//------------------------------// // Overdue Book // Story: Equestria Ninjas: The Point of No Return // by Jebens1 //------------------------------// Spike sat outside the School of Friendship one morning, reading a Power Ponies comic, when a noise caught his attention. He looked back, "Whoa!" He quickly ducked as Derpy the mailmare flew in and crashed-landed, spilling envelopes everywhere. "Twilight, mail's here!" He called. Twilight came out, along with Leo and Bright Eyes, and they gasped at the sight before them. Derpy had run into one of the lamp posts before she slid to the ground. "What happened here?" Leo asked. Twilight turned to Derpy, "Are you all right?" Derpy got up and rolled up a big box she had been carrying before she crashed, "We just had a really heavy delivery today," she said. "Whoa, that's a big box," Bright Eyes stated. "What's in there?" Spike quickly ran up to it in excitement and guessed out loud, "Is it a deluxe set of special edition Ogres & Oubliettes figurines that I'm totally surprised by and have been hinting that I need forever?" He asked, hugging the box. "Well, it's for Twilight," Derpy answered. "Awww..." Spike sighed in disappointment. "For the record, figurines wouldn't come in a box this big," Bright Eyes noted. "Thank you," Twilight thanked Derpy. "You're welcome!" The grey pegasus replied, flying off. Twilight Sparkle read the box's label, "Huh. It's from Princess Celestia." Spike suddenly belched out a scroll, "So is this," he said, before questioning, "Really? She couldn't have put it into the box?" Leo shrugged, "Whadda gonna do?" Twilight took the scroll and read, "My dearest Twilight, I have been conducting a thorough cleaning of the castle, and I came across a few items of yours in your old room. I thought you might want them back." She paused, "I didn't even know I'd left anything!" She opened the box which was filled with books, scrolls, and other belongings. "Awww, look! Remember this?" She levitated out an old picture frame. "It's the macaroni picture frame Cadance helped me make when I was a filly!" The frame, which was a family picture of herself, her parents, Shining Armor, and Spike, had only a bunch of elbow noodles glued to the frame. One of noodles fell off. "It's... uh... very nice, Twilight," Leo said, trying to be polite. Spike rolled his eyes, "Who could forget a masterpiece like that?" He said in quiet sarcasm, before Twilight roughly pushed the frame into his chest with an annoyed frown. Twilight then levitated out a small figurine of Star Swirl the Bearded, "My G1 Star Swirl figure!" Bright Eyes gasped in delight, "A G1 Star Swirl figure?! Their so rare!" Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement and handed it to her, before levitating a bunch of scrolls. "And some of my favorite school scrolls!" She absent-mindedly dumped them onto Spike. "And here's my extra extra credit report on "The Impediments of Using Magic in Everyday Chores"!" She read it and laughed, "Ha! Still so true!" "Is my Smash Fortune comic in there?" Spike asked, climbing onto the edge of the box. "I've been looking for that for years. Whoa, whoa!" He lost his balance and fell inside. Then he held up a old book, "Hold this." Twilight glanced at the book, "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" She cried in a panic, grabbing it. "Twilight?" Bright Eyes looked at her in surprise. "What's wrong?" Leo asked. "That's just an old library book," Spike noted. "Exactly!" Twilight exclaimed. "It belongs to the Canterlot Library! That means it's..." she opened the book and flipped through the pages until she found the checkout card, which didn't have a return check mark."Overdue!" She finished in dread. "It's not that big a deal, Twilight," Leo assured her. "You don't understand, Leo, I have a perfect library book return record!" Twilight retorted. Bright Eyes cleared her throat, "Well, had a perfect record." Twilight groaned, "I've never turned in a book even a minute late! And this one has been overdue since I left for Ponyville!" She flashed back to that very day. Back when she was just Celestia's student, she had checked it out along with two other books. The librarian, Dusty Pages, stamped each one and spoke, "Make sure you bring this one back on time. We've got a long waiting list of ponies who can't wait to read it." "I promise I won't let you down!" Twilight assured her. "Oh, of course, you won't, dear," Dusty winked. "If there's anypony I can trust to take care of a book, it's you, Twilight Sparkle. After all, you still hold the "Best Book Borrower" title." She motioned to a big framed picture of Twilight on the wall next to her. The purple unicorn had a big smile while holding a book. "Oooh!" Twilight blushed with pride. "I hope I do forever!" But a few days later, after she had read about the history of Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony, she was looking around her tower library. "Sp-ike!" She called. "Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies." She noticed a crumpled present stuck to his tail. "What's that for?" "Well, it was a gift for Moon Dancer, but..." Spike began, taking off the present as the gift fell out. "Oh, Spike, you know we don't have time for that sort of thing," Twilight frowned, tossing some books aside, unknowingly shoving the library book under one of the shelves. "And then Celestia sent me to Ponyville, and I forgot all about this!" Twilight exclaimed. "Dusty Pages prided herself that no books were damaged or lost on her watch, and I failed her! I failed myself!" "Twilight, you just made a mistake," Leo tried to calm her down. "One I have to fix right now!" "I take it we're going to Canterlot?" Spike guessed. Instead of answering, Twilight quickly pack the book into her saddlebag and flew off almost as fast as Rainbow Dash. "That's a yes," Bright Eyes said dryly. Spike groaned, "The sooner, the better, I guess." Leo sighed, "I hope Twilight doesn't stress herself out too much." Soon the four arrived at the Canterlot Library. But as soon as they got there, Twilight gasped before she dove into a nearby bush, dragging Spike, Leo, and Bright Eyes with her. "Twilight, why are we hiding?" Leo asked, a bit annoyed. "Don't you wanna return your book?" Bright Eyes added. "Yes. But what if somepony sees me in there?" Twilight said. "I'm the Princess of Friendship. Everywhere I go, ponies recognize me. I'll stick out like a sore hoof." "Princess Twilight Sparkle in a library? Stop the presses!" Spike joked. "A late book is a big deal, Spike," Twilight stated. "What if Dusty Pages revokes my library card?" She levitated out her card to show them. "Or bans me from ever entering the building again?!" "I'm pretty sure that won't happen," Leo stated. "And don't you already have most of those books in your collection at home?" Spike asked, as he, Leo, and Bright Eyes walked out of the bush. "Yes, but the ones in there have a special Canterlot Library-y smell!" Twilight explained. Bright Eyes stared, "You sniff books?" She raised a brow. "You don't?" Twilight asked. A passing unicorn stopped when she saw Twilight in the bush and backed away, weirded out. "Uh, no!" Bright Eyes said. "I love books but not that much." "I used to live in a library," Twilight went on. "If I'm not a good example of proper book borrowing behavior, then what kind of princess am I?" "One that makes mistakes like everypony else," Spike assured her. "Trust me. Once you return that book, you'll feel way better." "Thanks, Spike," Twilight smiled, walking out of the bush. "Let's go!" But then she screamed and jumped back in as another unicorn passed by. After that, she gave a nervous giggle before the four headed inside the library. As they entered, Twilight began teleporting to different spots in the library. She appeared behind a pillar, at a round table in the center, then under another table where two ponies were reading. Leo spoke to the others, "I'm glad she's keeping her stealth training up to date, but I feel it's unnecessary at this moment." As they approached the checkout desk, he froze as the unicorn mare behind it looked like a certain acapella singer he met. "Belle Harmony?" Belle Harmony's pony counterpart looked up, "Uh, yes? Can I help you?" While that was happening, Twilight had teleported to the desk before she gasped, then levitated a potted plant to hide her face and spoke in a deep voice, "I have a book to return." Belle however recognized her, "Princess Twilight! So good to see you!" Twilight groaned and lowered the plant as Belle continued. "Need some recommendations from the new release section?" She motioned to some books on a cart. Twilight gasped, "Is that the new edition of Mooncurve's Seven Theories on Bending Time? I have been waiting for the release since—" Spike tapped her on the shoulder, reminding her about the task at hoof. "Uh, I mean, uh, no books today! Thanks!" All the ponies in the library gasped at that, as it was very unlike Twilight Sparkle to turn down a book. "But I do need to speak with Dusty Pages about a..." she cleared her throat. "Sensitive matter." "Dusty who?" Belle asked in confusion. Twilight gave a nervous laugh before she inquired, "Dusty Pages? The head librarian? She's worked here forever." She showed Belle a picture of the said librarian. "I'm sorry, princess. I don't know her," Belle shrugged. "Now, was there some other way I can help the library's Best Book Borrower?" She pointed at the framed portrait of Twilight. The portrait had since collected dust and cobwebs which Belle quickly brushed away with a duster, revealing the smiling picture of Twilight. The alicorn gave a nervous chuckle as she was no longer worthy of that title now. Spike flew up next to her, while hidden behind a comic book, "Just ask where to return an overdue book! It's no big deal! It happens all the time!" He said in a hushed tone. "Yeah," Bright Eyes chimed in. "It's happened to me a few times." "Not to me it doesn't!" Twilight hissed back. "Twilight it doesn't matter, you have to return that book, that's why we came here, remember," Leo reminded her. "Fine," Twilight sighed in defeat, before suddenly crying out, "Fine! Oh no! I didn't even think about the late fine! A book out this long will probably cost a thousand bits!" Spike just took out the book and placed it on the desk, "She— I mean, we have an overdue book." "And she's been uh really anxious to return it," Bright Eyes put it lightly. Belle laughed, "Well, that's no problem at all. In fact, it happens all the time." "Told you," Bright Eyes and Spike muttered to Twilight. "I'll just find it in the card catalog," Belle began, levitating out some cards and looking through them. "Uh, number one-eight-nine-oh-five, got it!" Her eyes widened as she read the card. "Oh, wow. Yeesh!" She cringed. "I haven't seen a book this late in... well, ever." She cleared her throat and spoke to Twilight with a serious expression. "You'll need to go and see First Folio in the Grossly Overdue Book Return Office for Ponies Who Should Know Better." "Don't pull any punches with those names, do you?" Twilight stated nervously. "And that office would be...?" Leo asked, dryly. "In the basement," Belle answered, before adding in a whisper, "Because of the shame." This caused Twilight to face-plant on the desk and Leo to face-palm, knowing that none of that was going to help Twilight's worrying. Soon they were all walking down a dim and dank hallway. "Well, this place is very welcoming," Bright Eyes said in slight sarcasm. Spike ran into a cobweb and got his wings stuck. "Whoa!" He struggled a bit until he pulled himself free. "Looks like nopony ever goes down here." "Nopony except undependenable rule-breakers who deserve all the horrors this hallway holds!" Twilight lamented. "And their faithful dragon companions," Spike added. "Not really helping, Spike," Leo stated. But as they reached a door at the end of the hall, he noticed something on it. "Looks like First Folio left a note?" "Abandon Hope, all ye who enter?" Twilight guessed glumly. Spike flew over and read the note, "Out to lunch on Restaurant Row." He shrugged. "Guess we'll have to try back later." He turned to leave when Twilight stopped him. "Oh no. I can't wait another minute to return this book. In the time it took us to get here, I racked up another..." She did a quick calculation before she exclaimed, "Seventeen bits in late fees! We're going to lunch." "Good, cause I'm starving," Spike licked his lips before Twilight, Leo, and Bright Eyes gave him knowing looks. "Oh! You meant to find First Folio." "Duh," Bright Eyes stated and the three ran off. "Can we at least get take out?" Spike asked as he flew after. The group entered a Indian themed restaurant known as The Tasty Treat. "Tell me if you see any librarian-type ponies," Twilight instructed everyone. "Twilight, we tried this at three other restaurants already!" Spike pointed out. "And my late fines are already up another twenty-six more bits!" Twilight rebuked and began looking around while Spike gave a short sob. While they looked around, Leo couldn't help but admire the Indian decore. "This place is pretty neat." "And the food's even better," Bright Eyes told him. "I had lunch with Lancer here once." She gave a slight blush. "Uh, you know! Just between friends." She smiled sheepishly. "Right..." Leo smirked. Bright Eyes quickly changed the subject. "Hey! Did you know that Professors Rarity and Pinkie Pie solved a friendship problem here?" Meanwhile, Spike walked by a table where two ponies sat, one of them called Pretzel spoke to him, "Waiter, we're ready to order." Spike looked to make sure she wasn't talking to anypony else. "Oh, uh, I'm not actually—" he tried to explain but Pretzel cut him off. "Three samosas, two curry specials... Do you think that's enough for the two of us?" She asked, motioning to herself and her friend. "Hm," Spike took out a pencil and notepad. "Well, I would probably order some naan as well. For the table?" "Sounds great," Pretzel smiled. Twilight, Leo, and Bright Eyes watched the scene with a mixed expressions. Bright Eyes thought it was funny that Spike was confused for a waiter, Leo looked puzzeled, while Twilight had a dry look, when she heard somepony call, "Twilight? Is that you?" She turned and saw it was her old friend Moon Dancer. "Moon Dancer! How've you been?" She said as they approached her. "Oh, who are these two?" Moon Dancer motioned to Leo and Bright Eyes. "These are my friends, Leonardo, and Bright Eyes," Twilight introduced. "Hello," Bright Eyes greeted. "Nice to meet, Moon Dancer," Leo shook her hoof. "Likewise," Moon Dancer replied, then she spoke to Twilight. "So what brings you here?" "I'm just visiting," Twilight said, hiding her nervousness. "No real reason. Heh." "Well, it's good to see you! I'm just meeting my friend, First Folio, for lunch," Moon Dancer pointed to a cream colored unicorn with rectangle glasses and a purple mane. "Do you want to join us?" "First Folio?! Yes!" Twilight cheered. "I mean, thank you." "Well that was convenient," Leo whispered to Bright Eyes. "Princess Twilight, good to meet you!" First Folio greeted, as the princess and her friends took a seat. "Did you know your picture is still up in our library as the Best Book Borrower?" "Yeah... I was hoping I could talk to Dusty Pages about that," Twilight said, nervously. "Oh, Dusty Pages left the library moons ago," Moon Dancer stated. "Didn't you know?" "Mm-mm," Twilight shook her head. "That explains why we didn't see her there," Bright Eyes noted before asking, "So why isn't she at the library anymore?" First Folio answered sounding dismal, "Oh, I heard she was forced to leave. It's so sad. She loved the library." "Wait. Forced to leave?" Twilight asked in disbelief. "Yuh-huh, uh-huh, yeah." First Folio nodded. "Why was she forced to leave?" Leo asked. "Well, she had a perfect librarian record," First Folio explained then frowned in disappointment, "Until one careless pony didn't return a book, ruined it all." Leo and Bright Eyes glanced at each other with the same worried expression as they had a pretty good idea who the 'careless pony' was. And so did somepony else. "Are you okay, Twilight?" Moon Dancer asked her friend in concern. Twilight looked anything but okay. Her eyes were wide and she was sweating up a storm. "Uh-huh," she muttered nervously. "Would, uh, you excuse me?" And with that, she raced away from the table. "Uh, we'd better be going too," Leo said. "Nice meeting you," Bright Eyes waved, then she and Leo hurried after the fleeing alicorn. Spike, now wearing a frilly apron, was delivering food to another pony's table, when Twilight sped past him followed by Leo and Bright Eyes, making him spin around for a moment. "That's why you only order spicy if you can take it," he said to the pony, placing her food on the table. Then he threw off the apron and ran after his friends outside. "Twilight, what's wrong?" "Look, Twilight, we know what your thinking...," Leo began, trying to ease her. "But-But let's not jump to conclusions," Bright Eyes chimed in. "Jump to what conclusion?" Spike asked. Twilight turned to her assistant, her face full of guilt, "Dusty Pages isn't working at the library any more because I didn't return this book!" She held out the book. "Spike, I think I got her fired!" "And you jumped to that conclusion," Bright Eyes sighed.