//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 New Crimes (Edited) // Story: Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story // by Flip_The_Table //------------------------------// Apple Bloom sighed contentedly as she glanced down at her math test, revealing a solid 95%. A smile crept across her face as she reveled in her success. However, her curiosity was piqued as she overheard her sister, Applejack, talking to Rarity about something concerning. "I don’t know, I just feel like there's something odd with her," Applejack confided. "I can agree. Sweetie Belle has been acting odd since the accident in Noteworthy’s room," Rarity replied, her voice tinged with concern.  Apple Bloom seized the opportunity to eavesdrop, quickly ducking into her locker across from the pair to listen in on their conversation, while the rest of Applejack’s group joined them, unaware of her presence. "Hey Twi, got anything yet?" Applejack inquired. "No, nothing... I asked Noteworthy about the crash, and all he said was that it was a thing," Twilight replied. "A thing?" Rainbow Dash echoed, a hint of skepticism in her tone. "Yeah, a robot. I didn’t think it was possible," Twilight elaborated. "Well, if it is a robot, it could have some special connection with magic," Sunset suggested, with Twilight nodding in agreement. "Oh girls, you know what this means!?" Pinkie exclaimed in excitement. The three friends exchanged glances before turning back to Pinkie. "A stakeout!" she shouted. "Well, I mean, if we're going to look for this thing, we've got to be careful," Sunset cautioned. "Okay then, what time?" Fluttershy inquired softly. "After school at the arcade!" Rainbow Dash declared, hastily grabbing her book from her backpack and sprinting off to her class as the bell rang. The rest of the group followed suit, dispersing as they headed to their respective classes. Apple Bloom gasped, realizing the urgency of the situation. "Uh oh... I've got to tell the others!" she exclaimed, bolting out of her locker and making her way to Noteworthy's new classroom. "Okay, then, in the next hour, your suit should be done! But I think you should go and rest for a bit; you've been standing for a while," Gearheart advised, dropping some tools and looking at the happy robot. "I love it! I've always wanted to be a hero!" Pathfinder exclaimed excitedly as he walked out, examining his new armor. Gearheart smiled at the robot as she admired her handiwork. Pathfinder clapped his hands together in appreciation as he examined the suit closely. "I think it's finally done! Now we have only one more thing to do," Gearheart announced. "What is it?" Pathfinder inquired. Gearheart pulled out a component of a radio and looked at the happy robot. "We need a police radio to know what and where the crime is happening," she explained. Pathfinder nodded in understanding and clapped his hands again as he sat down to begin the work. After some sparks and tinkering, the radio was soon installed on his chest, right next to his screen. He pressed a button on the side and heard the radio begin to play transmissions from the police station. "Well, I say my work here is done!" Gearheart exclaimed, checking the time on her phone and noting it was 3:30. "I suggest you begin your crime-fighting adventures around 7:00!" She then dialed Scoots' number on her phone. "Hey, honey, how you doing? Oh yeah, he's ready! ... No, you should see him when he gets on TV, just for the surprise ... Ok then, love you too, bye!" After ending the call, Gearheart walked over to the robot. "Hey, why don't you rest? You've got a huge night ahead of you," Gearheart suggested. Pathfinder's screen showed a happy face as he walked into the garage. He pressed a button before leaning down, entering sleep mode. Watching him, Gearheart chuckled softly before leaving the garage, turning off the light and closing the door behind her. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she rushed down the halls when the bell rang. In her haste, she accidentally bumped into her sister Applejack, causing her to drop some of her stuff. "What the- Bloom, you must watch where you're going!" Applejack scolded. "Sorry, sis, I was-" "Going to meet your friends, I know... but it's a good thing you bumped into me. I wanted to tell you that I'm... hanging out with my friends for a bit, so, uh, be careful on your way home, okay?" Applejack said. "Okay, sis, I'll let Mac and Granny know," Apple Bloom said. Applejack patted her shoulder before she began to walk away. Apple Bloom sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. She started to look for the others, thinking to herself, 'She even lied to me!' As she approached the front, she saw the others waiting there. "There you are! Come, I have some good news!" Scoots said excitedly. "Well, I have news too," Apple Bloom replied, her tone serious. "I just got a call from my aunt, and she tells me that Path is ready for action!" Scoots exclaimed. "Oh no," Apple Bloom gasped, her expression turning worried. "What is it?" Sweetie asked, concerned. "Well, AppleJack and her friends are gonna look for Path!" Apple Bloom explained, causing the others to gasp in alarm. They quickly looked around before hurrying out of the school and making their way to the treehouse. "What do we do!?" Scoots exclaimed, her voice tinged with panic. "Call your aunt and tell her to stop what she's doing," Apple Bloom suggested. Scoots immediately grabbed her phone and dialed her aunt's number, but it went straight to voicemail. "She's not picking up!" Scoots shouted in frustration. "Her phone must be dead," Apple Bloom deduced, snapping her fingers in frustration. "We've got to do something!" Sweetie Belle chimed in as they entered the treehouse. "What can we do!? Stop my magical sister to keep our robot secret friend safe?" Apple Bloom deadpanned. Scootaloo paced back and forth, contemplating their options, before finally speaking up. "Well, Aunt Gearheart says he'll begin around 7:00 and should arrive around 9:00, so how about we see what happens?" Scootaloo suggested. "No, we can't, 'cause if my sister and her friends find him, he'll be destroyed... or even worse, men in black suits!" Apple Bloom said, her mind conjuring up images of the happy robot being broken and replicated thousands of times. "We've got to save him... I've got an idea..." Pathfinder soared through the city, his metallic form glistening in the moonlight as he swung effortlessly from one building to the next. His circuits hummed with anticipation as he monitored the police radio for signs of trouble. Finally, a call crackled through the static—a report of a fleeing suspect in the east side. With mechanical precision, Pathfinder leaped into action. His grapple hook extended, latching onto a nearby structure, and with a powerful swing, he propelled himself toward the source of the disturbance. As he traversed the urban landscape, his artificial mind buzzed with the thrill of the chase, fueled by the desire to fulfill his newfound role as a guardian of the city. As Twilight laid out the map, Rainbow Dash leaned in, her eyes scanning the cityscape depicted on the table. "Alright, so we need to divide the city into sectors and cover each one systematically," she suggested, pointing to various areas on the map. Applejack nodded in agreement. "Yep, we need to make sure we don't miss a spot. Can't let anything slip through the cracks." Meanwhile, the emergency warning blared from the radio in the background, but the group remained focused on their task at hand, unaware of the significance of the message. They were determined to find and confirm the existence of the mysterious robot, no matter what distractions arose. As Applejack listened closely to the radio, her attention was caught by the urgent report of a car chase involving robbers who had just raided a jewelry store. But what really piqued her interest was the mention of something on top of the car causing it to come to a halt. "Wait, did y'all hear that?" Applejack said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "There's some kind of... thing on top of the car. That's gotta be our robot!" Quickly, she motioned for the others to listen in, wanting to ensure they didn't miss any crucial details about Pathfinder's unexpected intervention in the ongoing chase. Pathfinder stood atop the speeding car, his presence a beacon of justice amidst the chaos of the chase. With a determined wave at the hovering helicopter above, he swiftly leaped into action. With a powerful punch, he shattered the car's roof, yanking the startled driver out and tossing him aside. As the car careened toward disaster, Pathfinder acted decisively. Bracing himself, he planted his feet firmly into the pavement, channeling his incredible strength. With a mighty effort, he brought the runaway vehicle to a halt, preventing further damage and danger. His heroic feat didn't go unnoticed. The bystanders and even the police officers looked on in awe and gratitude as Pathfinder emerged as a savior in the heart of the crisis. The crowd erupted into cheers, their gratitude palpable as they hailed Pathfinder as their hero. With a beaming smile on his screen, Pathfinder basked in their admiration. "Hello, everyone! I am your hero!" he proclaimed proudly, though met initially with silence. Undeterred, he extended his hand, offering a high-five. The response was immediate and enthusiastic, the people cheering and clapping in appreciation. As the police arrived to apprehend the criminals, Pathfinder bid farewell to the crowd. With a confident swing, he disappeared into the night, leaving behind a sense of safety and hope. "Have no fear, I am here to keep you safe!" his voice echoed, a promise of protection ringing out into the darkness.