Lynx; The Saiyan Warrior of Equestria

by AlienXtreme

Volume II:The new life

Currently standing on his hands Lynx is doing some vertical push-ups. This time he decides to remain in his base form for his warm-up. After all, if he wants to become stronger, he needs to improve every part of him, including his normal state.
At 150 times normal gravity, the royal barely manages to do this without transforming. When his friends learnt about that, he once again received a mouthful for overworking himself. But it's all going to be worth it at the end. After all, he is a Saiyan warrior. An elite no less.
"Okay, enough warm-up." After changing the gravity to 205 times normal gravity, the prince wastes no time and transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan. "Let's see if this works." Lynx sits down in a meditating pose, trying his best to avoid thinking about the night at the Gala. That's the event he's been thinking about every time he wants to ascend, but getting angry is the last thing he wants right now.

The space between his breaths starts to shorten. The form just takes a ton of his stamina, especially since he's not doing anything else to distract him from this handicap.

All of a sudden the young Saiyan hears a buzzing noise coming from his living room. Lynx lets out a long sigh, while turning the gravity of the room back to normal. "Well, I guess it's time for work." After quickly cleaning off his sweat, he is about to exit his house when he notices a certain weapon hanging next to the door.

'What am I suppose to do with this?' He could try to infuse it into his fighting style, but like he said to Celestia, he's not much into using a sword. He's a martial artist, not a swordsman. 'But then again. Expanding my horizons can prove useful.' The prince of all Saiyans quickly shrugs his shoulder. "Whatever. This is not the time."

Now out of his house, he takes a deep breath and ascends to the sky, but not before stealing a glance at the rising sun. That is something, he's enjoyed ever since his first day. The view of this land is amazing!
His short flight to the Sugarcube Corner is greeted by ponies-mainly pegasi- giving him their cheerful applause, something that is surprising and kind of inevitable. After all, he saved all of their lives. Twice. But it's still is a sudden change of pace. 'From being scared of me to praising me as some kind of hero. How am I suppose to feel about this?' Before he can dive deeper into his thoughts. He hears a certain Earth Pony calling out his name.

"Lynx! Over here!" The warrior lands on the ground right next to Ms. Cake. It doesn't take long for him to notice a cart ,that seems to be right about his size, right next to her.

"Let me guess; This is what I'm going to be working with." He says with an unamused look.

"Yup." Says the short pony. Lynx lets out long sigh before walking right next to the cart. One brief look at it is enough to tell that he can't use it the way it's supposed to, due to his different body structure.
Turning his gaze back to Ms. Cake, the royal is greeted by a stare that is just as confused as his. "So..." He begins to rub the back of his head. "Maybe, if I just carry the cart..."

"Yeah, probably the best way." With that the young Saiyan lifts the cart with one arm, before the baker gives him the list of the locations he has to go today. 'Four towns and ten houses on each town. Piece of cake.'
It was not piece of cake. It seems that Lynx had underestimated his own speed. One too many times did he accidently crash at a bush, or a pit of water or mud, and then there was the incident where he crashed into a cart that was caring about dozens of paints. It also didn't help that Lynx was transformed into Super Saiyan during the entire thing. This whole experience forces him to make a mental note to include speed control in his training routine as well.
Unfortunately though, his solution to the condition of his armor won't be as comforting. 'If I continue like that, I'll end up running out of clothes.' He thinks as he tries to clean off the now orange colored gloves and boots. 'Well, at least I'm done with work.'
Now in the big city of Canterlot, Lynx tries to find some place to clean off his armor. But the only thing remotely close to that that he finds is a spa. And Rarity would kill him, if she learnt that he "wasted" a visit to the spa for that. So he ultimately decides to takes a small walk in the city before he continues his training. During said walk, he decides to pay a visit to a certain Draconequus.

"So...enjoying your imprisonment?" The prince says as he looks at the statue that works as the prison for the lord of Chaos. To no one's surprise, there is no response coming from the stone construction. "Don't give me that." He says with gritted teeth. "At least you are free to put your mind at rest, while I have these stupid thoughts haunting me." The young Saiyan lets out a long sigh. "Honestly, the very fact that you are still alive is something that you should show gratitude towards me.

Ugh! Why didn't I kill you?!" This question has been haunting him ever since that day. "I had you..." He opens his palm right in front of Discord. "One attack. Just one attack. A punch, a kick, a blast." The Prince of all Saiyans grits his teeth even more. "Doesn't matter what I choose to do, I can end your existence in an instant." He exhales. "Yet I can't at the same time. It's" He puts his hand down. "I have these voices...inside my own head. Their voices." He avoids to look at the statue. "Celestia said that it was just me learning about friendship." Lynx clenches his fists. "But doesn't make sense! I'm a Saiyan. I don't show mercy." Suddenly his eyes open wide, as if he just came into a realization. 'These ponies. They're changing me and...I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.' The young Saiyan releases his aura and asserts into the air.
Princess Luna has been standing on her tower for what seems like hours. Going from thinking about her past mistake to try ,to think about a way to atone, and to even having some friendly chat with her sister, something that she greatly enjoys.

Just then the newly returned princess hears the sound of boots clicking against the floor. She turns around and sees Equestria's newest resident, standing with his arms crossed and a seemingly stoic poker-face. She chuckles before asking. "To what do we owe the pleasure of getting a visit from the golden warrior?"

This time it's him who chuckles. "The golden warrior? Well, at least it's better than what Pinkie called the Supe-" His eyes suddenly open wide. "Wait a sec. Did you just use the royal 'We'?" The warrior receives a nod.

"Well, of course! You are royalty yourself, why is that so surprising?"

"Saiyans haven't used that in centuries." He cracks his shoulders. "And we didn't really make much use of it back then, since it was pretty much a hustle to prefer to a royal like that in the midst of battle." Luna's eyes open wide.

"That...actually makes sense." The both of them close the distance between them. "So, what is your reason for being here?"

He shrugs. "Celestia suggested me to talk to you. Don't know why, though." A chuckle escapes from the alicorn's mouth and a blush appears on her face.

"Yeah...that does sound like her." Lynx notices this and raises an eyebrow at this. "We hear that you are quite courageous." That just makes the Saiyan's eyebrow raise even more.

"Well, obviously. I am the Prince of all Saiyans after all."

Luna lets out a long sigh before continuing. "How do you manage to do that? When we saw your fights with Discord and that alien creature from our crystal ball, you..." She pauses, as if she thinks of a way to phrase what she wants to say. "Most ponies either look determined during a fight or look like they completely hate it. But you fought with more joy than we've ever seen. Even when you were, without a doubt, absolutely livid, we could see the passion boiling inside your blood." The alicorn looks down. "How do you do that?"

To her surprise, the immediate answer she gets is a light chuckle. "Welcome to the soldier side...!" He bows in a teasing manner. '...,where there is no one here but me.' This just makes Luna even more confused and Lynx seems to notice this. "In all seriousness, what you saw was just me being a Saiyan." For reasons unknown to the royal, the look on the alicorn's face makes him want to continue. "For you ponies, fighting is just a way to win a battle or at least protect something valuable. But to me..." He flexes his arms. "..., it's how I show my emotions. My anger, my love, my pain." The Prince of all Saiyans turns towards the inside of the tower.

"I've heard about you, Luna. I...actually find you interesting." A grin appears on his face. "When I set foot here, I thought that no one in this land would have the balls to step up against authority for their own pride." He says. "But then I heard about you." Luna's ears drop. "I can tell that you want to correct your mistakes and an old man , that I was once close to, would approve of something like that. And I would personally advise you to act."

The princess of the night cracks a brow. "So, I should apologize?"

"No. Words are meaningless when it comes to atonement." He says before leaving the other royal alone.
"I'm really glad that you decided to come Lynx." Princess Celestia says as she and her visitor are walking down the hallway of the castle. "But wouldn't you prefer spending your first Nightmare Night with your friends?"

Lynx simply scoffs and turns his gaze away to see the beautiful moon. "I have no intention on putting on a dumb costume, and if I was in Ponyville right now, I'd have a bunch of kids interrupting my training to ask for candy that I don't have." He exhales. The Equestrian ruler seems to think for a moment as to how she should approach a conversation with the warrior.

"How did your meeting with my sister go?" This seems to work as the alien's look softens.

"It went fine." He exhales again. "When I talked to her, I could immediately notice the neurosis and doubts that she was filled with." Once again, Lynx exhales. "I still don't understand why she doesn't just use those as some kind of drive." The princess of the sun seems to take notice of the royal's constant exhaling.

"Are you having trouble breathing, Lynx?"

"I'm not a weakling you know..." He crosses his arms. "I'm just accelerating the process of my body getting used to the elevated state." A knowing smile is drawn on Celestia's face.

"So, that's why you've been Super Saiyan all this time?" She receives a nod. "I guess my assumptions were correct..." The prince is left a bit puzzled by her statement and asks her to elaborate. "When you said that you've 'mastered' the legendary form of your race, I could tell it was just a spare in the moment. After all, the previous Super Saiyan's demise came from her own power, so there's no way anyone could be able to master it in just a few hours. Even a gifted warrior such as yourself."

The young Saiyan scoffs at that. But he has to admit, the princess has a good point. After all, no Saiyan should be able to have it easy when it comes to the Super Saiyan legend.
Son-Dranko was a low-class warrior, of course she wouldn't be able to use this power properly. "You speak of my people as if you've met someone other than me..." He turns back to the ruler. "Have you, by any chance, met a Saiyan that...had black spiky hair with two bangs hanging up in his face?" A look that Celestia never thought she'd see on Lynx, appears on his face. "And he..." An almost childish giggle escapes his mouth. "...he always had that feeling over him, that, no matter what, you just wanted to do your best to make him proud?"

"No, I'm sorry." A knowing smile is drawn on Princess Celestia's face. "You miss him, don't y-"

"None of your business." Realizing that she just hit a dead end, the alicorn decides to change the topic.

"Say Lynx, how would you feel like giving a school a lecture on Chi one of these days?" The royal thinks about this. Teaching ponies Chi? What is there to teach to ponies? Sure, life force energy can be used by any living being, but from what he's seen, the residents of Equestria prefer on relying on "magic". He decides to share that thought with the princess of the sun.

"How would your 'School for Gifted Unicorns' benefit by learning about Chi? It takes months to learn how to sense it and years to be able to properly utilize it in a similar way to your magic." A small chuckle escapes the ruler's mouth.

"Actually, I was thinking more something in the likes of giving a lecture to a school in Ponyville, since it's closer. Your friends' younger sisters go to that one actually." He is genuinely confused, and his face conveys that pretty well.

"Why would you care about them? You're a ruler and they are not elite." He stretches his shoulders. "And don't even get me started on their power levels." Much like Lynx, Celestia's face conveys confusion.

"Y-You really believe in that kind of ruling system?"

"Well, obviously." He says with a raised eyebrow. "In the Saiyan society, your power level determines your social status, which in turn determines your entire worth." Princess Celestia lets out a long sigh. 'I never thought I'd meet someone so similar to her.' She thinks.

"You know, it's not really the wisest decision to be stuck in methods, that were obviously unsuccessful." The alien is about to retort, but it looks like his basic instincts got the better of him, since a loud growl comes out of his body. Immediately, a blush appears on his face. The equestrian lets out a small laughter before giving him a suggestion. "How about I treat you to dinner, Lynx?"

The prince crosses his arms. "F-Fine."
After a surprisingly delightful dinner with the ruler of all ponies, the young Saiyan finally has the time and energy to try something that he wanted to try ever since yesterday; swinging from tree to tree. It does take some time to get used to it though, thanks to him still being in the Super Saiyan form. But it's without a doubt, a valuable addition to his routine. 'If I do that every time before bed, then my flexibility will be at the top.'
While he's doing that, Lynx manages to notice Princess Luna's energy signature being near him. Very near him, in fact. "What is she doing in there?" He mutters, as he walks towards his house.

When the prince walks in the building, he finally goes back to base form and lets out a exhausted sigh. Immediately, the warrior hears hoofsteps from behind him. A small grin is drawn on his face. "I guess I'm not the only one who likes making dramatic entrances." He readjusts his gloves. His words manage to get a small chuckle from the princess of the night.

"You previously spoke of what fighting is to you, golden warrior." She closes the distance between them. "Well then..." Luna opens her wings. " us your emotions."