//------------------------------// // Sonic the hedgehog: Journey through the decade // Story: Future one shots // by Kamen rider accel //------------------------------// Conquering storm opened her eyes to see she's in a dessert field and looks around. She was at her place sleeping but now woke up hear. She didn't know what to do. The next thing she knew she heard a sound. It went 'Vroom' as she looked to see a figure ride in on a motorcycle that was mostly silver with black and gold on the headlight portion. The person riding it was what appeared to be a man, clad in a black body suit with red armor over his chest and shoulders and a helmet that had a bug theme with a silver mouthplate shaped liked mandibles, two large red eyes, and a golden Y-like crest separating his eyes before going into two pointed horns above his head. The man ducked an explosion before he revved the throttle handle of the bike before it shot forward lifting up off the front wheel and running down the ground. As the explosion cleared a figure walked out, a tall figure. It was a large mechanical walker machine themed after a motorcycle the one driving it being a man in a black and yellow armor with an X design to his suit. As the machine stomped forward an army or trooper in black and bronze armor with large silver colored dome visors all charged forward. More and more explosions and energy missiles hit the ground sending several of these trooper flying off into the air and letting them fall to the ground painfully. The Walker stopped as the driver hit a button, making its two arms raise up and begin to fire missiles from its silos that broke off into a barrage of smaller explosives. As the smoke from these missiles dissipated, two dragons flew from the smoke, both were long and serpentine with metal armor all over behind Eastern Dragons, one was bright red and the other pitch black. Both began to unleash powerful flames of matching color to their bodies while beams began to fire at them the first one to go down being the red dragon before a beam hit the head of the black dragon, making it fall into the side of a mountain and explode violently. "What the..... What the heck is happening" she asked her self not sure what's going on. Out of the smoke rode another figure. He was clad in black and red armor and a helmet themed after a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle and blue colored compound eyes as a visor, he rode a bike that had one wheel in the back and two in the front but also had a large beetle horn like ram in the front. The Bike lifted up off its front wheels as its horns blocked a beam before it rode forward faster. Behind him came in two more motorcycles; one red and gold, the other blue and white. On the red and gold bike was a warrior clad in black and gold armor with silver accents and a slight dragon theme while the other wore techi blue armor that covered him all over with large red eyes. These riders rode past storm as she regained her balance. Watching as they all rode off towards a threat. Her concentration was then broken again as storm heard the loud roar of yet another dragon. She looked off into the sky as a swarm of flying troopers obscured the sky and leading them were three riders. Two had a beetle theme with one being blue with a single horn and the other dark red with two horns. The blue one had two long wings made of metal while the red had a series of peacock like feathers that kept him in the air. In-between them was a white and purple rider with a jetpack. But behind them was a floating castle that had a dragon head poking out the front, stubby legs and wings and a tail. It roared and fired purple flames of magic from its jaw as two warriors rode the beast. One was an all red suited figure with a chinese style sword in his hand as behind him on a clock tower portion of the castle was another figure who had gothic armor that was black with a silver vest like armor and bat wings shoulders and blood red armor and a bat themed helmet with large yellow eyes. The dragon continued to fly forward unleashing more blasts of flames, as more energy missiles flew at it, one even hitting the white armored figure with the jetpack, knocking him out of the sky. The dragon roared before its head was hit with another blast knocking it, out of the air. The beast slowly fell to the ground roaring in pain as it caught fire and soon crashed into a large stone wall, destroying it. The two warriors that were on its back landed next to the girl before they both charged down the field to the threat all these forces were fighting. From the crumbling mountain wall, a large Green Ape seemingly made of a mechanic plate crushed the rest of the stone, making a path as another man rode its head. He was clad in an all purple body armor that seemed like a second skin with a silver belt and chest straps and a leather loincloth. His head was a purple screen with red marks along the side and silver horns. He twirled around two red drum stick with demon heads on the top. He gave a shout of advancement as the ape moved forward. From behind, more bike riding warriors drove in with foot advancing warriors right behind them, all of them with various forms of armor with bug themes to them mostly running through smoke and debris from even more explosions. These warriors ran past the young mobian, ignoring her presence and choosing to just attack their target. More and more blasts sent the troops flying and landing to the ground with a thud and left unmoving. As more explosions occurred, the sounds of a train whistle caught storm's attention as two train tracks formed in the air with two trains following. The First one was a green bull-themed Train with a green armored figure riding the top before he pressed a gun into the back of a mechanic minotaur that opened to reveal a payload of weaponry. =FINAL VENT!= A white bullet train came in from behind before it looped up higher over the green one as it curved down. The green figure pulled the trigger, unleashing a payload of missiles and lasers, while the white bullet train revealed its own cache of weapons it unloaded on its target. However, snaking and curving Magenta shots flew through the air, blocking and destroying all the blasts and missiles before hitting the green train and destroying the Mechanic Minotaur and sending the armored figure flying off from the train and to his doom. The white train charged forward, shooting more, but it too soon fell to more magenta energy shots that caused it to crash to the ground, causing an even larger explosion. More blasts and debris hit the ground around the armored fighters causing more and more explosions that sent their bodies flying through the air. They all screamed in pain as explosion after explosion sent them soaring through the air and falling to the hard ground. Storm could only just watch it happen in shock. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak. She just watched as explosion after explosion, body after body, the army of armored warriors was slowly whittled down in numbers. More explosions went off as energy artillery hit the ground, causing larger and larger fiery explosions. Even the riders on bikes were eventually sent flying from their mounts as their rides were either destroyed or knocked off their balance. Eventually, even the large green ape and its master where hit by a blast, knocking them off a mountain side and crashing into the lake, splashing water into the air. The sky was nearly blotted out by the smoke and dust of the explosions, making everything look darker. The purplette looked around at the slew of bodies unmoving, essentially just lifeless armors now, strewn out across the apocalyptic battlefield. The bikes that were in the area soon began to spark until they soon exploded violently in a large ring of fire around the girl, making her cry in surprise. Conquering storm slowly looked up as flames and smoke covered the area, the armored warriors now all but lifeless. She looked up at a pile of wreckage made from the two trains and the mechanical remains of the red dragon from before, making her send another prayer to the fallen dragon and whoever was in the trains. The red dragon's head was used as a shield from the explosion, evident by it being tossed to the side to reveal a figure floating in the air with a magenta glow, his body and armor darkened by the smoke and his own glow. The most she could make out were black bars on his head with two large horns like a crown and green compound eyes, she then tailed her vision down his body to his belt that was white and hexagonal in shape. It had two levers on the side, with three gems on each one, and the white center section had a red window with what looked like a barcode inside, and a ring of symbols and a green gem at the top. And engraved just above this white part was a metal stip and engraved in it was a word… "'DECADE,'" Conquering storm whispered. "Oi! Storm! Storm!" Flash Sentry banged his fist at the demensional wall. Infront of him is conquering storm who is holding her bleading hand. She just meet this human who came out of no where today in mobius and now she is running away from some monsters who can run faster then sonic. "What are these?" She said she needed to get out of hear. "Storm! Run!" I shouted as he slammed both of my fists on the wall, feeling so useless. Dammit Tsukasa! You chose me to be the next Decade so where the hell did you send your Driver!? How can I help when I don't have the power to help!? "I…I refuse…I refuse to let some else in front of me die!" He yelled in frustration as he once again punched the Dimensional Wall in front of him. Suddenly, a pink light from the left side of Conquering storm appeared, making the Worms jump back in caution as he and storm turned to see what was causing the light. When it died down, his eyes widen when he saw the Decadriver and the Ride Booker. They both looked like they had just been discovered in some ancient ruin and were now just discovered. He immediately banged on the wall to get storm's attention. "Storm! Grab those and give them to me! Hurry!" She didn't have any other options so she did as he told and went to give it to him "How do I…" Storm was probably confused on how to give them to him considering they have a wall between them. "Just stick them into the wall!" He said and she did just that. He grabbed them and the minute he pulled them out, they looked as good as new. A scream made him look up and I saw storm being thrown by a Worm. He got to hurry! Already knowing what flash have to do, he slapped the Decadriver and a belt materialized around my waist. Flash then opened it, making the white part turn vertical before he then opened the Ride Booker and pulled out the Decade Card. As if by habit, he held out the card and flipped it around. Now, to say the word every Kamen Rider says. "Henshin!" He then placed the card into the sot and closed the belt. =KAMEN RIDE: DEACDE!= Ten grey pillars of energy that had the image of an armored warrior appeared around Flash and merged into one, slamming into him and donning him in armor. Then, seven energy cards appeared from my belt, slamming into the Dimensional Wall in front of him before they slammed into his face, giving him armor color and sending a shockwave that broke the wall in front of him. The pieces that were once a Dimensional Wall struck the Worms, getting their attention as well as Megumi's. Knowing the suit by heart, He now wore a black bodysuit with white and magenta patches on the side of my thighs with magenta armor and with a black X which was highlighted in white at the front and back. He also wore a magenta colored helmet with black lines on the side and seven cards embedded into it as two green, bug-like lenses were placed over it. In the middle card was the Signal Pointer which was yellow. He have just become…Kamen Rider Decade. "Flash…" Conquering storm looked at him in amazement and…fear? What the hell? "You're pink!" He felt something snap inside of when she said that. "IT'S NOT PINK! IT'S MAGENTA!"