//------------------------------// // Reunion and Answers. Part 1 (edited) // Story: Lost Shadows // by FenrirOdinson //------------------------------// “Shadow! You need to go! Now!” yelled Star Runner. “No! I’m not leaving you or my men behind!” he responded while cutting down an enemy soldier. “Either we are all get out of here alive or none of us do. I swore to fight and die alongside you and the others for the Crystal Empire!” he continued knowing full well that they would not survive this fight. Grabbing Shadow by the shoulder, Star Runner spun him around and struck him in the stomach knocking the wind from him before dragging him to middle of what remained of their squad. “Buy me some time. I’m opening a portal to get him out of here!” he shouted what remained of their team. All of them responded with an affirmative before doubling their efforts. “Don’t you dare Star.” Shadow wheezed. “I’m sorry friend. But you are still needed in this world.” Using his magic, Star runner began to open a portal. “I’m sending you to about the same we sent your sister. Be sure to find and look after her like you promised their majesties.” Just then an enemy soldier broke through the defending ranks, stabbing Star Runner in the back of the chest. Blood sprang forth from the front spraying Shadow. Quickly turning, slashing his own sword at the attacker, he felled him in a single blow, but the damage was done as more enemies broke through. Using what strength, he had left, Star use his magic to throw his captain and friend through the time portal as it closed. “Forgive me.” That was the last thing Shadow heard before he saw his best friend die as the portal closed behind him, hitting the ground hard enough to knock him unconscious. ~~x~~ With a start Shadow woke up in a dimly lit, unknown room, staring at a white tiled ceiling. Still reeling from his memory turned nightmare, his heart pounded in his chest. Slowing his breathing he began to relax but he was still on guard. Doing his best to look around at his surrounding, much to the protest from his aching muscles, he saw to his left a strange machine that produced a soft beeping and the machine seemed to be connected to him somehow. As he looked to his right, he was amazed to the young mare that saved him from the forest, sleeping in a chair with a blanket over her but seemed to have fallen, so it only covered her legs. ‘She couldn’t have stayed to watch over me, could she?’ he thought. Smiling, he sighed. Calling upon his magic his horn lit up in a dark glowing aura. The shadows around Fluttershys chair grew pitch black before tendril like hands rose and grabbed the edges of the blanket, covering her back up properly and tucking the corners of the blanket behind her so it wouldn’t fall again. As his horn stopped glowing, the tendril like hands began to vanish without a trace. “That’s quite the interesting type of magic you have.” Said of soft calm voice. Looking at the speaker, he saw an alicorn, who he hadn’t notice before that moment. Her coat was a dark blue that was nearly black in the dim light. Her hair flowed in a non-existing breeze displaying a shifting assortment of constellations. But it was her eyes that caught his attention the most. A bright blue that seemed to pierce and see right through him. He recognized her almost immediately. Swallowing the best, he could with his dry throat. He began to speak,” Hello, Princess Luna. It is a pleasure to see you. If its not too much trouble, could you get me some water?” Surprised that this stranger knew her she stood and walked towards him. Reaching his side, she used her magic to sit him up a little as gently as she could, so he could drink properly, she poured a glass of water before holding it to his lips so could drink its contents. After draining the glass of water, he thanked Luna as she gently laid him back down. “You probably have a lot of questions for me. Don’t you?” he asked, staring at the ceiling again. “Yes, we do. But they can wait till morning. I’m more concerned about the dream you were having.” Said Luna. “I have seen war and death before, but nothing like that.” she continued, shaking her head. “That was the last thing I had experienced before I lost consciousness. I would rather not talk about it right now as it is still fresh for me. Perhaps we can do so later. Once I have had the time process it properly.” Shadow stated. “But perhaps you can answer a couple of questions for me. Such as, where exactly am I?” A tone of curiosity entering his voice, he looked into Lunas eyes. With a soft smile,” You are currently in Ponyville Hospital. Where they have been treating your injuries.” Luna answered “So, a place of healing huh? Alright then, my next question is, how long has it been since I feel unconscious, and injuries first treated?” “Just over a week.” came an answer from the door. “And I must say. You were the most injured patient I have ever treated.” Doing his best to look he saw a stallion in a long white coat standing in the doorway. “I’m glad to see you finally awake. Its proof that we did our job properly after all.” He continued as he walked into the room. “I am Doctor Stitch. I was the one who sowed your wounds back together.” “Then it seems I owe you my life doctor. How long do you think I will be stuck in this bed?” Shadow asked. He wasn’t a big fan of feeling trapped or such. Seeing the doctor smiling and listened as Doctor Stitch told him that while bad, his injuries had healed enough to leave the next day, so long as he had someone to look after him. This made Shadow concerned as he didn’t really know anyone or how far he had been thrown into the future. Steeling himself had to ask,” How long has it been since Sombras original attack on the Crystal Empire?” The moment he asked, he look Luna in the eyes, and he could tell she saw how important it was that she tell him. “It’s been over a thousand years since then, and currently, Sombra is nowhere to be found. The Empire is being ruled over by the Princess of Love, Cadance.” Luna told him. So many questions raced through his mind as Shadow tried to process what he was told. ‘A thousand years?! Cadance?! But what about my sister? What happened to her?! And What about Chrysalis?’ He wondered. Before he could ask anything. Luna stopped him, lighting her horn as she spoke,” Relax. You will have your answers. But you need to calm yourself. Try and get some more rest, and we will see you in the morning.” Before he could argue, he began to feel incredibly tired. Unable to resist, Shadow once again fell into sleeps warm embrace.