//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Royal Sisters // by Bessa //------------------------------// The Royal Sisters Prologue By the course of my long life I've seen the stories about the creation of Equestria change with the course of time, changes made by the ponies that carried the tale . What it's written in the books nowadays is just an fragment of the original stories and the attempts to restore the facts have been unsuccessful. Thus I've decided to write my memories about what happened in this book. My mother once told me that thousands of years before my birth there was an very advanced civilization that dominated all the planet, its advanced technology was a part of their lives and culture. But one day an creature emerged from the shadows and began to whisper in the ears of its leaders. Clouding their thoughts and persuading them against themselves. Thus was the beginning of a great war that only resulted in great suffering for that species, the creature's power and influence increasing with the destruction of that civilization, after some weeks the land was destroyed and he used his power to transform those who were still alive and the world around them and crowned himself king. No one knows how long he ruled, but since the first day under his power the world became an dangerous and cold place. ~N~ My parents told me and lulu about the night the night they escaped from Discord. It was on the night of my birth, mom told me that he was interested in me for some reason some days before but never told why, it scared them. Some hours after I born they gathered the few belongings they had and some provisions and waited until the draconequus lower the sun for the ninth time that day and went to sleep. After my mother certified that I was safe inside an old basket that was magically pressed against their body they started to run towards what is now the Everfree forest. My mother knew that the dense forest had somehow its own magic that interfered with many types of magic, including Discord's, what made him not go in much further than the tree line. It was a long run, their hoofsteps sounding against the floor doing little to soothe their nervousness, the faint light of the moon and the stars were the only thing to illuminate their way. ~N~ After many kilometers and what felt an eternity they finally reached the border of the woods, stopping for a few seconds to catch their breath. My mom took the opportunity to remove the cloth that protected the basket to see if I was okay. She said that I was sleeping, my pink mane falling slightly to the side and the tip of a horn on my forehead. After a couple of minutes they were back on their hoofs, walking quickly to the deeps of the Everfree and looking for a place to make a shelter. The wind muffling the cry that could otherwise be heard in the distance.