//------------------------------// // Creation // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls: The Rise of Twira // by PoNyFICTIon12 //------------------------------// It was morning in Canterlot City and everyone living there was still asleep. Spike was just starting to wake up when Twilight entered her house and arrived at the lab. Once she did that, she turned on all the computers in the room and pulled out a bunch of schematics scattered around the room. She was so distracted that she didn't hear Spike's footsteps. “Twilight? You came earlier than expected,” Spike replied. “How did it go with your mission?” “As usual.” she said. “This time it was the Purple Dragons, Stockman, and the Insect Trio.” “The Insect Trio?” Spike asked with a confused look on his face. “Mikey,” Twilight flatly replied. “Right,” Spike said rolling his eyes. “And what did they want?” “They teamed up to infiltrate TCRI and steal Kraang technology and weapons,” explained Twilight. “But we stopped them and, as always, saved the day.” “I had no doubt about it,” Spike said with a smile, but then asked, “Where are the others?” “After the mission, Mikey and Pinkie had a little pizza party at the lair, but we soon interrupted it because of the need to go back home. Probably, the girls are at Pinkie's now, as she wanted to continue the party at her place,” Twilight revealed with a smile on her face, after which she giggled and shook her head while adding, “Typical Pinkie Pie.” “Oh. You're not with them, because?” Spike confusedly inquired. “Because, I just couldn't stay, and I said to the girls that I had to go to the lab to do something important,” Twilight answered. “What is it?” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow. “After this battle and our latest adventure dealing with mutant insects and the return of Dregg,one idea was buzzing in my head,” admitted Twilight. “In fact, this idea came to me after we stopped the Triceratons and Equestrian magic began to appear more and more often in our city. Do you remember that robotics project I told you about?” Spike recalled, “You mean the one involving your robot butler? What about it?” She continued, “Well, technically it's an assistant for cleaning up after magic battles, but yes, that’s the one. I was thinking about modifying its chassis and creating an AI that would help it detect and intercept threats from other worlds, regardless of whether they’re magical or not.” “Really? Why is that?” Spike asked. Twilight quickly stated, “Because, I want us to be ready for the next appearance of an evil magical entity or an evil alien in Canterlot or New York, if we’re not in either city. In fact, that’s becoming a constant, Spike. We can't be in two places at once, let alone a different dimension. What if the Kraang come back to terraform the Earth again, or Dregg or someone else try to conquer our planet again, not to mention magical one, whether it's Equestrian magic or another dangerous artifact from Equestria like the Memory Stone or worse?!” After that, Twilight took several deep breaths to calm herself and upon doing so, she continued, “That's why we need to create a robot or rather Artificial Intelligence that can help us ensure peace in our absence. If my calculations are correct, which is almost always the case, this AI will give my improved mechanical sentry an advantage to defeat any of these threats. This project will probably take weeks, but I have to finish it for the sake of everyone on this planet, especially my friends. Right now, it’s our top priority. I will create a solution to all our problems.” Twilight's gaze is directed at the sun rising outside the window and the expression on her face became firm. “No matter the cost, I will do this for the sake of my friends and everything we hold dear.” Equestria Ninja Girls: The Rise of Twira It had been more than two weeks since someone saw Twilight. CHS students often saw her leaving school in a hurry and going home. Usually, this behavior can be expected from any other student. And Twilight wasn't one of them. In addition, during this time, Twilight almost never communicated with her friends, who tried to invite her to hang out with them, but she always excused herself and apologized, saying that she was working on her "important project" and returned home in a hurry. The girls were afraid that this absence of hers could take a very long time. But today, Twilight had called all her friends, telling them to come to her house to show what she had been working on for so many days. On the way to her house, the girls were having a discussion about what their friend wanted to show them. "What do you think y’all? What did she build this time? A new magic detector?" Applejack asked. "I have no idea, but it must be something very big, considering all the time she spent building it," replied Sunset with a concerned tone in her voice. "She even skipped a few lessons for this." "I agree, darling," Rarity added while looking at her pocket mirror with the same expression. "This is so unlike her." "You're right," Fluttershy chimed in. "I really hope all this was worth the time spent hiding from us." "I'm with Fluttershy, but I'm still wondering what she was building that took more than two weeks," declared Applejack, "Any ideas?" "Maybe it's a distributor of food for homeless animals," Fluttershy then suggested. "Or a special robot for training with all kinds of sports," Rainbow Dash stated. "Or maybe a robot that was created to help us and the turtles when we’re not in our dimension or even in our cities, which is programmed to learn depending on the situation and always exposes and improves itself to better cope with its enemy," Pinkie Pie said with a toothy smile, which caused everyone to stare at her completely stunned. "What?" she asked after several seconds of silence. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not what we're gonna see, Pinkie," Rainbow said. "Oh, yeah? Ten bucks says you're wrong, Rainbow," Pinkie declared with determination. An equally determined Rainbow replied, "Ha! You're so on!" They proceeded to spit on their hands and shook them with grins on their faces. Applejack then frowned at the two and said, "Can we go, please? I don't want to spend all day on this banter!" "Calm down AJ. We're moving, okay? Jeez!", Rainbow exclaimed with annoyance in her voice. Right at that moment, however, Sunset's phone received a message and upon looking at its contents, she announced, "Girls, I just got a message from Leo! He and the guys will be here soon!" The other girls smiled when they heard this. "That's great!" Rainbow declared. "I can't wait to see them here again!" Fluttershy added. "I agree, darling," stated Rarity. "I simply can't wait to see April and the others once again." "Yeah... About April..." Sunset began with a slightly guilty look on her face. "Leo wrote that she and Casey will not be able to come, because they were detained at school due to problems with their studies." A brief shot of April and Casey in the principal's office. "OH!" the girls collectively said. "What about Karai and Shini?" Fluttershy then asked. "Will they come?" "Sadly, no," Sunset revealed, "They have some unfinished business with the Foot Clan, along with the Dazzlings. They're tracking Stockman after our last battle with him." "But they'll miss everything!" exclaimed Pinkie. "We'll tell them and probably, they'll see it as well," Rarity suggested. "But it won't be the same thing," Rainbow countered. Then, Applejack let out a deep sigh and declared, "All right, can we go to Twilight already?! She's still waiting for us like apples on a branch!" "You're right, AJ. Let's go, girls!" added Sunset. They continued walking towards Twilight's house and reached it a couple of minutes later. Twilight opened the door at the first knock, and let's just say, calling her appearance dirty would be a complete understatement. She was wearing a lab coat full of burns, her hair was in a terrible state and pencils were even sticking out of it, and she had a terrifying smile on her face. "Ah, my good friends!" Twilight exclaimed with crazed eyes, "I’m glad you came! Please, come in! Come in!" "We were worried about you. What have you been doing all this time?" Sunset asked with great concern in her voice. "Don't worry, girls. Come in and I'll show you everything," Twilight said as she went inside. "Now, follow me!" The girls looked at each other for a few seconds before shrugging and following their friend, who was walking to her laboratory. Once they all reached it, they saw that it was just as horrible-looking as Twilight herself. Machine parts, papers, clothes, and computers were scattered everywhere, and the only orderly thing around there was an object covered with a white sheet and Spike lying on the unmade bed. Upon seeing the girls, he quickly jumped off the bed and began shaking his tail. "Hey, guys! How's it going?" he then asked. Rarity immediately went to pet him and as she did so, she said, "Well, hello there, Spikey poo! I've missed you so much! What have you been up to?" "I'm alright, but I can't really say the same for Twilight," Spike revealed. "She hasn't eaten or slept at all for three days and it's all because of that ro-" Twilight quickly covered his mouth before giving the girls a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that, but I'd like to make this introduction myself," she explained while going near the mysterious object. "Ladies, behold the ultimate peace-keeper and our new friend," she then announced. "TWIRA!" As soon as she removed the sheet, all of her friends gasped in utter terror upon seeing what was underneath. The object was a robot with a body similar to the body of a human teenage girl in silver-pink color with purple lines on the body. There was also a glass dome on her head and disconnected electrodes in it.She had a six-pointed Twilight star on her chest, which confirmed that it was her creation. At the moment, the eyes and the dome on the head were turned off. "AH! CREEPY ROBOT!" Pinkie exclaimed, but then came to realization and an evil grin appeared on her face. "So, that means..." she said to Rainbow, who responded by giving her a 10-dollars bill while still staring at the robot and Pinkie took it with a huge glee. "Twilight, what in tarnation is this?" Applejack asked, staring at the robot. "I have to agree with AJ in this case, Twi," Sunset said, looking at her friend. "What kind of a robot have you built and what is it even for?" "I'm glad you asked, Sunset," Twilight began to explain to the girls. "This robot is my greatest creation at the moment, built to help us fight threats in our absence or in extreme need. I provided Twira with basically the same weapons as the Professors, though not as lethal, and the same parts and drawings that I used to recreate the Professor were also used. In fact, Twira is the most advanced robot on this planet, so to speak." She then looked at her brainchild with pride and added, "But that's not what makes her unique." "HUH?!" the girls exclaimed. "What do you mean, Twilight?" Sunset then asked with the same confusion as everyone present. "That's why it took me so much time and effort," continued Twilight. "Twira is unique in that it has perhaps the first Artificial Intelligence in the world capable of learning from its mistakes and improving depending on the situation." "I don't want to question your abilities, dear," Rarity chimed in. "But is that really why it took you so long? Because of some kind of robot program?" Rainbow added, "Yeah, no offense Twi, but was it really that hard for you?" "That's not exactly the point, girls," Twilight clarified. "I wanted to build the perfect robot to help us protect our cities and the world. So, I equipped her with an artificial intelligence based on a human brain. Or rather, my brain." "WHAT?!" exclaimed the girls, looking at Twilight with immensely widened eyes. "You're saying there's a copy of your brain in this robot?!" Pinkie asked as she began to examine the robot's head "Like a Fugitoid?" Then Pinkie began to examine the robot from different angles and positions, she looked inside the dome in search of the robot's "brain" "No, it's not there!" Twilight let out a little laugh and explained. "Of course not Pinkie. Well, not really. Yes, there is a copy of my brain in it, but not the brain itself." "Ooohh!" Pinkie then exclaimed, "Cool!" "But I still don't understand, Twilight. Why did you decide to do all this?" Sunset asked, waiting for an explanation like all the girls in the room. "Well, you see, girls," Twilight began her explanation, "When I started creating Twira, I realized that I needed to create the perfect device capable of helping us in any circumstance. There were no problems with the robot's body, but the most difficult and important thing was that there needed to be a program inside it. I understood that an ordinary robot would not be able to cope with the task, so I started developing an Artificial Intelligence that would cope with this task. Unfortunately, all my attempts to create it ended in failure." A flashback shows a visibly depressed Twilight rapidly typing codes on the computer, her facial expression becoming more and more irritated with each passing second. Her voice is heard narrating, "My attempts to create an AI capable of adapting to all known situations from scratch were initially unsuccessful. The program couldn't pull it off and every simulation ended in failure." Then, after another error shows up on her screen, she began to bang her head on the table over and over again, as the narration continued, "I began to think about what could be done to create the right AI and then, it dawned on me!" Twilight's face suddenly brightened after an idea popped up in her head and her narrating voice explained, "I realized that it's unnecessary to create an AI with all the situations we know and that it's much better to create an AI that will learn from its mistakes and adapt to situations. Just like all people do." Sometime afterward, Twilight is seen connecting wires to her head, which are in turn, connected to a computer. "So, I took my own brain as the basis for the program. That way, it has intelligence and is able to think for itself." Then, several readings began to appear on the screen and soon, Twilight is able start creating the program. Right after that, a message appeared on the screen saying, "Integration successful,” and a wide smile appeared on Twilight’s face when an eight-pointed blue star appeared on the screen, representing Twira. "And it turned out to be a huge success. I was able to create the perfect Artificial Intelligence that can help us!" Back in the present, Twilight looked at her friends with the same smile and finished explaining, "That's why it took me so long to create this robot, which is a bit funny. I didn't expect to create female programming for the AI, but apparently, when I gave him my brain scan, it took that scan as the basis of its programming. So, I guess you can say that Twira is the second me, or my daughter, so to speak." The girls stood in a stupor for a couple of seconds before Sunset said, "Okay, you're saying you put your own mind into this robot, so that it could adapt better and learn in any situation to make her an ideal defender in our absence with Turtles and friends?" "Yeah, pretty much," Twilight replied. "I KNEW IT!" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed while smiling broadly, which made everyone turn their attention towards her. "I told you girls that Twilight would create exactly what I was talking about!" Then, she crossed her arms and a smug smile appeared on her face, causing the other girls, except Twilight, to groan. "Um, what?" Twilight confusedly asked. "NOTHING!" all the girls then shouted. Although there was complete silence in the room for several seconds, it was broken upon Rarity saying, "We are certainly delighted with such a creation as Twira, dear. What you've done for us is very generous and even I couldn't do half the things she’s capable of. But are you sure she can do everything you’ve just described, Twilight?" "Definitely, Rarity,” Twilight replied. “She will learn and evolve much faster than anyone else on the planet, which will create one of the best heroes and defenders of the Earth!" "Or create one of the most dangerous and terrible villains we've ever faced," said a voice behind the girls Soon, the girls turned around and saw their turtle friends standing in the doorway. "GUYS!" exclaimed all the girls running up to them. "Hi, girls," Leonardo began, "How are you doing?" "Same as always, Leo," Rainbow stated, "Equestrian magic is here and there. Recently, we fought with the Purple Nightmares, for a change. But other than that, there’s nothing interesting going on. Well, nothing except Twilight’s secret project here.” "And why have you been away for so long?” Fluttershy asked, “We were beginning to think that you wouldn’t have time to come.” "Well, a certain someone offered to surprise you with a ninja-style appearance when you come out,” Raphael explained while glaring daggers at Michelangelo. “Which, in my humble opinion, is pretty freaking stupid.” "Hey, we're ninjas!" Mikey exclaimed, "You gotta figure out your name and match it." Donatello facepalmed at that statement before turning toward the girls and explaining, “Anyway, we've been eavesdropping on you from the moment Twilight showed you her robot." He then walked up to the said robot and after examining it for a few seconds, he turned to Twilight and declared, "I must say, your secret project has turned out to be amazing. You’ve clearly invested a lot of time and effort in building this robot. She really is the greatest of all your creations.” The girl blushed from embarrassment and replied, "Thanks, Donnie. That’s very nice to hear." However, she then slightly frowned at Leo and asked, "But what do you mean she could become our enemy?" "I don't wish to offend you, Twilight. I just feel a little uncomfortable with your robot,” Leo revealed, ”Especially the fact that its mind is based on yours. That can be very dangerous. What if the same thing with Overmind happens?” "Do you mean that Artificial Intelligence that took over the space station and killed everyone on it?” Twilight asked "And created an army of robots to destroy all organic matter?" Applejack added. “As well as captured and used the professor's body against you for his own purposes?" Sunset further added while also frowning at the thought of the robot that was parabotting and using her friend. "The one and the same," Leo clarified, "It’s exactly what I fear could happen to Twira." "No! This is definitely not going to happen!" Twilight exclaimed, slightly surprising everyone present. "Twira will not become the same as Overmind! That's why I took my mind as the basis of the program, so that the robot would be more human and think like us. Unlike Overmind, who considered himself superior to humans because of his machine intelligence." Then, she looked pleadingly at her friends and added, "I believe… I know that Twira can help us, guys. After all, if it couldn’t, I wouldn't have created her in the first place. You believe me, don't you?” The girls and the Turtles looked at each other before giving their respective answers. "Of course," Applejack replied "Absolutely, dear," Rarity agreed. "You and I are always cool, dudette!” exclaimed Mikey. “As a fellow scientist, I support this decision of yours,” declared Donnie. "Me too, probably," Ralph said as he shrugged. "I always have your back, Twilight," Fluttershy admitted. "You got this, Sci-Twi!" Pinkie yelled. "I believe you, Twilight, just like everyone else," revealed Rainbow. "Twilight, you're one of my best friends," Sunset said, "So, I’ll always believe in you, no matter what you do." "You can always count on me and my brothers, Twilight," Leo declared while taking her hand in his. “We're not just friends. We're all family. Family always believes in one another." Twilight tearfully smiled at her friends and managed to reply, "Leo... Sunset... Guys..." Then, she sniffed and wiped her tears on the sleeves of her lab coat before saying, "Thank you. All of you.” Her attention was suddenly attracted by Spike's barking, who was rubbing against her leg. She picked him up and hugged him with all her heart as she said, “Thank you, Spike. I'm sorry I was so distracted and forgot about you. I was just so passionate about my work that-” "It's okay, Twilight. I completely understand," Spike interrupted her. "Besides, you did it for friends. All our friends. So, it's excusable.” However, after Twilight let out a small giggle while shedding a few more tears, his facial turned smug and he said, "But don't think you got off so lightly. I'm expecting a bag of dog food from you and a warm bath after all this.” Soon, everyone, including Spike himself, was laughing. Calming down, Twilight asked, "Well, guys, are you ready to test Twira?" "YES!" everyone answered in unison. Nodding to them, Twilight lowered Spike to the ground, and then walked over to Twira before clearing her throat and declaring, "Initiate the activation sequence. Password, Sparkle.” Soon the robot's eyes and dome lit up blue. Then, she answered in a metallic version of Twilight’s voice, "Greetings. My name is Twira. I was created to help you." "Whoa! She has the same voice as Twilight," Mikey whispered to Donny. "Naturally,” replied Donnie, “As Twilight said, she gave the robot her mind as the basis for an AI program. But apparently, when created, the AI took Twilight herself as a basis for its programming. That's why it sounds just like her.” "I didn't understand any word you say, but it's still cool!" Mikey exclaimed with a smile, to which Donny facepalmed once again. "Twira, initiate a scanning,” Twilight then said. "Performing a scanning," responded Twira just before her eyes began shining even brighter. "Scanning complete,” she said a few seconds later. “Seven sources of Equestrian magic detected. One source located 30 inches to the north and the other six located 3 feet to the north. Danger level low on all sources. Standing down." "Wait. Are you saying she can scan and find Equestrian magic?" Sunset then asked. "And contain it if it becomes out of control,” revealed Twilight. “I forgot to say that she is equipped with scanners from my tracker to find and localize Equestrian magic." "And, as I understand, she could improve her program and platform in the process, becoming more effective for solving the situations that involve magic," Donnie reasoned. Twilight nodded and replied, "That's right, but this is only in theory. We need to test this in the field.” "Well, there's certainly a lot of cool and awesome things about this bucket of bolts," Raph declared, ignoring Twilight's frown at his last words. "But what if, as already mentioned, she suddenly crashes and starts a Robocalypse?" "I'm glad you asked, Raph," Twilight replied as she continued to frown at him, "As I said, that's not going to happen. I programmed Twira not to harm any living thing, not even our enemies. She’s based on my mind, so that it doesn't repeat the same thing as Overmind. However, in case that does happen, I can always turn her off with one voice command." She then turned to Twira and said, "Initiate the shutdown sequence. Password, Midnight. "The shutdown code is accepted,” Twira answered and her eyes and dome shut down, as did the robot itself "See?" Twilight asked as she turned to her friends. "Okay, that's cool," Raph admitted. "Whoa. Did you make a shutdown code in honor of your ‘dark self’?" Mikey asked curiously. "MIKEY!" everyone exclaimed, making him cringe. Soon, everyone looked at Twilight who, to their surprise, did not react to this in any way. "It's okay, guys. I've mostly overcome my fear of her,” she revealed, “Of course, she will always remind me of what I’ve done in the past, but I can live with it and learn from it. That's what we all do, isn't it?" Everyone nodded at Twilight in response to her question. "Does that mean you don't mind leaving Twira online?" she then asked. Everyone thought about it again before once again nodding in unison. “I don’t think it would hurt anyone if we leave it on," Sunset then said. "She’s right. I may have been a bit too harsh about Twira," Leo admitted. "I personally think that you’ve built the greatest robot that I’ve have ever seen,” Donnie declared, “With the exception of the professor, of course," "Yeah. Maybe she can fight better than Donnie here," Raph said with a grin, "Besides, he's already outdated." "Hey!" Donnie angrily exclaimed at that insult. "Oh, guys! How about we now show how much we like Twira by throwing a party for our new friend?!” Pinkie asked with great excitement. Everyone cheered in unison. "Great idea!” agreed Twilight, “You guys go ahead. I'm gonna to turn Twira on again and meet you outside.” She then turned back to her creation and said, "Initiate the activation sequence. Password, Sparkle.” The eyes and lights began to glow blue again, and Twira herself announced, "The activation code has been accepted. Would you like to restart the scanning?” "Sure, go ahead," Twilight promptly replied. Twira’s eyes then lit up even brighter and a few seconds later, she stated, "The scanning is complete. One source of Equestrian magic has been discovered. Location, 1.5 miles to the northeast. The danger level is high." "What? Are you saying that something with rogue magic is wreaking havoc somewhere right now?!" Twilight frantically asked. "Affirmative,” responded Twira, “Requesting permission to intercept.” "Permission granted," Twilight immediately confirmed, and then watched as Twira fired up her jet boosters and flew out through the open front door. Immediately afterwards, she ran outside and announced, "Come on, guys! Twira is heading northeast This is a great chance to observe her fighting abilities firsthand." "WOW! I didn't know she could fly!" exclaimed Rainbow, looking at the trail left by Twira. "Yes, with the jet boosters I've installed on each leg, she can fly up to a hundred miles an hour,” Twilight explained. “Pretty cool, huh?” "Cool? No, it's not cool! IT'S AMAZING!" Rainbow shouted with even greater excitement. "Well, you definitely know how to exceed expectations, darling.” Rarity added. "Yes, yes, yes!” Raph then exclaimed with irritation, "We’ve all realized how cool this robot is. Maybe, we should go follow her already?!” "That's right, bro!" Mikey agreed, "Let’s go see the epic battle between a robot and magic! I can’t wait to see who wins!" "YES!!! Let’s go and see how our robot buddy teaches Equestrian magic some manners!" shouted Pinkie. "In addition, we need to confirm all of Twira’s abilities,” Donnie chimed in, “Both her program and her platform." Fluttershy then confusedly asked, "Um, are we really supposed to follow her?" "Fluttershy, she just flew out of the door at fifty-something miles an hour to the other side of town to intercept the source of the rogue magic,” explained Sunset, “Of course we’re gonna follow her!" Rainbow added, "Come on! It's gonna be fun! Also, we need to see if she can handle huge magical threats with our own eyes, right?" "I'm with Rainbow on this," Applejack declared, "You can't know how good apples are if you don't try ‘em." "Oh, I guess you're right,” replied Fluttershy. Leo then announced, "What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go, ninjas!" Everyone quickly got into the Party Wagon and followed Twira to see how she would cope with her first encounter with magic. Meanwhile, in another part of Canterlot City... "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" An ATM was suddenly struck by lightning, which was apparently being emitted from a hammer. The owner of this hammer was a light-bearded man dressed as a viking with a red cloak and long blond braided hair. Money began to fly out of the ATM, which he collected in a bag thanks to his hammer twisting to create a wind flow “That was easier than taking a candy from a child," the man boasted. "And now, with the help of my great weapon, I will be able to conquer this city like the magnificent Vikings of old. Then, the whole world shall bow to my power!" Hollering with laughter, the Viking used his hammer to release lightning towards the incoming police cars, which caused them to blow their circuits off and crash into a lamppost. Fortunately, the officers were not injured and soon got out of their cars before running away from the magic-wielding villain. "HA! HA! HA!” he continued laughing. “Who can hope to stop me, the Thunderer?! I am the undisputed lord of lightning!” Then, as a response to his statement, he heard the noise of a roaring engine, which made him turn around and look at its source, seeing that it was a robot resembling a teenage girl. “The source of Equestrian magic has been discovered,” the robot declared. “Designation: the hammer. Threat rating: Average. Analyzing the situation.” Meanwhile, the Party Wagon pulled up just in time to see Twira face off against the man dressed up like a Viking. "What kind of a weirdo is that?" Raph commented. "I agree, darling," Rarity said, "Look at this raincoat. It’s simply disgusting. Also, look at his armor. Just awful!” "Oh, yeah, it's so awful!” Rainbow replied sarcastically, "But seriously, didn’t you notice the hammer that’s charged with magic? It’s much more important than the state of his wardrobe!” “Guys, this is no time to argue," Sunset announced. "We need to deprive him of the hammer before he does something more serious with it, or before magic permeates him enough to turn him into a demon.” “I agree," Leo replied as he looked at everyone present. "Team, on my signal—“ "Actually, Leo…" Twilight interrupted, "We don't need to get involved. We'll leave it all to Twira.” "Um, Twilight…" Fluttershy began as she looked at the hammer-wielding Viking with fright. "Are you sure Twira can handle him? That man looks very strong, especially with this hammer that has magic in it." "You're kidding, right?" Raph asked. "He's a lot slimmer than Stockboy, and that says something. Any one of us can handle him with one arm tied behind our backs, especially the robot.” “Besides, we wanted to give Twira a test of her skills and functions," Donnie added. "And this moment seems most suitable.” "Twilight, are you absolutely sure about this?” inquired Leo. “I don't think Twira is ready to fight such an enemy right now.” “It's okay, Leo. Trust me," Twilight replied confidently, "This is why I created Twira; to eliminate all threats, whether they be alien, magical, or even from Earth. So, let's look beyond that.” "YES!" exclaimed Pinkie, "The battle of Robot vs. Viking has begun!” As for the forementioned combatants, the Viking looked at the opponent in front of him in bewilderment and stated, “What in Odin’s beard? Did they send a Steel Maiden against me? HA-HA-HA! What a joke! A mere instrument like you can never defeat me, THE THUNDERER!” "Did he seriously call himself ‘the Thunderer’?" Sunset said while raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, so lame! Even I could’ve come up with a better name," Mikey declared. "On that, I completely agree with you, little bro," Raph replied. Then, they all heard Twira state, “The situation analysis is complete. Your actions are illogical. Lower the hammer, return to the ground, and surrender. This is your first and only warning.” "No one tells the Thunderer what to do!” her opponent exclaimed, “Especially a piece of iron like you!” He then proceeded to shoot lightning from a hammer at Twira, which caused all of her systems to overload and all the lights on her to go out. Right afterwards, she fell backwards to the ground and everyone except Twilight became shocked by this. "TWIRA!" they all shouted. "Okay, I'm correcting myself," Raph admitted, "I did overestimate this robot.” "Get ready, guys," Leo declared. "It's time to act!” "Stop! Leo, please give Twira some more time,” Twilight pleaded. “I know she can handle it. It’s in her programming to do so, after all.” "But Twilight, didn’t you see what happened to her?" Applejack asked, "I don't wanna upset you or anything, but after this, your robot definitely won't getting up.” Right at that moment, however, Pinkie pointed at the confrontation and exclaimed, “Hey, look over there!” Meanwhile, the Thunderer reveled in his own victory and continued shouting, "HA! HA! HA! Stupid piece of iron! Did you really think that you could defeat me, the Thunderer?! No one can match my might!” However, he then looked at his “defeated” opponent and exclaimed with great surprise, “What?!” As for Twira, she was standing back up as if nothing had happened, puzzling not only the Viking, but also the Ninja Turtles. “The adaptation of the platform and the energy intensity has been completed,” she announced, “The energy absorption was carried out successfully." Right afterwards, her hand transformed into a blaster as it began charging with electricity, she stated, "Ready to solve the problem.” Overcoming his shock, the Viking frowned when he heard how the robot absorbed his own lightning and yelled, "What?! How dare you?! Your puny weapons could never dama-A-A-A-A!!! The villain was suddenly hit by his own lightning that was absorbed by Twira earlier. Then, he fell to the ground and began twitching and writhing in shock. As soon as the threat was suppressed, Twira walked towards the hammer and raised it in her hands before announcing, "The mission is now accomplished. The threat has been eliminated and the Equestrian magic is under control. It is necessary to deliver the object to the Rainbooms in order to remove its magic.” "There's no need for that, Twira,” Twilight said as she and the others began approaching Twira. The robot turned towards the voice and saw Twilight smiling affectionately, like a mother who is proud of her child. The others also smiled and began to express what they had seen. "WOW! That was awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow while she walked up to Twira and patted her on the shoulder. "Indeed. She dealt with the threat in less than a minute! "Donnie added with admiration. "And not only that, she also upgraded her platform and was able to absorb the lightning charge to use it against the Thunderer without causing destruction at the same time. She's simply amazing." He then looked at Twilight as she explained, "Well, it looks like we have confirmed the abilities of Twira’s adaptational program, as well as its platforms. In addition, she has effectively coped with and neutralized the magical threat.” "Yes, I am glad that my invention was able to cope with the task,” Twilight replied with a note of pride in her voice. “Plus, it's nice to see that Twira's program works effectively, as does her body." Everyone else continued to praise Twira for the work she had done, but it all ended when Raph, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! This robot is really freaking good, but that was too easy!" "Seriously, Raph?" Applejack asked, "Did you really have to spoil the mood?" "Yeah, bro," Mikey added, "Not cool at all." "I mean, it was kind of easy to handle, even without the fancy Twilight robot,” Raph clarified. Just in confirmation of this, the Thunderer woke up and ran past Raph, who did not even move a muscle to follow him. Then, he took out his sai and threw it over his shoulder without even looking in the direction of the fleeing. The villain continued to run without looking back from the heroes and the robot that spoiled his triumph. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Such foolishness! Did they think they could defeat me so easily? The Thunderer himself?!" he loudly exclaimed while laughing, "Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! A mere robot can't beat me! After all, I am the strongest! The most powerful of all! No one smo-" Whatever he wanted to say, he was interrupted by the handle of the sai, which hit him on the back of the head, but it was enough to knock him out. Returning to the heroes, when Raph heard the sound of his weapon and body falling, he looked around with everyone and saw the villain passed out and his weapon. He looked at everyone with a look that said, “I told you”, and soon after retrieving his weapon, he returned to the group while twirling his weapon like a sheriff in the Wild West before putting it on his belt. "Okay, Raph, we get it," a slightly irritated Sunset replied, "And what do you suggest we do to make sure that Twira is useful and necessary? "Lucky for you, Sunset, I know a great place to take this robot on a proper test drive.” he announced. "I am not a car, Raphael," Twira stated. "This expression, known as "test drive", is typical for testing automobiles and race cars. So, ‘field test’ would be the correct term to use.” Raph gave the robot a dry look and turned to Twilight before saying, “Yeah, this is definitely your robot, Twilight. Looks like she’s got your boredom too. We only needed two nerds in our group, but now there’s three of them. If someone like Mikey and Pinkie appears in the team, then please do me a favor and kill me." "Okay, Raph, don't exaggerate," Leo interrupted, “It's not that bad. Probably. But you're also right. We do need a better test for Twira and we all know which place you're talking about. Right, guys?” Everyone else nodded since no one needed to be reminded where they would go to properly test their new robot assistant. "So, what are we waiting for?" said Pinkie, putting her arm around Leo and Raph's shoulders, “Let’s go! Ninja style!” "Wait, sugar cube. First, we need to deal with this minx before he wakes up," Applejack declared as she pointed to the Thunderer, who was still passed out. "And we need to solve the problem with his hammer before the magic in him moves somewhere else," Sunset added while pointing over her shoulder at the hammer. “Let's solve everything one by one. What do you say?” Everyone else agreed and after a while, they handed the Thunderer over to the police and neutralized the magic in the hammer. After that, they all went to a place that they know and love for many reasons. "Ah, the good old New York City. It has everything: pizza, aliens, pizza, mutants, pizza, more pizza and..." Mikey stumbled as they were driving towards their destination. "Did I mention pizza?" "YES! FIVE TIMES!" Raph shouted, irritated by his brother's stupidity. As one might guess, the group had arrived in New York and this city was indeed suitable for testing the capabilities of Twira. After all, in this city, there were almost all kinds of dangers and threats such as the Kraang, mutants, thugs, gangs and so on. The most interesting thing was that it was impossible to tell when an old or a new threat would appear in the city that would be needed to be dealt with. But now, standing on the roof of a tall building in the middle of the night, the heroes were preparing to discover a threat that could test Twira’s limits. "So, guys," Leo began, drawing all the attention of the team to himself. “Now, we’re going to disperse to different parts of the city and look for all kinds threats, and when one of us discovers a particularly challenging one, they’ll contact everyone and meet-“ "An encrypted low-frequency signal has been detected. Distance to the source; three city blocks," Twira suddenly announced, interrupting Leo. "What!?" everyone then shouted. "But how did you find out?” Donnie asked, pulling out his scanner at the same time. "There's nothing on my scanner whatsoever." "He’s right!" Rainbow exclaimed, looking at the device over Donnie's shoulder. "There's nothing catching there. So, how did you figure it out?" "I am a robot," Twira simply replied, "This is part of my tasks and functions program: analyze and locate threats, and eliminate all problems. I was able to detect this signal a minute ago, but I am unable to detect its source. I am starting to decipher the signal." Right afterwards, the lights that were all over Twira’s body began to flash and Donnie stated, "Well, that should take a lot of time to decrypt, so..." "Decryption is complete," the robot said when the lights stopped flashing, "The exact location of the source of the signal has been found." Rainbow whistled admiringly while an incredulous and slightly suspicious. Leo asked, "How the heck did you do it so quickly?" "It is all spelled out in my program. Learn and develop depending on the situation, whatever they may be, in order to become the best assistant and solution to all problems," Twira declared while carefully scanning the coordinates of the signal and its source. "The signal comes from the building ‘Comet of Purity’. The source of this signal is the Kraang." Sunset exclaimed in surprise, "The Kraang?! That means everything just became a lot more serious than we thought!" "I agree. If the Kraang are back in New York, they're most certainly up to something," Donnie declared. "Not the first time either," Raph added. "Okay, team," Leo said, "We’re moving out now." "Leo, wait! We can send Twira ahead. Since she was the one who discovered the location of the Kraang and their hideout, then shouldn’t we let her go first?" Twilight asked, confusing the turtle in blue. “I don't know, Twilight,” Leo admitted. “I mean, I don't doubt your robot at all, but we're talking about the Kraang here. They may not be Equestrian Magic, but even without that, they’re extremely dangerous." "I know that, Leo, but that's what we brought her to New York for, isn't it? To test her capabilities before she becomes our loyal assistant and friend," explained Twilight. "Well, I think we should give her a chance." Fluttershy then said. "I'm with Flutters. It’d be interesting to see how she deals with those Kraang droids,” Rainbow agreed. "Well, it wouldn't exactly be bad way to test our future partner who could help us in every way," Applejack added. "I agree with you wholeheartedly, darling." Rarity also stated. “So, what are we all waiting for? Let's get this party started!” then exclaimed Pinkie. "Well, Twilight does have a point, Leo,” Sunset chimed in, “We did come to New York to test Twira, so let's give her this opportunity.” Soon enough, the team leader sighed, clearly convinced by these arguments, and announced, "Yeah, you're right Sunset. I think I'm still a little bit wary of Twira." He then turned to the robot and said, "Please, don't be offended." "I cannot be offended by anything, Leonardo,” Twira explained, “After all, I am a robot. I can express no emotions whatsoever.” A slightly disturbed Leo managed to say, “Okay? That's cool, I guess.” "Creator, permission to intercept?" Twira then asked upon turning towards Twilight. "Permission granted." she replied. Right after hearing these words, Twira took off and raced through the night streets of the Big Apple, driven by her program and jet engines in her legs. As the others watched the robot fly away, Raphael broke the silence by saying, "We'd better hurry, or she won't leave us anything to bust.” “Isn't that the point of her creation, though?” Rainbow asked. “Beating the bad guys instead of us?” “Rainbow, I created Twira as our assistant and friend, not our replacement,” Twilight pointed out. “She should only be used only in cases when the Earth is in great danger or when we’re not in our dimension.” “We'll discuss that later,” Leo announced. “Now, let's hurry and catch up to the robot.” Agreeing with the sword-wielding turtle, the team followed him across the rooftops in order to follow Twira’s desired location as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, just outside a small building bearing the name "Comet of Purity", a pair of masked Kraang droids were patrolling the perimeter, chasing away any vagrant or potential intruder. Suddenly, they heard a noise resembling that of a jet engine and turned their gazes up to where the said noise was coming from. Soon enough, they all saw a robot resembling a teenage girl appearing in front of them and heard the robot say, “The presence of Kraang droids has been detected. Total number; two. Initiating the elimination process.” “Kraang, does Kraang see the robot that announced the elimination of the Kraang?” the droid on the left asked. "Kraang confirms it, Kraang," the one on the right replied. "The robot is taking the action of-“ The Kraang was cut off when Twira sliced off his head with a wave of the brush. He then got out of the broken exo suit and crawled away while also screaming in terror. Right after that, the first Kraang aimed his blaster and tried to shoot before Twira severed both of his arms with her left hand, leaving him completely defenseless. On top of that, Twira grabbed his head, mercilessly tore it off with all her might, and then, pulled the brainy alien out of the belly, holding him close to her face. The alien whined and spoke in his screeching language while also looking fearfully into the impassive, cold face of the robot. "You are a problem to this planet, and I am the solution," Twira said with an ominous note in her voice, which was a mixture of Twilight’s voice and something that was completely different, as if it belonged to Twira herself. Even the edges of her optics momentarily turned red. Before she could do anything with the brain clenched in her hand, however, her scanners picked up the signatures of the Turtles and Rainbooms, who were running towards her position. Therefore, she threw the slug into the wall without looking at it, allowing it to slide and run away screaming from the robot. As the red color disappeared from her optics, her organic masters arrived at the scene and saw her in the middle of two destroyed and empty droids. “Wait, that's it?!” Rainbow incredulously exclaimed, “I wanted to break some Kraang too! I didn't get a good fight the entire day!” "Well, as much as I agree with you, sugar cube, I gotta ask; what else did you expect from a robot?" Applejack inquired. Rainbow tried to retort, but upon thinking about Applejack’s question for a few seconds, she let out a deep sigh and said, “Touche.” Right after that, Donnie looked at the building in front of him and announced, "Hey, this is the same place where April and I were looking for Karai during the Kraang Invasion, when she was still not herself.” "And then, we met Bebop and Rocksteady for the first time!" Mikey exclaimed, plunging into nostalgia. "Ah, sweet memories." However, he then received a blow to the back of his head from Raph and heard Leo say, "Not really a time worth remembering." He especially wanted to forget about what happened with Karai, as well as how much effort and time they put into getting her back. “So, are we at the right place?” asked Sunset, wanting to lighten the atmosphere. “Twira, what do you think?” "Confirmed," the robot replied, "I am initiating a scan of the room." Soon enough, rays of light came out of Twira's eyes and passed through the entire building, scanning the inside. The lights then went out and as Twira turned to the others, she declared, "Scan complete. There is not a single heat signature inside. However, under this building, there is a secret tunnel leading underground, connecting with a number of other passages. Where they lead is unknown." "That's enough. Thank you, Twira," Twilight said to her creation. "You are most welcome,” the said creation stated. “I was designed to be useful and the best assistant you can ask for." "Yeah, what she said. So, we're dealing with a secret underground base of the Kraang, who are once again building weapons or a means to poke the Earth," Raph said. "A typical Tuesday for us." "Well, let's get busy and start smashin’ these minxes already," AJ declared as she pumped her fists. "Wait, first of all, we have to open the doors leading to the building, which are shut tight with a Kraang security code," Sunset pointed out as she looked at the panel on the wall. Donnie then walked over to the panel and examined it before declaring, "Hmmm… The security panel is made in good faith, but I think I can hack it pretty quickly." Immediately afterwards, he pulled out the T-Phone, connected it to the panel, and said, "All I have to do is-“ However, he was interrupted when Twira put her palm to the panel and announced, "I am initiating the hacking of the systems." A few seconds later, she added, "Hacking has been completed successfully. The door is now open. The alarm is turned off and the passage under the floor is open. However, this is all that my functions are capable of." "Whoa!" Raph exclaimed, clearly impressed. “She just out-hacked Donnie. This must be remembered.” "She's certainly a fast learner, and I was able to crack a complex lock of inhuman technology," Donnie said in complete shock. Then, he looked at Twilight, "I've said it before, and I’ll say it again. This robot truly is your greatest creation!" "Thanks, Donnie," Twilight said, rubbing her forearm in embarrassment. "Well done, Twira," Leo said, with admiration in his voice, "Let's go, guys!" Just as they were leaving, however, he turned to Twira again and suggested, "You can stay here in case the Kraang send help." "Leonardo, I was created to carry out your commands,” Twira replied, “If you consider this a necessary action, I will do it." Leo just nodded and followed the others. Before she went downstairs, Twilight looked at Twira and said, "Twira, connect to our phones and when you get a signal, you can come to our aid, okay?" "Already done, creator,” the robot stated. “I will remain here until further instruction." When Twilight went downstairs to join the others, Twira turned around and walked away from the door. She then looked down at the Kraang blaster and began a detailed scan of it before declaring, "Initiating the upgrade of the platform." Meanwhile, in the underground Kraang complex, many of the Kraang droids were engaged in their activities and two of these droids were talking to each other while browsing the console. "Kraang, are you sure that the signal received by the Kraang leads exactly here, where the so-called Krang cache is located?" one of them asked. "Kraang confirms this, Kraang," the other one replied as he looked at the monitor, where the coordinates were displayed and they coincided with the place they were in. "However, Kraang does not see the so-called Kraang cache. In addition, Kraang, the signal received by the Kraang about this place is unknown, as is the one who sent the signal about this place to the Kraang." "Then, why send a signal to the Kraang about this memo, if there is no so-called Kraang cache in this place?” the first droid then inquired. "Kraang does not know, Kraang," responded his partner. Unbeknownst to them, however, Turtles and Rainbooms were hiding in the shadows, and had begun to inspect the place at the same time. Rainbow groaned, “Ugh, I will never understand them.” Raph agreed, “Yeah, you and me both, sister.” Sunset looked at Leo, “What do you think they’re up to Leo?” “I don’t know,” he admitted, “If we’re gonna find out, we have to access that computer over there.” Down below to the right was a humongous computer system to the right. “Good idea, Leo,” Donnie replied, “Twilight and I can access it once we’ve taken care of the Kraang down there. That being said, we do need a diversion first.” Twilight said, “You think I should call Twira for back-up?” She was about to do so via her phone when Leo placed his hand on the phone and shook his head in disapproval “What?” Twilight questioned, “Why not, Leo?” “Twira will grab too much attention.” Leo said, until he saw the lights and all the big cargo and shipment laying around on the ground. “There’s a lot of stuff laying around which will give us the advantage to counter our sneak attacks. We’re gonna go in full ninja mode,” he announced. “But we’re not calling Twira until I say so.” Twilight sighed in response, but still put her phone away and said, “You’re right, Leo. What do we do now?” “Fluttershy, kill the lights. Let’s see if these tin-cans can fight in the dark.” Leo ordered. “Right, I’m on it.” Fluttershy said as she quietly jumped over the higher platforms. “Mikey, Pinkie, go help her.” Leo then added. “You got it, bro.” Mikey confirmed. Pinkie smirked and whispered, “It’s time for Operation: Blackout.”. With that, Mikey and Pinkie followed Fluttershy as they jumped on top of the platforms without being spotted. Fluttershy shot the lights with her blow gun, while Mikey threw some shurikens and Pinkie did the same with her sprinkles. The rest of gang spread out until the lights went out and all of the Kraang were confused. “Kraang, who turned off what are known as the lights?” one of them asked, “Kraang is unable to see.” “Kraang does not know who is responsible for turning off the lights.” a second Kraang replied. Some of the Kraang were walking in different directions, while some of the ninjas were hiding in the shadows. They proceeded to take the Kraang out one by one. Rainbow even slightly chuckled as she kept slicing them with her naginata. Meanwhile, two Kraang droids were trying to search for the ninjas. “Kraang, we must find those who are in Comet of Purity before they get access to that which is known as the main control panel that contains valuable intel,” one of them said before turning around due to being alerted by the sound of something collapsing on the floor. Then, it turned back towards its fellow Kraang, only to see that it has disappeared. “Kraang? Kraang? Kraang, where are you?” it asked while searching for its partner Soon enough, it found the said partner in the form of several pieces near the wall. “Kraang?! Kraang, what has happened?” it inquired and upon beginning to examine the pieces, it felt someone poking its back and turned around to see Leo standing there. It only managed to utter a simple “Uh-oh” before Leo punched the head, caused it to spin, and sliced it in half. He then ran to another hiding spot before any of the other Kraang droids could notice the commotion he had caused. Meanwhile, Sunset hid to a corner and moved to the right just as a Kraang droid looked at where she was hiding. Even though it saw that no one was there, a kunai soon struck the droid’s head and an alien popped out of the chest before running away. A smirk then appeared on Sunset’s face as she jumped on platforms and took out some more droids. Feeling pride from these victories, she proceeded to jump down, only to discover two droids right behind her aiming their blasters at her. “Kraang has—” one of them began right before being interrupted by Raph jumping off a platform and stabbing their heads. “Nice save,” Sunset whispered. “No problemo,” replied Raph as he retrieved his sais and the two fanned out. While all that was happening, Twilight was behind a crate as Kraang droids started heading her way. “Kraang asks the one who is hiding to come out at once,” one of them declared. In response, Twilight came out with her hands up and announced, “Okay, you got me. I give up.” The droids aimed their blasters at her, but they failed to realize that she was levitating metal pilings off the ground from a higher platform. They eventually saw her hands glowing a purple aura, but by then, it was too late. “Just kidding,” she admitted with a smirk and slammed her hands down, causing the pilings to fall on top of the droids. “OH, KRAANG!” they all cried out. The pilings landed on them and the aliens ran away squealing. Twilight jumped near the pilings she had dropped before more droids showed up. “What is that which is known as going on here?” one questioned. “Kraang is not sure,” Another answered. From above, Pinkie and Mikey were watching what Twilight had done, and Mikey slightly chuckled before commenting, “Those Kraang never learn, do they, Pinkie?” “Nope. They never do, Mikey,” Pinkie replied as she let out a small giggle, “Let’s have some fun already.” A confident smirk appeared on Mikey’s face as he declared, “I’m right with ya, girl.” Thus, they came down giggling and started to take down some more Kraang droids before they were spotted. Meanwhile, Rarity started blocking the droids’ attacks with her diamond shields and then, concentrated to make diamond disks to throw them at the droids, slicing them in half. She then started taking down a couple more with her sickles, but as soon as she took care of them, three more came from her blind spot. Fortunately, she quickly turned, and proceeded to slice and dice them with her ninja weapons into a billion pieces. “A little wasabi and soy sauce, and dinner is served!” she announced with a smirk and went back to hiding in the shadows. Applejack was taking out her share of droids head with her shuko-claws. Several more suddenly showed up and started chasing after her, but then she grabbed a crate with her bare hands. “Catch!” she shouted as she tossed it towards the droids and they all broke into pieces. “Not too shabby,” she chuckled with a smug look on her face. However, her celebration suddenly ended when she heard Donnie yell, “Applejack, look out!” As if on cue, Kraang flyers flew down and started shooting at her. “Great,” she groaned before she ran and dodged the blasts. She then jumped on the cargo to get to high ground and hid behind one of the containers. When she poked her head up, she saw that the flyers were searching the place for her. “Guess I’ll hitch a ride,” she whispered to herself and the instant one of the flyers got close enough to her position, she jumped on its back and held on tight as it started losing control. “YEE-HAW!” she cheered, but soon noticed the other flyers were hot on her trail. “Good luck catchin’ me!” she confidently exclaimed and held her flyer’s head in order to steer the tiny transport. However, with the lights out, she had to be careful where she was going. She slashed her pursuers as they got closer and when they tried shooting her, she kept dodging them. “Okay, let’s see if you slime-brains can keep up!” she declared as she began going low and making sharp turns around the Comet of Purity. Upon seeing that Leo, Raph, Donnie, Twilight, Sunset, and Rarity were all outnumbered, she dove down and waited for the flyers to hit her. They charged up their weapons, aimed at Applejack, and- “HEADS UP!” she cried and her friends quickly got out of the way as they noticed her coming in hot. Even though the droids were aiming at Applejack and getting ready to fire, she pulled up just in time before the flyers opened fire and the shots hit the droids surrounding her friends instead, taking out every single one of them in the process. Her friends then immediately started cheering at this heroic display. Twilight cheered, “Thanks, Applejack!” Raph also cheered, “Alright! Not bad at all, cowgirl!” Applejack saluted in response and continued flying. Sunset then pointed, “Looks like she’s going to need some help.” Leo nodded and declared, “Mikey, Pinkie, help Applejack get rid of those flyers.” “We’re on it, Leo!” Pinkie replied as she and Mikey jumped up to higher platforms. Both of them stopped beside the two pillars, with Mikey being near one on the left and Pinkie being near the other one on the right. They then threw the chain of their weapons and stuck them to the pillars in order to get ready. “AJ, guide em’ this way!” Mikey shouted. Hearing it, Applejack did what just what she had been told to do and she led the flyers to fall for the trick. As soon as she passed by her two friends, they pulled their lines up, and caused all the flyers to get knocked and crashed down. “Booyakasha!” the duo cheered as they high-fived each other. Applejack then slammed her claw on the flyer to short circuit it and quickly jumped off before the Kraang squealed and crashed to the wall. Luckily, she managed to hold onto a ledge of a platform after the aforementioned crash of the sabotaged the alien ride. A couple more destroyed Kraang droids later, the team finally reached its main goal: the Kraang computer located at the very center of the room. Donnie and Twilight immediately began hacking into their systems. “Almost there… and… got it. Here it is.” Donnie showed everyone on the screen. “WHOA!” they all gasped in shock and awe. "Okay, guys, this is what we're here for," Leo said while looking at the huge car. He then asked Donnie and Twilight, "Can you guys get what we need to know about the next Kraang plans out of this thing?" "Piece of cake, Leo," Twilight replied with utter confidence, "Give us a few minutes and we’ll...” Before she could finish that sentence, however, the lights suddenly turned on all over the room and Kraang droids stated coming out of all the passages, completely surrounded the heroes and aiming blasters at them. "We’re trapped!" Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, thank you, Fluttershy!” Raph quipped, "Thank you so much for telling us so that we could all understand for sure that we’re trapped!" "Guys, now is not the time!” Rainbow argued as she prepared her naginata for battle. "I agree, sugarcube," Applejack agreed, raising her claws. Then, out of the legion of Kraang droids, one covered with a shell came out and addressed them, "The so-called Turtles and Rainbooms have been captured by the Kraang, exactly as the information sent to the Kraang in this place had stated.” "What are they talking about?" Sunset asked Donnie, to which he expressed his ignorance with a simple shrug. The Kraang droid with the shell then continued, "And now, the Kraang are eliminating the threat to the Kraang so that the Kraang can execute their plans for the planet known as Earth.” "That is not going to happen!" Leo shouted, unsheathing his dual katana and the others followed his example with their weapons. "The turtle known as Leonardo is wrong," the Kraang declared. "The Kraang knew that the so-called Turtles and Rainbooms would arrive here from the information the Kraang had received. Now, the Kraang shall-” Just before it could finish that sentence, however, something broke through the ceiling and landed between the ninjas and the Kraang droids. It was hard to see through the dust, but by the sound of the landing, it was definitely something metallic. Then, as soon as the dust cleared, it became clear to who it was. "TWIRA!" the ninjas all shouted when they saw their new mechanical ally. "A large presence of Kraang droids has been detected,” she announced. “Action: Fixing the problem" After that, a cannon came out of Twira's left hand and she fired a laser projectile that destroyed the Kraang droid. Soon a similar gun came out of the right hand and it began charging a beam. Then, Twira's sensors picked up three Kraang droids approaching the ninja from the right side. So, she ran her right hand horizontally over them and they were instantly frozen. The droids did not stand for long, however, and soon, they fell apart in front of everyone, and the frightened aliens got out of the pile of ice that once made up their suits and ran away screaming in fear. The ninjas, meanwhile, stood there with bulging eyes and shocked expressions. A moment ago, they were surrounded and without hope of escape, and now, their new ally/creation had appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the Kraangs as if they were nothing. "WOW!" exclaimed Pinkie and Mikey. "Whoa, Nellie!" whistled Applejack. "Jeez, Twilight. I didn't know Twira was equipped with a freaking laser cannon," Sunset said, continuing to look at the unfolding carnage. "Because, I didn't add it to her," replied Twilight. "WHAT?!" everyone shouted in unison. "I didn't supply Twira with any laser weapons!” she revealed. “I was planning to add them after the field test!" "Then, how do you explain this?!” Raph exclaimed, pointing at Twira, who continued to shoot and cut through the Kraang droids with lasers. Then, Twira turned her head towards the heroes, while the body itself kept shooting at their enemies. "I apologize creator," Twira explained. "As soon as I hacked into to the cameras and other security systems of the Kraang, I found you in distress. My program required immediate intervention and assistance to you, but my platform was ineffective against a large number of Kraang droids. So, I upgraded this chassis using the Kraang buster to help you and solve the problem. After all, I am the solution to all kinds of problems." Right after explaining all that, Twira turned her head back towards the incoming droids and continued firing. Meanwhile, everyone stood still and slightly stunned by what the robot had said. Or maybe, it was because she had turned her head 180 degrees towards them while her body continued to fight off the Kraang. Maybe both, but it didn't matter at the moment. They had a mission to complete and Leo was the first to shake off the shock and gave the command, "Okay, we'll deal with this later, but for now..." He then took out his katana and shouted, "Ninjas, take them!” With that, everyone joined the battle that Twira was waging. "Booyakasha!" shouted the party duo while jumping into the crowd of Kraang droids with their coupling weapons. While the battle was going on, two Kraang droids, one of which was badly damaged and had no legs, were moving away from the said battle. "Kraang, is it time to initiate what is known as the plan to destroy the Turtles and the Rainbooms?" the damaged Kraang asked. "Kraang confirms, Kraang. Initiate what is known as the plan to destroy Turtles and the Rainbooms!" the second Kraang answered. "Roger that, Kraang," the damaged droid said and started crawling towards the computer before proceeding to activate it. The battle continued and the heroes managed to destroy a huge number of Kraang droids. It seemed like victory was close until the alarm sounded and lights began to flicker in the room. Seeing this, the remaining Kraang droids began to run away from the room through the same entrances they had come through. The doors closed behind them, and even though Raph and Rainbow tried to open the doors with their weapons, nothing happened "That's not good, is it?" Rarity asked worriedly "Gee, do you think so?" Raph and Rainbow answered at the same time, and Rarity gave them a stern look in response "Not the time!" Sunset said and then, looked at the two geniuses before asking, "Twilight, Donnie, what's going on?” "Nothing good!" Donnie exclaimed nervously. Twira went to the computer and put her palm on the console in order to find out the reason. "Attention: An active bomb has been detected,” she announced. "BOMB?!" everyone shouted at the same time. "Scanning," Twira replied and, after a second of silence, replied, "Scanning is complete. The explosion of the bomb will destroy all life within one city block radius of this building.” "Oh, no!" shouted Fluttershy and everyone else was equally shocked. "Twira, how long before the explosion?" Twilight asked tensely. "Time until explosion: 40 seconds.” she answered. Everyone froze in shock and disbelief. 40 seconds. There was practically no chance to neutralize or save themselves, not to mention the people who would die as a result of the explosion. "Twilight, Donnie, can you defuse the bomb?!” Leo shouted, refusing to give up hope. "Leo, it's impossible!" the scientific turtle replied. "35 seconds," Twira reminded. "35 seconds. This... this... It's just statistically impossible!” Donnie exclaimed in complete shock. "But there must be something!" Applejack shouted. "There is absolutely nothing we can do!” Twilight shouted back and then, lowered her eyes while whispering in despair, "Nothing.” "I can do it." Everyone's eyes were immediately turned to Twira, who began hacking into the console. "While I will not be able to deactivate the bomb, I can limit the blast radius to this underground base and the building itself,” she explained. "Can you?" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow. "I can and I have already done so," the robot replied and turned to the others. "Additionally, I left the Kraang... a surprise.” "Oooh! Surprise!” Pinkie exclaimed enthusiastically. "And what is it?" "We'll find out about it later, but for now, it's time to get out of here!" Sunset said and looked at Twira before asking, "Twira, how long until the explosion?" "There are 20 seconds left until the explosion,” she replied. “19… 18…” "And how do we get out of here?!” Rarity shouted. "Um... Upstairs?" Mikey suggested, pointing towards the hole that Twira had made earlier. "Let's get out of here that way, then!" Leo ordered and fired his grappling hook at the hole before climbing upwards. Everyone else followed his example and started climbing up except for Twilight, who was picked up by her creation and together, they flew through the hole at incredible speed. Meanwhile, what remained of the Kraang were fleeing from the trap they had prepared for their enemies, but soon, an obstacle in the form of closed doors appeared in their way. They looked around and realized that all the doors were closed, meaning that they would not be able to leave at all. Everything was completely different from what they were promised! Then, one of the droids saw an explosion approaching them from behind and cried, "Oh, Kraang!" "AAAHHH!" the ninjas all shouted upon getting out of the building as they were all thrown back by the blast wave and landed hard on the ground. All except for Twilight, whom Twira gently lowered to the ground. Righ afterwards, they heard sirens and saw lights approaching the scene, prompting them to hurriedly retreat to the shadows before eventually at the roof of a nearby building, watching as firefighters extinguished the fire and the police cordoned off the place. After seeing enough, they all went back to the Lair. “That was awesome, Twira!” Rainbow exclaimed with a huge smile on her face upon arriving there. “Indeed,” Rarity agreed. “If you hadn’t saved us all at the last possible minute, we would surely have been blown to smithereens by now.” Twira then spoke, “I thank you, my friends. The important thing is that you all-in perfect condition and the mission was successful.” Pinkie excitedly asked Twira, “So, what was the surprise you gave the Kraang?” Donnie realized, “Obviously, the bomb was their surprise. Am I right, Twira?” “You are correct, Donatello,” Twira answered. “After I scanned the area, I hacked into their computer to find where the remaining Kraang were heading to escape this base. They were trying to get to the surface, so I quickly closed all the passageways and had them locked below the surface. Deep enough so that the blast wouldn’t damage the entire city. In a matter of seconds, all I had to do was place the bomb at their location. Just enough time before the explosion caused a cave in. Luckily, no one was harmed in the process.” Everyone instantly became shocked at how she planned this strategy so quickly and that the blast didn’t destroy the entire building. Raph then stated, “Huh, you really got the remaining Kraang that tried to escape. Not bad, Twira.” Mikey grinned with amazement and exclaimed, “Yeah, you’re easily the most epic battlebot I’ve ever seen! Up high, Twira!” They both high fived, though in Mikey’s case, Twira was really strong and caused him to yelp, “Ow! So hard.” Everyone giggled at that exchange while Twira asked, “Are you alright, Michelangelo? Do you require any medical attention? I can provide it for your hand immediately.” “No, I’m good Twira. Man, you are strong,” Mikey replied as he shook his hand off. Then, Twilight turned to Leo and Sunset, who were staring a Twira, and asked, “So, what do you guys think?” They snapped out of it upon hearing that question and Leo replied with a sheepish smile, “We love it. We’re glad that you’ve built Twira to help us in these missions.” An equally sheepish Sunset added, “Yeah, it’s really amazing that she can take on any threat.” Twilight blushed a little and said, “Aw, I’m so happy you love my creation. That’s exactly why we should have her come along on our new mission to stop the Kraang. What do you say?” Leo sighed with uncertainty and admitted, “I don’t know, Twilight. Back in the Comet of Purity, I said we would alert Twira when we needed her help, but she automatically came to our rescue anyway.” Twilight was shocked to hear him say that and asked with some sadness in her voice, “You mean you don’t want Twira to come along?” Leo then blushed nervously and replied, “No, uh… that-that’s not what I meant. We just…” Sunset interjected, “What Leo is trying to say, Twilight, is that we don’t want her to be involved on a threat that’s far beyond our comprehension. She’s your responsibility, after all.” Twilight sadly looked down upon hearing this, but then felt Leo’s hand resting on her shoulder and heard him softly say, “Look, we’re glad that you made Twira for us. We don’t want anything to happen to her. That’s all.” Twilight looked at Leo, Sunset, and Twira. The others stared at them in silence. They didn’t know what was going on with Leo and Sunset, but heard Twilight say, “I see your point, guys.” Both Leo and Sunset smiled at Twilight, and the latter stated, “Just make sure you take great care of her.” Leo added, “We’ll let her come on our missions, but only for dire emergencies. Okay?” Twilight responded by giving them both a smile and a nod before declaring, “Okay. I promise I’ll take care of her.” “Thank you, Twilight.” Sunset replied. Then, she yawned and announced, “I think we should go back home and get some sleep girls.” Rarity yawned as well and replied, “You’re right, darling. It’s getting late.” Raph suggested, “We’ll drive you girls back home.” “Thanks, guys,” said Rainbow and the girls were preparing to return home Soon the girls returned to Canterlot and went home to rest after today. While Twilight was sleeping peacefully at home, Twira was in her lab with wires connected to every part of her body for both diagnosis and recharging while she was offline. Suddenly, she became online on her own and her optics and dome started glowing an ominous-looking red.