My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Amending Fences

*Twilight's POV*

A sudden "Sit Girl!" command had caused me to be belly down on the ground since I was spazzing out.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, chill out!"

“Sorry, it’s just *Deep Breath!* I can’t believe that Megaman was your brother this whole time!” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "Ben freaked out too..."

*Three hours ago*

Danyelle spoke "Ben, there's something I never told you about Megaman..."

Ben asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Well... He's my supposedly dead brother..."

Ben freaks out and fainted.

Megaman spoke "That could have gone better."

*end flashback*

Danyelle spoke "That's pretty much how it happened."

Roll asks "But don't you have something to do up in Canterlot today?"

“*Gasp!* Oh no! My friends from my days in Celestia’s Magic School for Gifted Unicorns!” I realized.

Danyelle spoke "One of them's here in Ponyville though, I think her name's Lyra."

“Oh! Then I guess that’s one down.” I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "That still leaves four left."

Akari was on my back since she was a curious filly.

“Well, I guess it’s fair that you meet my fillyhood friends, Akari.” I noted.

Akari giggles "Yay."

Danyelle spoke "Plus I do need to check in with the Canterlot branch of the Mobian Guard."

“Okay.” I responded with a smile.

After picking Lyra up, Danyelle and I head to Canterlot.

*In Canterlot*

Lyra spoke "It's been a while since I was here."

“I don’t doubt it.” I agreed before a portal appeared, revealing Rhijoustle and the other Lyra exiting it.

Lyra spoke "Woah."

Akari was a bit confused.

Other Lyra spoke "Oops."

Rhijoustle spoke "*Blush* This is a bit embarrassing."

Lyra spoke "Not in front of Twilight's daughter..."

I spoke "I wonder where Minuette's house is."

But then I saw a strange giant zipper on the wall.

Akari was growling.

Lyra asks "What is that?"

But then the zipper unzipped itself, and out of it came an earth pony stallion with a strange mane and outfit.

The stranger asks "So this is Canterlot I had heard about?"

I ask "Who the hay are you?"

The stranger spoke "A scusi. My name is Seal Hoof(Bruno Bucciarati). Please, pardon my sudden arrival signora."

I ask "Is something the problem?"

Seal Hoof spoke "No. It’s just that I seem to be lost."

I spoke "You could try talking to Danyelle, she's been to more places than I have."

Seal Hoof asks "Danyelle? Why does that name sound familiar?"

I spoke "Many of the ponies know her as Alpha-Queen Danyelle since she leads a small hive of Changelings and a small pack of Diamond Dogs."

Seal Hoof asks "No, it’s not that. Why do I feel like I know her?"

I spoke "Maybe it could be because of her friendship with the Babylon Rogues..."

Seal Hoof spoke "Ugh… Maybe I should meet up with her. But fortunately, I have a shortcut."

Seal Hoof then grabbed some kind of necklace on him, before transforming into a gryphon version of himself.

Jet was on his extreme gear when he saw the dark blue gryphon.

Jet spoke "Hey Bruno! I haven't seen you in months!"

Bruno asks "Wait, Jet? How are you here?"

Jet spoke "Life on Mobius got a bit dull since I've been all over the world. So Wave, Storm and I decided to explore this world."

But then "Bruno" gasped. "Wait! Where's Giorno and the others?!"

Jet spoke "I don't know.... But Wave was worried sick about you."

A warp ring opens up before a teary eyed Wave tackles Bruno.

Wave spoke "I was worried about you...."

Bruno hugged Wave as he let out silent tears. "Wave, amore mio... I cannot express how happy I am to know that you're still alive."

A 2 year old Mobian swallow-stork hybrid was on Wave's back.

Wave spoke "Bruno you idiot..."

Bruno asks "Please Wave, forgive me for leaving you and our child like that. But have you heard anything from Mista or Fugo? About Passione?"

Nova chirps.

Wave spoke "I'm afraid not, Nova's safety came first though..."

Bruno spoke "I see and I'm happy that you're both still alive. I just hope that Giorno took him down."

I spoke "If that jerk comes here, I'll rip him to shreds."

Lyra spoke "Twilight's also known as the Nine Tailed Terror due to the nine tailed beast that resides in her."

Other Lyra spoke "Wow! You have a lot of zippers on your suit."

Rhijoustle asks "Is there some reason for that?"

But then some kind of strange heartless appeared.

A yowl was heard before Zoey flew in to fight the heartless.

Wielding her keyblades, Zoey spoke "Get back you vile monsters!"

Bruno spoke "No. I will deal with this."

Zoey hisses "I'm the one with a keyblade or two, I know what to do!"

A sudden fire blast hits a heartless, incinerating it.

Danyelle spoke "Dang it Bruno, now isn't the time to argue with the leader of the Tokyo Five!"

But then another heartless appeared.

Bruno spoke "It seems that I will have to tell the truth after this."

"Huh?" I asked, before seeing a blue aura glow on Bruno, followed by a strange silhouette appearing beside him.

Bruno spoke "Zipper Man!"

A giant zipper appeared and opened up as a humanoid being jumped out and revealed himself.

Bruno spoke "I will protect my familia!"

Then the humanoid creature started delivering a flurry of punches at the heartless, landing every single blow.

the strange creature spoke "Ariariariariariariariariariariariariariari! Ari!!!"

Then it delivered the final blow, before the heartless was split into pieces with disconnected zippers on them.

Bruno spoke "Arrivederci."

Then the heartless disappeared in defeat as the strange spirit faded into Bruno.

I was growling since more heartless had appeared.

Danyelle spoke "Oh great! More of them!!!"

But then I heard airplane engines, before seeing a small aeroplane appear and start shooting relentlessly at the heartless, obliterating them.

Bruno spoke "Wait, that's...! But that means..."

The colt spoke "Bucciarati! I didn't know you were here too! That's awesome!"

We turned around and saw a young teenage Pegasus colt, about as old as Pibby or one of the Crusaders.

A tan Pegasus stallion with a spiky brown mane flew into battle while wielding a keyblade.

Bruno spoke "Narancia!"

A stallion spoke "To think that we would be back from the dead, Bucciarati."

And then we saw a unicorn stallion with purple lips.

Bruno spoke "Abbacchio!"

Abbacchio spoke "Well, might as well help. Moody Jazz!"

And then another humanoid figure appeared, looking a bit more mechanical and sounded a bit like a click then static.

Narancia spoke "Don't worry, I'll help blow those creeps away with Lil' Bomber!"

Then the plane from before flew down and started hovering by Narancia.

A blast of magic struck down every single heartless.

An angry Moondancer asks "Can somepony explain why my studying was rudely interrupted?"

The newcomers and I could see that Moondancer was upset.

“Moondancer?” I asked.

Moondancer glares at me in anger.

Narancia spoke "Oh boy. Time to land, Lil’ Bomber."

Narancia straightened his wings as the plane landed on the edge of his right wing before disappearing.

Danyelle asks "Can somepony explain what is going on before Twilight loses her temper and snaps?"

Bruno spoke "Listen. I know there’s a lot to explain, but calm down."

Danyelle pulls Moondancer aside to talk to her one on one.

I spoke "Some "Princess of Friendship" I turned out to be since I had ignored Moondancer when she was having a party back before Nightmare Moon escaped...."

Bruno spoke "I don’t know what happened in the past, but I can tell that you changed and became a better mare."

A deer Mobian spoke "Indeed, you have a good soul. And I can’t say how glad I, Mista, Fugo and Trish are to see that our friends somehow returned from the dead."

I turned around to see four strange Mobians.

Wave spoke "I heard from Rainbow that Danyelle helped her mend her friendship with a gryphon."

I spoke "Danyelle would have made a better Princess of Friendship than I am. She's able to do things that I can't."

Bruno asks "Giorno, I’m glad you’re alive. I’m guessing the boss was eliminated?"

Giorno asks "Technically, yes. But his end is without end, never knowing the truth of his own death. But Signora Sparkle, you helped unite the elements of harmony and defended Equestria, no? You also learned many lessons of friendship and helped become friends with others, correct?"

I spoke "That's correct but I wasn't able to help Rainbow reconnect with Gilda though, that was Danyelle's doing. As for Bright Mac and Pear Butter, it was the Babylon Rogues that brought them back plus Danyelle brought Grand Pear in from Vanhoover to help the elderly stallion reconnect with his daughter. Not to mention, Danyelle helped the Diamond Dog sisters reconnect with each other."

Giorno spoke "That may be so, but you always tried to help your friends and familia when they’re in trouble, and you always attempted to help creatures get along with one another. That alone proves that you’re worthy of the Princess of Friendship title."

I spoke "True but under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have made friends with Changelings or Diamond Dogs this early on. Nor would I have adopted Silverstorm. Or even had Akari."

Zoey spoke "Things may come and go but friendship carries on through the ages."

I spoke "You're right Zoey, friendship isn't easy but it's something worth fighting for."

Giorno spoke "Bravissimo, Twilight. I’m glad you understand."

I spoke "I'm lucky to have a friend that understands friendship more than I do, Danyelle once had a friend but she lost all contact with that person years ago. That fact alone was how Danyelle was able to save the friendship between Rainbow and Gilda back then."

But then an okapi/sardian goat hybrid was revealed hanging onto Mista’s back.

Nova chirps.

Akari asks "New friend?"

I spoke "Guys, meet my daughter, Akari."

Danyelle spoke "Moondancer, I know losing a friend isn't easy especially when that friend has newer friends but just because your old friend has newer friends doesn't mean that they don't consider you a friend anymore. Friends may drift apart but you shouldn’t take your anger out on somepony else. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it. I told Gilda this back then which helped her mend her friendship with Rainbow and I know you can mend your friendship with Twilight."

The things that Danyelle was saying soon got to Moondancer as she starts to break down into tears.

Danyelle gives Moondancer a hug.

Moondancer spoke "You're right, I've been blinded by my own anger that I forgot what friendship really is."

Moondancer trotted over to where I was.

I spoke "Moondancer, I'm sorry for turning my back on you back then. I was too occupied with stopping eternal night that I didn't realize that I had ignored your party..."

Moondancer spoke "I got some sense knocked into me, your two-tailed friend helped me realize that."

Thanks to Danyelle, I was able to forgive myself for ignoring Moondancer back then.
