//------------------------------// // Found in the Everfree // Story: Lost Shadows // by FenrirOdinson //------------------------------// Deep in Everfree forest, a stallion lay injured on the forest floor. A curious wolf pup that had strayed from its pack had spotted him. Its youthful innocence and inexperience made it unwary of this unknow creature. Walking forward it began to sniff at the figure, poking and prodding it with its nose. Some smells it recognized, blood being the most obvious one but there were smells it couldn’t recognize. Nevertheless, despite how young it was it knew two things, the thing it had found was not only alive but was a pony. Its coat was a dark grey with a pitch black main and horn. The pup remembered the yellow pony with pink hair and wings. It remembered how kind it was, and it helped the pups’ mother when she was injured by a group of tree wolves. The pony even fed and played with it while the mother was healing. Hearing the hurt pony groan as it began to stir, the pup began to lick the ponies face, yipping and whining as did. Opening his and seeing the small pup he smiled. “Hey little one, you wouldn’t happen to be able to get help, would you?”, he said jokingly. Slowly rolling onto his back, he groaned again this time in pain. Although the wolf pup didn’t understand what the pony said completely, it still got the gist of what the pony wanted. It quickly ran off to find its pack, calling out for them as it went. A small chuckle escaped him as he saw the pup leave. As his smile died, he began to take stock of his situation. His armor was severally damaged, deep wounds covered his body and to top it off he was in an unknown place that seemed to be teaming with hostile intent all around him. Gathering what strength he had left. “I need to get out of here. Come on Shadow. You’ve been injured worse than this. So, move your ass, damn it!” he said as he tried to move, pain shot through him forcing him to lay still. “Well shit. Guess I’m not going anywhere. I can’t even use magic I’m so weak.” The only good things were that he still had his sword and the mud from the forest floor acted a kind of poultice staunching the blood from his wounds an preventing him from loosing any more. Holding the curved, single edged blade to his chest he laid where he was for what seemed like hours. It was hard to tell time in this forest. He couldn't even tell if it was night or day, much less even see the sun or moon. All he could do was lay there and rest, hoping nothing came to finish him off. He was alerted of something coming from the rustling of foliage. Thinking some predator had come to eat him he wasn’t prepared for what he heard next. “Oh my, are you ok?” came a small soft voice. Next thing he saw was a yellow Pegasus with a pink main kneel next to him checking his injuries. “Oh dear, these injuries are horrible." She said while holding back tears. Suddenly he heard a familiar cry as the wolf pup came running up to him, whining the entire way. Giving it a small smile, he said,” Good job little one. You did well.” The pup nuzzled his cheek before giving him a happy bark. Looking back at the mare who was still fussing over him, he couldn’t help but be amused at the way she was acting. “So, what do you think miss? Am I going to make it?” he asked jokingly. The sound of his voice caused her to jump slightly. “I-I um don’t know. I-I’m not actually a doctor. But I do know first aid.” The mare said in a small quiet voice. Immediately, Shadow knew that, while extremely kindhearted, this young lady was incredibly shy. Speaking in soft gentle tone he began to introduce himself. “My name is Shadow Knight. What’s yours?” Glancing at him she replied in a voice barely audible, “I’m Fluttershy.” “Fluttershy huh? A cute name for a cute mare.” Said Shadow. He wasn’t trying to flatter her. He was merely making an honest observation and opinion. Nevertheless, she blushed furiously. Not used to others giving her such compliments. “U-Umm, how about I take you back to my place? Its close by and I can treat your injuries there more efficiently.” she asked. “Sounds like a plan to me but I don’t see how you’re going to be able to take me to your house.” Shadow noted. He wasn’t implying she was physically weak but to carry him while he was still in his armor, mangled as was, an earth pony soldier would have a hard time doing it. “Don’t worry. Harry can carry you easily. Harry, can you come here and help me. We need to get him back home.” The statement only served to confuse him and before he could ask, a grizzly bear plodded over them. Shocked would be only way to describe what he was feeling. Who was this girl that could easily ask a freaking bear to help her?! Although Harry was as gentle as he could be, the stretching of sore, bruised muscles and skin caused Shadow to grit his teeth and loudly groan in pain. Some of his wounds had partially reopened and began to bleed again. "Are you alright? Just hold on! We'll be at my home soon and then I'll be able to take of you. Ok?" Fluttershy said almost panicking. "I'll be alright. But I could really use some sleep. Just do what you need to until you can get me to a doctor. For now, though I think I'll get some rest." He replied sleepily. For him, it had been an extremely long, tiring, and downright painful day. Before exhaustion sent to sleep, he could only think about was finding Chrysalis and his little sister Cadenza.