//------------------------------// // Visitor 1: Twilight Sparkle // Story: Scootaloo's Visitors // by luigitime22 //------------------------------// The pages of “Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue” gently flipped about as Twilight Sparkle looked for the chapter she and Scootaloo were on. Of course, everyone in Ponyville knew Scootaloo’s primary motivation for listening to so much Daring Do was because of Rainbow Dash’s status as a huge fan, but Twilight was more than willing to encourage reading in Ponyville’s children. Cheerilee did a fantastic job educating the children, but to Twilight, there was no such thing as too much reading. Scootaloo liked it whenever Twilight Sparkle came to care for Scootaloo for a night. Her parents were pretty much a non-factor, and her aunts were only around maybe once a week at best. As a result, it really came down to the residents of Ponyville to ensure Scootaloo received proper care at her home. Of course, this was the friendliest town in Equestria, so most of the town was willing to pitch in when needed. While her biological family was rarely there for her, the fact that an entire town, not to mention one of the most powerful royal figures in the universe, took the time to ensure she was well loved and cared for made her feel better and special. As with most of Twilight’s nights, it came with a packed meal that Spike had made, which Scootaloo greatly enjoyed. To her credit, Twilight was actually quite capable in the kitchen, but most agreed that Spike was her superior in the culinary arts. Thus, as Scootaloo consumed her dinner, Twilight would unsurprisingly dive into a book of Scootaloo’s choice. “Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue” was a choice that Twilight saw coming, and they had drilled through half the book on Twilight’s previous night. The time had come for the journey to continue as Twilight Sparkle got herself comfortable in a cushioned chair near Scootaloo’s bed, Scootaloo sat comfortably in the aforementioned bed devouring pancakes with syrup, (Twilight had provided a spell to keep the bed clean.) and Daring Do was uncomfortably being tied to a stone platform by a cackling Ahuizotl. “Ah, but I already have gotten away with it, Daring Do,” Twilight read in her best Ahuizotl imitation. Of course, having actually been involved in a battle against Ahuizotl, her imitation was actually pretty good. Scootaloo was very much invested in the story by now. As Ahuizotl flipped the switch and all sorts of traps came out to destroy Daring Do, she was very excitedly chewing on her pancakes in suspense. “What happens next? Tell me!” she chanted. “Daring Do struggled and squirmed about as best she could to try and escape, but it was no use. The ropes were too strong and tight for her to escape, as the walls got nearer and nearer to her. Spiders crawled from the walls, snakes, bats, and even sand all surrounding her in her final moments!” Twilight was clearly enjoying herself immensely, but Scootaloo didn’t notice. She was too wrapped up in the conflict to notice the big grin Twilight was wearing as Rainbow Dash’s hero got swarmed by every single animal that adventure stories throw at a typical archeologist hero. “Out of all other options, Daring Do grabbed her hat, and launched it away, knocking it around the walls, spikes, traps, and pillars. Right into the switch Ahuizotl used to turn on the trap, shutting the whole thing off!” Twilight revealed the massively improbable and scientifically baffling escapade of one Daring Do to a delighted Scootaloo. “That’s so cool! It almost sounds like something Rainbow Dash would do…” Scootaloo said with delight. Twilight giggled, Scootaloo was right that Rainbow Dash would probably try to attempt something similar to that. Though it was probably due to her reading all the books several times over. The pair continued on through the rest of the book, Scootaloo frequently barging in to ask questions, or comment on how exciting something was, or ask what Rainbow Dash’s favorite parts were. Twilight would patiently answer any questions, and would occasionally provide her own banter on parts of the book herself. Soon enough, the entire book was complete, though Scootaloo still had around an hour before Twilight tucked her into bed. What happened at this point was generally a wild card. Scootaloo pretty much always expected Twilight to get pretty into reading time, so what happened with extra time was nearly impossible to lock down. Scootaloo felt this was ironic, given how organized Twilight Sparkle was. Gently closing the book, Twilight set it in a nearby bookshelf as she got up out of her chair. “Now then, we still have about an hour left before you go to bed, how about we have some fun?” Fun with Twilight had a pretty broad definition, given this was a princess who could do just about anything she wanted. “What sort of fun?” Twilight smiled as her horn lit up. “I think you’ll like what I have in mind.” A silver cocoon appeared around Scootaloo, to her surprise and confusion. It completely enveloped the small pegasus, gleaming brightly as its effects activated. A few seconds later, it was gone, as Scootaloo was back in her normal environment with a very pleased looking Twilight. Notably, the type of look when she pulled off a spell. “Now then, how about we go for a flight?” At this point, Scootaloo noticed the pair of clear butterfly wings on her back, far larger than her normal pegasus wings. Words cannot describe the shriek of excitement that was emitted from Scootaloo’s household upon this discovery, though Ponyville was spared thanks to a quick bubble of silence from Twilight. After 5 minutes of Scootaloo squealing, Twilight managed to calm her down. “The wings will only last for a short while, but I thought you might want to go for a short flight with me tonight before bed.” Scootaloo launched herself into embracing Twilight. “Yes! Thank you so much, this is going to be so awesome!” After the hug, the two exited the house and took to the air. Scootaloo proved to be quite good at flying, Twilight suspected it was due to her status as a pegasus, and probably from watching Rainbow Dash all the time. The two flew all around Ponyville, even passing some other pegasi that were out in the sky that evening who happily waved at Scootaloo. Not to the surprise of anyone in town, Scootaloo was primarily attempting stunts, flips, and all sorts of maneuvers one would see Rainbow Dash perform, albeit clumsily. Twilight did help her out though, forming rings out of clouds for Scootaloo to go through, making small tracks, and all sorts of things that Scootaloo gladly interacted with as the evening went by. Several pegasi came out to watch the spectacle unfold, a few even getting involved by adding their own twists to a track, or providing a gust of wind to launch Scootaloo with. But alas, after fifteen tracks, two tornados, and one race against Blossomforth later, it was bedtime for Scootaloo. Scootaloo’s wings slowly vanished from sight as Twilight carried her back to the house, both waving goodbye to everyone who joined them in the fun. Getting Scootaloo in bed wasn’t too difficult, she was in an incredibly good mood now, and Twilight had bedtime to-do lists aplenty. A few minutes later, Twilight was magically tucking Scootaloo in for the night before she would go upstairs to her bed for the night. “Thanks again for coming over and reading to me, Twilight. And for the wings! That was so much fun!” “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Scootaloo. I had a good time as well. I’m guessing you’ll want to tell Rainbow Dash all about it in the morning?” Scootaloo nodded in anticipation. “You bet!” Twilight clicked out the light in Scootaloo’s room as she gave herself a light in her horn to get upstairs with. “Oh, and Scootaloo?” “Yes, Twilight?” “Would you like to go flying again next time?” The bed creaked as Scootaloo bounced up in excitement. “Absolutely!”