The Unexplained Past

by Visharo

The Past is a Fickle Thing

"Princess Twilight?" A young voice snapped Twilight Sparkle from her trance. The tall alicorn looked down apologetically at her niece.

"Yes, Flurry?" Flurry Heart, the now ruler of the Crystal Empire and mother of two, neither of which are alicorns. The younger Princess looked up at her aunt, sadness in her soulful turquoise eyes. "What is it?"

"Starswirl the Bearded has passed away. Those nearest him heard him say, 'bottom drawer.'" Twilight stood still, stunned, as she watched Flurry trot away with her head slightly lowered. The reigning monarch could only stand still, fresh pain washing over her. All of her closest friends have passed and yet Starswirl still remained. Even after a couple hundred years, he stayed. Twilight once thought he was immortal, somehow gained alicorn longevity or some other explanation.

With a shake of her head, Twilight lifted her tear-stained head a bit higher. Bottom drawer, that's what Flurry Heart said. There could only be one. Over the long years, Twilight and Starswirl became closer and closer, bonding over their love of magic and its intricacies. They shared a cabinet where their shared knowledge was piled and the bottom drawer was saved for their most important discoveries. The nearer Twilight got, the more apprehensive she got.

With a quick flick of her horn, she magicked the bottom drawer open. Inside lay a tapestry of unknown content. Curious, Twilight lifted the object of interest and trotted over to a table. Using her hooves, she spread out the tapestry. It was circular and depicted five ponies. Two pegasi flew overhead grasslands dotted with crystals. A unicorn pranced about on a beach with a city to her back. An earth pony standing proudly in front of a red throne and surrounded by critters of all kind. The most peculiar pony was the alicorn in the middle, with golden wings and a horn. Gazing upon the masterpiece, Twilight felt more emotions well up in her. These five reminded her of the friendship she once knew.

"One last prophecy, eh Starswirl?" Twilight chuckled without mirth and rolled up the tapestry. She prepared herself mentally to prepare for the funeral of Equestria's most faithful servant and dear friend. As she walked down the carpet, Twilight glanced up at the stained glass windows that adorned the hall. For an unexplained reason, she felt nostalgic, and she was willing to delve further and bring up fonder memories.

Discord's chaotic reign. The defeat of Discord and the ascension of the two sisters. The banishment of Nightmare Moon. The finding of the Elements of Harmony and reformation of Nightmare Moon. The Crystal Empire returns. Twilight Sparkle's ascension. Twilight smiled at all of these. Although sadly, she still remembered these times fondly. From time to time, Twilight would catch herself wishing to be back when things were simple and carefree. Her musings brought her past some other murals.

The defeat of Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis. The Council of Friendship was created. The Cotton Candy Comet. The ascension of Flurry Heart. The reformation of Cozy Glow. The great war for Equestria. The ascension of Opaline. Twilight sighed; sometimes; she thinks that the last one was a mistake. As she snapped out of her contemplative stupor, frantic hoofsteps caused her to look up.

Flurry Heart stopped in front of Twilight, panting from her gallop. Twilight was momentarily confused by this as Flurry possesses wings and could easily fly, but her heart dropped when she saw her niece's ruined wings. "WHAT HAPPENED!?"

"Opa...Opaline!" Flurry gasped out, still exhausted from her run. "She finally snapped and she's out for power! Opaline took my magic, Twilight! I'm no longer immortal!"

"But...but how?" Twilight felt betrayed, her own student... After a moment, her head snapped up. Opaline must be dealt with. "Let's go, I've got work to do. The royal guards are doing their job, right?"

"Yeah..." Flurry had to trot to keep up with Twilight's hastened pace. "What are you going to do, Aunt Twilight? We can't let her take your magic too!"

"Don't worry Flurry, we won't let her." The two alicorns made their way to the royal garden. Bushes and trees shaped to represent Cutie Marks and important ponies. Twilight gazed at two larger alicorns who hadn't been seen in centuries, then dipped her head in honor. Flurry could only glance at Twilight in confusion, but she paid no attention. Her mind was set, and now it was time to say goodbye. A short canter away, lay the most important place in the garden; five bushes in the shape of her most beloved friends.

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE! I HAVE COME ON SWIFT WINGS TO DELIVER YOUR RETRIBUTION!" Opaline's amplified voice boomed throughout the garden, leaves and branches quivering.

Twilight stood in the middle of her friends and faced her student. The death of Starswirl was no coincidence; now it was time to fulfill the first part of the prophecy. "Princess Opaline. What retribution do I deserve?"

"I AM QUEEN OPALINE NOW AND YOU DESERVE PUNISHMENT BECAUSE YOU WITHHELD POWER I SO RIGHTLY DESERVE!" A purple alicorn floated down; her cyan mane curled around her head, and a devilish smirk adorned her muzzle. Despite her being smaller than both Twilight and Flurry, she seemed to tower above the older alicorns.

"Queen? Power?" Twilight shook her head sadly. "I am so sorry Opaline, for failing you so badly. I am sorry you didn't make friends. And I am truly sorry for letting you ascend before you were ready."

"YOU FOAL! YOUR ONLY MISTAKE IS HIDING MY RIGHTFUL POWER!" Opaline cackled, her dark blue eyes haunting.

"Forgive me..." Twilight closed her eyes and powered up her horn. By the time Opaline finished laughing, Twilight's spell had already reached its climax. Before the darker alicorn could do anything, she felt her magic and the magic in the air, slowly started to drain.

"NO, NO, no no no, wha...what are you doing!?" Opaline started frantically tried to light up her horn with erratic success. With a primal scream, she turned around and galloped back to the castle.

"Uhh, Twilight?" Flurry took a step forward, "Opaline's gone now, you can stop."

"No Flurry, this must be done." Twilight increased the pressure of the spell, draining more and more magic. "Can't you see? History is repeating itself. This time instead of Celestia and Luna, it's me and Opaline. 1000 years from now, a group of friends will save the day. My time is over." Twilight felt tears roll down her cheeks as she heard frantic cries and crashed from inside the castle. She hated to hear her little ponies were in danger, but this must be done.

Alicorn, Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony. The different types of magic started to pool in front of Twilight in the shape of a sphere. She needed a place to store the magic in, till the right pony with the right beliefs finds and reactivates it. Using the stolen alicorn magic, she was able to create three jewels, each representing a different race. As Twilight started to sort the magic into the right place, she found another magic she accidentally pooled with the others. Magic from the Everfree Forest, the magic that lies dormant in flora. Having no other option, Twilight opted to stuff the extra magic in the middle crystal.

Once Twilight was finally done, she collapsed on the floor, and the three crystals dropped around her. "Pick...pick them up, Flurry. I...I need to make imprint." Her niece obliged, her face clearly showing concern. When Flurry voice these concerns, Twilight waved it away, saying there isn't much time left.

Summoning the rest of her pitiful magic, Twilight recorded a message and imprinted it into the crystals. And to make sure that nopony random activates the message, she put a failsafe in there. A group of friends, whose bond is true, shall open, to warn them of woe. There was a slight problem, due to her lack of power; the outcome might vary. It might portray her as younger or older. It might not even show her as a pony! But Twilight had no time to think about that and risked the gamble.

A guttural roar shook the castle and in the distance, the two alicorns could hear Opaline getting ever closer. "Quick, Flurry, take these crystals and give one each to a worthy bearer of each race. Take the tapestry too, keep it as an heirloom, it must be protected, to keep the future out of ponies who would use it for malcontent."

"But Twilight! I can help you! Reform her or banish, right?" Flurry tried to position herself between the doorway and the still prone Twilight. The elder alicorn couldn't help but chuckle at her naivety.

"Leave me Flurry. My time has come, and remember what I've said. Separate the crystals and keep that tapestry safe. Now flee!" Twilight watched her niece fearfully take the crystals and fled, casting one last look back. When the white alicorn was out of sight, could the mare breathe. Her peace didn't last long as a long shadow cast over her.

Twilight could only smile sadly as she watched her student bear down on her with hatred.