A Party for Fluttershy

by Poetica Payge

A Rainbow Appears

I hated the idea. I did not want to do this stupid party, but I thought Pinkie would never leave me alone if I didn't agree to go. I gotta admit that she was almost as determined as I was to join the Wonderbolts. I seriously can't believe that she wanted me there bad enough that she bugged Soarin to pass on the message. I had heard she was trying to reach me, but I just didn't want to deal with her bounciness. She should have known that I didn’t wanna deal with it. I’m not some mopey loser that wants to sit around and deal with death and crap. I’m way too cool for that. But, if Soarin wanted to pass on the message, then I guess I could just go to her stupid party. I wasn’t going to talk to her though. Not until I absolutely had to. That’s why I had Spitfire deliver my yes.
“Rain? Are you in here?” Spitfire knocked her front hoof on my door.
“Yeah, Fire. I’m in here. Just read- thinking about stuff,” I had admitted my egghead status a long time ago, but I still didn’t want my new friends to think I was more interested in books than being a part of the Wonderbolts.
My bedroom door opened and Spitfire walked in, a big, smug smile on her face.
“It’s okay to admit you like reading, you dork. We all read sometimes. Even Soarin, that pie-loving nerd,”
“I’m not an egghead, Spitfire. I don’t like reading that much,” I replied defensively.
“Says the bookshelf full of Daring Do novels, Rainbow Dash. Anyway, I just came to tell you that the message has been delivered. I almost got trampled in Pinkie happiness when I told her you said yes. My god that mare is crazy happy all the time,” Spitfire shook her head in disbelief.
“That’s Pinkie for ya. Way too much sugar in her diet. Nothing but energy and nothing to put it into but lame parties,”
“If they’re so lame, why are you going then?”
“I figured if she really wanted me there that badly that she dragged Soarin into it, then the least I could do would be go to her stupid party. Even if it isn’t as cool as you guys are,”
“If you want, I could go with you, Rain. I could give you a little backup and moral support, if you will,”
“It’s just Pinkie Pie, Fire. I’ll be fine. It’s not like she gonna bake me into a cupcake or something,” I laughed at the thought of something as bad as that.
“Okay, chickadee. Let me know if you change your mind though,” Spitfire turned to leave, looking over her shoulder to smile in reassurance.
“Thanks. I appreciate it, and I’ll let you know, but I don’t think it’ll happen,” I smiled in response and turned as she pulled my door closed behind her.
It’s just a party. A Pinkie party, though. I would never admit it to anyone, but I was really afraid about what would happen when I got to this party. No doubt Pinkie would do her best to get the band back together, but it wouldn’t be the same without Fluttershy. I just didn’t want to deal with Twilight. Her stupid dragon caused this mess to begin with, and he was finally going to get what he deserved. She’d probably try to defend her “poor wittle dwagon” with every know-it-all breath. I did not want to go to this party at all. Something told me, though, that if Pinkie had gone to such great lengths to get me to go, I could at least just go. After all, I could leave at any time. So that’s it then. I’m going… One last time, one last party for Fluttershy.