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// It was another peaceful day in Ponyville, and all the ponies were going about their usual day. Well they would if there wasn’t a monster rampaging through the town. The monster was a subterranean monster named Pagos, and this wasn’t its first time appearing in Ponyville. This was its third time that week. Nopony knows why its keeps appearing, but it’s done the same every time. It would raise up from the ground, rampage for a bit, Sam in his Ultrasuit would arrive to fight it off, and it would run away after a quick fight. Ultraman had threw the monster to the ground, then jumped onto Pagos and started to punch its back. Pagos shook Ultraman off and crawled away. The monster started to dig and hole to get out of there, Ultraman fired a specimen beam down the hole to both attack Pagos and seal the hole. “Geez,” Sam remarked taken off his mask, “this is the third time this week.” “Sam!” came Sunset’s voice, “are you ok?” “Yep, that monster is strong but not strong enough to get through suit,” Sam replied. “I’m getting really tired and annoyed with this beast raising up to ruin our day,” remarked Trixie, “I like to have a long soak in the bath on Fridays.” Sam was being taken cared of by Sunset and Trixie, while Twilight was with her friend in Manehattan for the weekend. Sam took his suit off and they three were about to head to the library for some breakfast that they missed due to Pagos, when they saw something in the distance on the each of Ponyville. It seemed to be hurt as it stumbled into town and collapsed to the ground. Sam, Sunset, and Trixie ran to its aid. “Hey are you… O… k…?” Sam’s voice trailed off in shock. “Sunset…?” asked Trixie in an equally shock tone, “is that what I think it is?” “Yep,” Sunset replied, “Another human.” Indeed it was, it was a human boy with brown hair with a bit of white in it. He had a light blue scarf, with a purple short sleave top with grey sleeves, grey trousers with purple markings, and blue trainers and socks. The boy weakly looked up at Sam and said, “I need your help.” Before collapsing on the ground out cold. “What the?” was all Sam could say. “How?” Trixie said, “I thought Sam was the only human in Equestria.” “I am,” Sam replied. “We can figure out what’s going on after we get this guy to Twilight’s,” Sunset said as she levitated the unconscious boy onto her back. The three dashed to the library to get the kid into a bed. The three made it back to the Library, Sunset ran up to the bedroom and placed the boy on the bed. Trixie took off his shoes and Sam brought a cup of water. “I’m just so confused,” Sam said, “I thought I was the only human here. There may be many more out there.” “Who knows,” Sunset said, “but I just hope that this kid is ok?” “He said he needed Sam’s help or something,” Trixie spoke. “I wonder how he got so beat up,” Sam said, then he felt the kid’s head, “oh my, he’s really cold.” “This should warm him up,” Trixie said as she levitated a blanket over and placed it over the boy. For the rest of the day, Sam was distracted by this boy that showed up out of nowhere. He was so distracted that he didn’t know that the CMC were trying to talk to him. “SAM!” yelled Sweetie Belle, this broke Sam out of his trans. “Are you ok bud?” asked Scootaloo, “you seem to be in another world.” “Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking,” Sam replied. “Of what?” Apple Bloom asked. “Well, after I drove Pagos off for the third time this week,” Sam told them, “something came to the edge of Ponyville.” “And that something was…?” Diamond Tiara edged him to spit it out. “It was another human,” Sam replied. The clubhouse went silent, and then they burst out shouting, “WHAT!” “I thought you were the only human in Equestria!” exclaimed Silver Spoon. “I did so too,” Sam replied, “but Twilight said that humans existed in Equestria before, perhaps they simply evolved or something.” “That's likely,” Sweetie Belle said. “I’m just wondering where he had come from to begin with,” Sam said, “and why he needs my help.” “Maybe Sunset can tell ya,” Apple Bloom answered. “Why do you think that?” Scootaloo asked. “Because she’s running right this way,” Apple Bloom said, pointing out the window. “Sam! You need to get back to the library, now!” she shouted. “Why?” Sam asked. “The boy’s awake,” Sunset replied. “I’ll be right down,” Sam said as he jumped from the clubhouse to the ground then he and Sunset booked it to the library. Sunset and Sam arrived back at the library and found Trixie tending to the boy. As Sunset and Sam came closer to the bed, Sam took note of the boy’s eyes. Like were turquoise, and his sclera were pure white, rather than black like his. “It’s good to see you’re awake,” Sunset said. “W-where am I?” the boy asked. “You’re in Ponyville,” replied Sunset, “I’m Sunset Shimmer.” “I’m Trixie Lulamoon,” Trixie said. “And I’m Sam,” Sam spoke. “Wait, you’re Sam?” the boy asked. “Yeah?” Sam replied a little confused. The boy suddenly sat up straight and jumped up out of bed. He then grabbed Sam by the shoulders. “You are the reason I came here!” he yelled, “you need to help me!” “Woah, woah calm there… whatever your name is,” Sam said, “first you owe us an explanation.” “Yes, yes you’re right,” the boy said as he calmed down, “my name is Ace Arctica, and I’m a species known as a Frostling.” “I’ve heard about Frostlings before,” Trixie said, “but that was it. I was all stuck up and pompous and thought nothing of it.” “I thought you were a human because we looked the same,” Sam said. “Frostlings are very similar to humans such as you,” Ace replied, “only the difference is that this is what we look like if we are out of our environment, which is freezing temperatures.” “What in the Crystal Empire?” Sam asked. “No, much further than that,” Ace said as he pulled out a map that showed all of Equestria and beyond, “I came from the Ice Kingdom.” And he pointed to the top right hand corner of the map that said Ice Kingdom. “You came all the way from there?” “Yeah,” Ace said, “And I need your help?” “With what?” Sam asked. “To help cure my mother,” Ace said. “What is she sick?” Sam questioned. “Kind of,” Ace replied, “You see, my mother is the queen of the Ice Kingdom, Queen Crystal, and she had been possessed by an evil spirit, and just before she was completely corrupted, she told me to run away, so I wouldn’t have to face her. I promised her that I’ll help cure her before I ran, and on my journey, to find a cure, word got around Equestria of a mighty hero, I thought he could help me, and now I have found you.” “Woah hey, I’m no mighty hero,” Sam responded, “Warrior of light, maybe.” “Whatever, you’ve got to help me,” Ace insisted. “Bro calm down, you still need to recover from whatever happens to you,” Sam told him. “What did happen to you anyway,” Sunset asked. Just then, the four of them heard a monster roar, they looked out the window and saw Pagos rampaging again. “That’s how,” Ace said. “Oh come on!” shouted Sam, “I just dealt with him this morning.” As he then rushed out of the library and donned his suit. Ace saw him activate his Ultrasuit and his eyes opened with wonder. “It is him,” he said. Ultraman jumped onto Pagos’ back and attacked it by punching its back, and head, Pagos squirmed around like a rodeo bull and managed to get Ultraman off its back. Pagos readied to leap onto Ultraman but as it belly flopped, Ultraman rolled out the way as Pagos got up and Ultraman grabbed its head. Pagos got free as Ultraman swung a fist to punch Pagos in the face, but the monster ducked in time and head butted Ultraman, sending him flying. Ultraman flew and crashed into a cart of apples, Ultraman looked to his left and saw an annoyed Big Mac staring at him. “Sorry Big Mac,” Ultraman said, “but you need to get out of here because of Pagos.” “I was leaving until you fell into my cart,” he said, as he unbuckled himself from the cart and ran off to safety. Pagos suddenly fired a yellow-coloured energy beam from its mouth at Ultraman, but the Ultra managed to dodge it in time, and the beam destroyed the cart and roared all the apples in it. “Since when the heck could you do that!” exclaimed Ultraman, as he turned on his Ultrix and chose a monster called Hellberus to perform one of its attacks. “Hell Slash!” he cried as his arms turned red and two spinning energy blades appeared around his arms. He threw them at Pagos, but the monster’s thick hide was too strong, and the attack bounced off. “What the?!” Ultraman questioned, but before he had time to think, Pagos fired a fireball. Ultraman couldn’t dodge it in time but before it could strike him, a bolt of energy intercepted it instead. Ultraman looked to his right and his eyes popped out of his head in shock. There standing there, with its arm outstretched from where the energy bolt was fired from, stood another Ultraman Suit. But this one had purple colouring and some special chest plates. “Who the heck are you?!” Ultraman asked. “I am Ultraman, Ultraman Tiga” the new Ultraman replied, “Step aside kid, let me show you how it’s done.” Tiga pushed Ultraman aside and took over to fight Pagos. Tiga and Pagos charged forward as the two clashed. Tiga got Pagos in a head lock and punched the back of its head. He grabbed it by the horns and lifted it up and punched it to the side of its face. Pagos stomped forward to attack, but Tiga grabbed it by the horns and threw it to the ground, then slapped Pagos as the monster tried to get up. Tiga then lifted Pagos up then once the monster was on its legs, Tiga punched it in the chest, the third spin punch made Pagos go flying to the ground.  “Had enough?” Tiga called out. But Pagos didn’t retreat. Instead the monster’s back started to build up with energy, the energy gathered at the top of its head, as rings of energy appeared until it formed a drill shape. Pagos then fired the spiral drill beam, Tiga dodged the attack at the last minute, but his legs were still grazed by the blast. The drill beam was so strong it cut a perfect circle through a house set for demolition. “Holy crap!” cried Tiga, “at both the attack and my leg. Ouch!” “Getting tired kid?” Ultraman asked, looking down. “Oh shut up,” Tiga complained. “Let me look at your leg,” Ultraman said, Tiga allowed him, the suit was broken luckily, “Can you walk?” “I’ll try,” Tiga said, as Ultraman helped him up, his colour timer started to flash. “You best take that suit off,” Ultraman said. “Good thinking,” Tiga said as he recalled his suit, and revealed it to be Ace. “Wait, you’re an Ultra too?” Ultraman exclaimed. “I’ll tell you about that later, Sam,” Ace winked, “right now you need to beat this monster.” Ultraman was shocked at first but nodded and dashed to the monster, while Ace limped away to sit down away from the danger. Pagos began to charge up for another spiral drill beam, but just as it fired it, Ultraman jumped out of the way. Pagos stood up and looked in the air to see Ultraman, with Specium Blades out, flew down and slashed at Pagos’ exposed chest. Leaving a glowing blue X on its chest. Pagos roared in pain and fell forward to the ground. Ultraman jumped back before Pagos could crush him. Pagos let a single tear fall down its face, as its eyes went out and they closed before its body glowed green and turned to stone. Pagos was finally dead. Ultraman panted as he reverted back to Sam and went to find Ace. He found him on a bench looking at his leg where the drill had grazed. As the suit wasn’t damaged, he had no cuts, but it did feel like it was burnt from friction. “You ok mate,” Sam asked. “Yeah,” Ace replied, “but god almighty it hurts so badly.” “Hey if I could survive jumping off a cliff to save a filly’s life, then you can survive getting your leg burnt from friction,” Sam said, “now come on, let’s get you back to the library. You still need your rest.” “Fine,” Ace said as Sam helped him up and the two slowly walked back to the library, walking past the stone body of Pagos, “did you really survive falling off a cliff?” “Well I was put into a coma because of that,” Sam replied, “I meant my mother in limbo and she told me that I have to build a team to help me with stronger foes.” “Oh,” Ace replied, then something came to Sam’s mind. “Hey, you’re an Ultra like me,” he said, “then this is what she meant by forming a team.” “I guess so,” Ace replied. “Yeah, let’s form an alliance,” Sam declared. “An alliance?” Ace questioned. “United we stand, together we fall, you help me, and I’ll help you,” Sam responded. “Sounds good to me,” Ace replied smiling as the two fist bumped and walked into the library.