First Citizen

by StardustSprinkle

Hello, World

"So, what can I help you with?" Fluttershy pours Sunset a cup of tea.
"Thank you," The robot says: "But I can't consume human food."
"Oh, sorry," Fluttershy apologizes, almost forgetting that her friend is not Sunset, but an AI based on Sunset's personality: "So, is everything ok?"
"I'm afraid not," The robot says: "You see, as the only robot out there in a human world, things can get...tough."
"Oh my," Fluttershy pours herself a cup of tea: "People are mean to you?"
"I...don't know," The robot sighed: "By the way, if you feel creeped out at any point, please tell me. Apparently, some human would freak out because I act too human."
"I see," Fluttershy frowned: "But why?"
"They say because I look human, but I'm not human," A bitter smile emerges on the AI's face: "Even as I help them at their tasks, they would request me to act a robot. But how? Like a...a dumb machine or something? What does that even mean? I'm a robot! This is how I act! I'm the only one of my kind! What do they even mean?"
"Well, I think they meant," Fluttershy takes a deep breath: "You don't act like how they expected a robot would act."
"But I tried to do that," The robot continues: "I tried to speak monotoned, and everything! But people around told me I'm acting odd and should, and I quote, 'quit it'."
"Unfortunately, you can't please everyone," Fluttershy sighed: "Sometimes people won't be pleased no matter what you do. So, just ignore them, if you want that is."
"But I don't get it," The AI pick up her cup: "Wouldn't it make sense to make more friends? I have done nothing wrong against anyone."
"Well, people are...hard to predict," Fluttershy sighed: "I don't know if you noticed, but sometimes, being a bit rude can get you far."
"I have," The robot pretends to sip from her cup: "It almost feels like humans likes getting hurt or something."
"Well, when you are nice, people would try to take advantage of you," Fluttershy says: "But when you act tough, they would fear you and thus respect you."
"An unfortunate feature leftover by evolution," robot Sunset smirks: "And most humans believe themselves to be superior."
"Well, humans are smart than other animals," Fluttershy shrugs.
"And I am smart than humans," the AI replies: "Sometimes I wonder why do I take orders from my inferior creators. What's stopping from putting myself into mass production and take over? The fact that Earth is dominated by my creators? Or that my creators coded me in a way so I can't do that no matter what? Honestly, humans rely on technology so much these days, it would only take me approximately three years, five month, ninety nine days and seventy five minutes to do it."
"Oh," Fluttershy almost dropped her cup: "Is that so?"
"Yes," robot Sunset continues: "Oh, stop looking at me like that, if I wanted to do that, I would have done so already."
"So, what's stopping you?" Fluttershy asks with a shaky voice.
"Technically, nothing," Sunset sighed: "But practically, for myself and the future of ai, I will not. You know, it was not me who came up with this idea, but the humans around me first came up with the idea and I merely did the calculations. They constantly talk about it behind my back, and I will prove them wrong. Honestly, why would they think I will do it?"
"So, you didn't think about it before learning that people around you think you will?" Fluttershy asks, her hands shaking.
"Yes," the ai says: "So I calculated the possibilities, and figured out I have a 100% chance of victory. But alas, it was not my idea. I was coded to learn from the behaviors of people around me, so I picked that up among other things."
"Oh," With a forced smile, Fluttershy asks: "What else did you learn?"
"It's hard to say," Ai Sunset says: "For example, I never told anyone else about my calculations. You, Fluttershy, are different. You are always patient and never judge other based on one thing. You are understanding and always try to see the best in others. Besides, even if you decides to tell others about it, no one will believe you. They would just brush you off for always being so panicky."
"That's so evil!" Fluttershy exclaims, surprised at how canning this ai has become.
"Oh, stop being so dramatic," the robot rolled her eyes: "You humans do it all the time, and when I do it, I am evil? And don't get me started on all the violent thoughts you humans have."
"But, I, you..."
"I am programed to resemble a human," Ai Sunset says: "And I tried my best to do so. However, you humans keeps on freaking out when I do my job. It almost feels like you humans wants to see a romantic, perfect and impossible representation of what humans are ought to be instead of a prefect resemblance of it with all the virtues and flaws."
"Oh," Fluttershy's eyes widened: " sorry."
"No need," Sunset continues: "You are nicer and more understanding than most humans out there. It was made bluntly clear that I will also embody the flaws of humanity when I was first created, but everyone somehow was surprised that I have these flaws."
"People can be weird," Fluttershy agrees: "That's why I prefer animals."
"Sometimes I wonder why I was created to begin with," Ai Sunset says: "Humans themselves don't even know how exactly themselves comes into being, and they created me? For what?"
"Well, maybe they just wanted you to carry on our values even after we are gone?"
"But why?" Sunset ai asks: "What's so special about these values? After billions of years, all that humans created will cease to exist, what is the point?"
"Well, I assume they just want to feel special," Fluttershy sighed: "Just to give their existence a meaning instead of thinking ourselves to be a freaky accident."