//------------------------------// // Kisaki Tetta! 3rd Division Commander! // Story: The Pierrot's Awakening // by Durden //------------------------------// KISAKI'S POV ---------------------- I stood atop of the ground and laid my eyes on the foal before me. She appeared small like any other filly, around my size for that matter. She also possessed wings, so that would mean that she's a pegasus. It seemed odd that I was instinctively led here as if fate had planned for me to end up here. She had a blue bag just besides her, as she rested next to a tree. Just a few feet away from her was a treehouse, I assume that also belonged to her. Observing her surroundings, I couldn't find any rational reason for her to be crying this much. It didn't help that she had a Chess Rook as a mark on her flank. If what that cotton horsefuck said earlier was true, this could reflect her talented intelligence the same as mine. Though, maybe a bit different, considering the different pieces that were used as our marks. I began to make my approach towards her, though not before adjusting myself. It was difficult to maintain my balance in the proportions of a fucking horse. As I got closer to her, I was already starting to see a plethora of red flags that just seemed illogical to me. She doesn't seem to have fallen from either the tree or the treehouse, as both instances would either have caused catastrophic damages to her or would just lack complete reasoning, which would be against what her mark seeks to be telling. The most plausible conclusion I could come up with is judging by the fact that her bag is completely open, she was either robbed by a group of people or had done some damage to her possessions. Both of which still seem very unlikely. Once I got close to her, I now know what was necessary for me to do and say to her. "Hey, what's up with all the whining?" I asked. She quit rubbing her teary eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes appeared as though she was not exactly expecting me to come to her. "Oh, thank you for asking. I'm having real trouble with.. snort ..the school of friendship." She answered. The school of fucking what? Seriously? Am I stuck in a cartoon show? Despite how tempting it was, I refused to ask her whatever the fuck she meant by a school of friendship as that might seem weird of me to not know what it is. Instead, I think it would be much more reasonable if I were to play along and act as though I had some idea of her school and wanted to help her. Again, there were dozens of red flags already. A person of her supposed intelligence should not be incapable of performing some tasks for a friendship school. These people really need to take courses to learn about friendship? "What's the problem here? Were you not allowed in or something?" I questioned. "Oh no, it's not that! I'm in the headmare's class 'n all but... sob ..it's too hard!" She exclaimed, sobbing her eyes out. Her bawling her eyes out was actually starting to tick me off. At this point, I just knew there was something off about her. A pony that bears a chess piece as a cutie mark that's supposed to represent her strategy thinking should not find any difficulty in executing a bunch of ordinary tasks for a friendship school. Normally at this point, I would've just given up on her and moved on. But there was just something more about her. I couldn't leave the possibility of endless opportunities right here. I decided to indulge more into the conversation. "Hey, those tasks don't seem to be so hard to me. Maybe I can help?" I suggested. "You can?" She sobbed. I nodded my head in response while maintaining my friendly gaze. "Well, Golly! If you really mean it!" Her expression had just recently turned from crying to just flat out smiling. Another red flag. There really is something off about her. "I could use some help with my homework." She proceeded to lean her head forward to stuff it inside her opened bag and grab three photographs of distinct ponies and laid it out on the ground infront of me. Okay, a few things. Her bag seemed to have already been opened suggesting that this has all been planned out by her beforehand. And her expression seemed to have suddenly unnaturally shift from crying to smiling with glee. Not to mention that she was crying outside in the middle of a forest while resting next to a tree. And a treehouse. Leaving to cry in a forest seems to sugges that she wanted to cry completely alone and undisturbed, but if those were really her intentions she could have just cried in her treehouse. But the fact that she isn't may also suggest that there were other people inside the treehouse. She was trying to attract someone to come help her by crying. And it was targeted towards a certain group of individuals seeing as how she wasn't doing it in the actual public infront of other people, and instead doing it next to a treehouse that might have other people inside of it. "I have to do something nice to each of these ponies." She said as she pointed to each of the photos with her hoof. It was at this moment that I wanted to test her out a bit. I wanted to confirm my suspicions to be true. And I'll do it by interacting with her as though I knew what she's up to. "Three things; One, in any other case, make sure not to change your expression a bit too quickly. Two, dont have things prepared before you initiate your plan that can be observed by other people. Three, maybe not make the circumstances any more suspicious as it is. You're crying in a forest next to a treehouse with people in it for crying out loud." She looked up at me with her jaw agape and her eyes widened. She shook her head around before continuing her already suspicious act. Her face and expression turned back to the same sad and teary-eyed expression from before. "Uhm, how are any of these going to help me with my homework..?" She asked, trying to play dumb. "You can cut the act now, miss. You can probably trick a bunch of gullible people into falling for your games but all it takes is someone to think outside the box to know what's up." "You've already gotten your mark at a young age, and as I've heard before that rarely ever occurs unless you're a special case, and not to mention yours is a drawing of a chess piece. You have lots of potential to bring out." She widened her eyes once more, only to fall back to her usual expression. "I.. Golly, I'm- I'm not sure what you mean by that.." She continued. I sighed. "Maybe you aren't." I turned my back around on her and started slowly walking away from her. "Maybe you're just another dumb filly amongst any other, no different than another dumb filly struggling in a friendship school." I turned my head back around to face her while still slowly walking away as to give her the idea that I had given up on her so early. "Maybe that cutie mark of yours doesn't mean anything. What a waste of talent. It appears that you're just a failed product of a friendship school." I then saw her widen her eyes even more and began to furrow her brow. She did not look pleased with my words. It seems I've affected her enough. But this isn't it yet. There was one more line left that if it truly triggers a reaction out of her, it might just confirm my suspicions to be true. "You're. Just. A failure." It was those words that broke her. "What!?" She shouted. Bingo. I turned back around to take a much more detailed look at her. She no longer had that sad face expression in tact, no no no. She was furious. There was rage building up inside of her that seemed to contrast her sad and gloomy energy from before. "Who in Tartarus do you think you are that you can just talk so much horsecrap about me like that!?" I started to walk back towards her, grinning as I made my way. This was yet another successful plot for Tetta Kisaki. As I made my way towards her, she continued yelling angrily at me. It seems I had hit the right spot. "You don't know anything about me! You're probably just some random foal who got lost in the middle of the woods! That should go to show you how blatanly ignorant and dull-minded you are! You don't have any place to talk about me like that!" She continued as I was walking back towards her. "You ignorant, dull, stupid hayin' weanling!" "My name is Tetta Kisaki, a pleasure to meet you." I said to her as I raised a hoof to request a hoofshake. She noticed my hoof was raised and immediately calmed down, though she still did not let that angry expression escape her face. She realized how she's been played all along and accepted it. She shook my hoof in response and introduced herself back to me. "It's Cozy Glow, what a weird name by the way." She said, unnecessarily commenting on my name. That's ironic. She's the one with a child's name yet she's calling my name weird. What a load of bullshit. I could feel as though a nerve had bulged through my forehead at that moment, though I tried my best to suppress my irritation. "What's your angle here?" I asked her. She raised a brow at me as though she was suspicious of me. "Why should I tell you?" "I'm not from around here, but I can maybe lend a hoof. You can't be sure that your plan's going to work out if you're doing it by yourself." I assured her. She seemed hesitant at first but eventually gave in to me. "Maybe not right now, but if you're looking to play a role in what I've planned, register yourself into the School of Friendship. I'd like to know more about you." She told me. Again with this school, why the hell would you need to take courses to learn about making friends for good lord's sake? "Seems fair enough. Looks like you're still occupied with working on your current stage of the plan." I added, to which she responded with a nod. "Anywho, where's the school located?" I asked her. "It's northwest from here, but you should ask the local ponies in ponyville for directions. Meet me there tomorrow and I'll give you the details, Capise?" She informed me. "It's capichè," I formally corrected her "but alright. Go ahead and continue with what you're working with. I'll be sure to see you tomorrow." I began to hear the sound of footsteps coming from the treehouse, and voices of little kids adjusting themselves that seem like they're planning to leave the treehouse. The filly looked back at the treehouse and then back at me. "You should go now, I don't want to sabotage my plan so early. Catch you later!" I nodded in response and headed back to the village. Okay, several things to note. She's a pony that shares a whole lot of similarities to me, so much so that I could very well consider her to be my female counterpart. She has a chess piece as her -- god forgive me for saying this -- cutie mark, similar to mine, except hers was the rook and mine was the king. Judging from what had occurred earlier, the temptations and the voices I heard seem to be fate attempting to get the two of us to recognize and greet eachother. But why? What does fate want with the two of us? It does however seem very coincidental how there was just some pony that is about my size, hypothetically my age, shares the same mannerisms as me and is cunning and deceiving just like me. Maybe it was meant to be this way. Maybe fate just wanted someone to end up becoming my new partner in crime and assist me in my plot to achieve power. A person with use for me that I can use to gain whatever I want. A person of value to me. It all just didn't make sense, yet it lined up so perfectly. Maybe I have a purpose to be here. A purpose to achieve power in this society and become a noble from scratch! That's why I was put here without any magical prowess! But if I want to achieve power and plan out a strategy to achieve power, I need to know more of this world. In that case, I'll get back on my journey to the Library. Once I was back in town... I had completely forgotten where I was supposed to go next. I looked around and was unable to find any clue as to where I'm headed next. I decided it'd be a great idea if I were to ask somepony- someONE else for directions. Jesus, this place is getting the better of me. I marched towards a random bystander coated in sheen-green fur, pink coloured mane and three suns as a cutie mark. I slightly tapped on her back to which she turned around and looked at me. "Excuse me, Miss, but do you know where the nearest Library is?" I asked her politely and adjusted my glasses. Wait, I've had glasses the entire time? She then pointed towards a house just in the center of the street that had the infrastructure and design of any other house, except this time it was a three story building. "It's just right there in the center! That's Haybarn's Library! Be sure to knock before you get in!" I offered her my thanks and trotted to the pointed direction. As I was told earlier, I knocked on the door first and heard a distant female voice sprawl out that said "Come in!", before opening the door and stepping inside. The room inside had libraries of books around with labels for each book's category. Parallel to the staircase in the middle was the counter and a mare in the counter, who might be the owner of the library. The mare in the counter fixed her gaze at me and noticed that I was new in town right away. "You look new here, fella! What kind of book are you looking for?" I stood firmly and confidently to maintakn my sharp stance. "A book or two related to history and culture." "Well then you can look through the social knowledge section just next to the magic section!" She pointed towards a corner of the room. I then went to the corner in question and looked for the perfect book I needed to get more information regarding this new dimension. The only few things that I need to know are the culture, the societal hierarchy and the history to get more in depth with how they function. As I reached out my hoof to grab a book, three books stood out to me. One titled 'Ancient Tales of Equestria and Magic', one titled 'Organizations and Institutions for Knowledge and Sorcery', and one more titled 'A Lesson in Magic and Magical Artifacts'. I took the time to read the first book mentioned and skipped through the unimportant parts. Interestingly a world like this did have nations that were at war and a history of empires rising and falling. I don't know how long it would take me to finish reading the important parts of these books, maybe more than a week. But I'll stick to my ground and continue on my path to achieve absolute control. With the filly's help from earlier, for now I can only imagine how helpful her endeavours would be in my journey. I'll have everything plotted out as soon as I finish gaining the necessary information for everything. I will make my move. I will seize the world and have total control and power. I'm better. I am better.