The Lone Plum Blossom

by Leoheartxx2

Chapter 7- Jino's Dark Past

"......where am I? " Jino woke up from his sleep, his head still hurts like hell. Rubbing his eye, he tries to get the hang of his surroundings. His arm covered with bandages, head too. As he get up, a sharp pain shoots up his back, he lets out a small scream.

" wow don't ya git up say's ya goona need ye rest...ya's in the Hospital now...." Applejack appears from the corner of the room, a basket of apples in her mouth.

"....damn....where am I? What happen? " Jino rubs his head, still clueless.

" You mean you DON'T remember anything? " Rainbow Dash in another corner of the room, her body riden with bandages and one of her wings in a white case. " The fight at everfree forest? The Hydra? NOTHING?"

" All I remember was running out into the night...I was so mad that mind was in utter dismare..." Jino sigh. Holding his head with his hoofs, trying to dig up whatever memories that he might remember. " The moment I heard the news about was devastated....I simply cannot bear the truth...."

" I understand your pain my student, I too grive over your loses....." Master Kira suddendly appear, together with others, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight. " But dark time has yet to pass, Jino...."

" I understand Master....but this scars now run deep....only retribution is now fitting...this will not go unheard...." Jino tone was deep. Silence fills the room once he finish his words. " Wait...if all of you are here? where's Fluttershy? "

Applejack took her hat off. With her eyes close she open the veils behind her, revealing yellow pegasus on a bed. Her mane messy and bandages covers her body. Her eyes close, dry blood still stain her mouth.

" Nooooo....what have happen...what has...." Applejack rest her hoof on Jino, preventing him to get out of his bed.

"wow there Jino, rest easy....Shy's here is in good hands now....thanks to ya..ha and Dash here....without you we might be long gone..."

" Certainly a true hero if you ask me...." Rarity comment

" You were like so awsome!! How you suddendly appear from nowhere and Slice and Dice that Hydra...Dude that is so COOL!!! " Rainbow Dash gesture in wildly.

" Quite the heroism don't you think Jino? Saving Applejack , Dashie and Fluttershy all at the same time....impressive...." Twilight rest her hoof on the end of his bed.

" But why do I not remember all this...I don't remember at all..." Jino place his hoof over his head again. Desperatly trying to scratch even a little bit of memory of past events. Twlight steps closer to Jino. Her horns glows in a purple magic. As she close in to make contact with Jino, Applejack raise her hoofs, signaling her to stop.

" Ha abou't i just tell it to a good ol'd fashion story tellin'g......" The rest of the pony gather themselves around Applejack as she pour out every single bit of Jino's heroism. Every part was like a epic tale, like the bedtime stories told to young filly. Everypony was engrossed in the story, time flew unnotice. However after Applejack finishs her story telling, Jino was rather sadden, not a smile at all.

"........You all...really think I did all of those? " Jino ask. He raise his head looking into the empty cyling.

" What's wrong Jino? what you did was very heroic..." Jino slams down on the side table, siliencing Twilight immediatly. Everypony in the room was caught by surprise to Jino's sudden reaction.

".....I'm sorry....I wasn't....please all of you....I need some time alone...." Everypony slowly leaves the room. Master Kira stay back. As the door closes behind them, Jino was speaking to Master Kira in their own language. No way anypony could understand them, they back away from the door and wait outside. As evening turns to night, Applejack grew more weary. What is going on now? Question riddle everypony's head. It's been already 5 straight hours since they left Jino alone. Feeling uneasy, she gently knock on the door.

" Everythin'g allrigh't in ther'e? " She knock again. No answer. She raise her hoofs once more, but the door open. It's Master Kira.

" All of you please come in...Jino has something to say...something you all must know off...." Master Kira beckon everypony to enter. Jino stares at Fluttershy, whom still asleep. Turning his head about when all the rest finally enters the room.

" What is it that you want us to know? We're all ears...." Twlight breaks the silience that was in the room. Everypony nod their head's in agremment.

" What I am about to tell you.....the things I have done in my past....things....that I'm not proud of..." Silience fills the rooms once more. " I have walked down many lonely path in my life.....until I met Irou...."

" But isn't tat Iro'u guy bad or sumthin'g? " Applejack interupt.

" He IS no doubt.....but he is also once my BROTHER....This is the tale of my dark past....the black memories that I came to hate so much......"


The day that my care and my protective custody was entrust to Master Kira, I was alone that time. With no friends or even a siblings...the blade that my Father passed down to me upon His death was my only companion. No matter how many time I look at the blade , I can't help but feeling unsecure. My training with Master Kira starts the very next day. I thought the heavy and relentless training would help me focus. But alas it still hunts me every night. A year later pass, The Great War has finnaly ended. Weeks later Master Kira was appointed to recruit and train 7 pony of any kind to be the newly form Council of 7, a creed of warrior pony dedicated to protect and serve the Emperor and the ponykind. From 7 states across the land one pony is send as a representative. I was among them, chosen by Master Kira. The other 6 was a well mixed of pony of many background. Some are pegasus, some are unicorns. But I manage to befriend one of the unicorn, and his name was Irou. Mane of white and dark red body, we share many things in common. From our time of great lose to happy moments.

He too also lost his Father in The Great War. We told each other stories day and night. From embarasing experience to secreats. He was like a friend, no.....a brother to me. As the years pass, we grew closer. Althought I also have befrriend the other chosen five, Irou was the closest to me. Even Master Kira saw how close our bond was.

One day, a group of Royal Guards came to Master Kira as he was doing his usual training with us. In a golden scroll they deliver the message. We as the Council of 7 are to perform our 1st ever duty, to protect a priencess....or to be more accurate the Emperor's daughter, Kirin. After receiving the mission, Master Kira prep us for our oncoming mission. With many at stakes, we prepare ourselves the best we could, knowing that many dangers ahead could kill us. The next day we depart from Master Kira's training place and to the Royal Castle. Although we are younger than an average army pony, but it's our skills that set the difference. Train to be the elite fighting force, we are the bane of many things.....even assasination attempt on Royal Blood.

Even after The Great war has endded, there are still some group of Ponies that aren't satisfly. In order to stir up more trouble, they often find the aids of assasins to do their dirty work. Assasination to sabotage, they were the many reason why the Council of 7 was form. During the mission we had to stop for rest after a straight 3 hours walk. Unknown to us we were entering an ambush. Although it was much of an attack than a distraction, they manage to pull the other 6 councils to persure them, leaving me and a couple of Royal Guards behind to protect the Priencess. After that a second group came in and ambush us. The Royal Guards weren't much of a match but I was not. Master Kira has taught me much. As I raise my blade I did not hesitate, and so I cut them all down. It was the same moment the other 6 came back. After some checks and quick patch up we were on our way.

After we reach our final destination, we were all caught by surprise as The Emperor personally came to greet us. I was called to the Emperor's side, to receive his blessing for I have save his daughter from an assasination attempt. That moment was the greatest day in my life. As I receive the Emperor's Honour, my cutie mark appear. The signature Plum Blossom on my flank. The Emperor said that he knew my Father, and he would have been proud. But my cutie mark wasn't the only thing that I obtain. Out from the carraige that we were protecting the Priencess finally show herself. She was beautiful. A bright pink mane and white body, she capture my heart. It was like an angel. From that day onwards I felt love.
Kirin ...her name stuck in my head. Despite my shy nature I manage to befriend her. She was like the perfect pony for me...

Months later I actually went out on a date with her. It was during the Plum Blossom Festival, the day we welcome Spring. When I meet her outside the Castle, she was wearing a traditional Kimono. Under the bright moonlight, my heart was locked in her beauty. It was perfect. Me alone, spending time with her....Kirin was everything I hope she would be. That night was the longest night in my life. As we the night comes to an end, i personaly walk her back to her castle. Right before she left, she ask me to close my eyes. Then she gave me a kiss. She held my head with both hoofs, her warm lips meets mine for the longest time I could remember. Greatest. Night. Ever!!!

However there was someone wasn't too happy with my time with Kirin. Apparently Irou wasn't too happy. He too also fell in love with Kirin, and now his heart was full on envy. A miscevious plans is underway. After the Plum Blossom Festival, Irou started to act differently. Time and time again he constantly tries to avoid me for some reason. Maybe I was too blind too notice. Needless the case, I never saw it coming. A week later I was appointed as the Mentor of the Council of 7, as Master Kira has reach of age for the new geneeration to uphold the duty. Again Irou wasn't too happy, although he hides his disappointment with a cheer when I came to see him 1st. A month have passed after I took my place as the mentor of the Council of 7. We do our daily duty. As long as the Royal's have a request, we were there to answer it. Be in hard or easy, we comply without hesitation.

But one night I was awoken by the noise of somepony knocking at my door. Unaware, it was the Royal Guards. As I opens the door , I was immediatly seized and chain by the Royal Guard. Without a chances to even speak, they threw a bag over my head, and with a sharp pain to my neck, I pass out. I was later awoken, but neck and my hoofs are chain towardsthe wall behind me. I was in prison. Furious I immedaitely scream out towards the Guards that were guarding my cell. They refuse to listen. Why am I in prison while I have done nothing wrong. Question riddle my head as long I'm stuck in there. As the morning sun rose, my eye met the glaring light through the bared window. It's been nearly 5 hours that I'm stuck in this prison. But my hope rises again, as a familiar face enters to find me. Kirin. Upon her oders the guards release me from the chains. Before I even open my mouth, Master Kira enters the cells, his looks immediatly tells me that there is something wrong.

Master Kira and I remain in the cells, but Kirin stayed outside. Apparently I was accused of insubornation to the Royal Court and the service to The Emperor. The court has order an arrest on me. Kirin overheard this and beg her father, The Emperor to look into this accusation. But with overwelming proofs from an hidden souces, even The Emperor cannot denial the Law. The only way to save myself from disavowed, it's to do a self-imposed banishment. But when I ask who accused me of such thing, I wish I had'nt ask. Irou. The name that I was so familiar with. The pony that I once concider to be my brother. Why does he do such thing? I broke down to my knees. I was completly shattered by the statement. The time we use to have, and our memories. Master Kira got down and pull me back up. He slap me across my face, preventing me from sheading tears. Master Kira later ensure me that he will get to the bottom of this. All I could do now is prepare, for the long journey ahead.I return home soon after and got all my stuff, including the blade.

Irou, he was the last thing to expect. He was there during my dark and lonely times. We became close friends, and even a brotherhood fodge in trust. When I had no one to look upon during my time of despair, Irou was there. But now....all those nothing but a scar that runs deeps in my soul. This betrayal will not go unanswered.
