//------------------------------// // 3. Make the Unicorn Jealous // Story: How to Interrogate a Unicorn // by marmalado //------------------------------// If the unicorn still won't cooperate, then say, "Okay, I guess I'll just have to talk to a Pegasus instead." The brave and magnificent unicorn stood over the quivering and shattered human. It was hard to fight the smile that tried to worm its way onto her maw. Sooner or later, however, she noticed that the human's quivers of sadness and grief turned into quivers of rage. Rarity leaned back on instinct, her eyes widening and her smile slowly fading as she lit up her horn in case she needed defense. Perhaps making her mad was a bad idea...after all, who knows how strong she is with those...things on the ends of her legs? Just as she opened her mouth to ask if Olive was okay, the girl stopped quivering and gave a heavy sigh, knowing that there was no way she could fight the truth serum that was rocketing through her bloodstream. "The truth is..." Rarity perked up. "I really wanted to talk to a Pegasus instead." "What? Er, um..." Rarity stuttered. "W-why is that?" "Because they aren't stupid, oddness-causing brutes like unicorns are." Cue jaw drop and a flurry of stammers. "You see, I hate unicorns. I despise them with every fiber of my being." Olive slowly got to her feet. "Society dictates that girls like me should be into things like princesses and Shmumbie dolls and unicorns. But I say, to hell with what it dictates. I like sports, any and all kinds. If I could play all of them, if my schedule allowed for that, I would. Princesses and dolls just aren't my kind of thing." Rarity was still in a state of shock, although Olive didn't care too much about whether she heard what she was saying or not. "Unicorns only add to the plenitude of work I have each and every single day I work here..." A twitch began to form in Olive's eye. "With their magic, they cause all sorts of oddness and make our jobs harder and harder..." Rarity could only blink. "Did you know that we eat unicorns?" Another blink. "I know, right? You might think it's unethical. But agents here love it. They're graceful to look at, but also taste absolutely delicious..." Olive's mouth began to water. "Or so I'm told. But I have no desire to eat unicorns anyway." Internally, Rarity gave a sigh of relief, and began coming to from her period of shock. "That doesn't mean I don't want them gone from this world either way, though. Because you see..." Olive walked over to the desk and leaned on it. "I once interrogated a really tricky unicorn. It only took me ten minutes to find out where she lived. She was so oppositional for no reason...even though she wasn't even the suspect at fault." She snorted. "I tried every single interrogation trick up my sleeve on that thing. It was only after I gave her an indirect death threat that she finally complied." Although it didn't look like it initially, Rarity was hanging on to every single word her interrogator was saying. A sigh escaped her lips as she opened her mouth to speak once more. "Darling, I do understand your plight, but...I can assure you that not all unicorns are as troublesome as the one you once spoke to." she explained. "You are generalizing an entire species based on a single interaction." "So what?" "I'm saying that you need to be more open-minded. I haven't caused you much trouble, have I?" "Are you kidding? Yes, you have!" Olive snapped. "From wanting your sandwich done a particular way, to boring me with your story of your 'Twilight Sparkle' friend, to deflecting blame by asking me if any other suspects might have applied the gems to the trees, to making me drink the truth serum you were supposed to drink. You have been nothing but trouble. I've had villains that were easier, and that's without even considering the 20-minute rule we have in place for them!" She scoffed. "I don't come into work every day and work 9-to-5s just to deal with insufferable, intolerable scum like you and your ilk, you know that?" "I-" "The least you could do was make things easier on me. You're like a child whose entire life's purpose is only making things harder for Mommy and Daddy. You're a full-grown horse, aren't you? Shouldn't you know better?" Olive continued. "Odd forbid you become a villain in our rogues gallery, then I would have an excuse to actually kick your butt and make you hurt so badly that your future children would feel it. Is that really what you want? Because it's what I want!" "Dar-" "Odd Squad thinks that unicorns are so graceful and so majestic!" Olive said in a mocking tone of voice. "And maybe they are. Or at least, they were back in the olden days. But here's the thing: you can't be fooled by their elegance. Doing that only makes you more susceptible to their misdeeds, as they go out and wreak havoc on cities and the people living in them. There is absolutely no unicorn I have ever met that has been good. That is what the Odd Squad Agent's Handbook has taught us for years, and I'm certainly not turning back on its advice now." By this point, Rarity had ceased her attempts to get a word edgewise, her azure eyes shimmering with fear and worry as her interrogator fixed her with a chocolate-brown gaze of fire. "You are not an exception. Try one of your stupid little stunts on me one more time, I dare you. You do that, and you'll get a one-way ticket to heaven." Olive turned on her heel and walked towards the door. "Um...w-where are you going?" "To talk to a Pegasus, like I said. Your friend... 'Rainbow Dash' or whoever it was? I happen to know she was at the scene of the crime." The girl held up the same picture of Rarity facing a gem-studded tree. In the shot, however, was something that the unicorn hadn't noticed before -- part of a rainbow-colored tail that, with no doubt, belonged to her friend. That's right. We both came here together...and Rainbow Dash wanted to go tour the city with me... "Maybe she'll get me the answers I'm looking for, without dragging me through horse manure in the process." As soon as Olive opened the door, however, she was met with a concerned Otto, arms crossed and eyeing her with suspicion. Standing next to him was an equally pissed-off Oprah. "Partner? Ms. O? What do you two want? I don't have time to talk to either one of you, get out of my way." "Clearly, either my truth serum worked a little too well, or it was a complete dud. Glad your suspect didn't drink it, in either case." "What?" "And clearly, you also didn't listen to me when I specifically ordered you off of any unicorn interrogations." Oprah shook her head. "Don't you remember what happened the last time? With the case where characters were coming out of library books?" "The one where I decapitated a mummy?" Oprah's eyes widened as she swiveled her head over to Otto. "I- uh...n-never mind. That's not important right now." Otto sheepishly chuckled. "You're a smart kid, Agent Olive. I don't know why you would put yourself through the pain of interrogating another unicorn. Are you trying to make things harder on yourself?" Olive had no answer to Oprah's question, instead letting her gaze drift from her to her partner as she tried to register what was going on. "Miss Unicorn..." "Rarity, darling." "Rarity?" Oprah nodded. "On behalf of my agent, I'm sorry for what's transpired here." "Oh, it's quite all right. Believe me, I have fared much worse." "My name is Ms. O, by the way. But you're welcome to call me Oprah." "And I'm Agent Otto, Olive's partner. But just Otto is fine." Otto waved. "It's wonderful to meet you both. Does this mean, um...that I'm free to go?" "Unfortunately, no. This interrogation hasn't gone much of anywhere, and you're still considered a prime suspect. We still need answers." Oprah shook her head. "M-Ms. O..." "Save it, Olive. Even in spite of your reckless behavior, I am willing to give you one last chance to make this interrogation of Rarity a success." "Are you kidding me?!" Otto blurted out. "Were you even listening when I told you what was going on?!" "I'm well aware of what's going on." Oprah replied coolly. "But I believe Olive can change her attitude and stance on unicorns as a species." Olive's eyes widened. "And I'm granting it to her by allowing her to use the final tactic in the Odd Squad Agent's Handbook for interrogating unicorns. This will work without failure. Trust me."