My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Princesses Spike and Wendy

*Spike's POV*

Princess Luna spoke "Welcome to the Grand Equestria Pony Summit!"

Princess Celestia spoke "You delegates have traveled far and wide to represent your cities as we seek to celebrate and learn from all the unique places that make up our wonderful land of Equestria. At tonight's welcome reception, Princess Cadence will dedicate this beautiful friendship statue made up of gemstones from each of your home cities."

Wendy had tackle hugged me.

“Really, Wendy?” I asked with a smirk.

Wendy spoke "I missed you!"

A tired Twilight yawns.

“Twilight?” I noticed.

“She’s been pushing herself way too far.” Wendy answered the question I was gonna ask.

Danyelle spoke "She's been up for the past three days planning this summit."

Katherina soon arrives thanks to a warp ring that Danyelle had given her.

Katherina spoke "Hello there."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Katherina."

Rainbow Dash then showed up. “Wow! So you the Element of Loyalty of the Diamond Dogs? That’s so awesome!”

Danyelle pulls Rainbow's tail with magic.

Danyelle whispers into Rainbow's ear. "Just remember, do not call her Kat... It's sort of a berserk button for her... Much like how Skittles is your berserk button..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah, I had that feeling in the feathers of my wings."

Wendy spoke "Oh hey Rainbow."

Rainbow spoke "Hey, Wendy."

Wendy spoke "I'm surprised you decided to come to the summit, it's gonna be rather boring though... And I know you don't like being bored...."

Toriel was talking with Luna.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Hey, when I heard that the Diamond Dog Element of Loyalty was coming, I couldn’t miss it."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough, it's enough that I have to represent the Changelings as well since Chrysalis is a pain in the tail."

Sumarda showed up with Cronile.

Sumarda asks "Hey, guys! How’s it going?"

Danyelle spoke "You two better behave for the next three days...."

Cadence was heard shouting at Chrysalis.

Danyelle asks "Cadence, what is going on here?"

Danyelle grabs Chryssie by the horn and drags the Changeling queen away from the summit.

Danyelle growls "Why are you here Bug Bitch? You better have a good explanation as to why though... Or I snap your horn off."

Chryssie asks "Who are you?"

Danyelle growls "Have you forgotten the royal wedding?"

Chryssie asks "Of course I haven’t! But how do you know?"

Danyelle growls "I'm the reason why Raptoris and Michelle left your hive!"

But then a fiery centipede wrapped itself around Danyelle.

The Centiskorch spoke "You’re lying!"

A blast of magic hits the Centiskorch, knocking it off Danyelle.

Iris hisses "SHE'S NOT LYING!!!"

Chryssie spoke "Iris?! But you’re… I can’t believe that you’ve been alive all this time."

Iris hisses at Chryssie.

Danyelle growls "She doesn't recognize you... Wait, you're not the Chrysalis I know...."

Chryssie growls "At least that meddlesome Inteleon isn’t here. And Skorchipo’s the only one I can trust."

Danyelle snarls "Leave Chameleo out of this!"

Chryssie spoke "I get it now, we’re in a different Equestria, which means that those damn insects didn’t attack the hive."

Danyelle asks "What insects?"

Iris was shaking in fear after hearing what had happened to her other self's hive.

Chryssie spoke "I’ll never forget that queen bee’s face, she skewered my daughter without even batting an eye, saying that she deserved it for not being beautiful."

Danyelle's tails were thrashing in anger.

Danyelle growls "If she shows her face around Ponyville, I'll rip her apart...."

Chryssie scoffs "Tch! I don’t need your sympathy. Even though I’m glad that my "daughter" is alive, I don’t owe you anything."

But then a portal appeared, before Chryssie is entered it. Skorchipo was gonna follow her, but…

Iris spoke "Wait!"

That stopped Skorchipo for a second.

Danyelle spoke "I know what it's like to lose a child, I lost one of my children since it was stillborn."

Iris spoke "And I’m glad that my birth mom is actually trusting someone, maybe there’s a chance."

Skorchipo listened to what Danyelle and Iris were saying, before entering the portal as it disappeared.

Danyelle spoke "There's a chance that she might reform... Too bad I can't say the same about this world's Chrysalis..."

Other Iris spoke "I’m glad I managed to bind myself to my counterpart."

Danyelle spoke "No wonder that Chrysalis mistook my Iris for you."

Iris asks "Wait, who said that?"

But then a ghostly version of Iris came out of Iris’ body.

Spiris spoke "I said that, but that would also be you, living me. I’m Chameleo’s Iris, and I can help give you the ability of some of the insects and their allies. And I have heard of a pink star warrior."

Danyelle asks "Kirby right?"

Spiris spoke "Yes. And when you become a spirit, you can see a lot of places and do plenty of things."

Danyelle spoke "Interesting, but I'm just a nekomata-gryphicorn. I don't know how I can help."

Spiris asks "You fight alongside Megaman.EXE, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes plus I also have fire powers too."

Spiris spoke "Well, like all MegaMen, Megaman.EXE can copy the weapon data from another NetNavi."

Roll's voice was heard from Danyelle's 2DS.

Roll spoke "But unlike the other versions, my Mega can use cross fusion and double soul."

Spiris spoke "Yeah, I saw that, and that is like Mega Man ZX."

Danyelle spoke "I see."

Spiris asks "Shouldn’t we get back to Canterlot Castle?"

Danyelle spoke "We're still in the castle though..."

So the two head back to where the others were.

Danyelle asks "Did a water pipe explode or something?"

Me and Wendy were panting for breath, unable to explain what happened in the castle.

Katherina was shaking the water off her fur.

Katherina groans "Basically, some dragon let the power of royalty go to his head..."

Wendy wingslaps me upside the back of the head.

“I’m really sorry.” I deeply apologized.

Danyelle spoke "Mistakes happen, oh hi Twilight."

Twilight spoke "Aah… I definitely needed that rest."

Wendy asks "Twilight, could me and Spike rest in your room?"

Twilight spoke "As long as you and Spike don't take it too far, I'd rather not have Celestia on my tail if you got pregnant too soon. One teen mom is enough."

But then I felt strange after seeing something that looked like a bubble of silence forming around Twilight’s room.

Wendy groans "Ugh… I’m starting to feel strange, I think I’m gonna rest when me and Spike get there."

Twilight glares at Sumarda.

Sumarda spoke "Hey, I only took safety precautions. I don’t even know who brought those drinks for those two dragons here."

Toriel spoke "Don't look at me, I didn't bring those drinks..."

Cynder spoke "Wasn't me."

Unknown to any of us, a certain Dragalge smirked with satisfaction. “It seems that my experiment will be quite successful. But since it was added with Changeling emotions, I don’t think this should be used.” Then Dragalchimaru disappeared into a portal back to his hideout in Chameleo’s universe.

Danyelle opens a warp ring before grabbing Chameleo by the tail and pulling him out.

Danyelle spoke "Chameleo, we got a problem..."

Chameleo spoke "You could’ve just called me. But tell me the problem."

Wendy whimpers while her tail was tucked between her hind legs.

Danyelle spoke "That explains everything...."

Me and Wendy tiredly went into Twilight’s room, before it started feeling warmer.

Chameleo spoke "Oh no. Please tell me someone put a protective pill in the lust potion that Wendy drank."

Sumarda spoke "I did."

Chameleo sighs in relief "Phew! Good, because there wasn’t an antidote, and it’s too soon."

Cynder spoke "lust is a dangerous thing.... Be it for power or love...."

Spyro spoke "I don’t doubt it. Me and Cynder had to fight Malefor."

Danyelle was shaking in fear.

Danyelle asks "But would he dare attack you guys again?"

Celestia took Wendy back to her room.

Danyelle held onto my tail with magic.

Danyelle asks "How long do the effects last?"

Chameleo spoke "Until they fall asleep or midnight but..."

Suddenly, me and Wendy found ourselves back in Twilight's room as I looked around, definitely seeing a bubble of silence around us, before everything started becoming covered in a pink haze.

Chameleo spoke "It's impossible to keep them separate and... *Tries to open door, but failed, then tries to teleport into room, but no-go* nobody can go into the same bedroom they're in until the effects wear off. And thanks Arceus that Sumarda put that birth control pill into Wendy's drink when that dragoness did."

Twilight groans "This has Dragalchimaru's work written all over it... He wants us to start fighting...."

Chameleo spoke "I don’t know, this looks like the first time this is happening."

Cynder spoke "I'd rather not be a grandma too soon."

Sumarda spoke "The good thing is that won’t be happening."

Twilight spoke "Give it another six years... Legal age is 18 in most places.'"

Chameleo spoke "Yeah."

*Some time later*

A drowsy Wendy yawns "Hey Spike..."

I yawned too, feeling exhausted. "Hey Wendy... What happened?"

Shaking the sleep off, Wendy spoke "It's all fuzzy..."

“Yeah… I can’t remember either.” I agreed as I looked around, not seeing anything wrong, but smelled something strange.

Wendy groans "My throat feels dry..."

“That’s weird, and I’m seeing nothing wrong here, but something smells off.” I responded.

Wendy spoke "We should call Danyelle in, her nose is more keener than any pony we know."

“But why do I get the feeling what she’ll tell us will freak us out?” I asked in concern.

A click was heard since Danyelle had used her magic to unlock the door.

Danyelle spoke "Hey kids."

Wendy asks "Hey Danyelle, what happened?"

Danyelle spoke "You're not gonna like this but you both accidentally drank a lust potion.... But Sumarda was able to counter it with a birth control pill so an accidental pregnancy wouldn't happen."

Needless to say, Wendy and I were… beyond shocked.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry for scaring you like this though."

"N-No. That's okay, it explains why we've been feeling so weird, tired, and the strange smell from before." I noticed.

Danyelle's nose soon picks up on the scent.

Wendy spoke "uh oh... She's drunk on the smell..."

Danyelle spoke "Grk… Better get outta here before I…"

Ben shows up via warp ring.

Ben spoke "You kids better head back to Twilight, I'll deal with the crazy cat."

“No need to tell us twice!” I responded as me and Wendy went through the warp ring.

Danyelle pounces on Ben before nibbling on his ears.

*Some time later,*

Danyelle was soon sleeping while curled up beside Ben.

“We just got back here and they’re already down and out.” I noticed.

Wendy started sneezing.

Wendy spoke "Oh no.... dragon-sneeze trees...."

Soon enough, Cynder and Spyro were sneezing like crazy since they had the same issue as Wendy and I.

Chameleo spoke "This can’t be good."

Iris spoke "Dragon-sneeze trees..."

Chameleo asks "I’m glad that Raptor isn’t here. But what’re we gonna do?"

Rainbow asks "Celestia, should I burn down the dragon-sneeze trees?"

Celestia spoke "If it’s the only way to help, it’s okay."

*After Rainbow burned down the dragon-sneeze trees,*

Wendy sighs with relief.

Cynder spoke "I hate those kinds of trees...."

I spoke "I didn’t even know those existed."

Then two Koopalings showed up, but they looked new.

Iris was hiding behind Danyelle.

Chameleo asks "They’re in this universe too?"

Danyelle growls "I don't know them."
