//------------------------------// // 1. Make the Unicorn Comfortable // Story: How to Interrogate a Unicorn // by marmalado //------------------------------// Try playing some gentle harp music and offer the unicorn a snack. Most unicorns enjoy boiled hay with rainbow sprinkles. "In here." "Hmph!" The girl led her culprit into a rather cozy but bland interrogation room. Making sure no one else was around, she closed the door. "Honestly, I do not know why you think I was the one that did it." "Just go over there." The girl pointed across the metal table that sat in the room. As the culprit did as she was told, the girl reached behind her back and pulled out a harp that appeared to be bigger than her. "Darling, just how did you-" "Don't ask questions." The girl cleared her throat and took off the navy-blue jacket she was wearing, draping it over the back of the chair. "Now...allow me to introduce myself." "Finally." "My name is Agent Olive. You have been accused of committing a crime of oddness. Specifically, embedazzling." "Embe...do you mean embezzlement?" "No. Embedazzling." The girl, now known as Olive, cracked her knuckles. "As per Odd Squad's policy on how we handle criminals, I must interrogate you as a suspect." "A suspect? Darling, I assure you, I did not do it!" "A likely story." Olive muttered, just before playing a few strings on the harp. "Tell me your name." "It's, uh...w-well, it's...Rarity." The unicorn was taken aback by this human who could apparently play the harp with ease. "Can...all of you play that?" Olive scoffed. "No, of course not. I just know how to play the harp because I'm talented. Not to brag." "Uh-huh." "You hungry?" The question came so out of the blue that it almost didn't faze Rarity, who was still taken aback by the harp. She blinked a couple times, making sure this wasn't some weird dream she was having or some magic mishap of Twilight's she had somehow stumbled into. "Um...yes, I am, actually. What do you have?" Olive plucked a string out of tune, but continued playing nonetheless. "We have boiled hay with rainbow sprinkles." A pause. "And?" "Uh, well..." Olive got to thinking. "Name your desire, I guess." "Fame and fortune as the best fashionista Equestria has ever seen." This wise crack caused Olive to pluck another string out of tune. Her partner's jokes she could see coming from a mile away, but this unicorn? Having the audacity to air the room with a joke when she was being interrogated as the suspect in a crime? Horse has got some nerves, I can say that much. "I'm kidding. Just a hay sandwich would be fine." "Boiled? With rainbow sprinkles?" "Sure." Olive paused her harp-playing and opened the door just enough for her head to stick out, and she flagged down an agent walking by. "Hey! Can you get a hay sandwich for my suspect? Boiled hay, with rainbow sprinkles." "You got it." The agent nodded and descended to the first floor. Olive was watching him go to the Breakroom with such intensity that she almost didn't notice Rarity standing next to her...that is, until she said, "You have a rather lovely...er..." "First of all, get back inside. You don't leave this room without my say-so, understand?" "I-" "And second of all, yes, we do have a lovely Headquarters. Thank you for noticing." With a dissatisfied look, Rarity slipped back inside, and Olive continued watching the agent as he had Oksana fulfill her order. "Here you are. Sorry it took so long." The agent handed Olive a plate that housed one neat-looking hay sandwich. "Thank you." Olive waved him off before heading back inside and slamming the door. As she laid the plate down on the table without a single spoken word to Rarity, the unicorn eyed the sandwich with a look of disdain. After about a minute, she did what Olive was secretly dreading. "I wanted white bread, darling." "Then why didn't you-" What let loose from Olive was a sound that Rarity honestly didn't think could ever be sounded from any living creature, at least not in Equestria. "Are you okay?" "Give me the stupid sandwich." Olive snatched the plate from in front of Rarity and promptly marched out of the interrogation room. "And stay there! Don't you move!" With that, the door closed, leaving Rarity alone with no one to talk to and hardly anything to look at. Olive stomped down the stairs, muttering something unintelligible under her breath about how unicorns were pesky brats and shouldn't be trusted by any means. Naturally, this caught the attention of the resident emotionless chef, the I've-been-dead-inside-since-I-was-born Oksana. "Hey, partner!" On odd. Of course he would have to come when I'm in the Breakroom. "Oksana, can you please make me a new hay sandwich on white bread? Boiled hay with rainbow sprinkles." "Yeah, yeah, don't think I've forgotten. I'll be right back." With the Food and Beverage Department agent out of the picture, Olive could focus on her next barricade: her partner. A tall, black-haired-and-brown-eyed boy just two years younger than her, he was the complete opposite of her in more ways than one. She had to admit that he was the one person keeping her from going completely and utterly insane when it came to unicorns. "Hiiii, Otto!" She spun around to face him, a grin forming on her face that would fit right at home in an asylum of crazy people. "Are you all right? You don't look so good." "Really? I've gotten a full eight hours of sleep, you know that? I'm normal! Totally normal!" "Then how come your eye's twitching?" Sure enough, a twitch was beginning to develop in Olive's left eye. As obvious as it was, though, she was quick to deny it. "What twitch?" Otto's eyes widened as he realized exactly why his partner was acting the way she was. "Oh odd...you're interrogating a unicorn again, aren't you?" Olive let loose a loud, almost unhinged laugh that certainly wasn't like one of her usual ones. It managed to catch the attention of some nearby agents who eyed her with confusion. "Ms. O told you not to do that again! Not after what happened the last time!" "What happened the last time?" Olive giggled. "Enlighten me." "You went completely sleepless for a week. I saw your house. It was plastered with anti-unicorn propaganda from wall to wall!" Otto rolled his eyes. "Even Ms. O told you to take it down! And the snores...you wouldn't think a snore could echo throughout an entire neighborhood and take down a couple structures, but you learn something new every day!" "Best sleep of my life!" "Tell that to the adults that are rebuilding those sheds and garages." Otto sighed. "Honestly, Olive, it's rare that I'm not the one messing things up this time. Just quit while you're ahead." "Never. I've got a good feeling with this one!" "Here you are. One hay sandwich on white bread. Boiled, rainbow sprinkles." Olive didn't even bother to say thank you to Oksana nor to her partner, instead running back up to the interrogation room where Rarity sat. "I'm concerned for her health." "Aren't we all." Oksana deadpanned, rolling her eyes and heading off towards an unknown location. "Here. Take the sandwich." Olive threw the sandwich down in front of the unicorn. "Ah. Thank you." Using her magic, she levitated the sandwich and took an ever-so-dainty bite. Her eyes widened as she contemplated telling Olive that the rainbow sprinkles didn't really do it for her, but thought better since she didn't want to put her through that again. She was a suspect, after all. Olive continued to play her harp as Rarity ate, neither one of them saying a word. Rarity had to admit that the harp music was rather melodious, if not lullabylike. She herself couldn't play the harp -- that honor belonged to her friend Pinkie Pie -- but she made a mental note to at least try it out when she returned to Equestria. That is, if she returned to Equestria. To be honest, she had no idea how she got here. When Rarity was finished eating, she sighed. "Thank you again for the meal, darling. I really didn't think you treated your suspects with such kindness and generosity!" "We don't." Olive was now somehow playing the harp in tune with her eyes closed. "Unicorns, however, are an exception. We have different rules for different suspects." "And what rules are those?" "I don't think you need to know. Not unless you plan on committing more odd crimes." Olive opened her right eye and looked at Rarity. "Are you?" "C-certainly not!" Rarity gave a sheepish laugh. "Um, anyway...so what's next?" "Now, we can begin with the meat of the investigation." Olive shoved the harp aside and resumed her position across from the unicorn. "Exactly where do you live?" "Oh! Well, I come from a land called Equestria. It's filled with the most wondrous creatures, including my friends, of course." "Your friends?" "Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy." Rarity tilted her head. "I can tell you more about them, if you'd like." "Depends on if they're unicorns." "Well, no. Twilight is an alicorn, though. Would that interest you?" Olive's brow furrowed. An alicorn...oh, like one of the horses that traveled with Ms. O on her Odd Squad Journey Across the Sea or whatever she's calling it now. Wings and horns. She gave a single nod. "All right." Rarity got comfortable in her chair and cleared her throat. "It all started when Twilight used to live in a city known as Canterlot..."