Matter of life or death

by Flutterprincess

A fatal disease

It was an ordinary day in Ponyville, the Mane 6 were in Sugar Cube Corner, having a good time with some cupcakes that Pinkie Pie have made.

"Thank you for invited us Pinkie." Twilight said. "Do you mind if I take another cupcake ? They're so good"

"Of course you can, I made them for all of you" Pinkie responded.

"Me too !" Rainbow Dash said. All of them were laughing and eating cupcakes. All except one, she was in a corner of the room. She was thinking sadly.

"Darling, come with us, Pinkie was about to tell us her cupcake recipe" Rarity said as she approached Fluttershy.

"Yeah, Ah'm sure that Pinkie have a recipe of vegetarian cupcakes for your animals" Applejack said eating her third cupcake.

Tears formed in Fluttershy's eyes as she tried to answer them. "Yes, of course, I-I'm coming" She tried to wipe away her tears with her hoof.

"First, you can choose every vegetable that you want. For Angel, I'm sure that he loves-" Pinkie stopped. She saw Fluttershy sobbing in front of her. "Why are you crying ? You know that it makes me cry too." Pinkie said. She hugged Fluttershy, maybe too much.

"That's o-okay Pinkie. D-don't worry for me all of you." Fluttershy responded. "It's really not a big deal" She said thinking of how she was supposed to say them the news.

"Of course we're worried, we care about you" Twilight said.

Fluttershy was really worried too. But not for the same reason. She was worried about the reaction of her friends. "O-okay, I'm just a little bit sick, that's all." Fluttershy lied. She didn't like lie to her friends at all but, she was forced to do it.

"So why were you crying earlier 'Shy ?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy was thinking about a new lie when Applejack spoke."Don't trah to lie to us Flutters" Fluttershy realized that she was lying to the element of Honesty. Of course that she couldn't lie to her.

"I-I'm okay really-"

Then, she felt like everything was revolving around her and before she knew it, she was passing out. She could only hear some voice who said "Fluttershy !" or "She's still breathing" then, "Take her to the emergency !" and some cries. Then all was black.

She woke up in a hospital, surrounded by her pony friends and Spike.

"Fluttershy, you woke up, don't ever scare us like that again !" Twilight said. She seemed relieved

"W-where am I ?" Fluttershy asked. Then, she realized that she was in a hospital.

"You're in Ponyville's hospital, darling" Rarity responded. Fluttershy tried to getting out of bed but Rainbow stopped her.

"Wow wow wow, where are you going ? The doctors said that you will get out of here in a week after they made some medical test on you." Rainbow said, trying to keep her in bed.

Fluttershy was hyperventilating. "W-WHAT ? No, this is i-impossible ! I-I must get out of here before-" Tears were forming one her eyes again.

Applejack tried to calm her, "Hey Sugarcube, it's really nothin'. It'll be very fast, y'all see."

Then, a stallion with a yellow coat and a brown mane came in the room with some papers. "Miss Fluttershy, we found out that you came here a month ago for the same reason. You remember that we told you that you must stay away from ponies and your animals as much as possible. If you don't, I'm sorry to inform you that your life expectancy which was 1 year could drop to only 3 months. The smallest bacteria could kill you " The doctor said.

"And I told you that if I can't stay with my friends, ponies or animals, my life will become useless !" She shouted, with angred in her eyes, something unusual for her. Her friends remained speechless.

Fluttershy, who saw them in this state was sobbing even more than before. "I-I'm so sorry that I don't t-told you before b-but I was so afraid about your r-reaction" She said. "That's why I wanted to get out of here before the doctors could came here."

They were all crying and then, they hugged all Fluttershy tightly."Please don't cry for me, that's what I wanted to avoid" Fluttershy said, it was one of the worst day of her life.

Two months later, the six friends still came pay regular visits in Fluttershy's cottage. All of them were so worried about Fluttershy's health that they spent most of the time with her. Fluttershy laid in her bed, more sick than before. She was surrounded by all of her friends. They helped her for carrying of animals, gave her food, and tried to cheer her up.

One day Angel came on her bed, trying to speak to her. "W-What do you-" Fluttershy coughed. "-need Angel?" She said, about to get out of her bed.

"No Darling, You must stay in bed!" Rarity said.

"B-but-" Fluttershy said before being interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"There’s no but Shy’ ! How many times must we tell you: stay in your bed. Just, look at you're state !"

"What's the point to live if I can't really live!" Fluttershy yelled. "You're all trying to stop me to do the things that I live for !" She said, tears were forming in her eyes.

Some hours after that, Twilight came in the cottage with some good news. "GIRLS, GIRLS !" She screamed. She was running into the cottage, narrowly avoiding Fluttershy's bunny who tried by himself to take some food in the fridge. "I've found it ! Oh Fluttershy, I'm so glad that I've found it !" She said breathlessly. She was holding a book in her hoof.

"What have you found Twilight ?" Pinkie asked. "Because we've tried all to cheer her up and it didn't work."

Twilight ignored Pinkie, she went into Fluttershy's bedroom. She was really pale and some minutes after that she yelled at Rainbow Dash, she fell asleep.

"Can we talk downstairs? The poor darling is exhausted" Rarity asked.

Then, they left Fluttershy's bedroom to go downstairs. "So, what did you find Twi'?" Applejack asked to her friend. "I don't want to show it to Flutter's but Ah'm losing hope." The cowgirl said as she removed her hat.

"Don't worry Applejack, I think that I found something that can help her" Twilight responded " I've found something in a book from Starswirl the bearded who can heal any disease, but we can only use it once."
Then, she showed them the book. But then, Twilight, who seconds ago was the happiest mare seemed worried.

"That's awesome Twi', but why aren't you as happy as us ?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm happy, of course but-" the purple mare took her breath."I'm afraid that I can't cast it on Fluttershy, this requires a lot of magic and I'm afraid that I don't have that much." She said sadly.

"But the princesses have a lot of magic, they can help us with Fluttershy, and if they help us then-" Pinkie said before AppleJack put a hoof on her mouth.

"Pinkie, stop, y'all wake up Fluttershy. For know, she need to rest." She said, while Pinkie was still trying to speak.

"The problem is that the princesses are visiting the dragons for... royal things I guess, and Spike is with them so we can't tell them about that. I think they don't even know about Fluttershy disease. I was thinking about call Cadence but she must take care about the Crystal Empire. Plus I don't think that she have enough magic either." Twilight finally said.

All of the five friends tried to find an idea, and Rainbow spoke up. "If they can't come to us, we'll come to them." All of the ponies in the room were shocked.

Rarity was the first to speak "Rainbow, do you really know the time that it takes to go to find them, it's really far from here, imagine if it's to late for-" She was about to continue when she was interrupt by some coughs from Fluttershy's bedroom.

"I'll go check on Fluttershy" Twilight said, she was more and more worried about her friend’s state.

"If we don't go, you know what could happen to her, so I'll go if you agree or not !" Rainbow responded.

"If you think so, then we must try, for Fluttershy." Rarity said.

But suddenly, they heard Fluttershy scream some word like: "P-please !", "help m-me!", "G-girls !" The four mares rushed in her bedroom, to find a Fluttershy trembling and suffering.

"What happened Twi'? " AppleJack asked, worried about her friend.

"She's having a very bad fever, we really need to find the princesses quickly, I don't want her to-" She stopped a moment. "Anyway, somepony must stay with her, is there any volunteers ?" Twilight asked.

"Pick me, pick me ! I want to stay with Fluttershy, please, please, please" Pinkie said, her voice less joyful that usual.

"Me too, I want to stay with her, that's alright with you dear ?" Rarity asked.

Twilight nodded and turned to Rainbow and AppleJack. "So, we'll go as quick as possible, an hour will be enough for you to prepare yourself ?" She asked.

"You bet we'll be ready, right AJ ?" Rainbow said, turning to the cowgirl.

"Yeah, Ah just need to tell mah family that ah'll go."

Twilight looked at Fluttershy a last time before leaving her house. "We'll find the princesses and everything will be alright, I promise you."